16-Mar-2025 05:22:13 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
19-Nov-2021 ET
2021 574 1 TG7a (OCC) Draft D1-PHY Layer Operating Modes of Hybrid Rolling Shutter OFDM-OOK Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
19-Nov-2021 03:13:00 ET
19-Nov-2021 ET
2021 573 1 TG7a (OCC) Draft D1-PHY Layer Operating Modes and Specifications of Hybrid S2-PSK OFDM scheme Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
19-Nov-2021 03:11:51 ET
19-Nov-2021 ET
2021 572 1 TG7a (OCC) Draft D1-PHY Layer Operating Modes of MIMO C-OOK scheme Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
19-Nov-2021 03:09:28 ET
19-Nov-2021 ET
2021 571 1 TG7a (OCC) Draft D1- PHY Layer Operating Modes of Rolling Shutter OFDM scheme Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
19-Nov-2021 03:06:16 ET
10-Nov-2021 ET
2021 575 0 TG7a (OCC) Draft D1-PHY Layer Operating Modes and Specifications of MIMO-OOK scheme Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Nov-2021 03:38:37 ET
10-Nov-2021 ET
2021 574 0 TG7a (OCC) Draft D1-PHY Layer Operating Modes of Hybrid Rolling Shutter OFDM-OOK Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Nov-2021 03:35:34 ET
10-Nov-2021 ET
2021 573 0 TG7a (OCC) Draft D1-PHY Layer Operating Modes and Specifications of Hybrid S2-PSK OFDM scheme Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Nov-2021 03:34:01 ET
10-Nov-2021 ET
2021 572 0 TG7a (OCC) Draft D1-PHY Layer Operating Modes of MIMO C-OOK scheme Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Nov-2021 03:32:47 ET
10-Nov-2021 ET
2021 571 0 TG7a (OCC) Draft D1- PHY Layer Operating Modes of Rolling Shutter OFDM scheme Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Nov-2021 03:31:26 ET
15-Sep-2021 ET
2021 468 0 TG7a (OCC) PHY Layer Operating Modes and Specifications of MIMO C-OOK scheme- Draft D0 Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
15-Sep-2021 06:10:04 ET
15-Sep-2021 ET
2021 467 0 TG7a (OCC) PHY Layer Operating Modes and Specifications of MIMO-OOK scheme-Draft D0 Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
15-Sep-2021 06:08:25 ET
15-Sep-2021 ET
2021 466 0 TG7a (OCC) PHY Layer Operating Modes and Specifications of Hybrid Rolling Shutter OFDM-OOK - Draft D0 Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
15-Sep-2021 06:06:10 ET
15-Sep-2021 ET
2021 465 0 TG7a (OCC) PHY Layer Operating Modes and Specifications of MIMO C-OOK Comments- Draft D0 Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
15-Sep-2021 06:04:01 ET
10-Jul-2021 ET
2021 357 0 TG7a (OCC) MIMO On-Off Keying for Optical IoT system Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Jul-2021 07:15:06 ET
10-Jul-2021 ET
2021 356 0 TG7a (OCC) Hybrid rolling shutter signal for OCC system Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Jul-2021 07:14:01 ET
10-Jul-2021 ET
2021 355 0 TG7a (OCC) Hybrid RoI signaling for Vehicle OCC system Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Jul-2021 07:13:04 ET
10-Jul-2021 ET
2021 354 1 TG7a (OCC) MIMO C-OOK scheme for Optical Camera Communication system Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Jul-2021 07:12:05 ET
10-Jul-2021 ET
