16-Mar-2025 20:05:14 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 436 0 TG3b Polling Vs Token Passing Bi Directional Ctas N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
11-Jul-2015 ET
2015 347 2 TG3d (100G) Porposal of a TG3d Channel Model for Wireless Backhaul/Fronthaul Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
11-Jul-2015 14:42:06 ET
12-May-2015 ET
2015 347 1 TG3d (100G) Porposal of a TG3d Channel Model for Wireless Backhaul/Fronthaul Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
12-May-2015 21:29:41 ET
10-May-2015 ET
2015 347 0 TG3d (100G) Porposal of a TG3d Channel Model for Wireless Backhaul/Fronthaul Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
12-May-2015 16:18:30 ET
11-Nov-2015 ET
2015 873 1 TG10 Porposed Comment Resolutions for Topology Things Kiyoshi Fukui, Noriyuki Sato (OKI)
11-Nov-2015 14:53:53 ET
09-Nov-2015 ET
2015 873 0 TG10 Porposed Comment Resolutions for Topology Things Kiyoshi Fukui, Noriyuki Sato (OKI)
09-Nov-2015 15:36:58 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 288 4 WG15 Portland Jul04 802 15 Wg Agenda Graphic N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 288 2 WG15 Portland Jul04 802 15 Wg Agenda Graphic N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 288 1 WG15 Portland Jul04 802 15 Wg Agenda Graphic N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 288 0 WG15 Portland Jul04 802 15 Wg Agenda Graphic N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 359 0 TG4b Portland Meeting Minutes N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 330 3 TG3a Portland Meeting Minutes N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 330 2 TG3a Portland Meeting Minutes N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 330 1 TG3a Portland Meeting Minutes N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 330 0 TG3a Portland Meeting Minutes N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 402 0 TG4a Portland Plenary Minutes N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
13-Nov-2019 ET
2019 547 0 IG VAT Positioning issues of OCC based Vehicular Communication Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
13-Nov-2019 08:04:03 ET
07-Feb-2012 ET
2011 876 7 SG PTC Positive Train Control 5 Criteria Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
07-Feb-2012 15:31:54 ET
17-Jan-2012 ET
2011 876 6 SG PTC Positive Train Control 5 Criteria Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
17-Jan-2012 19:18:09 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2011 876 5 SG PTC Positive Train Control 5 Criteria Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
16-Jan-2012 22:15:44 ET
13-Jan-2012 ET
2011 876 4 SG PTC Positive Train Control 5 Criteria Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
13-Jan-2012 03:08:00 ET
10-Jan-2012 ET
2011 876 3 SG PTC Positive Train Control 5 Criteria Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
10-Jan-2012 18:59:59 ET
10-Jan-2012 ET
2011 876 2 SG PTC Positive Train Control 5 Criteria Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
10-Jan-2012 14:05:06 ET
10-Jan-2012 ET
2011 876 1 SG PTC Positive Train Control 5 Criteria Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
10-Jan-2012 11:40:16 ET
14-Dec-2011 ET
2011 876 0 SG PTC Positive Train Control 5 Criteria Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
14-Dec-2011 14:39:39 ET
08-Nov-2011 ET
2011 811 0 SG PTC Positive Train Control Mandate and Technology Kevin Nichter (Lilee Systems)
08-Nov-2011 17:31:40 ET
31-Jan-2012 ET
2012 86 0 SG PTC Positive Train Control Study Group Jacksonville Meeting Minutes Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
