14-Mar-2025 16:35:54 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
31-Jul-2019 ET
2019 27 0 WG LB #1 Comments Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
31-Jul-2019 01:30:27 ET
29-Jul-2019 ET
2019 26 0 WG LB #1 Comments Suk-Ju Kang (Sogang University)
31-Jul-2019 01:34:50 ET
29-Jul-2019 ET
2019 25 0 WG LB #1 Comments Minseok OH (Kyonggi University), Namgi Kim (Kyonggi University)
31-Jul-2019 01:34:27 ET
05-Jul-2020 ET
2020 29 2 3079.3 Latency for Viewport-adaptive 360-degree Video Streaming Toward Immersive Experience Tuan Thanh Le(Gachon Univ.), Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee(SKKU), Il-Woong Ryu(Gachon Univ), Sungbin Kim, Inae Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu(SKKU)
05-Jul-2020 04:43:51 ET
03-Jul-2020 ET
2020 29 1 3079.3 Latency for Viewport-adaptive 360-degree Video Streaming Toward Immersive Experience Tuan Thanh Le(Gachon Univ), Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee(SKKU), Il-Woong Ryu(Gachon Univ), Sungbin Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu(SKKU)
03-Jul-2020 20:42:50 ET
03-Jul-2020 ET
2020 29 0 3079.3 Latency for Viewport-adaptive 360-degree Video Streaming Toward Immersive Experience Tuan Thanh Le(Gachon University), Jong-Beom Jeong, Soonbin Lee(SKKU), Il-Woong Ryu(Gachon Univ), Sungbin Kim, Eun-Seok Ryu(SKKU)
03-Jul-2020 20:33:30 ET
06-Oct-2019 ET
2019 39 0 3079.2.2 Latency Compensation Technique Suk-Ju Kang (Sogang University)
06-Oct-2019 19:54:24 ET
31-Oct-2017 ET
2017 70 0 3079.2.2 Latency Compensation Method for VR Displays Suk-ju Kang(Sogang Univ.)
31-Oct-2017 00:30:00 ET
29-Mar-2017 ET
2017 9 0 WG Join to IEEE & IEEE P3333.3_Kor Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
29-Mar-2017 02:42:01 ET
29-Mar-2017 ET
2017 10 0 WG Join to IEEE & IEEE P3333.3_Eng Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
29-Mar-2017 02:43:14 ET
30-Jan-2021 ET
2021 6 0 3079.2 IO Interactive Guideline of Content & User Peter Jeong, GookHwan Lee, Soojin Choi(JoyFun), HyeonWoo Nam(Dongduk Women's University)
30-Jan-2021 13:09:09 ET
13-Oct-2020 ET
2020 52 0 3079.2 I/O Interactive Guideline of Content & User Peter Jeong, Seoul Kim(JoyFun), HyeonWoo Nam(Dongduck Women's Univ.), Dong Soo Choi(Dong-A Univ.)
13-Oct-2020 10:29:25 ET
07-Jul-2020 ET
2020 34 0 WG I/O Interactive Guideline of Content & User Peter Jeong(JoyFun), Dong Soo Choi(Dong-A Univ.), Hyeonwoo Nam(Dongduck Women's Univ.)
08-Jul-2020 21:30:44 ET
22-Apr-2020 ET
2020 24 0 WG introduction-to-the-Motion-to-Photon-Latency - Study design Lim, Hyun Kyoon et al.
22-Apr-2020 22:21:40 ET
21-Apr-2020 ET
2020 23 0 WG Introduction to the Mixed Reality Standard Framework Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
21-Apr-2020 11:41:31 ET
23-Apr-2017 ET
2017 28 0 WG Introduction to IEEE & IEEE-SA Dillon Seo(VoleR Creative)
23-Apr-2017 09:03:36 ET
29-Mar-2017 ET
2017 15 0 WG Introduction of VR Industry & IEEE P3333.3 WG Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
29-Mar-2017 02:49:09 ET
19-Oct-2020 ET
2020 58 0 WG Introduction of IEEE 3079 WG to IEEE TAB-CoS & SPS Webinar Dillon Seo (DTCP)
19-Oct-2020 19:19:13 ET
13-Jul-2021 ET
2021 47 0 WG Introduction of IEEE 3079 Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
13-Jul-2021 05:13:53 ET
12-Jul-2021 ET
2021 42 0 3079.1 Introduction of IEEE 2888 WG Peter Jeong(JoyFun), HyeonWoo Nam(Dongduck Women's Univ.)
