17-Mar-2025 04:35:13 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
13-May-2009 ET
2009 411 0 TG4e Factory Automation draft text intro Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
13-May-2009 07:42:49 ET
12-May-2009 ET
2009 401 0 TG4e draft text for factory automation Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
13-May-2009 07:39:13 ET
17-Mar-2009 ET
2009 254 0 TG4e Proposal for Factory Automation slides Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
17-Mar-2009 12:15:23 ET
12-Mar-2009 ET
2009 228 0 TG4e Proposal for Factory Automation Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
17-Mar-2009 10:46:32 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 199 0 TG4e Factory Automation Subgroup Presentation Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
10-Mar-2009 19:05:42 ET
19-Jan-2009 ET
2009 24 0 TG4e Proposal for Factory Automation and TG4e MAC Behaviors Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
19-Jan-2009 14:09:06 ET
13-Nov-2008 ET
2008 571 1 TG4e Proposal for factory automation Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
13-Nov-2008 12:01:29 ET
13-Nov-2008 ET
2008 827 0 TG4e shared group timeslots Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
13-Nov-2008 14:38:17 ET
10-Nov-2008 ET
2008 765 0 TG4e application space factory automation Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
11-Nov-2008 09:08:42 ET
13-Aug-2008 ET
2008 572 0 TG4e Proposal for factory automation Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
08-Sep-2008 18:24:40 ET
13-Aug-2008 ET
2008 571 0 TG4e Proposal for factory automation Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
08-Sep-2008 18:24:08 ET
15-Jul-2008 ET
2008 503 0 TG4e preliminary-proposal-for-factory-automation Michael Bahr (Siemens AG)
15-Jul-2008 17:10:04 ET
15-May-2008 ET
2008 386 0 WG15 ieee 802 11 tgs liaison report jax Michael Bahr (Siemens Enterprise Communications)
15-May-2008 18:30:00 ET
11-Sep-2010 ET
2010 696 0 TG4f Opening-Introduction-September-2010 Michael D. McInnis (The Boeing Company)
11-Sep-2010 00:35:44 ET
19-Nov-2009 ET
2009 759 3 TG4f Agenda-Nov-2009 Michael D. McInnis (The Boeing Company)
19-Nov-2009 10:45:30 ET
19-Nov-2009 ET
2009 759 2 TG4f Agenda-Nov-2009 Michael D. McInnis (The Boeing Company)
19-Nov-2009 08:14:18 ET
18-Nov-2009 ET
2009 759 1 TG4f Agenda-Nov-2009 Michael D. McInnis (The Boeing Company)
18-Nov-2009 13:42:03 ET
15-Nov-2009 ET
2009 759 0 TG4f Agenda-Nov-2009 Michael D. McInnis (The Boeing Company)
15-Nov-2009 19:10:13 ET
10-Nov-2020 ET
2020 182 7 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend System Requirements Document (SRD) outline for 16t Michael Gagne (AURA Network Systems)
10-Nov-2020 18:01:42 ET
03-Nov-2020 ET
2020 182 6 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend System Requirements Document (SRD) outline for 16t Michael Gagne (AURA Network Systems)
03-Nov-2020 17:44:42 ET
14-Oct-2020 ET
2020 182 5 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend System Requirements Document (SRD) outline for 16t Michael Gagne (AURA Network Systems)
14-Oct-2020 16:40:30 ET
07-Oct-2020 ET
2020 182 4 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend System Requirements Document (SRD) outline for 16t Michael Gagne (AURA Network Systems)
07-Oct-2020 11:27:47 ET
13-Aug-2020 ET
2020 55 4 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend Frequency Band Layout Michael Gagne (AURA Network Systems)
13-Aug-2020 11:47:17 ET
16-Jan-2020 ET
2020 59 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend AURA Networks Use Case for 450MHz Michael Gagne (AURA Network Systems)