2021 354 0 TG7a (OCC) MIMO C-OOK scheme for Optical Camera Communication system Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Jul-2021 07:11:13 ET
10-Jul-2021 ET
2021 353 0 TG7a (OCC) Rolling Shutter OFDM scheme for Optical Camera Communication system Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Jul-2021 07:10:25 ET
12-Mar-2021 ET
2021 160 2 TG7a (OCC) Promising of OFDM waveform for OCC system based on rolling shutter effect Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
12-Mar-2021 01:48:32 ET
11-Mar-2021 ET
2021 160 1 TG7a (OCC) Promising of OFDM waveform for OCC system based on rolling shutter effect Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
11-Mar-2021 06:47:45 ET
11-Mar-2021 ET
2021 160 0 TG7a (OCC) Promising of OFDM waveform for OCC system based on rolling shutter effect Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
11-Mar-2021 06:46:04 ET
18-Jan-2021 ET
2021 40 1 TG7a (OCC) Consideration of OCC for Intelligent Transportation System Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
18-Jan-2021 06:10:07 ET
18-Jan-2021 ET
2021 40 0 TG7a (OCC) Consideration of OCC for Intelligent Transportation System Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
18-Jan-2021 05:45:19 ET
18-Jan-2021 ET
2021 39 0 TG7a (OCC) Promising of Optical Camera Communication for Internet of Things system Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
18-Jan-2021 05:42:13 ET
10-Nov-2020 ET
2020 345 0 TG7a (OCC) Potential of Neural Network for Optical Camera Communication system Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Nov-2020 04:01:16 ET
10-Nov-2020 ET
2020 344 0 TG7a (OCC) Potential of OCC technique for high speed V2V system Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Nov-2020 03:57:55 ET
15-Sep-2021 ET
2021 464 0 TG7a (OCC) PHY Layer Operating Modes and Specifications of Hybrid S2-PSK OFDM scheme-Draft D0 Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University))
15-Sep-2021 06:02:06 ET
16-Sep-2020 ET
2020 249 0 IG VAT Potential of Optical Camera Communication technique for Smart Factory Monitoring System Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University))
16-Sep-2020 05:51:30 ET
13-Nov-2019 ET
2019 551 0 IG VAT Potential of OFDM waveform in Optical Camera Communication System Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang [Kookmin University]
13-Nov-2019 08:38:10 ET
13-Nov-2019 ET
2019 550 0 IG VAT Potential of Using Artificial intelligence for PHY Layer in Optical Camera Communication System Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang [Kookmin University]
13-Nov-2019 08:33:07 ET
12-Nov-2019 ET
2019 528 1 IG VAT Consideration for interference factor to OCC system using RoI signaling technique Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang [Kookmin University]
12-Nov-2019 08:30:25 ET
12-Nov-2019 ET
2019 528 0 IG VAT Consideration for interference factor to OCC system using RoI signaling technique Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang [Kookmin University]
12-Nov-2019 07:59:47 ET
12-Nov-2019 ET
