19-Mar-2025 03:11:15 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
15-Oct-2013 ET
2013 618 0 TG4q Meeting minutes for September 2013 Nanjing Jinesh Nair (Samsung)
21-Oct-2013 00:34:45 ET
15-Jul-2013 ET
2013 426 0 TG4q System Considerations for ULP Communications Jinesh Nair (Samsung)
16-Jul-2013 02:02:17 ET
24-May-2013 ET
2013 345 0 TG4q Meeting minutes for May 2013 Hawaii Jinesh Nair (Samsung)
24-May-2013 05:36:42 ET
20-Mar-2013 ET
2013 193 0 TG4q Channel Models for IEEE 802.15.4q Jinesh Nair (Samsung)
20-Mar-2013 06:34:53 ET
17-Jan-2013 ET
2013 81 0 TG4q Applications and Channels Jinesh Nair (Samsung)
17-Jan-2013 14:47:00 ET
16-Jul-2009 ET
2009 561 1 TG7 Relevant eye safety standards Jimmy C. Chau (Boston University)
16-Jul-2009 12:35:41 ET
15-Jul-2009 ET
2009 561 0 TG7 Relevant eye safety standards Jimmy C. Chau (Boston University)
16-Jul-2009 09:39:02 ET
10-Jul-2010 ET
2010 511 1 TG4g Proposed-Resolution-for-Band-Specific-MR-FSK-Radio-Specification Jillings (Semtech), Seibert (Silver Spring Networks), Le (Texas Instruments), Jerrit Kent (Analog)
10-Jul-2010 14:18:41 ET
10-Jul-2010 ET
2010 511 0 TG4g Proposed-Resolution-for-Band-Specific-MR-FSK-Radio-Specification Jillings (Semtech), Seibert (Silver Spring Networks), Le (Texas Instruments), Jerrit Kent (Analog)
10-Jul-2010 11:10:45 ET
12-Jul-2010 ET
2010 511 2 TG4g Proposed-Resolution-for-Band-Specific-MR-FSK-Radio-Specification Jillings (Semtech), Seibert (Silver Spring Networks), Le (Texas Instruments), Jeritt Kent (Analog)
12-Jul-2010 11:32:14 ET
15-Jul-2010 ET
2010 511 3 TG4g Proposed-Resolution-for-Band-Specific-MR-FSK-Radio-Specification Jillings (Semtech), Seibert (Silver Spring Networks), Jeritt Kent (Analog)
15-Jul-2010 00:34:30 ET
12-Nov-2008 ET
2008 746 1 SC THZ Integrated Photonics for THz Applications Jifeng Liu (MIT Microphotonics Center)
12-Nov-2008 15:23:45 ET
07-Nov-2008 ET
2008 746 0 SC THZ Integrated Photonics for THz Applications Jifeng Liu (MIT Microphotonics Center)
07-Nov-2008 14:12:00 ET
19-Jan-2009 ET
2009 16 1 TG4e Supporting Joint EGTS Extension Jie She (SIMIT)
19-Jan-2009 10:51:30 ET
19-Jan-2009 ET
2009 16 0 TG4e Supporting Joint EGTS Extension Jie She (SIMIT)
19-Jan-2009 10:38:08 ET
15-Nov-2012 ET
2012 605 1 TG4k Proposed Resolution to CID 371 about phyMaxFrameDuration Jie Shen, Xiang Wang(Wuxi SensingNet)
15-Nov-2012 11:44:53 ET
12-Nov-2012 ET
2012 605 0 TG4k Proposed Resolution to CID 371 about phyMaxFrameDuration Jie Shen, Xiang Wang(Wuxi SensingNet)
12-Nov-2012 10:23:13 ET
06-Nov-2008 ET
2008 738 1 TG4e Typical Wireless Sensor Networks Application Jie Shen, Tao Xing, HaiTao Liu, Zhuang Zhao, Zhang Liang
06-Nov-2008 17:03:05 ET
01-Nov-2008 ET
2008 738 0 TG4e Typical Wireless Sensor Networks Application Jie Shen, Tao Xing, HaiTao Liu, Zhuang Zhao, Zhang Liang
01-Nov-2008 01:45:55 ET
17-Jul-2008 ET
2008 417 2 TG4e Supporting peer to peer and improving throughput by enhanced GTS Jie Shen , Daoyuan Yao, Tao Xing, Z.F Zhao, Hanlin Deng
