14-Mar-2025 12:42:36 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
14-Nov-2019 ET
2019 83 0 802 Industry Connections High Performance Computing Ethernet Yolanda Yu (Xiang)
14-Nov-2019 07:30:26 ET
14-Nov-2019 ET
2019 84 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes, Nendica Meeting, 2019-11-12/14 Roger Marks (Huawei)
20-Nov-2019 18:25:32 ET
14-Nov-2019 ET
2019 85 0 802 Industry Connections Updates to IEEE 802 Nendica Procedures Roger Marks (Huawei)
14-Nov-2019 21:09:52 ET
14-Nov-2019 ET
2019 83 1 802 Industry Connections High Performance Computing Ethernet Yolanda Yu (Xiang)
14-Nov-2019 22:21:09 ET
20-Nov-2019 ET
2019 86 0 802 Industry Connections Approved Nendica Agenda: 2019-11-12/14 Roger Marks (Huawei)
20-Nov-2019 16:39:54 ET
20-Nov-2019 ET
2019 87 0 802 Industry Connections IETF-106 Sidemeeting Paul Congdon (Tallac/Huawei)
20-Nov-2019 17:49:43 ET
21-Nov-2019 ET
2019 78 1 802 Industry Connections Nendica Meeting Overview, 2019-11 Roger Marks (Huawei)
21-Nov-2019 15:11:15 ET
21-Nov-2019 ET
2019 26 4 802 Industry Connections Flexible Factory IoT: Use Cases and Communication Requirements for Wired and Wireless Bridged Networks Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
21-Nov-2019 16:11:22 ET
05-Dec-2019 ET
2019 88 0 802 Industry Connections Comments to 1-19-0026-04-ICne_Ludwig Winkel Ludwig Winkel (Self)
05-Dec-2019 07:59:34 ET
05-Dec-2019 ET
2019 88 1 802 Industry Connections Comments to 1-19-0026-04-ICne_Ludwig Winkel Ludwig Winkel (Self)
05-Dec-2019 08:20:08 ET
05-Dec-2019 ET
2019 88 2 802 Industry Connections Comments to 1-19-0026-04-ICne_Ludwig Winkel Ludwig Winkel (Self)
05-Dec-2019 08:23:33 ET
06-Dec-2019 ET
2019 89 0 802 Industry Connections Comments to FFIoT Kenichi Maruhashi (NEC)
06-Dec-2019 23:33:17 ET
07-Dec-2019 ET
2019 90 0 802 Industry Connections Comments on 802.1-19-0026-04 Roger Marks (Huawei)
07-Dec-2019 09:24:42 ET
09-Dec-2019 ET
2019 91 0 802 Industry Connections Consolidated FFIOT Comments Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
09-Dec-2019 13:27:57 ET
11-Dec-2019 ET
2019 92 0 802 Industry Connections Comments on 1-19-0026-04 Mick Seaman (Independent)
11-Dec-2019 19:16:14 ET
11-Dec-2019 ET
2019 91 1 802 Industry Connections Consolidated FFIOT Comments Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
11-Dec-2019 20:28:49 ET
12-Dec-2019 ET
2019 91 2 802 Industry Connections Consolidated FFIOT Comments Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
12-Dec-2019 08:39:37 ET
12-Dec-2019 ET
2019 93 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2019-12-12 Roger Marks (Huawei)
12-Dec-2019 14:17:17 ET
26-Dec-2019 ET
2019 91 3 802 Industry Connections Consolidated FFIOT Comments Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
26-Dec-2019 03:24:35 ET
06-Jan-2020 ET
2020 1 0 802 Industry Connections FFIoT proposed text CID55 Kenichi Maruhashi (NEC)
06-Jan-2020 10:20:13 ET
06-Jan-2020 ET
2020 1 1 802 Industry Connections FFIoT proposed text CID55 Kenichi Maruhashi (NEC)
06-Jan-2020 22:06:58 ET
13-Jan-2020 ET
2020 2 0 802 Industry Connections IEEE 802 Nendica Work Item Proposal - Revision of "The Lossless Network for Data Centers" Roger Marks (Huawei)
13-Jan-2020 11:15:56 ET
14-Jan-2020 ET
2020 3 0 802 Industry Connections Nendica Meeting Overview, 2020-01-15 Roger Marks (Huawei)
14-Jan-2020 12:30:07 ET
14-Jan-2020 ET
2020 4 0 802 Industry Connections IEEE 802 Nendica Work Item Proposal: Network Stream and Flow Interworking Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
15-Jan-2020 15:28:29 ET
15-Jan-2020 ET
2020 5 0 802 Industry Connections FFIoT Status Report - IEEE 802 Nendica January 2020 Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
15-Jan-2020 17:47:52 ET
16-Jan-2020 ET
2020 6 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-01-16 Roger Marks (Huawei)
