18-Mar-2025 07:21:32 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
19-May-2010 ET
2010 342 0 TG7 Terminology usage for link establishment in D2 Sridhar Rajagopal (Samsung Electronics)
19-May-2010 04:16:37 ET
05-May-2018 ET
2018 192 0 SC THZ TERRANOVA: Terahertz Wireless Access Technologies - System and Hardware Architecture Options Colja Schubert (Fraunhofer HHI)
07-May-2018 02:49:13 ET
08-May-2008 ET
2008 262 0 TG6 test IMEC-NL
08-May-2008 08:20:26 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 158 0 TG1a Test N/A
08-Mar-2006 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2005 481 0 WG15 Test N/A
24-Jul-2005 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2005 1 0 WG15 Test N/A
03-Jan-2005 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2005 451 0 TG4a Test Results Low Clock Rate Non Coherent Chaotic Ranging System N/A
20-Jul-2005 00:00:00 ET
12-May-2009 ET
2009 335 2 TG6 Texas Instruments Impulse Radio UWB Physical Layer Proposal June Chul Roh et al. (Texas Instruments)
12-May-2009 14:46:02 ET
08-May-2009 ET
2009 335 1 TG6 Texas Instruments Impulse Radio UWB Physical Layer Proposal June Chul Roh et al. (Texas Instruements)
08-May-2009 14:30:00 ET
04-May-2009 ET
2009 335 0 TG6 Texas Instruments Impulse Radio UWB Physical Layer Proposal June Chul Roh et al., Texas Instruements
04-May-2009 20:50:02 ET
19-Sep-2019 ET
2019 452 1 TG13 (MG OWC) Text changes for Hanoi Kai Lennert Bober (Fraunhofer HHI)
19-Sep-2019 04:57:11 ET
19-Sep-2019 ET
2019 452 0 TG13 (MG OWC) Text changes for Hanoi Kai Lennert Bober (Fraunhofer HHI)
19-Sep-2019 03:15:43 ET
03-Mar-2020 ET
2020 91 1 TG4z EIR text changes for lrp uwb phy pulse shape and leip David Barras (3db Access)
03-Mar-2020 11:10:19 ET
03-Mar-2020 ET
2020 91 0 TG4z EIR text changes for lrp uwb phy pulse shape and leip David Barras (3db Access)
03-Mar-2020 09:43:23 ET
11-Sep-2008 ET
2008 695 0 TG3c text comment resolution CID 585 Vered Bar (QUALCOMM)
11-Sep-2008 14:07:56 ET
26-Jun-2019 ET
2019 258 1 TG4z EIR Text for Abstract and Keywords sections Billy Verso (Decawave)
26-Jun-2019 15:38:48 ET
26-Jun-2019 ET
2019 258 0 TG4z EIR Text for Abstract and Keywords sections Billy Verso (Decawave)
26-Jun-2019 11:48:22 ET
19-Sep-2019 ET
2019 414 4 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for Adaptive MIMO Communication Tuncer Baykas (Vestel, IMU)
19-Sep-2019 03:10:59 ET
19-Sep-2019 ET
2019 414 3 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for Adaptive MIMO Communication Tuncer Baykas (Vestel, IMU)
19-Sep-2019 03:06:06 ET
19-Sep-2019 ET
2019 414 2 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for Adaptive MIMO Communication Tuncer Baykas (Vestel, IMU)
19-Sep-2019 02:51:57 ET
19-Sep-2019 ET
2019 414 1 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for Adaptive MIMO Communication Tuncer Baykas (Vestel, IMU)
19-Sep-2019 02:39:31 ET
16-Sep-2019 ET
2019 414 0 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for Adaptive MIMO Communication Tuncer Baykas (Vestel, IMU)
16-Sep-2019 20:50:59 ET
28-Jun-2021 ET
2021 342 0 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for Adaptive MIMO Communication Comment Resolutions Tuncer Baykas (Kadir Has Uni)
28-Jun-2021 04:33:58 ET
12-Mar-2016 ET
2016 200 0 TG7a (OCC) Text for Adaptive MIMO High Rate PD Com. Proposal Tuncer Baykas (IMU) et. al.
