18-Mar-2025 06:45:10 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
16-May-2019 ET
2019 238 1 TG13 (MG OWC) TG 13 closing report Atlantza 2019 Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI)
16-May-2019 14:57:08 ET
16-May-2019 ET
2019 239 0 TG13 (MG OWC) TG 13 Plan for July Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI)
16-May-2019 12:26:12 ET
16-May-2019 ET
2019 240 0 TG4w LPWA TG 802.15 minutes for May, 2019 Atlanta Interim meeting of TG4w Charlie Perkins (Futurewei)
16-May-2019 16:05:19 ET
16-May-2019 ET
2019 241 0 IG VAT IG VAT Closing Report May 2019 Meeting Vinayagam Mariappan (SNUST)
16-May-2019 14:03:49 ET
16-May-2019 ET
2019 242 0 TG12 tg12-agenda-july-2019 Pat Kinney (Kinney Consulting)
16-May-2019 16:08:17 ET
16-May-2019 ET
2019 243 0 TG4w LPWA TG 802.15.4w May 2019 Closing Report Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
16-May-2019 16:21:07 ET
16-May-2019 ET
2019 244 0 SC MAINTENANCE agenda-july-2019-standing-committees Pat Kinney (Kinney Consulting)
16-May-2019 22:55:37 ET
16-May-2019 ET
2019 245 0 TG4z EIR 4z May Interim Closing Report Tim Harrington (Pro-ID Consulting)
16-May-2019 18:35:04 ET
16-May-2019 ET
2019 245 1 TG4z EIR 4z May Interim Closing Report Tim Harrington (Pro-ID Consulting)
16-May-2019 18:51:32 ET
16-May-2019 ET
2019 246 0 TG4z EIR July Plenary Agenda Tim Harrington (Pro-ID Consulting)
16-May-2019 19:01:53 ET
14-Jul-2019 ET
2019 246 1 TG4z EIR July Plenary Agenda Tim Harrington (Pro-ID Consulting)
14-Jul-2019 06:01:32 ET
15-Jul-2019 ET
2019 246 2 TG4z EIR July Plenary Agenda Tim Harrington (Pro-ID Consulting)
15-Jul-2019 04:05:03 ET
16-May-2019 ET
2019 247 0 TG9ma TG9ma Agenda for July Tero Kivinen (Self Employed)
16-May-2019 19:10:32 ET
15-Jul-2019 ET
2019 247 1 TG9ma TG9ma Agenda for July Tero Kivinen (Self Employed)
15-Jul-2019 02:45:46 ET
17-May-2019 ET
2019 248 0 TG13 (MG OWC) TG13 meeting minutes for Atlanta 2019 Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI)
17-May-2019 14:48:23 ET
21-May-2019 ET
2019 249 0 TG4z EIR May meeting minutes Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA/UWBA/NXP)
18-Jun-2019 10:57:24 ET
28-May-2019 ET
2019 250 0 TG4y SECN May-2019-interim-minutes Don Sturek (Itron)
28-May-2019 10:42:25 ET
04-Jun-2019 ET
2019 251 0 TG4z EIR LB_comments_MAC_LRP Peter Sauer (Microchip), David Barras (3dB technologies), Boris Danev (3dB-technologies), Patrik Leu (ETH Zurich)
04-Jun-2019 02:49:56 ET
27-Jun-2019 ET
2019 251 1 TG4z EIR LB_comments_MAC_LRP Peter Sauer (Microchip), David Barras (3dB technologies), Boris Danev (3dB-technologies), Patrik Leu (ETH Zurich)
27-Jun-2019 08:46:21 ET
30-Jul-2019 ET
2019 251 2 TG4z EIR LB_comments_MAC_LRP Peter Sauer (Microchip), David Barras (3dB-technologies), Boris Danev (3dB-technologies), Patrik Leu (ETH Zurich)
30-Jul-2019 08:28:58 ET
12-Aug-2019 ET
2019 251 3 TG4z EIR LB_comments_MAC_LRP Peter Sauer (Microchip), David Barras (3dB-technologies), Boris Danev (3dB-technologies), Patrik Leu (ETH Zurich)
12-Aug-2019 14:25:31 ET
30-Aug-2019 ET
2019 251 4 TG4z EIR LB_comments_MAC_LRP Peter Sauer (Microchip), David Barras (3dB-technologies), Boris Danev (3dB-technologies), Patrik Leu (ETH Zurich)