16-Jan-2020 11:01:56 ET
16-Jan-2020 ET
2020 7 0 802 Industry Connections Draft minutes of the Nendica Irvine meeting on 2020-01-15 Max Riegel (Nokia)
16-Jan-2020 19:27:30 ET
20-Jan-2020 ET
2020 8 0 802 Industry Connections ICne-MLaaS Study Item update v1.0-202001 Wayne Qiu(Huawei)
20-Jan-2020 03:55:47 ET
20-Jan-2020 ET
2020 9 0 802 Industry Connections Nendica Meeting Overview, Week of 2020-01-20 Roger Marks (Huawei)
20-Jan-2020 09:29:39 ET
20-Jan-2020 ET
2020 7 1 802 Industry Connections Draft minutes of the Nendica Irvine meeting on 2020-01-15 Max Riegel (Nokia)
20-Jan-2020 09:31:53 ET
20-Jan-2020 ET
2020 6 1 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-01-16 Roger Marks (Huawei)
20-Jan-2020 14:11:24 ET
20-Jan-2020 ET
2020 10 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes, Nendica Meeting of 2019-01-20/22/23 Roger Marks (Huawei)
23-Jan-2020 05:39:58 ET
20-Jan-2020 ET
2020 11 0 802 Industry Connections Approved Nendica Agenda: 2020-01-20/22/23 Roger Marks (Huawei)
23-Jan-2020 10:39:58 ET
21-Jan-2020 ET
2019 91 4 802 Industry Connections Consolidated FFIOT Comments Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
21-Jan-2020 14:03:24 ET
22-Jan-2020 ET
2020 4 1 802 Industry Connections IEEE 802 Nendica Work Item Proposal: Network Stream and Flow Interworking Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
22-Jan-2020 02:39:43 ET
22-Jan-2020 ET
2020 12 0 802 Industry Connections proposed resolution CID13 Flexible Factory and Smart Manufacturing Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
22-Jan-2020 14:12:49 ET
22-Jan-2020 ET
2020 9 1 802 Industry Connections Nendica Meeting Overview, Week of 2020-01-20 Roger Marks (Huawei)
22-Jan-2020 23:24:11 ET
23-Jan-2020 ET
2020 2 1 802 Industry Connections IEEE 802 Nendica Work Item Proposal - Revision of "The Lossless Network for Data Centers" Roger Marks (Huawei)
23-Jan-2020 01:24:50 ET
23-Jan-2020 ET
2020 4 2 802 Industry Connections IEEE 802 Nendica Work Item Proposal: Network Stream and Flow Interworking Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
23-Jan-2020 01:46:34 ET
23-Jan-2020 ET
2019 91 5 802 Industry Connections Consolidated FFIOT Comments Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
23-Jan-2020 04:58:34 ET
23-Jan-2020 ET
2020 12 1 802 Industry Connections proposed resolution CID13 Flexible Factory and Smart Manufacturing Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
23-Jan-2020 04:59:07 ET
29-Jan-2020 ET
2020 9 2 802 Industry Connections Nendica Meeting Overview, Week of 2020-01-20 Roger Marks (Huawei)
29-Jan-2020 00:22:37 ET
31-Jan-2020 ET
2019 91 6 802 Industry Connections Consolidated FFIOT Comments Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
31-Jan-2020 12:17:10 ET
31-Jan-2020 ET
2019 26 5 802 Industry Connections Flexible Factory IoT: Use Cases and Communication Requirements for Wired and Wireless Bridged Networks Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
31-Jan-2020 12:20:37 ET
04-Feb-2020 ET
2020 4 3 802 Industry Connections IEEE 802 Nendica Work Item Proposal: Network Stream and Flow Interworking Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
04-Feb-2020 16:07:57 ET
04-Feb-2020 ET
2020 13 0 802 Industry Connections ICCOM Nendica Status Report Roger Marks (Huawei)
04-Feb-2020 16:23:01 ET
05-Feb-2020 ET
2020 14 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-02-05 Roger Marks (Huawei)
05-Feb-2020 13:27:48 ET
05-Feb-2020 ET
2020 15 0 802 Industry Connections Topics proposed for IEEE 802.1-20-0002-01 Liyang Sun (Huawei)
05-Feb-2020 04:30:02 ET
05-Feb-2020 ET
2020 15 1 802 Industry Connections Topics proposed for IEEE 802.1-20-0002-01 Liyang Sun (Huawei)
05-Feb-2020 07:53:26 ET
05-Feb-2020 ET
2020 2 2 802 Industry Connections IEEE 802 Nendica Work Item Proposal - Revision of "The Lossless Network for Data Centers" Roger Marks (Huawei)