17-Jul-2008 09:36:54 ET
13-Jul-2008 ET
2008 417 1 TG4e Supporting peer to peer and improving throughput by enhanced GTS Jie Shen , Daoyuan Yao, Tao Xing, Z.F Zhao, Hanlin Deng
13-Jul-2008 00:22:09 ET
07-Jul-2008 ET
2008 417 0 TG4e Supporting peer to peer and improving throughput by enhanced GTS Jie Shen , Daoyuan Yao, Tao Xing, Z.F Zhao, Hanlin Deng
07-Jul-2008 01:04:36 ET
04-Sep-2008 ET
2008 417 3 TG4e Supporting peer to peer and improving throughput by enhanced GTS Jie Shen , Daoyuan Yao, Tao Xing, Z.F Zhao,Haitao Liu
04-Sep-2008 18:12:49 ET
09-May-2008 ET
2008 267 0 TG4e Channel Hopping Over Superframe Jie Shen, Daoyuan Yao, Tao Xing, Liang Li
09-May-2008 17:12:26 ET
09-May-2008 ET
2008 268 0 TG4e Supporting Peer to Peer Communication and Improving Throughput by Enhancing GTS Jie Shen , Daoyuan Yao, Tao Xing, Liang Li
09-May-2008 17:28:37 ET
20-Jul-2011 ET
2011 530 0 SC WNG PTC Radio and System Architecture Jia-Ru Li (Lilee Systems)
20-Jul-2011 12:53:38 ET
04-Apr-2012 ET
2012 201 1 SG PTC Technical Considerations for PTC Wireless Communications Jiaru Li (Lilee Systems)
04-Apr-2012 12:51:09 ET
03-Apr-2012 ET
2012 201 0 SG PTC Technical Considerations for PTC Wireless Communications Jiaru Li (Lilee Systems)
04-Apr-2012 00:44:30 ET
11-Mar-2025 ET
2025 137 0 SC WNG Group Association for IEEE 802.15.4 Jianlin Guo, Pu (Perry) Wang, Takewa Tomoaki, et al (Mitsubishi Electric)
12-Mar-2025 07:12:29 ET
15-Sep-2017 ET
2017 522 2 SC WNG 802.11ah and IEEE 802.15.4g Coexistence Submission Jianlin Guo (Mitsubishi Electric)
15-Sep-2017 11:56:24 ET
12-Sep-2017 ET
2017 522 1 SC WNG 802.11ah and IEEE 802.15.4g Coexistence Submission Jianlin Guo (Mitsubishi Electric)
12-Sep-2017 18:01:15 ET
12-Sep-2017 ET
2017 522 0 SC WNG 802.11ah and IEEE 802.15.4g Coexistence Submission Jianlin Guo (Mitsubishi Electric)
12-Sep-2017 17:53:29 ET
13-May-2009 ET
2009 348 1 TG6 ETRI HBC PHY Proposal J.H. Hwang, Hyung-il Park, Tae-wook Kang, Tae-young Kang, Sung-weon Kang (ETRI)
13-May-2009 23:08:41 ET
04-May-2009 ET
2009 348 0 TG6 ETRI HBC PHY Proposal J.H. Hwang, Hyung-il Park, Tae-wook Kang, Tae-young Kang, Sung-weon Kang (ETRI)
04-May-2009 21:14:23 ET
30-Aug-2011 ET
2011 574 0 TG6 Proposed resolution for Clause 11 J.H.Hwang (ETRI) and S.H. Park (Samsung)
30-Aug-2011 06:19:22 ET
17-May-2010 ET
2010 307 0 SG LECIM Low Energy Critical Infrastructure Monitoring Application in China JF Luo, Y Yang, Y X Fu, J Shen, X Wang, X Tao, Haituo Liu, L Li(SIMIT, Vinno, Huawei)
17-May-2010 04:44:28 ET
15-Jul-2008 ET
2008 484 2 TG6 IEEE802.15 WiseMAC - HA : A Flexible, Scalable, Robust and Ultra Low Power Jerome Rouselot (CSEM)
15-Jul-2008 11:11:21 ET
11-Mar-2009 ET
2009 131 1 TG4g Design Considerations for the SUN Network Jeritt Kent (Analog Devices, Inc)
11-Mar-2009 20:57:57 ET
04-Mar-2009 ET
2009 131 0 TG4g Design Considerations for the SUN Network Jeritt Kent (Analog Devices, Inc)
11-Mar-2009 17:53:25 ET
15-Jul-2008 ET