16-Jan-2020 13:36:43 ET
20-Mar-2013 ET
2013 175 1 SC THZ Propagation Aspects of Terahertz Outdoor Fixed Wireless Links Michael Grigat (Deutsche Telekom)
20-Mar-2013 11:23:28 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 175 0 SC THZ Propagation Aspects of Terahertz Outdoor Fixed Wireless Links Michael Grigat (Deutsche Telekom)
19-Mar-2013 09:29:38 ET
11-Nov-2013 ET
2013 646 3 SC THZ Phase Noise Aspects Michael Grigat (Deutsche Telekom AG)
11-Nov-2013 19:53:36 ET
11-Nov-2013 ET
2013 646 2 SC THZ Phase Noise Aspects Michael Grigat (Deutsche Telekom AG)
11-Nov-2013 19:40:39 ET
11-Nov-2013 ET
2013 646 1 SC THZ Phase Noise Aspects Michael Grigat (Deutsche Telekom AG)
11-Nov-2013 18:07:58 ET
07-Nov-2013 ET
2013 646 0 SC THZ Phase Noise Aspects Michael Grigat (Deutsche Telekom AG)
08-Nov-2013 12:32:34 ET
15-Nov-2012 ET
2012 582 1 SC THZ Link Budget Analysis for Terahertz Fixed Wireless Links Michael Grigat (Deutsche Telekom AG)
15-Nov-2012 09:35:36 ET
07-Nov-2012 ET
2012 582 0 SC THZ Link Budget Analysis for Terahertz Fixed Wireless Links Michael Grigat (Deutsche Telekom AG)
14-Nov-2012 17:19:53 ET
15-Jul-2010 ET
2010 602 0 TG4f Active-RFID-Closing-Report-San_Diego-July-2010 Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
15-Jul-2010 17:30:58 ET
15-Jul-2009 ET
2009 560 0 TG4f Active-RFID-Closing-Report-SFO-July-2009 Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
16-Jul-2009 16:22:52 ET
15-Jul-2009 ET
2009 559 0 TG4f Active-RFID-Minutes-SFO-July-2009 Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
15-Jul-2009 20:53:03 ET
18-May-2009 ET
2009 418 1 TG4f call-for-preliminary-proposals Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
18-May-2009 17:35:44 ET
18-May-2009 ET
2009 409 5 TG4f PHY Parameters Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
18-May-2009 17:34:56 ET
18-May-2009 ET
2009 433 1 TG4f Active-RFID-Closing-Report-Montreal-May-2009 Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
18-May-2009 15:06:43 ET
14-May-2009 ET
2009 434 0 TG4f Active-RFID-Minutes-Montreal-May-2009 Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
19-May-2009 13:58:49 ET
14-May-2009 ET
2009 433 0 TG4f Active-RFID-Closing-Report-Montreal-May-2009 Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
14-May-2009 18:19:50 ET
13-May-2009 ET
2009 409 4 TG4f PHY Parameters Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
13-May-2009 23:42:42 ET
13-May-2009 ET
2009 422 0 TG4f Key-Active-RFID-System-Applications-Features-and-Technical-Guidance-Summary Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
13-May-2009 22:48:17 ET
13-May-2009 ET
2009 409 3 TG4f PHY Parameters Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
13-May-2009 22:42:51 ET
13-May-2009 ET
2009 409 2 TG4f PHY Parameters Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
13-May-2009 12:03:18 ET
13-May-2009 ET
2009 418 0 TG4f call-for-preliminary-proposals Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
13-May-2009 11:06:47 ET
12-May-2009 ET
2009 409 1 TG4f PHY Parameters Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
12-May-2009 21:02:35 ET
12-May-2009 ET
2009 409 0 TG4f PHY Parameters Michael McInnis (The Boeing Company)
12-May-2009 19:25:09 ET
22-Sep-2009 ET
2009 620 1 TG4f DecaWave-PHY-Proposal-for-active-RFID Michael Mc Laughlin (DecaWave)
22-Sep-2009 18:05:23 ET
09-Jul-2009 ET
2009 497 1 TG4f Decawave-preliminary-PHY-proposal Michael Mc Laughlin, DecaWave
14-Jul-2009 12:27:10 ET
27-Aug-2008 ET