12-Jul-2021 08:58:36 ET
05-Oct-2021 ET
2021 71 2 WG Introduction of 'Framework for Evaluating the Quality of Digital Human' Seung Wook Lee (ETRI), Andrew Min-gyu Han (Hansung University)
05-Oct-2021 02:32:06 ET
04-Oct-2021 ET
2021 71 1 WG Introduction of 'Framework for Evaluating the Quality of Digital Human' Seung Wook Lee (ETRI), Andrew Min-gyu Han (Hansung University)
05-Oct-2021 02:30:47 ET
15-Jul-2021 ET
2021 50 0 WG Introduction of Digital Human and its Evaluation Seung Wook Lee (ETRI)
16-Jul-2021 02:51:06 ET
13-Oct-2020 ET
2020 50 0 3079.2 Interface of Gesture Correction by Motion Sensor Peter Jeong, Gookhwan Lee, Seoul Kim(JoyFun), HyeonWoo Nam(Dongduck Women's Univ.)
20-Oct-2020 00:21:35 ET
21-Jul-2017 ET
2017 53 0 3079.2 Input contribution documents for IEEE 802 meeting at Berlin Beom-Ryeol Lee(ETRI), Dillon Seo(VoleRCreative), Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
21-Jul-2017 04:14:10 ET
29-Mar-2017 ET
2017 19 0 WG IEEEP3333 Working group_EDM_en_v01 Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
29-Mar-2017 02:54:41 ET
23-Apr-2017 ET
2017 27 0 WG IEEE P3333.3 Structure and Management Dillon Seo(VoleR Creative)
23-Apr-2017 09:02:16 ET
29-Mar-2017 ET
2017 12 0 WG IEEE P3333.3 Logo Image Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
29-Mar-2017 02:44:32 ET
29-Mar-2017 ET
2017 5 0 WG IEEE P3333.3 Call for Participation Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
29-Mar-2017 02:38:56 ET
13-Aug-2020 ET
2020 41 0 WG IEEE-P3079-D02 Beom-Ryeol Lee(ETRI), Dillon Seo(DTCP), Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
02-Sep-2020 10:16:52 ET
21-Apr-2020 ET
2020 20 0 WG IEEE p3079 - 2020-04-20 - KRISS Ver20 HK Lim (KRISS)
21-Apr-2020 09:57:45 ET
19-Oct-2023 ET
2023 71 3 WG IEEE MOU Organization MOU Request with ICF Jun young Kwak, Hyun Duck Shin
19-Oct-2023 22:38:11 ET
19-Oct-2023 ET
2023 71 2 WG IEEE MOU Organization MOU Request with ICF Jun young Kwak, Hyun Duck Shin
19-Oct-2023 22:35:17 ET
19-Oct-2023 ET
2023 71 1 WG IEEE MOU Organization MOU Request with ICF Jun young Kwak, Hyun Duck Shin
19-Oct-2023 22:32:02 ET
19-Oct-2023 ET
2023 71 0 WG IEEE MOU Organization MOU Request with ICF Jun young Kwak, Hyun Duck Shin
19-Oct-2023 00:29:03 ET
20-Apr-2019 ET
2019 12 0 WG IEEE 802.21 Liaison report Peter Jeong, Dillon Seo (JoyFun), Yoon kyoungro(Konkuk Univ.)
20-Apr-2019 10:51:33 ET
20-Jul-2017 ET
2017 48 1 3079.3 IEEE 802.11ay for Wireless VR Minseok OH, Namgi Kim (Kyonggi Univ.)
24-Jul-2017 12:29:03 ET
20-Jul-2017 ET
2017 48 0 3079.3 IEEE 802.11ay for Wireless VR Minseok OH, Namgi Kim (Kyonggi Univ.)