12-Mar-2016 14:18:42 ET
11-Aug-2008 ET
2008 566 0 TG3c Text for Aggregation ACK/NACK MAC subheader comment resolution Z. Lan (NICT)
11-Aug-2008 09:18:46 ET
18-Jan-2023 ET
2023 71 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for AIFS Kangjin Yoon (Meta)
18-Jan-2023 10:36:51 ET
14-Mar-2023 ET
2023 61 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for Application Control IE Kangjin Yoon (Meta), Kuan Wu, Lei Huang (Huawei)
14-Mar-2023 16:33:13 ET
17-Jan-2023 ET
2023 61 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for Application Control IE Kangjin Yoon (Meta), Kuan Wu (Huawei)
18-Jan-2023 10:35:46 ET
07-Nov-2016 ET
2016 786 1 TG8 Text for CCA mode 5 Billy Verso (Decawave)
07-Nov-2016 17:26:35 ET
07-Nov-2016 ET
2016 786 0 TG8 Text for CCA mode 5 Billy Verso (Decawave)
07-Nov-2016 17:15:35 ET
30-Apr-2020 ET
2020 127 2 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for CID resolutions on D2 Kai Lennert Bober (Fraunhofer HHI)
30-Apr-2020 05:05:47 ET
30-Apr-2020 ET
2020 127 1 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for CID resolutions on D2 Kai Lennert Bober (Fraunhofer HHI)
30-Apr-2020 04:01:37 ET
27-Apr-2020 ET
2020 127 0 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for CID resolutions on D2 Kai Lennert Bober (Fraunhofer HHI)
27-Apr-2020 04:17:08 ET
03-Aug-2023 ET
2023 438 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for CIR report for non-sensing transmission Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan, Mingyu Lee (Samsung)
03-Aug-2023 06:32:37 ET
28-Jun-2021 ET
2021 343 0 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for Comment Resolution of I-187 Tuncer Baykas (Kadir Has Uni)
28-Jun-2021 04:42:50 ET
28-Feb-2020 ET
2020 78 1 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for comment resolution on D1 Kai Lennert Bober (Fraunhofer HHI)
28-Feb-2020 04:26:30 ET
13-Feb-2020 ET
2020 78 0 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for comment resolution on D1 Kai Lennert Bober (Fraunhofer HHI)
25-Feb-2020 02:53:57 ET
12-Jul-2019 ET
2019 273 0 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for comments against D5.0 Kai Lennert Bober (Fraunhofer HHI)
15-Jul-2019 07:39:44 ET
09-Sep-2022 ET
2022 464 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for co-scheduling ranging and sensing Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan (Samsung Electronics)
09-Sep-2022 02:00:51 ET
09-Sep-2022 ET
2022 464 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for co-scheduling ranging and sensing Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan (Samsung Electronics)
09-Sep-2022 01:54:39 ET
18-May-2016 ET
2016 358 1 TG7a (OCC) Text for D0 Input - Kookmin 2D invisible sequential code Nam-Tuan Le, Trang Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
18-May-2016 19:37:37 ET
02-May-2016 ET
2016 358 0 TG7a (OCC) Text for D0 Input - Kookmin 2D invisible sequential code Nam-Tuan Le, Trang Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
02-May-2016 21:13:07 ET
02-Oct-2013 ET
2013 571 3 TG4m text for device announcement Ming-Tuo Zhou, Chin Sean Sum, Fumihide Kojima, Verotiana Rabarijaona, Alina Lu Liru, Keiichi Mizutani, Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
02-Oct-2013 12:11:29 ET
25-Sep-2013 ET
2013 571 2 TG4m text for device announcement Ming-Tuo Zhou, Chin Sean Sum, Fumihide Kojima, Verotiana Rabarijaona, Alina Lu Liru, Keiichi Mizutani, Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
25-Sep-2013 19:06:56 ET
25-Sep-2013 ET
2013 571 1 TG4m text for device announcement Ming-Tuo Zhou, Chin Sean Sum, Fumihide Kojima, Verotiana Rabarijaona, Alina Lu Liru, Keiichi Mizutani, Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
25-Sep-2013 04:43:44 ET
18-Sep-2013 ET
2013 571 0 TG4m text for device announcement Ming-Tuo Zhou, Chin Sean Sum, Fumihide Kojima, Verotiana Rabarijaona, Alina Lu Liru, Keiichi Mizutani, Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
18-Sep-2013 23:54:30 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 395 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for Frequency Stitching (Based on UWB sensing TFD) Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan, Mingyu Lee (Samsung Electronics), Frank Leong, Riku Pirhonen, Wolfgang Kuchler (NXP), Bin Qian, Huang Lei (Huawei)
12-Jul-2023 03:28:40 ET
12-May-2015 ET
2015 341 1 TG8 Text for General Description of PAC Byung-Jae Kwak (ETRI)
12-May-2015 14:59:02 ET
09-May-2015 ET
2015 341 0 TG8 Text for General Description of PAC Byung-Jae Kwak (ETRI)
11-May-2015 12:42:54 ET
07-Nov-2016 ET
2016 778 1 TG8 Text for Link-ID assignment and management Billy Verso (Decawave)
07-Nov-2016 15:09:21 ET
07-Nov-2016 ET
2016 778 0 TG8 Text for Link-ID assignment and management Billy Verso (Decawave)
07-Nov-2016 11:08:28 ET
12-Nov-2015 ET
2015 934 0 TG8 Text for MAC Functional Description Byung-Jae Kwak (ETRI)
12-Nov-2015 06:08:21 ET
15-May-2019 ET
2019 231 0 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for MIMO and Relay Communication Tuncer Baykas (Vestel)
15-May-2019 14:11:47 ET
15-Jul-2019 ET
