15-Mar-2025 01:28:19 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
20-Sep-2010 ET
2010 810 0 SG MBAN SG MBAN Hawaii September 2010 Interim Meeting Minutes Dave Evans (Philips)
20-Sep-2010 09:58:51 ET
15-Sep-2010 ET
2010 260 7 SG MBAN Medical Body Area Networks PAR Dave Evans (Philips)
15-Sep-2010 17:04:39 ET
15-Sep-2010 ET
2010 260 6 SG MBAN Medical Body Area Networks PAR Dave Evans (Philips)
15-Sep-2010 14:15:13 ET
13-Sep-2010 ET
2010 261 3 SG MBAN Medical Body Area Networks 5C Dave Evans (Philips)
13-Sep-2010 20:46:16 ET
13-Sep-2010 ET
2010 260 5 SG MBAN Medical Body Area Networks PAR Dave Evans (Philips)
13-Sep-2010 20:45:17 ET
06-Sep-2010 ET
2010 260 4 SG MBAN Medical Body Area Networks PAR Dave Evans (Philips)
06-Sep-2010 03:50:26 ET
19-Jul-2010 ET
2010 373 1 SG MBAN SG MBAN Minutes Beijing May 2010 Dave Evans (Philips)
19-Jul-2010 10:58:40 ET
15-Jul-2010 ET
2010 613 0 SG MBAN SG MBAN San Diego July 2010 Plenary Meeting Minutes Dave Evans (Philips)
19-Jul-2010 10:56:05 ET
13-Jul-2010 ET
2010 499 1 SG MBAN Coexistence issues for MBAN and 15.6 Dave Evans (Philips)
13-Jul-2010 20:28:06 ET
13-Jul-2010 ET
2010 498 1 SG MBAN Technical issues for MBAN Dave Evans (Philips)
13-Jul-2010 20:26:45 ET
13-Jul-2010 ET
2010 261 2 SG MBAN Medical Body Area Networks 5C Dave Evans (Philips)
13-Jul-2010 19:14:31 ET
13-Jul-2010 ET
2010 260 3 SG MBAN Medical Body Area Networks PAR Dave Evans (Philips)
13-Jul-2010 19:13:19 ET
12-Jul-2010 ET
2010 261 1 SG MBAN Medical Body Area Networks 5C Dave Evans (Philips)
12-Jul-2010 21:00:10 ET
12-Jul-2010 ET
2010 260 2 SG MBAN Medical Body Area Networks PAR Dave Evans (Philips)
12-Jul-2010 20:58:42 ET
09-Jul-2010 ET
2010 499 0 SG MBAN Coexistence issues for MBAN and 15.6 Dave Evans (Philips)
09-Jul-2010 10:44:08 ET
09-Jul-2010 ET
2010 498 0 SG MBAN Technical issues for MBAN Dave Evans (Philips)
09-Jul-2010 10:41:59 ET
05-Jul-2010 ET
2010 260 1 SG MBAN Medical Body Area Networks PAR Dave Evans (Philips)
05-Jul-2010 05:41:33 ET
24-May-2010 ET
2010 373 0 SG MBAN SG MBAN Minutes Beijing May 2010 Dave Evans (Philips)
25-May-2010 04:08:06 ET
05-May-2010 ET
2010 261 0 SG MBAN Medical Body Area Networks 5C Dave Evans (Philips)
05-May-2010 03:48:55 ET
11-Mar-2010 ET
2010 129 1 SC WNG Initiative to enable 802.15.4 to operate in the MBAN spectrum Dave Evans (Philips)
11-Mar-2010 10:07:26 ET
11-Mar-2010 ET
2010 163 0 SC WNG Initiative to enable 802.15.4 to operate in the MBAN spectrum - Draft PAR & 5C Dave Evans (Philips)
11-Mar-2010 10:04:58 ET
23-Feb-2010 ET
2010 129 0 SC WNG Initiative to enable 802.15.4 to operate in the MBAN spectrum Dave Evans (Philips)
23-Feb-2010 05:24:58 ET
15-Mar-2012 ET
2012 187 0 TG4j TG4j Plenary Meeting Minutes Hawaii March 2012 Dave Evans (Philips Electronics)
15-Mar-2012 23:18:03 ET
21-Jan-2010 ET
2009 327 2 TG6 MedWiN MAC and Security Proposal - Documentation Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
21-Jan-2010 11:53:04 ET
18-Nov-2009 ET
2009 329 1 TG6 MedWiN Physical Layer Proposal - Documentation Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
18-Nov-2009 08:28:46 ET
22-Sep-2009 ET
