19-Mar-2025 06:52:17 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
07-Jul-2015 ET
2015 505 0 IG HRRC Worldwide overview of WiFi on trains Bing Hui (ETRI)
09-Jul-2015 21:10:25 ET
12-May-2015 ET
2015 393 0 IG HRRC Minutes: Interest Group HRRC, 2015-05-12 Bing Hui (ETRI)
12-May-2015 18:41:56 ET
12-May-2015 ET
2015 392 0 IG HRRC IG HRRC Closing Report for May 2015 Junhyeong Kim (ETRI)
12-May-2015 19:55:16 ET
07-May-2015 ET
2015 337 0 IG HRRC A Review of IG Activities after the March 2015 Plenary Session Junhyeong Kim (ETRI)
07-May-2015 20:11:10 ET
06-May-2015 ET
2015 301 1 IG HRRC IG HRRC May 2015 Agenda Junhyeong Kim (ETRI)
07-May-2015 21:36:15 ET
05-May-2015 ET
2015 238 1 IG HRRC Minutes: Interest Group HRRC, 2015-03-10 Bing Hui (ETRI)
05-May-2015 20:01:21 ET
05-May-2015 ET
2015 152 1 IG HRRC Draft IG HRRC Call for Participation Bing Hui (ETRI)
05-May-2015 19:46:22 ET
13-Apr-2015 ET
2015 301 0 IG HRRC IG HRRC May 2015 Agenda Junhyeong Kim (ETRI)
13-Apr-2015 01:38:10 ET
11-Mar-2015 ET
2015 238 0 IG HRRC Minutes: Interest Group HRRC, 2015-03-10 Bing Hui (ETRI)
15-Mar-2015 20:26:30 ET
10-Mar-2015 ET
2015 233 0 IG HRRC IG HRRC Closing Report for March 2015 Junhyeong Kim (ETRI)
11-Mar-2015 05:43:30 ET
10-Mar-2015 ET
2015 147 3 IG HRRC IG HRRC March 2015 Agenda Junhyeong Kim (ETRI)
10-Mar-2015 14:36:48 ET
10-Mar-2015 ET
2015 35 1 IG HRRC Introduction to Taiwan High Speed Rail Broadband System Ching-Tarng Hsieh, Industrial Technology Research Institute
10-Mar-2015 08:51:07 ET
09-Mar-2015 ET
2015 147 2 IG HRRC IG HRRC March 2015 Agenda Junhyeong Kim (ETRI)
09-Mar-2015 11:37:59 ET
03-Mar-2015 ET
2015 147 1 IG HRRC IG HRRC March 2015 Agenda Junhyeong Kim (ETRI)
03-Mar-2015 18:52:52 ET
26-Feb-2015 ET
2015 152 0 IG HRRC Draft IG HRRC Call for Participation Bing Hui (ETRI)
26-Feb-2015 23:25:15 ET
23-Feb-2015 ET
2015 147 0 IG HRRC IG HRRC March 2015 Agenda Junhyeong Kim (ETRI)
23-Feb-2015 20:31:33 ET
14-Jan-2015 ET
2015 62 0 IG HRRC Minutes: Interest Group HRRC, 2015-01-13 Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
14-Jan-2015 07:50:27 ET
13-Jan-2015 ET
2015 54 1 IG HRRC Agenda: Interest Group HRRC, 2015-01-13 Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
13-Jan-2015 13:55:47 ET
13-Jan-2015 ET
2015 54 0 IG HRRC Agenda: Interest Group HRRC, 2015-01-13 Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
13-Jan-2015 13:32:06 ET
13-Jan-2015 ET
2015 50 0 IG HRRC Considerations of frequency resources for fast moving mobile backhaul Minsoo KANG (ETRI)
13-Jan-2015 11:07:49 ET
13-Jan-2015 ET
2015 45 0 IG HRRC mmWave Wireless Backhauling for High Rate Mobile Hotspot Network BING HUI (ETRI)
13-Jan-2015 08:41:42 ET
13-Jan-2015 ET
2015 44 0 IG HRRC Introduction to mobile Internet service in fast moving vehicles Junhyeong Kim (ETRI)
13-Jan-2015 08:38:12 ET
12-Jan-2015 ET
2015 35 0 IG HRRC Introduction to Taiwan High Speed Rail Broadband System Ching-Tarng Hsieh, Industrial Technology Research Institute
13-Jan-2015 13:40:11 ET
21-Jul-2011 ET
2011 541 1 IG HIP KMPIG Closing Report for July 2011 Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
21-Jul-2011 21:38:36 ET
21-Jul-2011 ET
2011 541 0 IG HIP KMPIG Closing Report for July 2011 Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
21-Jul-2011 12:36:13 ET
21-Jul-2011 ET
2011 381 3 IG HIP Key Management over 4e Multipurpose Frames Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
21-Jul-2011 12:05:34 ET
20-Jul-2011 ET
2011 393 1 IG HIP HIPIG minutes for May 2011 Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
20-Jul-2011 10:24:55 ET
20-Jul-2011 ET
2011 381 2 IG HIP Key Management over 4e Multipurpose Frames Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
20-Jul-2011 10:01:08 ET
20-Jul-2011 ET