30-Aug-2019 09:34:39 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 251 5 TG4z EIR LB_comments_MAC_LRP Peter Sauer (Microchip), David Barras (3dB-technologies), Boris Danev (3dB-technologies), Patrik Leu (ETH Zurich)
18-Sep-2019 23:13:09 ET
19-Sep-2019 ET
2019 251 6 TG4z EIR LB_comments_MAC_LRP Peter Sauer (Microchip), David Barras (3dB-technologies), Boris Danev (3dB-technologies), Patrik Leu (ETH Zurich)
19-Sep-2019 03:50:37 ET
06-Jun-2019 ET
2019 252 0 TG4md TG4md June 6, 2019 CRG Minutes Gary Stuebing - Cisco
06-Jun-2019 17:41:05 ET
17-Jun-2019 ET
2019 253 0 TG4z EIR HRP comment resolutions Zheda Li (Samsung), Ayman Naguib (Apple), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Brima Ibrahim (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP) , Jack Lee (Samsung)
17-Jun-2019 13:53:42 ET
20-Jun-2019 ET
2019 253 1 TG4z EIR HRP comment resolutions Zheda Li (Samsung), Ayman Naguib (Apple), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Brima Ibrahim (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP) , Jack Lee (Samsung)
20-Jun-2019 03:05:21 ET
20-Jun-2019 ET
2019 253 2 TG4z EIR HRP comment resolutions Zheda Li (Samsung), Ayman Naguib (Apple), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Brima Ibrahim (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP) , Jack Lee (Samsung)
20-Jun-2019 19:26:30 ET
20-Jun-2019 ET
2019 253 3 TG4z EIR HRP comment resolutions Zheda Li (Samsung), Ayman Naguib (Apple), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Brima Ibrahim (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP) , Jack Lee (Samsung)
20-Jun-2019 20:16:04 ET
23-Jun-2019 ET
2019 253 4 TG4z EIR HRP comment resolutions Zheda Li (Samsung), Ayman Naguib (Apple), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Brima Ibrahim (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP) , Jack Lee (Samsung), Tim Harrington (Pro-ID)
23-Jun-2019 10:59:27 ET
01-Jul-2019 ET
2019 253 5 TG4z EIR HRP comment resolutions Zheda Li (Samsung), Ayman Naguib (Apple), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Brima Ibrahim (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP) , Jack Lee (Samsung), Tim Harrington (Pro-ID)
01-Jul-2019 19:22:47 ET
16-Jul-2019 ET
2019 253 6 TG4z EIR HRP comment resolutions Zheda Li (Samsung), Ayman Naguib (Apple), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Brima Ibrahim (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP) , Jack Lee (Samsung), Tim Harrington (Pro-ID)
16-Jul-2019 07:59:06 ET
17-Jul-2019 ET
2019 253 7 TG4z EIR HRP comment resolutions Zheda Li (Samsung), Ayman Naguib (Apple), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Brima Ibrahim (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP) , Jack Lee (Samsung), Tim Harrington (Pro-ID)
17-Jul-2019 03:32:58 ET
17-Jul-2019 ET
2019 253 8 TG4z EIR HRP comment resolutions Zheda Li (Samsung), Ayman Naguib (Apple), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Brima Ibrahim (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP) , Jack Lee (Samsung), Tim Harrington (Pro-ID)
17-Jul-2019 04:07:03 ET
17-Jul-2019 ET
2019 253 9 TG4z EIR HRP comment resolutions Zheda Li (Samsung), Ayman Naguib (Apple), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Brima Ibrahim (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP) , Jack Lee (Samsung), Tim Harrington (Pro-ID)