2009 664 0 TG6 Comparison of DPSK and FSK for Narrowband Systems Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
22-Sep-2009 15:40:58 ET
22-Sep-2009 ET
2009 326 1 TG6 MedWiN MAC and Security Proposal - Presentation Part 1 MAC Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
22-Sep-2009 15:27:09 ET
22-Sep-2009 ET
2009 327 1 TG6 MedWiN MAC and Security Proposal - Documentation Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
22-Sep-2009 15:14:48 ET
26-May-2009 ET
2009 325 2 TG6 MedWiN MAC and Security Proposal - Presentation Part 2 Security Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
26-May-2009 10:35:09 ET
19-May-2009 ET
2009 325 1 TG6 MedWiN MAC and Security Proposal - Presentation Part 2 Security Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
19-May-2009 12:30:52 ET
12-May-2009 ET
2009 328 1 TG6 MedWiN Physical Layer Proposal - Presentation Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
12-May-2009 13:24:02 ET
04-May-2009 ET
2009 329 0 TG6 MedWiN Physical Layer Proposal - Documentation Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
04-May-2009 17:05:14 ET
04-May-2009 ET
2009 328 0 TG6 MedWiN Physical Layer Proposal - Presentation Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
04-May-2009 17:04:46 ET
04-May-2009 ET
2009 327 0 TG6 MedWiN MAC and Security Proposal - Documentation Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
04-May-2009 17:04:22 ET
04-May-2009 ET
2009 326 0 TG6 MedWiN MAC and Security Proposal - Presentation Part 1 MAC Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
04-May-2009 17:03:58 ET
04-May-2009 ET
2009 325 0 TG6 MedWiN MAC and Security Proposal - Presentation Part 2 Security Davenport, Seidl, Moss, Patel, Batra, Ho, Hosur, Roh, Schmidl, Omeni, Wong (GE, Philips, TI, Toumaz)
04-May-2009 17:03:28 ET
15-Mar-2012 ET
2012 186 0 TG4k DSSS block interleaver text revision David A. Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.)
15-Mar-2012 20:06:14 ET
19-Jul-2011 ET
2011 511 0 TG4k LECIM High Gain DSSS PHY (preliminary proposal) David A. Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.)
19-Jul-2011 13:41:41 ET
19-Jul-2011 ET
2011 509 0 TG4k LECIM coexistence considerations David A. Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.)
19-Jul-2011 04:48:03 ET
13-Mar-2011 ET
2011 220 0 TG4k TG4K Opening Report March 2011 David A. Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.)
13-Mar-2011 23:47:18 ET
10-Mar-2011 ET
2011 186 0 TG4k Smart Grid: Faulted Circuit Indicators David A. Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.)
13-Mar-2011 10:13:27 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 105 1 TG4k IEEE 802.15.4k LECIM Task Group Call For Applications David A. Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.)
20-Jan-2011 15:04:24 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 105 0 TG4k IEEE 802.15.4k LECIM Task Group Call For Applications David A. Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.)
20-Jan-2011 14:38:07 ET
19-Jan-2010 ET
2010 53 0 SC WNG Low Energy Critical Iinfrastructure Monitoring David A. Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.)