20-Jul-2017 02:16:39 ET
23-Apr-2017 ET
2017 31 0 WG IEEE 3DHF PAR Draft_Ver0.1 Dillon Seo(VoleR Creative)
23-Apr-2017 09:07:48 ET
01-Sep-2020 ET
2020 43 0 WG IEEE 3079 WG P&P Peter Jeong(JoyFun), Dillon Seo(DTCP)
01-Sep-2020 10:02:31 ET
10-Jul-2021 ET
2021 41 0 WG IEEE 3079 Session #19 WG Opening Plenary Peter Jeong (JoyFun), Beom-Ryeol Lee(ETRI)
12-Jul-2021 11:19:37 ET
18-Apr-2021 ET
2021 26 0 WG IEEE 3079 Session #18 WG Opening Plenary Peter Jeong (JoyFun)
18-Apr-2021 03:28:26 ET
23-Apr-2020 ET
2020 18 1 WG IEEE 3079.2_Mixed Reality Standard Framework for Motion Learning_CSABSCcomments Dillon Seo(DTCP), Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
23-Apr-2020 02:51:37 ET
19-Apr-2020 ET
2020 18 0 WG IEEE 3079.2_Mixed Reality Standard Framework for Motion Learning_CSABSCcomments Dillon Seo(DTCP), Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
19-Apr-2020 22:40:25 ET
19-Apr-2020 ET
2020 17 0 WG IEEE 3079.1_Motion to Photon (MTP) Latency in Virtual Environments_CSABSCcomments Dillon Seo(DTCP), Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
19-Apr-2020 22:39:18 ET
20-Jul-2021 ET
2021 60 3 3079.1 Human Factor related to cybersickness in HMD based VR Yoon Sangcheol(Daejeon Univ.)
20-Jul-2021 07:29:53 ET
19-Jul-2021 ET
2021 60 2 3079.1 Human Factor related to cybersickness in HMD based VR Yoon Sangcheol(Daejeon Univ.)
19-Jul-2021 21:13:58 ET
19-Jul-2021 ET
2021 60 1 3079.1 Human Factor related to cybersickness in HMD based VR Yoon Sangcheol(Daejeon Univ.)
19-Jul-2021 21:03:31 ET
19-Jul-2021 ET
2021 60 0 3079.1 Human Factor related to cybersickness in HMD based VR Yoon Sangcheol(Daejeon Univ.)
19-Jul-2021 20:55:41 ET
15-Jul-2021 ET
2021 8 1 3079.2 Human body key point data format for Mixed Reality Motion Recognition Kyoungro Yoon, Hyo Chul Bae(Konkuk Univ.), Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
15-Jul-2021 02:31:59 ET
31-Jan-2021 ET
2021 8 0 3079.2 Human body key point data format for Mixed Reality Motion Recognition Kyoungro Yoon, Hyo Chul Bae(Konkuk Univ.), Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
31-Jan-2021 21:30:30 ET
30-Jun-2017 ET
2017 46 0 WG HMD based 3D Content Motion Sickness Reducing Technology WG P&P Dillon Seo(VoleR Creative)
30-Jun-2017 10:13:57 ET
25-Jul-2017 ET
2017 59 1 3079.2 HMD 360 Images VR Service Kwan-Hee Yoo(Chungbuk National University)
25-Jul-2017 11:05:34 ET
25-Jul-2017 ET
2017 59 0 3079.2 HMD 360 Images VR Service Kwan-Hee Yoo(Chungbuk National University)
25-Jul-2017 10:44:40 ET
23-Apr-2017 ET
2017 29 0 WG History of IEEE P3333.3 Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
23-Apr-2017 09:06:21 ET
05-Jan-2022 ET
2021 61 4 3079.2 Hierarchy for IEEE P3079.2 Peter Jeong (JoyFun)
05-Jan-2022 21:42:58 ET
07-Oct-2021 ET
2021 61 3 3079.2 Hierarchy for IEEE P3079.2 Peter Jeong (JoyFun)
07-Oct-2021 09:32:54 ET
05-Aug-2021 ET
2021 61 2 3079.2 Hierarchy for IEEE P3079.2 Peter Jeong (JoyFun)
05-Aug-2021 11:06:36 ET
22-Jul-2021 ET
2021 61 1 3079.2 Hierarchy for IEEE P3079.2 Peter Jeong (JoyFun)
22-Jul-2021 02:14:42 ET
21-Jul-2021 ET
2021 61 0 3079.2 Hierarchy for IEEE P3079.2 Peter Jeong (JoyFun)
21-Jul-2021 03:36:51 ET
08-Jul-2020 ET
2020 37 0 3079.3.1 Guideline for Projection Mapping Using by Depth Camera and Projector Peter Jeong(JoyFun), HyeonWoo Nam(Dongduck Women's Univ.), Dong Soo Choi(Dong-A Univ.)
08-Jul-2020 21:25:51 ET
13-Oct-2020 ET
2020 51 0 3079.2 Guideline for Interface Mapping of the Projector by Depth Camera Peter Jeong, Seoul Kim(JoyFun), HyeonWoo Nam(Dongduck Women's Univ.), Dong Soo Choi(Dong-A Univ.)