31-Jan-2012 06:25:09 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 26 0 SG PTC Positive Train Control Study Group Opening Session Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
16-Jan-2012 11:33:56 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 409 1 TG8 Possibility of using antenna arrays in IEEE 802.15.8 Dotlic, Li, Hernandez, Miura (NICT)
19-Jul-2012 04:49:26 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 409 0 TG8 Possibility of using antenna arrays in IEEE 802.15.8 Dotlic, Li, Hernandez, Miura (NICT)
18-Jul-2012 15:08:42 ET
07-Jul-2020 ET
2020 167 1 SC THZ Possible allocation of the frequency bands 275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz, 318-333 GHz and 356-450 GHz Hiroyo Ogawa, et. al. (NICT)
07-Jul-2020 04:35:32 ET
07-Jul-2020 ET
2020 167 0 SC THZ Possible allocation of the frequency bands 275-296 GHz, 306-313 GHz, 318-333 GHz and 356-450 GHz Hiroyo Ogawa, et. al. (NICT)
07-Jul-2020 04:28:40 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 487 0 SG BAN Possible Aproaches To Provide Good Phy Solution Ban N/A
15-Nov-2006 00:00:00 ET
24-Feb-2025 ET
2025 73 6 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Possible Next Steps on NB Channel Access (CID 988) Carlos Aldana (Meta)
24-Feb-2025 16:41:34 ET
20-Feb-2025 ET
2025 73 5 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Possible Next Steps on NB Channel Access (CID 988) Carlos Aldana (Meta)
20-Feb-2025 18:27:45 ET
19-Feb-2025 ET
2025 73 4 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Possible Next Steps on NB Channel Access (CID 988) Carlos Aldana (Meta)
19-Feb-2025 14:32:15 ET
19-Feb-2025 ET
2025 73 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Possible Next Steps on NB Channel Access (CID 988) Carlos Aldana (Meta)
19-Feb-2025 10:20:04 ET
18-Feb-2025 ET
2025 73 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Possible Next Steps on NB Channel Access (CID 988) Carlos Aldana (Meta)
18-Feb-2025 09:50:43 ET
06-Feb-2025 ET
2025 73 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Possible Next Steps on NB Channel Access (CID 988) Carlos Aldana (Meta)
06-Feb-2025 15:08:16 ET
17-Jan-2025 ET
2025 73 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Possible Next Steps on NB Channel Access (CID 988) Carlos Aldana (Meta)
17-Jan-2025 03:13:52 ET
21-Jul-2011 ET
2011 543 0 SG 4TV Possible PHYs for upcoming TG4m Mi-Kyung Oh (ETRI)
21-Jul-2011 14:25:30 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2007 536 1 SG BAN Possible Use Case Multimedia Applications N/A
17-Jan-2007 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2007 536 0 SG BAN Possible Use Case Multimedia Applications N/A
15-Jan-2007 00:00:00 ET
13-Mar-2011 ET
2011 199 3 TG4f Post-LB68-remaining-voter-comments-on-d1p802-15-4f-draft-standard-initial-ballot Mike McInnis (The Boeing Company)
13-Mar-2011 15:52:38 ET
12-Mar-2011 ET
2011 199 2 TG4f Post-LB68-remaining-voter-comments-on-d1p802-15-4f-draft-standard-initial-ballot Mike McInnis (The Boeing Company)
12-Mar-2011 18:43:37 ET
12-Mar-2011 ET
2011 199 1 TG4f Post-LB68-remaining-voter-comments-on-d1p802-15-4f-draft-standard-initial-ballot Mike McInnis (The Boeing Company)
12-Mar-2011 18:12:28 ET
12-Mar-2011 ET
2011 199 0 TG4f Post-LB68-remaining-voter-comments-on-d1p802-15-4f-draft-standard-initial-ballot Mike McInnis (The Boeing Company)
12-Mar-2011 00:55:25 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 376 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) post processing information exchange for UWB sensing Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan, Mingyu Lee (Samsung)