05-Feb-2020 13:26:28 ET
08-Feb-2020 ET
2020 4 4 802 Industry Connections IEEE 802 Nendica Work Item Proposal: Network Stream and Flow Interworking Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
08-Feb-2020 17:27:20 ET
10-Feb-2020 ET
2020 16 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-02-11 Roger Marks (Huawei)
11-Feb-2020 10:11:15 ET
10-Feb-2020 ET
2020 13 1 802 Industry Connections ICCOM Nendica Status Report Roger Marks (Huawei)
10-Feb-2020 17:48:40 ET
16-Feb-2020 ET
2020 17 0 802 Industry Connections Comments on 1-19-0026-05 Mick Seaman (Mick Seaman)
16-Feb-2020 02:03:22 ET
18-Feb-2020 ET
2020 18 0 802 Industry Connections Consolidated FFIoT Recirculation Comments Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
18-Feb-2020 14:12:31 ET
19-Feb-2020 ET
2020 19 0 802 Industry Connections FFIoT status report IEEE802 Nendica-February-2020 Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
19-Feb-2020 12:55:36 ET
20-Feb-2020 ET
2020 20 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-02-20 Roger Marks (Huawei)
20-Feb-2020 10:24:19 ET
20-Feb-2020 ET
2020 18 1 802 Industry Connections Consolidated FFIoT Recirculation Comments Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
20-Feb-2020 11:42:31 ET
20-Feb-2020 ET
2019 26 6 802 Industry Connections Flexible Factory IoT: Use Cases and Communication Requirements for Wired and Wireless Bridged Networks Nader Zein (NEC Europe - NLE)
20-Feb-2020 15:15:42 ET
16-Mar-2020 ET
2020 21 0 802 Industry Connections Programmable SmartNIC Qingchun Song(Mellanox)
16-Mar-2020 21:26:14 ET
17-Mar-2020 ET
2020 22 0 802 Industry Connections Outline of proposed new work item on The Intelligent Lossless Data Center Network Paul Congdon (Huawei)
17-Mar-2020 21:08:58 ET
18-Mar-2020 ET
2020 23 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-03-18 Roger Marks (Huawei)
18-Mar-2020 13:02:28 ET
02-Apr-2020 ET
2020 24 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-04-02 Roger Marks (Huawei)
02-Apr-2020 22:21:38 ET
09-Apr-2020 ET
2020 25 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-04-09 Roger Marks (Huawei)
09-Apr-2020 23:52:15 ET
20-Apr-2020 ET
2020 26 0 802 Industry Connections IEEE 802 Nendica Report: Flexible Factory IoT--Use Cases and Communication Requirements for Wired and Wireless Bridged Networks Nader Zein, Editor (NEC Europe - NLE)
20-Apr-2020 12:58:49 ET
20-Apr-2020 ET
2020 27 0 802 Industry Connections Comment input form - IEEE 802 Nendica Report Roger Marks (Huawei)
20-Apr-2020 13:20:32 ET
22-Apr-2020 ET
2020 28 0 802 Industry Connections Examples of Stream and Flow Characterization Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
22-Apr-2020 23:37:47 ET
23-Apr-2020 ET
2020 29 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-04-23 Roger Marks (Huawei; EthAirNet Associates)
23-Apr-2020 16:43:24 ET
23-Apr-2020 ET
2020 28 1 802 Industry Connections Examples of Stream and Flow Characterization Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
23-Apr-2020 16:38:48 ET
28-Apr-2020 ET
2020 30 0 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft DCN Report Paul Congdon (Huawei)
28-Apr-2020 19:21:14 ET
30-Apr-2020 ET
2020 31 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-04-30 Roger Marks (Huawei)
30-Apr-2020 11:52:13 ET
05-May-2020 ET
2020 32 0 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft SFI Report Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
06-May-2020 23:10:48 ET
07-May-2020 ET
2020 33 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-05-07 Roger Marks (Huawei)
07-May-2020 13:18:38 ET
13-May-2020 ET
2020 30 1 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft DCN Report Paul Congdon (Huawei)
13-May-2020 20:24:55 ET
14-May-2020 ET