2019 303 0 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for MIMO Communication in Chapter 5 Tuncer Baykas (Vestel, IMU)
15-Jul-2019 08:10:36 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 390 0 TG4k Text for P.2.4 Pat Kinney (Kinney Consulting)
17-Jul-2012 17:02:20 ET
15-Nov-2023 ET
2023 505 6 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale (Samsung Electronics)
15-Nov-2023 16:23:12 ET
15-Nov-2023 ET
2023 505 5 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale (Samsung Electronics)
15-Nov-2023 14:25:48 ET
15-Nov-2023 ET
2023 505 4 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale (Samsung Electronics)
15-Nov-2023 09:42:56 ET
14-Nov-2023 ET
2023 505 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale (Samsung Electronics)
14-Nov-2023 20:37:35 ET
14-Nov-2023 ET
2023 505 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale (Ultra Radio Ltd)
14-Nov-2023 17:26:52 ET
14-Nov-2023 ET
2023 505 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan (Samsung Electronics), Frank Leong, Wolfgang Kuchler, Riku Pirhonen, Andreas Gruber (NXP), Dag Wisland, Kristian Granhaug (Novelda), Dries Neirynck (Ultra Radio Ltd)
14-Nov-2023 10:51:20 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 505 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan (Samsung Electronics), Frank Leong, Wolfgang Kuchler, Riku Pirhonen, Andreas Gruber (NXP), Dag Wisland, Kristian Granhaug (Novelda), Dries Neirynck (Ultra Radio Ltd)
13-Sep-2023 09:47:52 ET
14-Jan-2015 ET
2015 65 0 TG8 Text for Relative Positioning Igor Dotlic (NICT)
14-Jan-2015 12:14:24 ET
14-May-2015 ET
2015 429 1 TG8 Text for relative positioning and location Billy Verso (DecaWave), Igor Dotlic (NICT)
08-Jul-2015 07:33:58 ET
14-May-2015 ET
2015 429 0 TG8 Text for relative positioning and location Billy Verso (DecaWave), Igor Dotlic (NICT)
14-May-2015 13:53:27 ET
14-Mar-2016 ET
2016 245 0 TG7a (OCC) Text for relaying support proposal, input for IEEE 802.15.7r1 Draft D0 Mohamed Abdallah el al. (TAMUQ)
14-Mar-2016 20:42:07 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 115 1 TG7 Text for resolution of CID 110 in the first sponsor ballot Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG)
20-Jan-2011 20:04:01 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 115 0 TG7 Text for resolution of CID 110 in the first sponsor ballot Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG)
20-Jan-2011 19:30:32 ET
17-Mar-2011 ET
2011 285 2 TG7 Text for resolution of cid 309, 310 in sponsor ballot 2 Jaeseung Son(Samsung electronics),Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG)
17-Mar-2011 02:11:16 ET
17-Mar-2011 ET
2011 285 1 TG7 Text for resolution of cid 309, 310 in sponsor ballot 2 Jaeseung Son(Samsung electronics),Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG)
17-Mar-2011 00:36:00 ET
17-Mar-2011 ET
2011 285 0 TG7 Text for resolution of cid 309, 310 in sponsor ballot 2 Jaeseung Son(Samsung electronics),Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG)
17-Mar-2011 00:34:25 ET
16-Mar-2011 ET
2011 256 1 TG7 Text for resolution of CID 66 in sponsor ballot 2 Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG)
16-Mar-2011 05:21:30 ET
16-Mar-2011 ET
2011 256 0 TG7 Text for resolution of CID 66 in sponsor ballot 2 Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG)
16-Mar-2011 03:21:33 ET
30-Apr-2020 ET
2020 128 0 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for Resolution of Comment 587 Tuncer Baykas (IMU)
30-Apr-2020 04:39:48 ET
12-Jul-2017 ET
2017 425 0 TG8 Text for resolution of comment row 409 (ID 22803600023) Billy Verso (Decawave)
12-Jul-2017 09:09:33 ET
13-Jul-2017 ET
2017 435 0 TG8 Text for resolution of comment row 415 (ID 22804000023) Billy Verso (Decawave)
13-Jul-2017 12:52:07 ET
12-Nov-2013 ET
2013 639 3 TG4m Text for resolution to CID 77 Ming-Tuo Zhou, Chin Sean Sum, Fumihide Kojima, Verotiana Rabarijaona, Alina Lu Liru, Keiichi Mizutani, Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
12-Nov-2013 16:10:17 ET
12-Nov-2013 ET
2013 639 2 TG4m Text for resolution to CID 77 Ming-Tuo Zhou, Chin Sean Sum, Fumihide Kojima, Verotiana Rabarijaona, Alina Lu Liru, Keiichi Mizutani, Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
12-Nov-2013 09:44:22 ET
06-Nov-2013 ET
2013 639 1 TG4m Text for resolution to CID 77 Ming-Tuo Zhou, Chin Sean Sum, Fumihide Kojima, Verotiana Rabarijaona, Alina Lu Liru, Keiichi Mizutani, Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
06-Nov-2013 10:41:06 ET
06-Nov-2013 ET
2013 639 0 TG4m Text for resolution to CID 77 Ming-Tuo Zhou, Chin Sean Sum, Fumihide Kojima, Verotiana Rabarijaona, Alina Lu Liru, Keiichi Mizutani, Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
06-Nov-2013 10:29:16 ET
11-Nov-2015 ET
2015 909 1 TG3d (100G) Text for Response to FCC NPRM Thomas Kurner
11-Nov-2015 08:19:36 ET
10-Nov-2015 ET
2015 909 0 TG3d (100G) Text for Response to FCC NPRM Thomas Kurner
10-Nov-2015 18:09:48 ET
16-Mar-2023 ET
2023 62 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for Scheduling IE Kangjin Yoon (Meta), Kuan Wu (Huawei), Taeyoung Ha (Samsung), et al.