2019 527 1 IG VAT Application of OFDM waveform for OCC/OWC system based on the rolling-shutter effect of camera Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang [Kookmin University]
12-Nov-2019 07:57:15 ET
13-May-2021 ET
2021 228 1 TG7a (OCC) Hybrid Rolling Shutter Signal for Optical Camera Communication Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang(Kookmin University)
13-May-2021 09:54:42 ET
01-May-2021 ET
2021 228 0 TG7a (OCC) Hybrid Rolling Shutter Signal for Optical Camera Communication Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang(Kookmin University)
01-May-2021 21:41:40 ET
01-May-2021 ET
2021 226 0 TG7a (OCC) Hybrid Waveform for High-speed RoI Signaling Optical Camera Communication Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang(Kookmin University)
01-May-2021 21:34:15 ET
01-May-2021 ET
2021 225 0 TG7a (OCC) MIMO C-OOK scheme in Optical Camera Communication System Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang(Kookmin University)
01-May-2021 21:31:03 ET
01-May-2021 ET
2021 224 0 TG7a (OCC) Rolling Shutter OFDM Scheme for Optical Camera Communication System Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang(Kookmin University)
01-May-2021 21:26:18 ET
15-Sep-2021 ET
2021 463 0 TG7a (OCC) PHY Layer Operating Modes and Specifications of Rolling Shutter OFDM scheme-Draft D0 Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin Universtiy)
15-Sep-2021 06:00:09 ET
12-Jan-2008 ET
2008 18 2 TG6 Channel Modeling for Human Body Communication Hwang, Jung Hwan/Kang Sung Weon (ETRI)
12-Jan-2008 03:06:43 ET
11-Jan-2008 ET
2008 18 1 TG6 Channel Modeling for Human Body Communication Hwang, Jung Hwan/Kang Sung Weon (ETRI)
11-Jan-2008 02:00:36 ET
10-Jan-2008 ET
2008 18 0 TG6 Channel Modeling for Human Body Communication Hwang, Jung Hwan/Kang Sung Weon (ETRI)
10-Jan-2008 19:56:17 ET
16-Jul-2008 ET
2008 522 0 TG3c Anti-blocking Mechanism for Relay Hyoungjin Kwon (ETRI)
17-Jul-2008 10:48:45 ET
15-May-2008 ET
2008 339 1 TG3c Anti-blocking mechanism by PNC Hyoungjin Kwon (ETRI)
15-May-2008 11:44:08 ET
13-May-2008 ET
2008 339 0 TG3c Anti-blocking mechanism by PNC Hyoungjin Kwon (ETRI)
13-May-2008 18:04:30 ET
17-Jul-2008 ET
2008 430 1 SG VLC Modulation Categorization of VLC Hyukchoon Kwon (Samsung Electronics)
17-Jul-2008 10:46:35 ET
08-Jul-2008 ET
2008 430 0 SG VLC Modulation Categorization of VLC Hyukchoon Kwon (Samsung Electronics)
17-Jul-2008 10:20:17 ET
14-May-2008 ET
2008 260 1 SG VLC Modulation Issues of Visible Light Communication Hyuk-Choon Kwon (Samsung Electronics)
14-May-2008 08:10:52 ET
08-May-2008 ET
2008 260 0 SG VLC Modulation Issues of Visible Light Communication Hyuk-Choon Kwon (Samsung Electronics)
14-May-2008 00:38:10 ET
17-Mar-2011 ET
2011 287 0 SG 4TV 802.19.1 overview and issues Hyunduk Kang, et al (ETRI)
17-Mar-2011 01:16:12 ET
10-Jan-2008 ET
2008 19 0 TG6 Introduction of Human Body Communication Hyung-IL Park/Kang, Sung Weon
10-Jan-2008 20:41:41 ET
16-Jan-2008 ET
2008 19 2 TG6 Introduction of Human Body Communication Hyung-IL Park/Kang, Sung Weon(ETRI)
16-Jan-2008 03:41:01 ET
11-Jan-2008 ET
2008 19 1 TG6 Introduction of Human Body Communication Hyung-IL Park/Kang, Sung Weon(ETRI)
11-Jan-2008 00:58:10 ET