10-Jul-2023 15:57:29 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 376 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) post processing information exchange for UWB sensing Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan, Mingyu Lee (Samsung)
10-Jul-2023 15:51:37 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2003 316 1 TG4 Potential 4 New Us Type Phy Channels In Europe N/A
13-Sep-2003 00:00:00 ET
13-May-2014 ET
2014 307 1 SC MAINTENANCE Potential 802.15.4g Issues Frederik Beer (FAU / IIS)
13-May-2014 18:56:28 ET
13-May-2014 ET
2014 307 0 SC MAINTENANCE Potential 802.15.4g Issues Frederik Beer (FAU / IIS)
13-May-2014 18:55:12 ET
14-Feb-2008 ET
2008 96 0 TG6 Potential Application Classes Richard Miller-Smith (Philips)
14-Feb-2008 09:58:00 ET
14-Mar-2017 ET
2017 154 1 SG LPWA Potential Applications for LPWA Tae-Joon Park(ETRI)
14-Mar-2017 09:56:45 ET
11-Mar-2017 ET
2017 154 0 SG LPWA Potential Applications for LPWA Tae-Joon Park(ETRI)
13-Mar-2017 05:29:02 ET
11-Nov-2008 ET
2008 802 0 SG VLC Potential Applications for Visible Light Communications in Commercial Aircraft Don Schultz (Boeing)
11-Nov-2008 19:15:55 ET
07-Nov-2008 ET
2008 745 0 SG VLC Potential applications for VLC Dominic O'Brien (University of Oxford)
11-Nov-2008 13:42:58 ET
12-Nov-2008 ET
2008 747 1 SG NAN Potential Applications of the Neighborhood Area Network Tae-Joon Park (ETRI)
12-Nov-2008 14:25:48 ET
08-Nov-2008 ET
2008 747 0 SG NAN Potential Applications of the Neighborhood Area Network Tae-Joon Park (ETRI)
08-Nov-2008 03:04:44 ET
09-Jul-2010 ET
2010 505 0 TG4g Potential Channel Plan for TG4g SUN in Korean 900MHz band Sangsung Choi & Cheolho Shin(ETRI)
09-Jul-2010 15:08:36 ET
08-Jul-2010 ET
2010 477 0 TG4g Potential Channel Tracking Limitations in OFDM Mode Charles Razzell (Maxim)
08-Jul-2010 13:21:59 ET
08-Nov-2017 ET
2017 637 2 SC WNG Potential Enhancements Low Rate UWB RFID PHY Tim Harrington (Pro-ID Consulting)
08-Nov-2017 08:54:16 ET
08-Nov-2017 ET
2017 637 1 SC WNG Potential Enhancements Low Rate UWB RFID PHY Tim Harrington (Pro-ID Consulting)
08-Nov-2017 08:44:56 ET
08-Nov-2017 ET
2017 637 0 SC WNG Potential Enhancements Low Rate UWB RFID PHY Tim Harrington (Pro-ID Consulting)
08-Nov-2017 08:52:03 ET
15-May-2008 ET
2008 367 1 SG RFID Potential FCC Part 15.247 Waiver and Opportunity for RFID and Sensor Applications Mike McInnis (The Boeing Company)
15-May-2008 06:47:23 ET
15-May-2008 ET
2008 367 0 SG RFID Potential FCC Part 15.247 Waiver and Opportunity for RFID and Sensor Applications Mike McInnis (The Boeing Company)
15-May-2008 01:10:37 ET
10-Nov-2020 ET
2020 345 0 TG7a (OCC) Potential of Neural Network for Optical Camera Communication system Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Nov-2020 04:01:16 ET
10-Nov-2020 ET
2020 344 0 TG7a (OCC) Potential of OCC technique for high speed V2V system Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
10-Nov-2020 03:57:55 ET
13-Nov-2019 ET
2019 551 0 IG VAT Potential of OFDM waveform in Optical Camera Communication System Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang [Kookmin University]
13-Nov-2019 08:38:10 ET
16-Sep-2020 ET
2020 249 0 IG VAT Potential of Optical Camera Communication technique for Smart Factory Monitoring System Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University))
16-Sep-2020 05:51:30 ET
13-Nov-2019 ET
2019 550 0 IG VAT Potential of Using Artificial intelligence for PHY Layer in Optical Camera Communication System Huy Nguyen, Yeong Min Jang [Kookmin University]
13-Nov-2019 08:33:07 ET
21-Jan-2022 ET
2022 64 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Potentials of narrowband assisted UWB E. Ekrem (Apple Inc), F. Leong (NXP), M. Lee (Samsung Electronics), et. al.