19-Jan-2010 22:38:39 ET
15-Mar-2011 ET
2011 245 2 TG4k Application Requirements Worksheet David A. Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc)
15-Mar-2011 21:52:32 ET
15-Mar-2011 ET
2011 245 1 TG4k Application Requirements Worksheet David A. Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc)
15-Mar-2011 21:07:24 ET
15-Mar-2011 ET
2011 245 0 TG4k Application Requirements Worksheet David A. Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc)
15-Mar-2011 06:51:46 ET
20-Sep-2021 ET
2021 508 0 TG4 2020 Cor1 SFD inconsistencies in 4z lrp David Barras (3db Access)
20-Sep-2021 11:41:32 ET
02-Feb-2021 ET
2021 89 0 IG NG-UWB The 5 criteria table and differences in technical requirements for NG UWB David Barras (3db Access)
02-Feb-2021 06:06:28 ET
15-Dec-2020 ET
2020 395 0 SC WNG uwb-evolution David Barras (3db Access)
15-Dec-2020 15:32:39 ET
03-Mar-2020 ET
2020 91 1 TG4z EIR text changes for lrp uwb phy pulse shape and leip David Barras (3db Access)
03-Mar-2020 11:10:19 ET
03-Mar-2020 ET
2020 91 0 TG4z EIR text changes for lrp uwb phy pulse shape and leip David Barras (3db Access)
03-Mar-2020 09:43:23 ET
19-Sep-2019 ET
2019 425 3 TG4z EIR LRP PHY comment resolutions (LB161) David Barras (3db Access)
19-Sep-2019 01:29:24 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 425 2 TG4z EIR LRP PHY comment resolutions (LB161) David Barras (3db Access)
18-Sep-2019 07:17:48 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 425 1 TG4z EIR LRP PHY comment resolutions (LB161) David Barras (3db Access)
18-Sep-2019 06:24:54 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 425 0 TG4z EIR LRP PHY comment resolutions (LB161) David Barras (3db Access)
18-Sep-2019 02:48:27 ET
16-Jul-2019 ET
2019 324 0 TG4z EIR LRP PHY comment resolutions David Barras (3db Access)
30-Jul-2019 08:56:48 ET
02-Apr-2019 ET
2019 145 3 TG4z EIR updated-text-for-p802-15-4z-d006e David Barras (3db Access)
02-Apr-2019 17:08:08 ET
01-Apr-2019 ET
2019 145 2 TG4z EIR updated-text-for-p802-15-4z-d006e David Barras (3db Access)
01-Apr-2019 04:23:13 ET
15-Mar-2019 ET
2019 145 1 TG4z EIR updated-text-for-p802-15-4z-d006e David Barras (3db Access)
15-Mar-2019 12:31:41 ET
13-Mar-2019 ET
2019 145 0 TG4z EIR updated-text-for-p802-15-4z-d006e David Barras (3db Access)
14-Mar-2019 13:22:18 ET
15-Jan-2019 ET
2018 599 1 TG4z EIR Draft text covering two way ranging mechanisms, procedures and messages David Barras (3db Access)
15-Jan-2019 14:37:42 ET
08-Sep-2018 ET
2018 408 1 TG4z EIR Spectrum sharing and payload capacity David Barras (3db Access)
08-Sep-2018 04:14:53 ET
07-Sep-2018 ET
2018 409 0 TG4z EIR Draft text for spectrum sharing and payload capacity David Barras (3db Access)
07-Sep-2018 19:46:14 ET
07-Sep-2018 ET
2018 408 0 TG4z EIR Spectrum sharing and payload capacity David Barras (3db Access)
07-Sep-2018 19:45:34 ET
10-May-2018 ET
2018 260 0 TG4z EIR Text Proposal for LRP UWB PHY David Barras (3db Access)
10-May-2018 06:53:07 ET
08-May-2018 ET
2018 218 1 TG4z EIR Changes Proposal for LRP UWB PHY David Barras (3db Access)
08-May-2018 03:40:57 ET
07-May-2018 ET
2018 218 0 TG4z EIR Changes Proposal for LRP UWB PHY David Barras (3db Access)
07-May-2018 18:33:53 ET
11-Mar-2018 ET
2018 103 1 TG4z EIR LRP UWB PHY enhancements David Barras (3db Access)
11-Mar-2018 16:33:49 ET
04-Mar-2018 ET
2018 103 0 TG4z EIR LRP UWB PHY enhancements David Barras (3db Access)
05-Mar-2018 09:32:00 ET
15-Jan-2018 ET
2018 21 0 SG ER LRP UWB PHY minor enhancements overview David Barras (3db Access AG)
15-Jan-2018 14:30:09 ET
15-Jan-2019 ET
2019 35 1 TG4z EIR LRP band allocation for SRDEV interoperability David Barras [3db Access, Switzerland], Huan-Bang Li, Kenichi Takizawa, Fumihide Kojima [NICT, Japan], Hisashi Nishikawa [Global Interface Technologies, Japan], Boris Danev [3db Access, Switzerland], Bernd Baer [Marquardt, Germany], Peter Sauer [Microchip Technology, Germany]
15-Jan-2019 13:01:45 ET
14-Jan-2019 ET