2008 502 2 SG NAN PHY Considerations for Neighbourhood Area Networking Jeritt Kent (Analog Devices, Inc)
15-Jul-2008 20:22:19 ET
15-Jul-2008 ET
2008 502 1 SG NAN PHY Considerations for Neighbourhood Area Networking Jeritt Kent (Analog Devices, Inc)
15-Jul-2008 20:21:10 ET
15-Jul-2008 ET
2008 502 0 SG NAN PHY Considerations for Neighbourhood Area Networking Jeritt Kent (Analog Devices, Inc)
15-Jul-2008 17:09:15 ET
17-Mar-2010 ET
2010 137 1 TG4g FSK vs. GFSK In Practice Jeritt Kent (Analog Devices)
17-Mar-2010 14:16:05 ET
26-Feb-2010 ET
2010 137 0 TG4g FSK vs. GFSK In Practice Jeritt Kent (Analog Devices)
26-Feb-2010 20:04:38 ET
19-Sep-2011 ET
2011 648 0 TG4g Comment resolution for CID 129 and 130 Jeritt Kent (ADI)
19-Sep-2011 23:31:20 ET
18-Jan-2011 ET
2011 60 0 TG4g Resolution of some radio spec. comments Jeritt Kent (ADI)
18-Jan-2011 11:23:30 ET
16-Jul-2013 ET
2013 446 2 TG8 Technical Proposal for IEEE 802.15.8 Jeongseok Yu et al.(Chung-Ang University)
16-Jul-2013 10:29:24 ET
16-Sep-2013 ET
2013 488 1 TG8 Multi-hop multicast simulation result for PAC networks Jeongseok Yu et al. (Chung-Ang University)
16-Sep-2013 06:32:14 ET
27-Aug-2013 ET
2013 488 0 TG8 Multi-hop multicast simulation result for PAC networks Jeongseok Yu et al. (Chung-Ang University)
27-Aug-2013 06:46:04 ET
16-Jul-2013 ET
2013 387 2 TG8 Technical Proposal for IEEE 802.15.8 (ppt) Jeongseok Yu et al. (Chung-Ang University)
16-Jul-2013 11:09:50 ET
16-Jul-2013 ET
2013 387 1 TG8 Technical Proposal for IEEE 802.15.8 (ppt) Jeongseok Yu et al. (Chung-Ang University)
16-Jul-2013 10:11:17 ET
07-Jul-2013 ET
2013 388 0 TG8 Technical Proposal for IEEE 802.15.8 (doc) Jeongseok Yu et al. (Chung-Ang University)
07-Jul-2013 19:16:38 ET
07-Jul-2013 ET
2013 387 0 TG8 Technical Proposal for IEEE 802.15.8 (ppt) Jeongseok Yu et al. (Chung-Ang University)
07-Jul-2013 19:13:43 ET
03-Jun-2014 ET
2014 349 0 TG8 CAU Contribution Proposal for IEEE 802.15.8 (Doc.) Jeongseok Yu et. al. (Chung-Ang Univ.)
03-Jun-2014 09:05:22 ET
12-May-2014 ET
2014 253 4 TG8 Performance evaluation of CAU proposal Jeongseok Yu et. al. (Chung-Ang Univ.)
12-May-2014 20:47:23 ET
11-May-2014 ET
2014 253 3 TG8 Performance evaluation of CAU proposal Jeongseok Yu et. al. (Chung-Ang Univ.)
11-May-2014 13:12:55 ET
10-May-2014 ET
2014 253 2 TG8 Performance evaluation of CAU proposal Jeongseok Yu et. al. (Chung-Ang Univ.)
10-May-2014 01:23:04 ET
10-May-2014 ET
2014 253 1 TG8 Performance evaluation of CAU proposal Jeongseok Yu et. al. (Chung-Ang Univ.)
10-May-2014 01:16:28 ET
05-May-2014 ET
2014 253 0 TG8 Performance evaluation of CAU proposal Jeongseok Yu et. al. (Chung-Ang Univ.)
05-May-2014 10:01:48 ET
20-Mar-2014 ET
2014 200 0 TG8 Reply for MAC Technical Documents (CAU Proposal) Jeongseok Yu et al (Chung-ang Univ.)
20-Mar-2014 01:54:09 ET
20-Mar-2014 ET
2014 198 0 TG8 QoS for PAC networks Jeongseok Yu et al (Chung-ang Univ.)
20-Mar-2014 01:49:44 ET
20-Mar-2014 ET
2014 197 0 TG8 Reliable broadcast scheme for PAC networks Jeongseok Yu et al (Chung-ang Univ.)