13-Oct-2020 10:28:25 ET
08-Jul-2020 ET
2020 38 0 3079.3.1 Guideline for Interface Mapping of the Projector by Depth Camera Peter Jeong(JoyFun), HyeonWoo Nam(Dongduck Women's Univ.), Dong Soo Choi(Dong-A Univ.)
08-Jul-2020 21:27:36 ET
06-Oct-2018 ET
2018 49 0 WG General Technology Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
06-Oct-2018 10:26:16 ET
08-Oct-2018 ET
2018 53 0 3079.2 Framework of Evaluation and Assessment for the VR sickness of VR Content Beom-Ryeol Lee(ETRI)
08-Oct-2018 10:54:46 ET
19-Oct-2023 ET
2023 64 1 3079.3 Framework for Privacy Protection through Identifiability Management in Avatar Interaction Jun Young Kwak, Hyun Duck Shin, Ki taek Park
19-Oct-2023 02:19:23 ET
16-Oct-2023 ET
2023 64 0 3079.3 Framework for Privacy Protection through Identifiability Management in Avatar Interaction Hyun Duck Shin, Jun young Kwak, Ki taek Park
16-Oct-2023 02:13:54 ET
15-Sep-2019 ET
2019 32 0 WG First WG Letter Ballot Result Peter Jeong, Dillon Seo (JoyFun)
07-Oct-2019 03:19:26 ET
03-Feb-2021 ET
2021 19 0 WG Final Resolution for Technical Comment of The IEEE P3079-2020 Beom-Ryeol Lee(ETRI), Hyun Kyoon Lim(KRISS), Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
03-Feb-2021 20:55:36 ET
01-Feb-2021 ET
2021 9 0 3079.1 Experiment for VR Sickness by Motion-to-Photon (MTP) Latency Hyun Kyoon Lim, Moonyoung Kwon, Kyoung-Mi Jang, Sun Gu Nam, Da Mee Kim(KRISS)
01-Feb-2021 02:39:56 ET
08-Jul-2020 ET
2020 35 0 WG Example for Mixed Reality Peter Jeong(JoyFun), Dong Soo Choi(Dong-A Univ.), Hyeonwoo Nam(Dongduck Women's Univ.)
08-Jul-2020 21:38:27 ET
03-Oct-2021 ET
2021 84 0 3079.2 Evaluation framework for user¡¯s QoI on the XR content Beom-Ryeol Lee, Yongho Lee, Jung-Chul Park, Wookho Son (ETRI)
03-Oct-2021 13:46:38 ET
06-Oct-2018 ET
2018 47 0 3079.2.2 Efficient Image Interpolation Using Deep Learning for Virtual Reality Suk-Ju Kang (Sogang University)
06-Oct-2018 03:43:37 ET
01-May-2017 ET
2017 39 0 WG Draft HMD based 3D Content Motion Sickness Reducing Technology WG P&P Dillon Seo(VoleR Creative)
01-May-2017 09:20:25 ET
23-Apr-2017 ET
2017 34 0 WG Draft HMD based 3D Content Motion Sickness Reducing Technology WG P&P Dillon Seo(VoleR Creative)
23-Apr-2017 10:16:09 ET
31-Jan-2019 ET
2019 4 1 WG Draft Document Naming Convention Sangkwon Peter Jeong(JoyFun), Dongil Dillon Seo(VoleRCreative)
31-Jan-2019 19:35:32 ET
28-Jan-2019 ET
2019 4 0 WG Draft Document Naming Convention Sangkwon Peter Jeong(JoyFun), Dongil Dillon Seo(VoleRCreative)
28-Jan-2019 21:13:09 ET
20-Jul-2017 ET
2017 50 0 3079.2.2 Display Specifications of VR HMDs Dillon Seo(VoleR Creative), Suk-Ju Kang(Sogang University), Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
21-Jul-2017 04:15:21 ET
15-Jul-2021 ET
2021 53 0 3079.2 Description Scheme of Facial image for personal recognition of Mixed Reality Kyoungro Yoon, Hyo Chul Bae(Konkuk Univ.), Peter Jeong(JoyFun)
15-Jul-2021 02:29:03 ET
02-Feb-2021 ET
2021 13 0 3079.2 Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations Peter Jeong(JoyFun), HyeonWoo Nam(Dongduk Women's Univ.), Beom-Ryeol Lee(ETRI)
02-Feb-2021 06:44:28 ET