2019 35 0 TG4z EIR LRP band allocation for SRDEV interoperability David Barras [3db Access, Switzerland], Huan-Bang Li, Kenichi Takizawa, Fumihide Kojima [NICT, Japan], Hisashi Nishikawa [Global Interface Technologies, Japan], Boris Danev [3db Access, Switzerland], Bernd Baer [Marquardt, Germany], Peter Sauer [Microchip Technology, Germany]
14-Jan-2019 23:03:53 ET
13-Jul-2022 ET
2022 413 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Performance analysis of ranging integrity fragment (RIF) with distance commitment David Barras, Boris Danev (3db Access)
13-Jul-2022 15:39:56 ET
24-Jan-2022 ET
2022 76 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Proposal for extending NB-UWB for secure ranging David Barras, Boris Danev (3db Access)
24-Jan-2022 08:57:54 ET
13-Nov-2018 ET
2018 589 0 TG4z EIR Frame format and modes revision for LRP UWB PHY David Barras, Boris Danev (3db Access), Bernd Baer (Marquardt), Peter Sauer (Microchip Technology)
13-Nov-2018 23:55:37 ET
07-Mar-2010 ET
2010 150 0 SC THZ Evolution of Extreme Personal Bandwidth and Local Area Triple-Stack Terahertz Wireless Networks David Britz (AT&T)
09-Mar-2010 00:46:47 ET
15-Jul-2010 ET
2010 197 1 SC THZ thz-ig-minutes-march 2010 David Britz (AT&T Labs)
15-Jul-2010 13:32:05 ET
18-Mar-2010 ET
2010 207 0 SC THZ IG-THz-Midweek-Plenary_Slide David Britz (AT&T Labs)
18-Mar-2010 04:11:32 ET
16-Mar-2010 ET
2010 197 0 SC THZ thz-ig-minutes-march 2010 David Britz (AT&T Labs)
16-Mar-2010 15:45:40 ET
11-Mar-2010 ET
2010 162 0 SC THZ Evolution of Extreme Bandwidth Personal and Local Area Terahertz Wireless Networks (White Paper) David Britz (AT&T Labs)
11-Mar-2010 02:33:43 ET
04-Jul-2012 ET
2012 322 0 SC THZ 2) Status report of meeting with passive sciences CORF committee David Britz (AT&T Shannon Labs)
15-Jul-2012 01:05:33 ET
04-Jul-2012 ET
2012 321 0 SC THZ Status of the IWPC MoGIG (Mobile Multi Gigabit (MoGIG) Wireless Networks and Terminals) WG David Britz (AT&T Shannon Labs)
15-Jul-2012 01:05:54 ET
22-Oct-2010 ET
2010 830 0 SC THZ Modification to US THz proposed language for WRC Agenda Item 1.6 David Britz (AT&T Shannon Labs)
07-Nov-2010 10:36:24 ET
11-May-2011 ET
2011 377 7 TG6 LB71 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
11-May-2011 15:27:56 ET
11-May-2011 ET
2011 377 6 TG6 LB71 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
11-May-2011 13:06:41 ET
10-May-2011 ET
2011 377 5 TG6 LB71 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
10-May-2011 21:01:34 ET
10-May-2011 ET
2011 377 4 TG6 LB71 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
10-May-2011 18:34:21 ET
10-May-2011 ET
2011 377 3 TG6 LB71 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
10-May-2011 15:33:07 ET
10-May-2011 ET
2011 377 2 TG6 LB71 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
10-May-2011 13:04:06 ET
09-May-2011 ET
2011 377 1 TG6 LB71 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
09-May-2011 21:03:41 ET
09-May-2011 ET
2011 377 0 TG6 LB71 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
09-May-2011 18:51:42 ET
14-Mar-2011 ET
2011 55 17 TG6 LB66 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
14-Mar-2011 10:10:28 ET
09-Mar-2011 ET
2011 55 16 TG6 LB66 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
09-Mar-2011 10:15:04 ET
02-Mar-2011 ET
2011 55 15 TG6 LB66 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
02-Mar-2011 02:33:44 ET
01-Feb-2011 ET
2011 55 14 TG6 LB66 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
01-Feb-2011 16:22:57 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 55 13 TG6 LB66 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
20-Jan-2011 20:26:19 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 55 12 TG6 LB66 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
20-Jan-2011 18:35:38 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 55 11 TG6 LB66 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
20-Jan-2011 15:36:49 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 55 10 TG6 LB66 MAC Comment Resolution Working Document David Davenport (GE Global Research)
20-Jan-2011 13:15:08 ET