17-Jul-2019 18:49:24 ET
19-Jun-2019 ET
2019 254 0 TG4z EIR HRP MAC comment resolutions Zheda Li (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Jack Lee (Samsung)
19-Jun-2019 16:08:01 ET
24-Jun-2019 ET
2019 256 0 SC THZ Terahertz wireless communications: A photonics perspective Dan Mittleman (Brown University)
15-Jul-2019 10:01:08 ET
24-Jun-2019 ET
2019 257 0 SC THZ Measurements and Modeling of THz Chip-to-Chip Channels in Metal Enclosures Alenka Zajic (Georgia Tech)
15-Jul-2019 03:10:06 ET
26-Jun-2019 ET
2019 258 0 TG4z EIR Text for Abstract and Keywords sections Billy Verso (Decawave)
26-Jun-2019 11:48:22 ET
26-Jun-2019 ET
2019 258 1 TG4z EIR Text for Abstract and Keywords sections Billy Verso (Decawave)
26-Jun-2019 15:38:48 ET
27-Jun-2019 ET
2019 259 0 TG4z EIR Comment resolution on 6.9.9 Dr. Boris Danev (3db Access, Switzerland), Patrick Leu (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Srdjan Capkun (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Peter Sauer (Microchip Automotive), David Barras (3db Access, Switzerland)
27-Jun-2019 15:57:36 ET
30-Aug-2019 ET
2019 259 1 TG4z EIR Comment resolution on 6.9.9 Dr. Boris Danev (3db Access, Switzerland), Patrick Leu (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Srdjan Capkun (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Peter Sauer (Microchip Automotive), David Barras (3db Access, Switzerland)
30-Aug-2019 09:30:51 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 259 2 TG4z EIR Comment resolution on 6.9.9 Dr. Boris Danev (3db Access, Switzerland), Patrick Leu (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Srdjan Capkun (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Peter Sauer (Microchip Automotive), David Barras (3db Access, Switzerland)
18-Sep-2019 07:03:30 ET
27-Jun-2019 ET
2019 260 0 TG4z EIR Comment resolution Annex G Dr. Boris Danev (3db Access, Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Srdjan Capkun (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
09-Jul-2019 04:15:32 ET
09-Jul-2019 ET
2019 260 1 TG4z EIR Comment resolution Annex G Dr. Boris Danev (3db Access, Switzerland), Prof. Dr. Srdjan Capkun (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Prof. Dr. David Basin (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
25-Jul-2019 16:33:19 ET
27-Jun-2019 ET
2019 261 0 TG4z EIR Summary on proposed resolutions Boris Danev (3db Access, Switzerland)
27-Jun-2019 16:27:31 ET
15-Jul-2019 ET
2019 261 1 TG4z EIR Summary on proposed resolutions Boris Danev (3db Access, Switzerland)
15-Jul-2019 12:41:06 ET
15-Jul-2019 ET
2019 261 2 TG4z EIR Summary on proposed resolutions Boris Danev (3db Access, Switzerland)
15-Jul-2019 12:51:50 ET
16-Jul-2019 ET
2019 261 3 TG4z EIR Summary on proposed resolutions Boris Danev (3db Access, Switzerland)
16-Jul-2019 02:24:30 ET
16-Jul-2019 ET
2019 261 4 TG4z EIR Summary on proposed resolutions Boris Danev (3db Access, Switzerland)
16-Jul-2019 02:45:12 ET
27-Jun-2019 ET
2019 262 0 TG4z EIR Further HRP Comment Resolutions Frank Leong (NXP Semiconductors)
27-Jun-2019 17:31:40 ET
27-Jun-2019 ET
2019 262 1 TG4z EIR Further HRP Comment Resolutions Frank Leong (NXP Semiconductors)
27-Jun-2019 17:39:18 ET
27-Jun-2019 ET