2020 34 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-05-14 Roger Marks (Huawei)
14-May-2020 10:58:54 ET
19-May-2020 ET
2020 30 2 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft DCN Report Paul Congdon (Huawei)
19-May-2020 18:29:38 ET
19-May-2020 ET
2020 35 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-05-20 Roger Marks (Huawei)
20-May-2020 10:10:13 ET
19-May-2020 ET
2020 36 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-05-21 Roger Marks (Huawei)
21-May-2020 10:23:39 ET
20-May-2020 ET
2020 32 1 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft SFI Report Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
20-May-2020 23:06:23 ET
01-Jun-2020 ET
2020 35 1 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-05-20 Roger Marks (Huawei)
01-Jun-2020 14:13:32 ET
03-Jun-2020 ET
2020 32 2 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft SFI Report Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
03-Jun-2020 23:26:49 ET
03-Jun-2020 ET
2020 37 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-06-04 Roger Marks (Huawei; EthAirNet Associates)
04-Jun-2020 10:16:51 ET
04-Jun-2020 ET
2020 36 1 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-05-21 Roger Marks (Huawei)
04-Jun-2020 09:53:18 ET
11-Jun-2020 ET
2020 30 3 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft DCN Report Paul Congdon (Huawei)
11-Jun-2020 00:14:06 ET
11-Jun-2020 ET
2020 38 0 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft DCN version differences Paul Congdon (Huawei)
11-Jun-2020 00:15:17 ET
11-Jun-2020 ET
2020 39 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-06-11 Roger Marks (Huawei; EthAirNet Associates)
11-Jun-2020 10:37:08 ET
24-Jun-2020 ET
2020 38 1 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft DCN version differences Paul Congdon (Huawei)
24-Jun-2020 19:44:13 ET
24-Jun-2020 ET
2020 30 4 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft DCN Report Paul Congdon (Huawei)
24-Jun-2020 19:44:45 ET
25-Jun-2020 ET
2020 40 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-06-25 Roger Marks (Huawei)
25-Jun-2020 10:39:40 ET
01-Jul-2020 ET
2020 41 0 802 Industry Connections Draft Minutes of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-07-02 Roger Marks (Huawei)
02-Jul-2020 10:04:48 ET
01-Jul-2020 ET
2020 32 3 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft SFI Report Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
01-Jul-2020 23:40:40 ET
03-Jul-2020 ET
2020 43 0 802 Industry Connections Nendica Overview, July 2020 Roger Marks (Huawei; EthAirNet Associates)
03-Jul-2020 17:19:32 ET
15-Jul-2020 ET
2020 30 5 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft DCN Report Paul Congdon (Huawei)
15-Jul-2020 09:37:40 ET
15-Jul-2020 ET
2020 38 2 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft DCN version differences Paul Congdon (Huawei)
15-Jul-2020 09:38:19 ET
15-Jul-2020 ET
2020 44 0 802 Industry Connections PFC Deadlock Contribution Paul Congdon (Huawei)
15-Jul-2020 19:18:46 ET
16-Jul-2020 ET
2020 45 0 802 Industry Connections Approved Agenda of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-07-16 Roger Marks (Huawei; EthAirNet Associates)
16-Jul-2020 13:50:08 ET
06-Aug-2020 ET
2020 30 6 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft DCN Report Paul Congdon (Huawei)
06-Aug-2020 01:53:38 ET
06-Aug-2020 ET
2020 38 3 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft DCN version differences Paul Congdon (Huawei)
06-Aug-2020 01:56:08 ET
06-Aug-2020 ET
2020 46 0 802 Industry Connections Approved Agenda of the Nendica Meeting of 2020-08-06 Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates; Huawei)
06-Aug-2020 11:51:03 ET
19-Aug-2020 ET
2020 38 4 802 Industry Connections Pre-Draft DCN version differences Paul Congdon (Huawei)
19-Aug-2020 16:48:59 ET