19-Mar-2025 08:13:03 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
13-Nov-2018 ET
2018 546 3 IG DEP Update of UWB Radio Regulation in Japan Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC-Nippon)
13-Nov-2018 02:56:34 ET
13-Nov-2018 ET
2018 546 2 IG DEP Update of UWB Radio Regulation in Japan Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC-Nippon)
13-Nov-2018 01:38:39 ET
12-Nov-2018 ET
2018 546 1 IG DEP Update of UWB Radio Regulation in Japan Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC-Nippon)
12-Nov-2018 06:54:20 ET
12-Nov-2018 ET
2018 546 0 IG DEP Update of UWB Radio Regulation in Japan Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC-Nippon)
12-Nov-2018 02:52:35 ET
09-Jul-2017 ET
2017 373 0 SG LPWA Update on ETSI LTN Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
09-Jul-2017 13:09:08 ET
12-Nov-2009 ET
2009 745 0 TG7 update on FEC and CDR Sridhar Rajagopal et. al (Samsung Electronics)
12-Nov-2009 15:46:31 ET
14-May-2012 ET
2012 213 1 TG4k Update on Priority Access - Distribution of Priority Channel Access Slots over the Superframe Jussi Haapola (Centre for Wireless Communications)
14-May-2012 11:04:42 ET
22-Apr-2012 ET
2012 213 0 TG4k Update on Priority Access - Distribution of Priority Channel Access Slots over the Superframe Jussi Haapola (Centre for Wireless Communications)
23-Apr-2012 03:48:59 ET
10-Jul-2017 ET
2017 395 0 TG3d (100G) Update on Regulatory Progress above 275GHz Sebastian Rey, Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
11-Jul-2017 03:07:07 ET
01-Jul-2011 ET
2011 462 0 SC THZ Update on the Status of WRC 2012 Preparation Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
19-Jul-2011 12:47:06 ET
22-Sep-2009 ET
2009 635 1 TG7 Update on VLC Link Budget Work Roberts [Intel], Xu [UCR]
22-Sep-2009 23:10:31 ET
19-Sep-2009 ET
2009 635 0 TG7 Update on VLC Link Budget Work Roberts [Intel], Xu [UCR]
19-Sep-2009 12:42:29 ET
15-Jul-2009 ET
2009 479 2 TG4g Update Presentation Cristina Seibert (Silver Spring Networks)
15-Jul-2009 16:42:05 ET
15-Jul-2009 ET
2009 479 1 TG4g Update Presentation Cristina Seibert (Silver Spring Networks)
15-Jul-2009 16:29:07 ET
06-Jul-2009 ET
2009 479 0 TG4g Update Presentation Cristina Seibert (Silver Spring Networks)
07-Jul-2009 19:50:48 ET
06-Nov-2013 ET
2013 638 0 SGsru Update proposal on the draft 5C Masa Ariyoshi (ATR)
07-Nov-2013 03:20:20 ET
17-May-2023 ET
2023 236 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates for Multiple Transmission Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
17-May-2023 16:40:03 ET
15-May-2023 ET
2023 236 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates for Multiple Transmission Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
15-May-2023 15:07:30 ET
12-May-2023 ET
2023 236 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates for Multiple Transmission Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
12-May-2023 01:47:32 ET
09-May-2023 ET
2023 228 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates for Multiple Transmission Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
09-May-2023 06:54:51 ET
09-May-2023 ET
2023 228 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates for Multiple Transmission Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
09-May-2023 03:57:14 ET
17-Jan-2023 ET
2023 36 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates for the Multiple Transmission Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics), Kangjin Yoon (Meta)
17-Jan-2023 13:21:40 ET
16-Jan-2023 ET
2023 36 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates for the Multiple Transmission Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
16-Jan-2023 22:53:04 ET
16-Jan-2023 ET
2023 36 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates for the Multiple Transmission Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
16-Jan-2023 16:53:28 ET
15-Jan-2023 ET
2023 36 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates for the Multiple Transmission Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