21-Jan-2022 08:13:23 ET
18-May-2021 ET
2021 288 1 SC THZ Potential Study Group on extending IEEE Std. 802.15.3 to the frequency range356-450 GHz Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
18-May-2021 17:31:47 ET
17-May-2021 ET
2021 288 0 SC THZ Potential Study Group on extending IEEE Std. 802.15.3 to the frequency range356-450 GHz Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
18-May-2021 06:50:42 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 35 0 SG PAC Potential sub-GHz and UWB channelization in Japan for PAC Marco Hernandez (NICT)
16-Jan-2012 20:42:20 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2003 340 2 TG3a Potential Tg3b Mac Project Ppt N/A
19-Sep-2003 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2003 340 1 TG3a Potential Tg3b Mac Project Ppt N/A
16-Sep-2003 00:00:00 ET
14-Aug-2012 ET
2012 457 0 TG4p Potential Utilization of DSRC Band (5.850-5.925 GHz) for PTC Ibrahim Muftic (Parsons Brinckerhoff)
14-Aug-2012 19:22:48 ET
14-May-2008 ET
2008 356 0 SC WNG Potential Waiver and Rulemaking change to Part 15.247 Jeff Solum (Starkey)
14-May-2008 14:24:48 ET
10-Jul-2021 ET
2021 360 0 TG7a (OCC) Pothole detection from the rear LED shapes of the forwarding vehicle using optical camera communication (OCC). Md. Osman Ali and Yeong Min Jang
10-Jul-2021 13:05:29 ET
01-May-2021 ET
2021 233 0 TG7a (OCC) Pothole Detection from the Rear LED Shapes of the Forwarding Vehicle using Optical Camera Communication (OCC) Md. Osman Ali and Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
01-May-2021 22:22:13 ET
18-Sep-2014 ET
2014 529 5 SC MAINTENANCE Powell Resolutions to LB94 DF1 Comments Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
18-Sep-2014 04:47:23 ET
18-Sep-2014 ET
2014 529 4 SC MAINTENANCE Powell Resolutions to LB94 DF1 Comments Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
18-Sep-2014 02:25:33 ET
16-Sep-2014 ET
2014 529 3 SC MAINTENANCE Powell Resolutions to LB94 DF1 Comments Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
16-Sep-2014 04:16:59 ET
15-Sep-2014 ET
2014 529 2 SC MAINTENANCE Powell Resolutions to LB94 DF1 Comments Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
15-Sep-2014 05:42:34 ET
15-Sep-2014 ET
2014 529 1 SC MAINTENANCE Powell Resolutions to LB94 DF1 Comments Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
15-Sep-2014 04:11:06 ET
09-Sep-2014 ET
2014 529 0 SC MAINTENANCE Powell Resolutions to LB94 DF1 Comments Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
09-Sep-2014 14:26:29 ET
15-Dec-2014 ET
2014 719 1 SC MAINTENANCE Powell Resolutions to LB97 DF2 Comments Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
15-Dec-2014 18:08:22 ET
15-Dec-2014 ET
2014 719 0 SC MAINTENANCE Powell Resolutions to LB97 DF2 Comments Clint Powell (PWC, LLC)
15-Dec-2014 16:59:25 ET
26-Jun-2009 ET
2009 290 2 TG4g Power and Spectrum Efficient PHY Proposal for 802.15.4g Khanh Tuan Le (Texas Instruments)
26-Jun-2009 18:08:53 ET
05-May-2009 ET
2009 290 1 TG4g Power and Spectrum Efficient PHY Proposal for 802.15.4g Khanh Tuan Le (Texas Instruments)
12-May-2009 07:43:35 ET
01-May-2009 ET
2009 290 0 TG4g Power and Spectrum Efficient PHY Proposal for 802.15.4g Khanh Tuan Le (Texas Instruments)
03-May-2009 09:32:08 ET
21-Sep-2009 ET
2009 480 2 TG4g Power and Spectrum Efficient PHY Proposal for 802.15.4g- Update July-09 Khanh Tuan Le (Texas Instruments)
21-Sep-2009 17:23:02 ET
15-Jul-2009 ET
2009 480 1 TG4g Power and Spectrum Efficient PHY Proposal for 802.15.4g- Update July-09 Khanh Tuan Le (Texas Instruments)
15-Jul-2009 16:14:02 ET
06-Jul-2009 ET
2009 480 0 TG4g Power and Spectrum Efficient PHY Proposal for 802.15.4g- Update July-09 Khanh Tuan Le (Texas Instruments)
07-Jul-2009 18:10:06 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 162 0 TG5 Power Consumption N/A
08-Mar-2006 00:00:00 ET
15-Jul-2008 ET
2008 480 1 TG6 Power consumption in WBAN PHY Kiran Bynam
15-Jul-2008 08:44:14 ET
14-Jul-2008 ET
2008 480 0 TG6 Power consumption in WBAN PHY Kiran Bynam
15-Jul-2008 07:29:30 ET
12-Mar-2014 ET
2014 138 0 TG8 Power Control for PAC Qing Li et. al. (InterDigital)
12-Mar-2014 18:23:04 ET
05-May-2014 ET
2014 265 0 TG8 Power Control for PAC - Final Contribution Qing Li et. al. (InterDigital)
05-May-2014 17:57:17 ET