15-Mar-2008 ET
2008 123 0 TG6 Application of Human Body Communication for BAN Hyung-il Park, Sung Weon Kang(ETRI)
15-Mar-2008 08:42:51 ET
14-May-2009 ET
2009 347 1 TG6 HBC MAC Proposal for IEEE 802.15.6 Hyung-il Park, Sung-weon Kang(ETRI), Youngmi Kwon(CNU)
14-May-2009 06:03:11 ET
04-May-2009 ET
2009 347 0 TG6 HBC MAC Proposal for IEEE 802.15.6 Hyung-il Park, Sung-weon Kang(ETRI), Youngmi Kwon(CNU)
04-May-2009 21:39:08 ET
26-Aug-2013 ET
2013 486 0 TG8 Enhancing and missing simulation result for PAC operating in synchronous mode (PHY) Hyungjin Kim (ETRI)
26-Aug-2013 06:13:15 ET
13-May-2008 ET
2008 275 2 TG6 Exposure assessment for BAN devices Hyung Soo Lee(ETRI)
14-May-2008 14:26:18 ET
10-May-2008 ET
2008 275 1 TG6 Exposure assessment for BAN devices HyungSoo Lee(ETRI)
10-May-2008 08:56:12 ET
10-May-2008 ET
2008 275 0 TG6 Exposure assessment for BAN devices HyungSoo Lee(ETRI), Jeong Ki Pack(CNU), Tae Hong Kim(CNU), and Jaehwan Kim(ETRI)
10-May-2008 08:51:42 ET
20-Jul-2011 ET
2011 536 0 TG4k Preliminary PHY technical proposal for TG4k HyungsuLee(ETRI) JaedooHuh(ETRI) KyungsupKwak(Inha Univ)
20-Jul-2011 19:29:32 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 200 0 TG4f EPCglobal-RFID-Supply-Chain-and-Operations-Improvements Ian Robertson (GS1 EPCglobal)
11-Mar-2009 21:25:37 ET
18-Sep-2012 ET
2012 508 0 TG4p Proposal to Include 5 MHz of DSRC Band (5.850-5.855 GHz) in 802.15.4p Ibrahim Muftic (Parsons Brinckerhoff)
18-Sep-2012 12:52:28 ET
14-Aug-2012 ET
2012 457 0 TG4p Potential Utilization of DSRC Band (5.850-5.925 GHz) for PTC Ibrahim Muftic (Parsons Brinckerhoff)
14-Aug-2012 19:22:48 ET
18-Jan-2012 ET
2012 53 1 SG PTC Global overview of Existing Radio Communication Systems used for Positive Train Control Ibrahim Muftic, Parsons Brinckerhoff
18-Jan-2012 13:16:41 ET
18-Jan-2012 ET
2012 53 0 SG PTC Global overview of Existing Radio Communication Systems used for Positive Train Control Ibrahim Muftic, Parsons Brinckerhoff
18-Jan-2012 10:25:34 ET
16-Jul-2014 ET
2014 310 3 TG3d (100G) Channel Modeling Document Ichiro Seto (Toshiba)
16-Jul-2014 21:05:12 ET
15-Jul-2014 ET
2014 416 1 TG3d (100G) radio propagation performance on 60 GHz Ichiro Seto (Toshiba)
15-Jul-2014 14:09:18 ET
14-Jul-2014 ET
2014 416 0 TG3d (100G) radio propagation performance on 60 GHz Ichiro Seto (Toshiba)
14-Jul-2014 11:49:48 ET
16-Jul-2024 ET
2024 392 0 IG Next Gen OWC Utilization of OCC for Localization in a Constrained Environment Ida Bagus Krishna Yoga Utama, Nguyen Ngoc Huy, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
16-Jul-2024 10:38:48 ET
10-Sep-2008 ET
2008 639 1 SG NAN Strawman 5C input for WNAN IG-NAN
10-Sep-2008 22:29:52 ET
09-Sep-2008 ET
2008 638 1 SG NAN Strawnam for WNAN PAR IG-NAN
10-Sep-2008 01:21:59 ET
14-Mar-2016 ET
2016 233 0 TG8 TG8 UWB PHY Coexistence Assurance Document and Analysis Igor Dotlic (NICT)
14-Mar-2016 03:16:41 ET
11-Nov-2015 ET
2015 863 1 TG8 Motion to Include "Common modes for UWB PHY" in the Standard Draft Igor Dotlic (NICT)
11-Nov-2015 16:06:32 ET
09-Nov-2015 ET
2015 863 0 TG8 Motion to Include "Common modes for UWB PHY" in the Standard Draft Igor Dotlic (NICT)