15-Jan-2023 21:29:23 ET
13-Nov-2022 ET
2022 572 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates for the Multiple Transmissions in a Ranging Slot Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
13-Nov-2022 23:06:00 ET
11-Nov-2022 ET
2022 572 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates for the Multiple Transmissions in a Ranging Slot Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
11-Nov-2022 04:04:43 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 510 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates of AP formats Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So (Samsung Electronics) Lochan Verma, Alexander Krebs (Apple) Rojan Chitrakar (Huawei) Hong Won Lee (LG Electronics)
14-Sep-2023 05:31:56 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 510 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates of AP formats Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So (Samsung Electronics) Lochan Verma, Alexander Krebs (Apple) Rojan Chitrakar (Huawei) Hong Won Lee (LG Electronics)
13-Sep-2023 14:02:35 ET
16-Sep-2014 ET
2014 554 0 TG8 Updates on Fully Distributed Synchronization Scheme for PAC Byung-Jae Kwak (ETRI)
16-Sep-2014 02:11:42 ET
13-Sep-2022 ET
2022 493 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates on Narrowband Channel Allocation and Access Alexander Krebs, Yong Liu, Lochan Verma, Jinjing Jiang, SK Yong (Apple)
13-Sep-2022 19:19:42 ET
13-Sep-2022 ET
2022 493 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates on Narrowband Channel Allocation and Access Alexander Krebs, Yong Liu, Lochan Verma, Jinjing Jiang, SK Yong (Apple)
13-Sep-2022 19:18:13 ET
13-Sep-2022 ET
2022 493 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates on Narrowband Channel Allocation and Access Alexander Krebs, Yong Liu, Lochan Verma, Jinjing Jiang, SK Yong (Apple)
13-Sep-2022 14:32:31 ET
16-Jul-2015 ET
2015 582 0 TG8 Updates on the random access scheme for PAC with simulations Byung-Jae Kwak (ETRI)
16-Jul-2015 16:32:26 ET
21-Jul-2011 ET
2011 518 1 SC THZ Updates on THz Amplifiers and Transceiver Architecture Young-Chai Ko, Sanggeun Jeon (Korea University)
21-Jul-2011 10:28:32 ET
19-Jul-2011 ET
2011 518 0 SC THZ Updates on THz Amplifiers and Transceiver Architecture Young-Chai Ko, Sanggeun Jeon (Korea University)
19-Jul-2011 22:46:12 ET
18-Jan-2023 ET
2023 67 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates on UWB Channel Usage Coordination Mingyu LEE, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So [Samsung] Lochan Verma [Apple]
18-Jan-2023 09:08:59 ET
15-Mar-2023 ET
2023 173 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates on UWB Discovery and Association Kangjin Yoon (Meta), Lei Huang (Huawei)
15-Mar-2023 15:44:26 ET
14-Mar-2023 ET
2023 173 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates on UWB Discovery and Association Kangjin Yoon (Meta), Lei Huang (Huawei)
14-Mar-2023 16:26:26 ET
13-Mar-2023 ET
2023 150 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates regarding Coordination in NBA-UWB-Ranging TFD Mingyu LEE, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Clint Chaplin (Samsung)
13-Mar-2023 11:29:29 ET
18-May-2010 ET
2010 338 0 TG6 Updates to NB PHY draft text Mark Dawkins (Toumaz Technology)
19-May-2010 00:41:34 ET
01-Aug-2023 ET
2023 437 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates to using non-sensing transmissions for sensing Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan, Mingyu Lee (Samsung)
01-Aug-2023 10:23:03 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2005 601 0 TG3c Update To 60 Ghz Channel Modeling Work Using Ibm Measurement Set N/A
30-Sep-2005 00:00:00 ET
26-Sep-2013 ET
2013 599 0 TG4p Update to IEEE RTSC Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
26-Sep-2013 13:40:53 ET
15-Mar-2023 ET
2023 179 0 SC WNG Update to India Sub-1GHz spectrum regulation Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance)
15-Mar-2023 10:23:29 ET
19-May-2010 ET
2010 345 0 TG6 Update to Narrowband PHY TG6 Draft Anuj Batra et al. (TI et al.)