2011 512 1 IG HIP Key Management Protocol PAR Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
20-Jul-2011 10:00:32 ET
19-Jul-2011 ET
2011 505 1 IG HIP KMPIG Opening Report for July 2011 Session Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
19-Jul-2011 13:12:35 ET
19-Jul-2011 ET
2011 514 0 IG HIP KMPIG minutes for July 2011 Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
21-Jul-2011 18:39:15 ET
19-Jul-2011 ET
2011 381 1 IG HIP Key Management over 4e Multipurpose Frames Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
19-Jul-2011 12:47:30 ET
19-Jul-2011 ET
2011 512 0 IG HIP Key Management Protocol PAR Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
19-Jul-2011 12:20:36 ET
18-Jul-2011 ET
2011 505 0 IG HIP KMPIG Opening Report for July 2011 Session Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
19-Jul-2011 11:43:06 ET
15-Jul-2011 ET
2011 485 0 IG HIP KMPIG-Agenda-July-2011 Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
15-Jul-2011 16:43:50 ET
11-May-2011 ET
2011 387 1 IG HIP HIPIG Closing Report for May 2011 Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
11-May-2011 13:39:59 ET
10-May-2011 ET
2011 393 0 IG HIP HIPIG minutes for May 2011 Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
13-May-2011 13:17:33 ET
10-May-2011 ET
2011 387 0 IG HIP HIPIG Closing Report for May 2011 Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
10-May-2011 20:03:42 ET
10-May-2011 ET
2011 381 0 IG HIP Key Management over 4e Multipurpose Frames Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
10-May-2011 12:14:33 ET
10-May-2011 ET
2011 380 0 IG HIP HIPIG-Agenda-PSP-11 Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
10-May-2011 10:17:33 ET
06-May-2011 ET
2011 364 0 IG HIP HIP for Bootstrapping Zhen Cao, Dapeng Liu (China Mobile)
06-May-2011 22:52:42 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 120 0 IG HIP Jan-2011-closing-report Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
20-Jan-2011 20:23:04 ET
17-Jan-2011 ET
2011 45 0 IG HIP TG4HIPIG-agenda-LAX-11 Robert Moskowitz (Verizon)
18-Jan-2011 13:59:38 ET
11-Nov-2010 ET
2010 921 0 IG HIP closing-report-nov-2010 Robert Moskowitz(ICSAlabs/Verizon Business)
11-Nov-2010 11:51:09 ET
10-Nov-2010 ET
2010 896 0 IG HIP KeyManagement-HIP Robert Moskowitz(ICSAlabs/Verizon Business)
10-Nov-2010 10:22:24 ET
09-Nov-2010 ET
2010 881 1 IG HIP opening-report-nov-2010 Robert Moskowitz(ICSAlabs/Verizon Business)
09-Nov-2010 11:03:42 ET
09-Nov-2010 ET
2010 881 0 IG HIP opening-report-nov-2010 Robert Moskowitz(ICSAlabs/Verizon Business)
09-Nov-2010 08:59:27 ET
09-Nov-2010 ET
2010 877 0 IG HIP Tutorial-KeyManagementProtocols Robert Moskowitz(ICSAlabs/Verizon Business)
09-Nov-2010 00:08:59 ET
07-Nov-2010 ET
2010 858 0 IG HIP HIP November 2010 Agenda Robert Moskowitz(ICSAlabs/Verizon Business)
07-Nov-2010 15:30:51 ET
16-Sep-2010 ET
2010 786 0 IG HIP closing-report-sep-2010 Robert Moskowitz(ICSAlabs/Verizon Business)
16-Sep-2010 14:44:01 ET
13-Sep-2010 ET
2010 712 0 IG HIP ighip-opening-report-sep-2010 Robert Moskowitz (ICSAlabs, an Independent Division of Verizon Business Systems)‏
13-Sep-2010 00:34:07 ET
13-Sep-2010 ET
2010 711 0 IG HIP IGHIP-Sept-2010-Agenda Robert Moskowitz (ICSAlabs, an Independent Division of Verizon Business Systems)‏
13-Sep-2010 00:18:11 ET
14-Jul-2021 ET
2021 23 2 IG DEP IG DEP Activity for Amendment of 15.6 BAN with Enhanced Dependability Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
14-Jul-2021 08:47:31 ET
18-May-2021 ET
2019 503 1 IG DEP MAC Protocol with Interference Mitigation Using Negotiation among Coordinators in Multiple Wireless Body Area Networks(BAN's) Minsoo Kim(YNU), Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
18-May-2021 06:15:45 ET
12-May-2021 ET