20-Mar-2014 01:47:18 ET
17-Mar-2014 ET
2014 174 0 TG8 CAU Contribution Proposal for IEEE 802.15.8 (Short) Jeongseok Yu et al (Chung-ang Univ.)
17-Mar-2014 21:59:53 ET
12-Mar-2014 ET
2014 129 0 TG8 CAU Contribution Proposal for IEEE 802.15.8 Jeongseok Yu et al (Chung-ang Univ.)
12-Mar-2014 04:11:33 ET
14-Nov-2023 ET
2023 560 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) UWB Positioning in 15.6ma for Multiple BAN Adjacent Scenarios Jeong Gon Kim, Sung Hyun Oh (Tech Univ of Korea)
14-Nov-2023 14:55:33 ET
07-Nov-2023 ET
2023 560 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) UWB Positioning in 15.6ma for Multiple BAN Adjacent Scenarios Jeong Gon Kim, Sung Hyun Oh (Tech Univ of Korea)
07-Nov-2023 03:28:27 ET
11-Sep-2017 ET
2017 519 1 IG VAT Parking Assistance based on V2X and CamCom Technology Jeong Gon Kim
11-Sep-2017 21:50:48 ET
11-Sep-2017 ET
2017 519 0 IG VAT Parking Assistance based on V2X and CamCom Technology Jeong Gon Kim
11-Sep-2017 21:47:16 ET
18-Jan-2021 ET
2021 37 0 TG4 2020 Cor1 Candidates for SUN-OFDM PHR of New Low Rates Jeng-Shiann Jiang (Vertexcom)
18-Jan-2021 00:45:39 ET
11-Jan-2021 ET
2021 9 0 TG4 2020 Cor1 Correction of Mode Switch PHR Parity Formula Jeng-Shiann Jiang (Vertexcom)
11-Jan-2021 22:05:41 ET
15-Dec-2020 ET
2020 387 1 TG4 2020 Cor1 Resolutions for SUN-OFDM PHR of New Low Rate Jeng-Shiann Jiang (Vertexcom)
15-Dec-2020 07:00:25 ET
09-Dec-2020 ET
2020 387 0 TG4 2020 Cor1 Resolutions for SUN-OFDM PHR of New Low Rate Jeng-Shiann Jiang (Vertexcom)
09-Dec-2020 09:11:46 ET
09-Dec-2020 ET
2020 386 0 TG4 2020 Cor1 file:///Volumes/Disk1/Volumes/Disk1/Users/jsjiang/Downloads/Resolutions for SUN-OFDM PHR of New Low Rate Jeng-Shiann Jiang (Vertexcom)
09-Dec-2020 08:50:37 ET
09-Nov-2020 ET
2020 305 2 TG4 2020 Cor1 SUN-OFDM PHR MCS ambiguity problem and the resolution Jeng-Shiann Jiang (Vertexcom)
09-Nov-2020 11:22:04 ET
31-Oct-2020 ET
2020 305 1 TG4 2020 Cor1 SUN-OFDM PHR MCS ambiguity problem and the resolution Jeng-Shiann Jiang (Vertexcom)
31-Oct-2020 16:30:48 ET
31-Oct-2020 ET
2020 305 0 TG4 2020 Cor1 SUN-OFDM PHR MCS ambiguity problem and the resolution Jeng-Shiann Jiang (Vertexcom)
31-Oct-2020 07:54:40 ET
16-Jul-2013 ET
2013 446 1 TG8 Technical Proposal for IEEE 802.15.8 Jengseok Yu(Chung-ang University)
16-Jul-2013 10:25:12 ET
14-May-2008 ET
2008 365 1 TG6 Hearing Aids: Cutting Edge Technology, In An Ultra Constrained Environment Jeff Solum (Starkey Laboratories)
14-May-2008 23:10:33 ET
14-May-2008 ET
2008 365 0 TG6 Hearing Aids: Cutting Edge Technology, In An Ultra Constrained Environment Jeff Solum (Starkey Laboratories)
14-May-2008 14:47:01 ET
14-May-2008 ET
2008 356 0 SC WNG Potential Waiver and Rulemaking change to Part 15.247 Jeff Solum (Starkey)
14-May-2008 14:24:48 ET
08-Nov-2011 ET
2011 808 1 TG4e TG4e Minutes Atlanta Nov 2011 Jeff King (Elster Solutions)
08-Nov-2011 14:07:04 ET
05-Oct-2011 ET
2011 699 2 TG4e Resolution for 4g Subgroup Comments Jeff King (Elster Solutions)
05-Oct-2011 13:44:18 ET
28-Sep-2011 ET
2011 699 1 TG4e Resolution for 4g Subgroup Comments Jeff King (Elster Solutions)
28-Sep-2011 08:45:48 ET
22-Sep-2011 ET