19-May-2010 05:14:37 ET
19-Dec-2016 ET
2016 867 0 TG8 Update to RX frame handling and acknowledgement text Billy Verso (Decawave)
19-Dec-2016 10:26:10 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 251 0 TG4a Update Uwb Refgulation In Europe N/A
16-May-2006 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2005 567 0 TG3c Update Wcai And Fcc N/A
21-Sep-2005 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2005 659 0 TG3c Update Wca Petition To Change Fcc Regulations Governing Unlicensed Band 57 64 Ghz N/A
15-Nov-2005 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2005 672 0 TG3c Update Wca Petition To Change Fcc Regulations Governing Unlicensed Band 57 64 Ghz Rev1 N/A
15-Nov-2005 00:00:00 ET
14-May-2015 ET
2015 427 0 TG7a (OCC) Updating 15.7 security Robert Moskowitz (HTT Consulting)
14-May-2015 11:55:53 ET
13-May-2013 ET
2013 302 0 WG15 Updating 802.15 WPAN to Fit Its Modern Role Jon Adams (Lilee Systems)
13-May-2013 20:27:21 ET
19-Apr-2021 ET
2021 215 0 TG15 (NB-AHN) Up to date PICS table for 802.15.4 Tero Kivinen (Self)
19-Apr-2021 11:41:49 ET
22-Jan-2009 ET
2009 42 1 TG4g Urban wireless sensor network Jean Schwoerer (France Telecom)
22-Jan-2009 20:52:21 ET
19-Jan-2009 ET
2009 42 0 TG4g Urban wireless sensor network Jean Schwoerer (France Telecom)
20-Jan-2009 12:00:19 ET
08-Nov-2011 ET
2011 741 4 SC WNG Usage Cases for Peer Aware Communications Sunggeun Jin (ETRI) and Jinkyeong Kim (ETRI)
08-Nov-2011 08:39:18 ET
08-Nov-2011 ET
2011 741 3 SC WNG Usage Cases for Peer Aware Communications Sunggeun Jin (ETRI) and Jinkyeong Kim (ETRI)
08-Nov-2011 08:34:27 ET
08-Nov-2011 ET
2011 741 2 SC WNG Usage Cases for Peer Aware Communications Sunggeun Jin (ETRI) and Jinkyeong Kim (ETRI)
08-Nov-2011 07:44:16 ET
08-Nov-2011 ET
2011 741 1 SC WNG Usage Cases for Peer Aware Communications Sunggeun Jin (ETRI) and Jinkyeong Kim (ETRI)
08-Nov-2011 07:39:00 ET
23-Oct-2011 ET
2011 741 0 SC WNG Usage Cases for Peer Aware Communications Sunggeun Jin (ETRI) and Jinkyeong Kim (ETRI)
23-Oct-2011 08:39:06 ET
06-Mar-2011 ET
2011 171 0 SG 4TV Usage Model and System Design Considerations for Low Rate WPAN Operating in TV White Space Chin-Sean Sum (NICT)
06-Mar-2011 21:12:14 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 399 1 TG3c Usage Model Document Comments Final Draft Bosco N/A
18-Sep-2006 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 399 0 TG3c Usage Model Document Comments Final Draft Bosco N/A
18-Sep-2006 00:00:00 ET
11-May-2011 ET
2011 406 1 SG PSC Usage Models for Personal Space Communications Yongsuk Kim (Samsung Electronics)
11-May-2011 20:22:10 ET
11-May-2011 ET
2011 406 0 SG PSC Usage Models for Personal Space Communications Yongsuk Kim (Samsung Electronics)
11-May-2011 16:50:22 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 291 2 TG3c Usage Models Short Range Line Sight Los Applications N/A
19-Jul-2006 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 291 1 TG3c Usage Models Short Range Line Sight Los Applications N/A
18-Jul-2006 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 291 0 TG3c Usage Models Short Range Line Sight Los Applications N/A
27-Jun-2006 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 146 5 TG3c Usage Model Status Report N/A
14-Nov-2006 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 146 4 TG3c Usage Model Status Report N/A
19-Sep-2006 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 146 3 TG3c Usage Model Status Report N/A
19-Jul-2006 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 146 2 TG3c Usage Model Status Report N/A