2021 23 1 IG DEP IG DEP Activity for Amendment of 15.6 BAN with Enhanced Dependability Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
12-May-2021 07:14:37 ET
17-Mar-2021 ET
2021 189 2 IG DEP IG DEP Closing Report March 2021 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu), Marco Hernandez(YNU)
17-Mar-2021 10:09:53 ET
17-Mar-2021 ET
2021 189 1 IG DEP IG DEP Closing Report March 2021 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu), Marco Hernandez(YNU)
17-Mar-2021 10:00:13 ET
16-Mar-2021 ET
2021 190 0 IG DEP Meeting Minutes of IG DEP in Plenary Meeting, March 2021 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu), Marco Hernandez(YNU)
17-Mar-2021 04:15:51 ET
16-Mar-2021 ET
2021 189 0 IG DEP IG DEP Closing Report March 2021 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu), Marco Hernandez(YNU)
17-Mar-2021 08:53:17 ET
16-Mar-2021 ET
2021 180 1 IG DEP IEEE 802.15.6a PAR draft Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu), Marco Hernandez(YNU)
16-Mar-2021 18:45:41 ET
15-Mar-2021 ET
2021 180 0 IG DEP IEEE 802.15.6a PAR draft Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu), Marco Hernandez(YNU)
15-Mar-2021 23:59:47 ET
15-Mar-2021 ET
2021 179 0 IG DEP IEEE 802.15.6a PAR draft Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu), Marco Hernandez(YNU)
16-Mar-2021 19:16:16 ET
15-Mar-2021 ET
2021 142 4 IG DEP IG Dependability March 2021 agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
15-Mar-2021 18:42:40 ET
15-Mar-2021 ET
2021 142 3 IG DEP IG Dependability March 2021 agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
15-Mar-2021 15:27:26 ET
15-Mar-2021 ET
2021 142 2 IG DEP IG Dependability March 2021 agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
15-Mar-2021 06:19:45 ET
10-Mar-2021 ET
2021 142 1 IG DEP IG Dependability March 2021 agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
10-Mar-2021 09:22:39 ET
09-Mar-2021 ET
2021 154 0 IG DEP IG DEP responses to EC's comments in DOC 15-21-0138-00-0000 Marco Hernandez(YNU), Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
09-Mar-2021 23:05:08 ET
09-Mar-2021 ET
2021 153 0 IG DEP IG NG-UWB and IG DEP Harmonization Marco Hernandez(YNU), Benjamin A. Rolfe(BCA), Ryuji Kohno(YNU, CWC UofOulu)
09-Mar-2021 23:15:07 ET
08-Mar-2021 ET
2021 141 1 IG DEP IG DEP Opening Information for March 2021 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
08-Mar-2021 19:40:49 ET
08-Mar-2021 ET
2021 142 0 IG DEP IG Dependability March 2021 agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
09-Mar-2021 05:54:54 ET
08-Mar-2021 ET
2021 141 0 IG DEP IG DEP Opening Information for March 2021 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
08-Mar-2021 09:18:07 ET
01-Feb-2021 ET
2021 88 0 IG DEP Amendment of IEEE802.15.6 WBAN_ IEEE 802.15.6a CSD draft Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
01-Feb-2021 22:58:42 ET
01-Feb-2021 ET
2021 30 1 IG DEP Amendment of IEEE802.15.6 WBAN; IEEE 802.15.6a PAR draft Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
01-Feb-2021 22:55:51 ET
20-Jan-2021 ET
2021 54 1 IG DEP IG DEP Closing Report January 2021 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
20-Jan-2021 12:23:58 ET
19-Jan-2021 ET
2021 55 0 IG DEP IG DEP Meeting Minutes January 2021 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu), Takumi Kobayashi(YNU)
20-Jan-2021 12:04:54 ET
19-Jan-2021 ET
2021 54 0 IG DEP IG DEP Closing Report January 2021 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
20-Jan-2021 12:05:33 ET
14-Jan-2021 ET
2021 12 4 IG DEP IG DEP Dependability January 2021 agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
14-Jan-2021 16:36:38 ET
14-Jan-2021 ET
2021 30 0 IG DEP Amendment of IEEE802.15.6 WBAN; IEEE 802.15.6a PAR draft Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
19-Jan-2021 07:16:45 ET
14-Jan-2021 ET