16-Mar-2023 11:58:00 ET
15-Mar-2023 ET
2023 62 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for Scheduling IE Kangjin Yoon (Meta), Kuan Wu (Huawei), Taeyoung Ha (Samsung), et al.
15-Mar-2023 11:35:13 ET
14-Mar-2023 ET
2023 62 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for Scheduling IE Kangjin Yoon (Meta), Kuan Wu (Huawei), Taeyoung Ha (Samsung), et al.
14-Mar-2023 16:35:52 ET
17-Jan-2023 ET
2023 62 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for Scheduling IE Kangjin Yoon (Meta), Kuan Wu (Huawei)
18-Jan-2023 10:36:21 ET
14-May-2023 ET
2023 248 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for Scheduling IE update for Hyper block scheduling Hongwon Lee, Insun Jang, Jinsoo Choi, HanGyu Cho(LG Electronincs), Kangjin Yoon(Meta)
14-May-2023 17:16:40 ET
20-Mar-2013 ET
2013 197 0 TG4m Text for TWWS-OFDM RF Requirements (Subclause 20.2.4) Soo-Young Chang (SYCA), Cheolho Shin (ETRI), and Sangsung Choi (ETRI)
20-Mar-2013 09:01:48 ET
16-May-2023 ET
2023 174 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for UWB Discovery and Association Kangjin Yoon (Meta), Lei Huang (Huawei)
16-May-2023 15:49:38 ET
15-Mar-2023 ET
2023 174 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for UWB Discovery and Association Kangjin Yoon (Meta), Lei Huang (Huawei)
15-Mar-2023 08:15:13 ET
14-Mar-2023 ET
2023 174 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for UWB Discovery and Association Kangjin Yoon (Meta), Lei Huang (Huawei)
14-Mar-2023 16:28:55 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 468 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for UWB only MMS ranging Carl Murray, Jarek Niewczas, Igor Dotlic, Billy Verso, Michael McLaughlin (Qorvo)
14-Sep-2023 00:50:54 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 468 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for UWB only MMS ranging Carl Murray, Jarek Niewczas, Igor Dotlic, Billy Verso, Michael McLaughlin (Qorvo)
10-Sep-2023 21:08:47 ET
15-May-2016 ET
2016 356 1 TG7a (OCC) Text input for High Bandwidth PHY Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI)
15-May-2016 04:29:34 ET
02-May-2016 ET
2016 356 0 TG7a (OCC) Text input for High Bandwidth PHY Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI)
02-May-2016 16:36:53 ET
04-Sep-2018 ET
2018 393 2 TG13 (MG OWC) text input for MAC management and control frame format Chong Han (pureLiFi), Nikola Serafimovski (pureLiFi)
04-Sep-2018 07:30:43 ET
28-Aug-2018 ET
2018 393 1 TG13 (MG OWC) text input for MAC management and control frame format Chong Han (pureLiFi), Nikola Serafimovski (pureLiFi)
28-Aug-2018 06:31:54 ET
17-Aug-2018 ET
2018 393 0 TG13 (MG OWC) text input for MAC management and control frame format Chong Han (pureLiFi), Nikola Serafimovski (pureLiFi)
24-Aug-2018 14:45:40 ET
14-Nov-2018 ET
2018 488 1 TG13 (MG OWC) text input for non-beacon-enabled MAC structure Chong Han (pureLiFi), Nikola Serafimovski (pureLiFi)
14-Nov-2018 23:53:00 ET