2008 589 1 TG3c comparison of star 8QAM and other 8 point constellations Michael Mc Laughlin, (DecaWave)
27-Aug-2008 02:45:26 ET
25-Aug-2008 ET
2008 589 0 TG3c comparison of star 8QAM and other 8 point constellations Michael Mc Laughlin, (DecaWave)
26-Aug-2008 16:33:12 ET
01-May-2014 ET
2014 243 0 TG8 Decawave UWB PHY for TG8 Michael McLaughlin (DecaWave)
04-May-2014 09:36:21 ET
07-May-2010 ET
2010 263 0 TG4f FEC comparison Michael McLaughlin (DecaWave)
07-May-2010 10:19:31 ET
07-May-2010 ET
2010 249 1 TG4f Convolutional code for extended mode Michael McLaughlin (DecaWave)
07-May-2010 10:15:00 ET
22-Apr-2010 ET
2010 249 0 TG4f Convolutional code for extended mode Michael McLaughlin (DecaWave)
22-Apr-2010 08:09:15 ET
18-Mar-2010 ET
2010 166 1 TG4h Errors in 802.15.4a Michael McLaughlin (DecaWave)
18-Mar-2010 10:00:19 ET
12-Mar-2010 ET
2010 166 0 TG4h Errors in 802.15.4a Michael McLaughlin (DecaWave)
17-Mar-2010 13:48:04 ET
19-Feb-2010 ET
2010 105 1 TG4f DecaWave UWB SFD Proposal Michael McLaughlin (DecaWave)
19-Feb-2010 10:29:02 ET
11-Feb-2010 ET
2010 105 0 TG4f DecaWave UWB SFD Proposal Michael McLaughlin (DecaWave)
11-Feb-2010 10:48:40 ET
22-Sep-2009 ET
2009 645 2 TG6 common-coherent&noncoherent-modulation-for-BAN Michael McLaughlin (DecaWave)
22-Sep-2009 21:09:29 ET
21-Sep-2009 ET
2009 645 1 TG6 common-coherent&noncoherent-modulation-for-BAN Michael McLaughlin (DecaWave)
21-Sep-2009 21:55:19 ET
16-Nov-2009 ET
2009 764 0 TG4f DecaWave-Proposal-Summary-for-TG4f Michael McLaughlin(DecaWave)
17-Nov-2009 08:07:36 ET
15-Jan-2020 ET
2020 40 0 TG4z EIR New data rates for HRP UWB Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Billy Verso (Decawave)
15-Jan-2020 12:33:47 ET
09-May-2014 ET
2014 243 1 TG8 Decawave UWB PHY for TG8 Michael McLaughlin (DecaWave), Billy Verso (DecaWave)
09-May-2014 11:07:07 ET
15-Jul-2010 ET
2009 804 15 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
15-Jul-2010 13:27:50 ET
10-Jun-2010 ET
2009 804 14 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
10-Jun-2010 10:49:21 ET
18-May-2010 ET
2009 804 13 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
18-May-2010 22:19:17 ET
18-May-2010 ET
2009 804 12 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
18-May-2010 10:36:41 ET
18-Mar-2010 ET
2009 804 11 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
18-Mar-2010 12:24:56 ET
18-Mar-2010 ET
2009 804 10 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
18-Mar-2010 12:20:53 ET
17-Mar-2010 ET
2009 804 9 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
17-Mar-2010 21:12:57 ET
15-Mar-2010 ET
2009 804 8 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
15-Mar-2010 14:43:39 ET
15-Mar-2010 ET
2009 804 7 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
15-Mar-2010 14:23:31 ET
12-Mar-2010 ET
2009 804 6 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
12-Mar-2010 16:49:53 ET
20-Jan-2010 ET
2009 804 5 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
20-Jan-2010 18:19:53 ET
19-Jan-2010 ET
2009 804 4 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
19-Jan-2010 20:49:50 ET
18-Jan-2010 ET
2009 804 3 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
18-Jan-2010 14:50:04 ET
19-Nov-2009 ET
2009 804 2 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
19-Nov-2009 12:47:47 ET
19-Nov-2009 ET
2009 804 1 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
19-Nov-2009 12:28:30 ET
19-Nov-2009 ET
2009 804 0 TG4f TG4f Merged Proposal: Decawave, Guard RFID, Time Domain, Ubisense, ZES Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Dalibor Pokrajac (GuardRFID), Adrian Jennings (Time Domain), Andy Ward (Ubisense), Tim Harrington (Zebra Enterprise Solutions)