09-Jul-2019 ET
2019 21 2 3079.2 deep learning-based VR sickness assessment with content stimulus and physiological response Sangmin Lee, Seongyeop Kim, Hak Gu Kim, Yong Man Ro (KAIST)
09-Jul-2019 21:53:34 ET
05-Jul-2019 ET
2019 21 1 3079.2 deep learning-based VR sickness assessment with content stimulus and physiological response Sangmin Lee, Seongyeop Kim, Hak Gu Kim, Yong Man Ro (KAIST)
05-Jul-2019 02:20:26 ET
05-Jul-2019 ET
2019 21 0 3079.2 deep learning-based VR sickness assessment with content stimulus and physiological response Sangmin Lee, Seongyeop Kim, Hak Gu Kim, Yong Man Ro (KAIST)
05-Jul-2019 02:14:41 ET
09-Jul-2019 ET
2019 20 1 3079.2 deep learning-based VR sickness assessment considering content quality factor Sangmin Lee, Kihyun Kim, Hak Gu Kim, Minho Park, Yong Man Ro (KAIST)
09-Jul-2019 21:51:57 ET
05-Jul-2019 ET
2019 20 0 3079.2 deep learning-based VR sickness assessment considering content quality factor Sangmin Lee, Kihyun Kim, Hak Gu Kim, Minho Park, Yong Man Ro (KAIST)
05-Jul-2019 02:06:35 ET
17-Jul-2018 ET
2018 33 1 3079.2 Deep learning-based VR sickness assessment Hak Gu Kim (KAIST)
26-Jul-2018 03:31:07 ET
10-Jul-2018 ET
2018 33 0 3079.2 Deep learning-based VR sickness assessment Hak Gu Kim (KAIST)
10-Jul-2018 03:08:28 ET
02-Oct-2021 ET
2021 79 0 3079.2 Deep Learning-based Pose Estimation on Real Time Embedded Systems Suk-Ju Kang (Sogang University), Kyoungro Yoon(Konkuk University)
11-Oct-2021 09:20:44 ET
05-Feb-2020 ET
2020 14 0 3079.1 Dataset for quantitative analysis of VR sickness Beom-Ryeol Lee, Heeseok Oh, Youngho Lee, Wookho Son(ETRI)
05-Feb-2020 00:17:18 ET
02-Jul-2019 ET
2019 17 0 3079.2 Database Construction for Quantitative Analysis of VR Sickness Heeseok Oh, Beom-Ryeol Lee, Yongho Lee, Wookho Son (ETRI)
02-Jul-2019 07:22:34 ET
26-Jul-2017 ET
2017 47 1 3079.1 Cybersickness - Seeking Human Factors from Causes to Cures Hyun Taek Kim (Korea University)
26-Jul-2017 10:16:04 ET
19-Jul-2017 ET
2017 47 0 3079.1 Cybersickness - Seeking Human Factors from Causes to Cures Hyun Taek Kim (Korea University)
19-Jul-2017 02:14:19 ET
05-Feb-2018 ET
2018 1 3 3079.1 Cybersickness-glossaries Hyun Taek Kim (Korea University)
05-Feb-2018 03:09:47 ET
05-Feb-2018 ET
2018 1 2 3079.1 Cybersickness-glossaries Hyun Taek Kim (Korea University)
05-Feb-2018 03:08:27 ET
21-Jan-2018 ET
2018 1 1 3079.1 Cybersickness-glossaries Hyun Taek Kim (Korea University)
21-Jan-2018 01:10:08 ET
21-Jan-2018 ET
2018 1 0 3079.1 Cybersickness-glossaries Hyun Taek Kim
21-Jan-2018 01:09:19 ET
14-Jan-2022 ET
2022 5 0 WG C/SAB Standards Committee meeting schedule Peter Jeong(JoyFun), Beom-Ryeol Lee(ETRI)
14-Jan-2022 01:57:48 ET
25-Jul-2017 ET
2017 52 3 3079.2.2 Considerations for Standardization of VR Display Suk-Ju Kang (Sogang University)
25-Jul-2017 11:19:22 ET
25-Jul-2017 ET
2017 52 2 3079.2.2 Considerations for Standardization of VR Display Suk-Ju Kang (Sogang University)
25-Jul-2017 09:18:58 ET
20-Apr-2019 ET
2019 11 0 WG Changes of the Table of Contents Peter Jeong, Dillon Seo (JoyFun), Hyeonwoo Nam(Dongduk Women's Univ.)
20-Apr-2019 10:49:48 ET