2019 263 0 TG4z EIR comment resolutions on multi-node ranging procedure and IEs Zheda Li (Samsung), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Jack Lee (Samsung)
27-Jun-2019 17:36:16 ET
16-Jul-2019 ET
2019 263 1 TG4z EIR comment resolutions on multi-node ranging procedure and IEs Zheda Li (Samsung), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Jack Lee (Samsung)
16-Jul-2019 02:19:20 ET
17-Jul-2019 ET
2019 263 2 TG4z EIR comment resolutions on multi-node ranging procedure and IEs Zheda Li (Samsung), Aditya Vinod Padaki (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Kangjin Yoon (Samsung), Jack Lee (Samsung)
17-Jul-2019 03:49:27 ET
01-Jul-2019 ET
2019 264 0 WG15 vie-2019-graphic-agenda Bob Heile, Decawave
01-Jul-2019 08:07:19 ET
01-Jul-2019 ET
2019 264 1 WG15 vie-2019-graphic-agenda Bob Heile, Decawave
01-Jul-2019 08:07:40 ET
11-Jul-2019 ET
2019 264 2 WG15 vie-2019-graphic-agenda Bob Heile, Decawave
11-Jul-2019 12:28:11 ET
11-Jul-2019 ET
2019 264 3 WG15 vie-2019-graphic-agenda Bob Heile, Decawave
11-Jul-2019 12:28:30 ET
11-Jul-2019 ET
2019 264 4 WG15 vie-2019-graphic-agenda Bob Heile, Decawave
11-Jul-2019 12:52:52 ET
15-Jul-2019 ET
2019 264 5 WG15 vie-2019-graphic-agenda Bob Heile, Decawave
15-Jul-2019 02:18:42 ET
05-Jul-2019 ET
2019 265 0 TG4z EIR Comment resolutions on CID i-0120 and i-0121 Huan-Bang Li (NICT)
05-Jul-2019 06:26:06 ET
08-Jul-2019 ET
2019 266 0 TG4w LPWA TG4w July 2019 Graphical Agenda Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
08-Jul-2019 03:32:32 ET
08-Jul-2019 ET
2019 267 0 TG4w LPWA Comments against LB157 Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
08-Jul-2019 03:37:08 ET
15-Jul-2019 ET
2019 267 1 TG4w LPWA Comments against LB157 Johannes Wechsler (Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS), Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
15-Jul-2019 09:09:25 ET
16-Jul-2019 ET
2019 267 2 TG4w LPWA Comments against LB157 Johannes Wechsler (Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS), Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
16-Jul-2019 03:28:55 ET
08-Jul-2019 ET
2019 268 0 TG4y SECN Agenda-July-2019-Plenary Don Sturek (Itron)
08-Jul-2019 12:12:32 ET
17-Jul-2019 ET
2019 268 1 TG4y SECN Agenda-July-2019-Plenary Don Sturek (Itron)
17-Jul-2019 07:41:02 ET
08-Jul-2019 ET
2019 269 0 IG PROF Agenda-July-2019-Plenary Don Sturek (Itron)
08-Jul-2019 13:52:24 ET
09-Jul-2019 ET
2019 270 0 TG4z EIR In-band signaling for 802.15.4z UWB MAC Aditya V. Padaki (Samsung), Seongah Jeong (Samsung), Zheda Li (Samsung), Mingyu Lee (Samsung), Jack Lee (Samsung), Ayman Naguib (Apple), Frank Leong (NXP), Brima Ibrahim (NXP)
09-Jul-2019 11:03:41 ET
09-Jul-2019 ET
2019 271 0 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Kunal Shah (Itron)
11-Jul-2019 00:52:36 ET
13-Jul-2019 ET
2019 271 1 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Kunal Shah (Itron)
13-Jul-2019 03:35:29 ET
15-Jul-2019 ET
2019 271 2 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance)
15-Jul-2019 10:19:22 ET
15-Jul-2019 ET
2019 271 3 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Don Sturek (Itron)
15-Jul-2019 11:59:02 ET
16-Jul-2019 ET
2019 271 4 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Don Sturek (Itron)
16-Jul-2019 06:19:27 ET
16-Jul-2019 ET