19-Nov-2009 11:50:29 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 443 1 TG4z EIR Text to address comment id r1-0820 Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Jaroslaw Niewczas(Decawave), Billy Verso (Decawave)
18-Sep-2019 23:57:05 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 443 0 TG4z EIR Text to address comment id r1-0820 Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Jaroslaw Niewczas(Decawave), Billy Verso (Decawave)
18-Sep-2019 23:54:15 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 442 0 TG4z EIR Text to address comment id r1-0900 Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Jaroslaw Niewczas(Decawave), Billy Verso (Decawave)
18-Sep-2019 23:32:36 ET
12-Mar-2019 ET
2019 133 0 TG4z EIR Higher bit rate for the HRP UWB PHY Michael McLaughlin (Decawave), Tony Fagan (Decawave), Billy Verso (Decawave)
12-Mar-2019 16:18:30 ET
25-Jan-2022 ET
2022 94 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Link budget UWB vs NB Michael McLaughlin (Qorvo)
26-Jan-2022 04:54:45 ET
25-Jan-2022 ET
2022 94 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Link budget UWB vs NB Michael McLaughlin (Qorvo)
25-Jan-2022 14:04:09 ET
12-Nov-2021 ET
2021 557 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) UWB-Wake-up-signalling Michael McLaughlin,Qorvo
12-Nov-2021 09:07:56 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 516 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Revised UWB wake-up radio modulation Michael McLaughlin: Qorvo
14-Sep-2023 08:16:40 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 480 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) MMS with UWB. Up to 20 x LOS range. Michael McLaughlin(Qorvo)
11-Sep-2023 10:36:09 ET
13-Sep-2022 ET
2022 481 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Short Term Cross Correlation Michael McLaughlin(Qorvo)
13-Sep-2022 13:31:04 ET
12-Sep-2022 ET
2022 481 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Short Term Cross Correlation Michael McLaughlin(Qorvo)
12-Sep-2022 12:56:12 ET
03-Mar-2020 ET
2020 89 1 TG4z EIR Pulse shape text changes for HRP UWB PHY Michael McLaughlin (Qorvo), Jochen Hammerschmidt (Apple), Brima Ibrahim (NXP), Billy Verso (Qorvo)
03-Mar-2020 11:23:25 ET
02-Mar-2020 ET
2020 89 0 TG4z EIR Pulse shape text changes for HRP UWB PHY Michael McLaughlin (Qorvo), Jochen Hammerschmidt (Apple), Brima Ibrahim (NXP), Billy Verso (Qorvo)
03-Mar-2020 09:46:42 ET
11-Nov-2008 ET
2008 797 0 TG4d Receiver Jamming Resistance for Japanese 950 MHz Low Power Active Radio Systems Michael Schmidt and Frank Poegel (Atmel)
11-Nov-2008 13:03:06 ET
07-Nov-2011 ET
2011 756 3 TG4g Proposed Specification for a Transmit Modulation Accuracy Test for MR-OFDM Michael Schmidt (Atmel)
07-Nov-2011 16:41:14 ET
03-Nov-2011 ET
2011 756 2 TG4g Proposed Specification for a Transmit Modulation Accuracy Test for MR-OFDM Michael Schmidt (Atmel)
03-Nov-2011 07:58:32 ET
01-Nov-2011 ET
2011 756 1 TG4g Proposed Specification for a Transmit Modulation Accuracy Test for MR-OFDM Michael Schmidt (Atmel)
01-Nov-2011 07:07:15 ET
01-Nov-2011 ET
2011 756 0 TG4g Proposed Specification for a Transmit Modulation Accuracy Test for MR-OFDM Michael Schmidt (Atmel)
01-Nov-2011 06:55:37 ET
05-Oct-2011 ET
2011 724 1 TG4g Proposed Comment Resolution for CID 235 (MR-O-QPSK) Michael Schmidt (Atmel)
05-Oct-2011 08:58:25 ET
05-Oct-2011 ET
2011 724 0 TG4g Proposed Comment Resolution for CID 235 (MR-O-QPSK) Michael Schmidt (Atmel)
05-Oct-2011 08:54:33 ET