2021 28 0 IG DEP Transmission Control of UWB-BAN to co-exist with 4G,5G Using the Integrated Terminal Minsoo Kim(YNU), Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
14-Jan-2021 15:10:25 ET
14-Jan-2021 ET
2021 12 3 IG DEP IG DEP Dependability January 2021 agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
14-Jan-2021 05:50:52 ET
14-Jan-2021 ET
2020 359 1 IG DEP IG DEP Space-time domain interference mitigation using based on OMF and TDL-AA for dependable UWB-BANs Takumi Kobayashi(YNU), Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
14-Jan-2021 05:50:14 ET
13-Jan-2021 ET
2021 12 2 IG DEP IG DEP Dependability January 2021 agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
13-Jan-2021 11:53:18 ET
13-Jan-2021 ET
2021 23 0 IG DEP IG DEP Activity for Amendment of 15.6 BAN with Enhanced Dependability Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
13-Jan-2021 06:53:58 ET
13-Jan-2021 ET
2021 22 0 IG DEP IG DEP Quality of Service Control Scheme in Multi-Hop Wireless Body Area Networks Kento Takabayashi(Okayama FU), Ryuji Kohno(YNU, CWCUofOulu)
13-Jan-2021 01:14:19 ET
12-Jan-2021 ET
2020 399 2 IG DEP IG DEP Opening Information for January 2021 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
12-Jan-2021 21:21:01 ET
12-Jan-2021 ET
2021 12 1 IG DEP IG DEP Dependability January 2021 agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
12-Jan-2021 11:03:11 ET
12-Jan-2021 ET
2020 399 1 IG DEP IG DEP Opening Information for January 2021 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
12-Jan-2021 07:49:24 ET
12-Jan-2021 ET
2021 12 0 IG DEP IG DEP Dependability January 2021 agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
12-Jan-2021 07:48:31 ET
17-Dec-2020 ET
2020 399 0 IG DEP IG DEP Opening Information for January 2021 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
17-Dec-2020 23:20:16 ET
12-Nov-2020 ET
2020 366 1 IG DEP IG DEP Closing Report November 2020 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
12-Nov-2020 10:55:21 ET
12-Nov-2020 ET
2020 366 0 IG DEP IG DEP Closing Report November 2020 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
12-Nov-2020 06:52:57 ET
12-Nov-2020 ET
2020 365 0 IG DEP Meeting Minutes of IG DEP in Plenary Meeting, November 2020 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu), Takumi Kobayashi(YNU)
12-Nov-2020 06:52:27 ET
11-Nov-2020 ET
2020 306 6 IG DEP IG DEP Dependability November 2019 agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
11-Nov-2020 21:11:10 ET
11-Nov-2020 ET
2020 362 0 IG DEP IG DEP Introduction of UWB-Based Wireless Platform Shinichi Sato(Mobile Techno)
11-Nov-2020 21:01:56 ET
11-Nov-2020 ET
2020 361 0 IG DEP A draft of PAR for Amendment of IEEE802.15.6 WBAN Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
11-Nov-2020 20:47:21 ET
11-Nov-2020 ET
2020 306 5 IG DEP IG DEP Dependability November 2019 agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
11-Nov-2020 18:19:39 ET
11-Nov-2020 ET
2020 352 1 IG DEP IG DEP Updated Technical Requirements for Amendment of IEEE802.15.6 Medical BAN Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu), Takumi Kobayashi(YNU)
11-Nov-2020 18:03:07 ET
11-Nov-2020 ET
2020 360 0 IG DEP IG DEP Feasible Technologies for Enhanced Dependability of WBAN Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
11-Nov-2020 18:50:11 ET
11-Nov-2020 ET
2020 359 0 IG DEP IG DEP Space-time domain interference mitigation using based on OMF and TDL-AA for dependable UWB-BANs Takumi Kobayashi(YNU), Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
11-Nov-2020 17:10:17 ET
10-Nov-2020 ET
2020 352 0 IG DEP IG DEP Updated Technical Requirements for Amendment of IEEE802.15.6 Medical BAN Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu), Takumi Kobayashi(YNU)
10-Nov-2020 18:51:12 ET