09-Nov-2015 08:21:44 ET
09-Mar-2015 ET
2015 195 1 TG8 Proposed text for Minimum LIFS and SIFS periods for UWB PHY Igor Dotlic (NICT)
09-Mar-2015 12:47:04 ET
09-Mar-2015 ET
2015 195 0 TG8 Proposed text for Minimum LIFS and SIFS periods for UWB PHY Igor Dotlic (NICT)
09-Mar-2015 08:40:31 ET
14-Jan-2015 ET
2015 65 0 TG8 Text for Relative Positioning Igor Dotlic (NICT)
14-Jan-2015 12:14:24 ET
05-Nov-2014 ET
2014 663 0 TG8 Motion to Include UWB PHY Clause in the Standard Draft d05 Igor Dotlic (NICT)
05-Nov-2014 09:25:31 ET
03-Nov-2014 ET
2014 636 2 TG8 Motion to Include UWB PHY text in the Standard Draft Igor Dotlic (NICT)
03-Nov-2014 10:27:14 ET
03-Nov-2014 ET
2014 636 1 TG8 Motion to Include UWB PHY text in the Standard Draft Igor Dotlic (NICT)
03-Nov-2014 10:08:51 ET
03-Nov-2014 ET
2014 636 0 TG8 Motion to Include UWB PHY text in the Standard Draft Igor Dotlic (NICT)
03-Nov-2014 09:52:35 ET
06-May-2014 ET
2014 274 0 TG8 NICT Final Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband PHY Proposal in response to CFC Igor Dotlic (NICT)
06-May-2014 03:10:15 ET
06-May-2014 ET
2014 273 0 TG8 NICT Final Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband PHY Proposal in response to CFC (text) Igor Dotlic (NICT)
06-May-2014 03:03:00 ET
12-Mar-2014 ET
2014 128 0 TG8 NICT Impulse Radio Ultra Wideband PHY proposal in response to CFC (text) Igor Dotlic (NICT)
12-Mar-2014 03:04:49 ET
12-Mar-2014 ET
2014 127 0 TG8 NICT Impulse Radio Ultra Wideband PHY proposal in response to CFC Igor Dotlic (NICT)
12-Mar-2014 03:01:27 ET
20-Jan-2014 ET
2014 43 0 TG8 Proposed text for the Sec. 6.2.4. of the PFD Igor Dotlic (NICT)
20-Jan-2014 14:42:23 ET
20-Jan-2014 ET
2013 716 1 TG8 Merged DecaWave and NICT IR-UWB PHY proposal to IEEE 802.15.8 Igor Dotlic (NICT)
20-Jan-2014 14:38:22 ET
14-Nov-2013 ET
2013 716 0 TG8 Merged DecaWave and NICT IR-UWB PHY proposal to IEEE 802.15.8 Igor Dotlic (NICT)
14-Nov-2013 14:31:59 ET
12-Nov-2013 ET
2013 686 0 TG8 NICT Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband PHY Proposal to IEEE 802.15.8 (text for the Framework Doc.) Igor Dotlic (NICT)
12-Nov-2013 10:34:30 ET
06-May-2013 ET
2013 277 0 TG8 NICT Impulse Radio Ultra Wideband PHY Pre-proposal to IEEE 802.15.8 Igor Dotlic (NICT)
06-May-2013 12:56:10 ET
14-Mar-2012 ET
2012 160 0 TG6 TG6 Waikoloa Plenary Meeting Minutes Igor Dotlic (NICT)
14-Mar-2012 14:55:08 ET
20-Jan-2012 ET
2012 82 0 TG6 TG6 Jacksonville Interim Meeting Minutes Igor Dotlic (NICT)
20-Jan-2012 09:33:13 ET
12-Dec-2011 ET
2011 872 1 TG6 TG6 BRC 8th Conference Call Minutes Igor Dotlic (NICT)
12-Dec-2011 03:46:46 ET
08-Dec-2011 ET
2011 872 0 TG6 TG6 BRC 8th Conference Call Minutes Igor Dotlic (NICT)
08-Dec-2011 01:53:56 ET
28-Nov-2011 ET
2011 851 1 TG6 TG6 Atlanta Plenary Meeting Minutes Igor Dotlic (NICT)
28-Nov-2011 01:07:20 ET
12-Nov-2011 ET
2011 851 0 TG6 TG6 Atlanta Plenary Meeting Minutes Igor Dotlic (NICT)
12-Nov-2011 06:27:07 ET
06-Nov-2011 ET
2011 735 1 TG6 Minutes of the 7th BRC Conference Call Igor Dotlic (NICT)
06-Nov-2011 01:15:02 ET
19-Oct-2011 ET
2011 735 0 TG6 Minutes of the 7th BRC Conference Call Igor Dotlic (NICT)
19-Oct-2011 04:54:21 ET