2019 271 5 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance)
16-Jul-2019 08:53:04 ET
16-Jul-2019 ET
2019 271 6 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Don Sturek (Itron)
16-Jul-2019 12:02:53 ET
16-Jul-2019 ET
2019 271 7 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Don Sturek (Itron)
16-Jul-2019 15:04:35 ET
17-Jul-2019 ET
2019 271 8 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Don Sturek (Itron)
17-Jul-2019 04:27:04 ET
17-Jul-2019 ET
2019 271 9 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Tero Kivinen (Self)
17-Jul-2019 05:09:06 ET
17-Jul-2019 ET
2019 271 10 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Don Sturek (Itron)
17-Jul-2019 05:28:54 ET
18-Jul-2019 ET
2019 271 11 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Don Sturek (Itron)
18-Jul-2019 04:06:05 ET
08-Aug-2019 ET
2019 271 12 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Kunal Shah (Itron)
08-Aug-2019 17:53:32 ET
08-Aug-2019 ET
2019 271 13 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Kunal Shah (Itron)
08-Aug-2019 22:49:13 ET
29-Aug-2019 ET
2019 271 14 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Kunal Shah (Itron)
29-Aug-2019 18:00:01 ET
02-Sep-2019 ET
2019 271 15 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Tero Kivinen (Self)
02-Sep-2019 06:45:51 ET
16-Sep-2019 ET
2019 271 16 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Don Sturek (Itron)
16-Sep-2019 02:49:38 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 271 17 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Kunal Shah (Itron)
18-Sep-2019 03:14:50 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 271 18 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Kunal Shah (Itron)
18-Sep-2019 03:15:09 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 271 19 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Kunal Shah (Itron)
18-Sep-2019 03:15:40 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 271 20 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Kunal Shah (Itron)
18-Sep-2019 03:16:00 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 271 21 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Kunal Shah (Itron)
18-Sep-2019 07:01:33 ET
19-Sep-2019 ET
2019 271 22 TG4md LB158 Consolidated Comments Kunal Shah (Itron)
19-Sep-2019 05:10:42 ET
11-Jul-2019 ET
2019 272 0 TG4md July, 2019 IEEE 802.15.4md Opening and Closing Gary Stuebing - Cisco
11-Jul-2019 13:05:07 ET
13-Jul-2019 ET
2019 272 1 TG4md July, 2019 IEEE 802.15.4md Opening and Closing Gary Stuebing - Cisco
13-Jul-2019 21:08:48 ET
12-Jul-2019 ET
2019 273 0 TG13 (MG OWC) Text for comments against D5.0 Kai Lennert Bober (Fraunhofer HHI)
15-Jul-2019 07:39:44 ET
12-Jul-2019 ET
2019 274 0 TG13 (MG OWC) TG13 Meeting Slides for Vienna Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI)
12-Jul-2019 10:47:43 ET
14-Jul-2019 ET
2019 274 1 TG13 (MG OWC) TG13 Meeting Slides for Vienna Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI)
14-Jul-2019 15:19:51 ET
15-Jul-2019 ET
2019 274 2 TG13 (MG OWC) TG13 Meeting Slides for Vienna Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI)
15-Jul-2019 09:32:21 ET
16-Jul-2019 ET
2019 274 3 TG13 (MG OWC) TG13 Meeting Slides for Vienna Volker Jungnickel (Fraunhofer HHI)
16-Jul-2019 07:59:44 ET