2011 699 0 TG4e Resolution for 4g Subgroup Comments Jeff King (Elster Solutions)
22-Sep-2011 01:51:53 ET
20-Sep-2011 ET
2011 656 0 TG4e TG4e Minutes Okinawa Sept 2011 Jeff King (Elster Solutions)
20-Sep-2011 04:11:07 ET
10-Nov-2010 ET
2010 909 1 TG4e LB60 4g Comment Resolutions Jeff King (Elster)
10-Nov-2010 16:10:31 ET
10-Nov-2010 ET
2010 909 0 TG4e LB60 4g Comment Resolutions Jeff King (Elster)
10-Nov-2010 12:44:35 ET
18-Mar-2008 ET
2008 157 0 TG6 Motion capture for BAN Jean Schwoerer (France Telecom R&D - Orange)
18-Mar-2008 15:43:43 ET
02-May-2009 ET
2009 310 0 TG4g 15-09-0261-00-004-Coronis-FT-proposal-for-802-15-tg4-phy-amendment.doc Jean Schwoerer (France Telecom R&D) / John Rouse - Christophe Dugas (Coronis)
02-May-2009 18:04:23 ET
21-Sep-2011 ET
2011 605 1 TG4k Orange Elster FHSS proposal Jean Schwoerer (France Telecom); Nicolas Dejean (Elster)
21-Sep-2011 20:45:52 ET
16-Sep-2011 ET
2011 605 0 TG4k Orange Elster FHSS proposal Jean Schwoerer (France Telecom); Nicolas Dejean (Elster)
16-Sep-2011 13:05:21 ET
22-Jan-2009 ET
2009 42 1 TG4g Urban wireless sensor network Jean Schwoerer (France Telecom)
22-Jan-2009 20:52:21 ET
19-Jan-2009 ET
2009 42 0 TG4g Urban wireless sensor network Jean Schwoerer (France Telecom)
20-Jan-2009 12:00:19 ET
13-Oct-2021 ET
2021 530 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) DL-TDOA positioning TDMA scheme Jean-Marie Andre (ST), Sven Zeisberg (ZIGPOS)
19-Oct-2021 07:08:37 ET
14-Sep-2022 ET
2022 471 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Requirements for location tracking in dense environments Jean-Marie Andre (ST) - Sven Zeisberg (HTW Dresden) - Erik Mademann (Zigpos)
14-Sep-2022 11:44:18 ET
10-Sep-2022 ET
2022 471 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Requirements for location tracking in dense environments Jean-Marie Andre (ST) - Sven Zeisberg (HTW Dresden) - Erik Mademann (Zigpos)
10-Sep-2022 05:42:51 ET
16-Jan-2023 ET
2023 34 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) MAC evolution to support air time efficient multi-mode many-2-many ranging Jean-Marie Andre (ST microelectronics), Sven Zeisberg (ZIGPOS), Erik Mademann (ZIGPOS), Vincent van der Locht (SynchronicIT), Franz Lehman (TRUMPF)
16-Jan-2023 10:56:29 ET
15-Jan-2023 ET
2023 34 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) MAC evolution to support air time efficient multi-mode many-2-many ranging Jean-Marie Andre (ST microelectronics), Sven Zeisberg (ZIGPOS), Erik Mademann (ZIGPOS), Vincent van der Locht (SynchronicIT), Franz Lehman (TRUMPF)
15-Jan-2023 20:15:43 ET
24-Jan-2022 ET
2022 77 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TDMA scheme enabling industrial DL-TDoA and UL-TDoA scenarios Jean-Marie Andre (STmicroelectronics), Sven Zeisberg (HTW), Vincent van der Locht (SynchronicIT), Frank Stephan (ZIGPOS), Andreas Schumacher (TRUMPF)
24-Jan-2022 11:55:13 ET
17-Feb-2022 ET
2022 113 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Information Elements for efficient DL-TDoA Jean-Marie Andre (STmicroelectronics), Sven Zeisberg (HTW Dresden), Vincent van der Locht (SynchronicIT), Frank Stephan (ZIGPOS), Andreas Schumacher (TRUMPF)
22-Feb-2022 08:45:09 ET