18-May-2006 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 146 1 TG3c Usage Model Status Report N/A
07-Mar-2006 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 146 0 TG3c Usage Model Status Report N/A
07-Mar-2006 00:00:00 ET
11-Jan-2013 ET
2013 19 0 TG8 Usage of 700 MHz band for public safety in USA Marco Hernandez (NICT)
11-Jan-2013 06:18:01 ET
12-Jul-2010 ET
2010 529 0 SG LECIM Use Case: Distribution Grid and Substation Monitoring Mike Calcagno (Sempra Energy)
12-Jul-2010 12:46:29 ET
07-Sep-2017 ET
2017 498 0 SG LPWA Use Case Evaluation of Connectivitiy Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
07-Sep-2017 10:31:25 ET
07-Sep-2017 ET
2017 497 0 SG LPWA Use Case Evaluation of FEC Schemes Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
07-Sep-2017 10:30:13 ET
10-Sep-2017 ET
2017 499 1 SG LPWA Use Case Evaluation of IEEE Standards Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
10-Sep-2017 21:55:13 ET
07-Sep-2017 ET
2017 499 0 SG LPWA Use Case Evaluation of IEEE Standards Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
07-Sep-2017 10:32:58 ET
07-Sep-2017 ET
2017 496 0 SG LPWA Use Case Evaluation of MAC Schemes Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
07-Sep-2017 10:29:21 ET
07-Sep-2017 ET
2017 495 0 SG LPWA use Case Evaluation of Modulation Schemes Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
07-Sep-2017 10:28:24 ET
07-Sep-2017 ET
2017 494 0 SG LPWA Use Case Evaluation of Network Toplogies Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
07-Sep-2017 10:27:25 ET
04-Jun-2020 ET
2020 145 0 IG JRE Use case for JRE Kiyoshi Fukui (OKI)
04-Jun-2020 09:14:06 ET
15-Dec-2020 ET
2020 390 0 SC WNG Use case for next-gen Carlos Aldana (Facebook),
15-Dec-2020 01:54:41 ET
13-Sep-2022 ET
2022 465 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Usecase for the Multiple Transmissions in A Ranging Slot Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
13-Sep-2022 03:43:29 ET
10-Sep-2022 ET
2022 465 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Usecase for the Multiple Transmissions in A Ranging Slot Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
10-Sep-2022 21:21:42 ET
09-Sep-2022 ET
2022 465 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Usecase for the Multiple Transmissions in A Ranging Slot Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
09-Sep-2022 03:47:40 ET
07-Mar-2015 ET
2015 177 0 TG4s Use case proposal for Technical Guidance Document Hidetoshi Yokota (Landis&Gyr)
07-Mar-2015 12:47:12 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 272 0 TG8 Use cases and Applications for PAC Eldad Zeira, Qing Li (Interdigital)
16-May-2012 12:06:50 ET
15-Jul-2013 ET
2013 416 0 IG DEP Use Cases and Applications of Dependable Wireless M2M and BAN of Things Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC-Nippon)
15-Jul-2013 08:43:59 ET
18-Jan-2017 ET
2017 61 0 IG VAT Use Cases and Functional Requirements for IEEE 802.15 Vehicular Assistant Technology (VAT) IG Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
18-Jan-2017 07:48:53 ET
07-Nov-2011 ET
2011 744 1 SC WNG Use Cases and Market Potential of PAC Seung-Hoon Park et. al. (Samsung Electronics)
07-Nov-2011 16:53:29 ET
24-Oct-2011 ET
2011 744 0 SC WNG Use Cases and Market Potential of PAC Seung-Hoon Park et. al. (Samsung Electronics)
24-Oct-2011 21:57:44 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2007 653 0 SG BAN Use Cases And Scenarios In Magnet Beyond System N/A
14-Mar-2007 00:00:00 ET
06-Nov-2016 ET
2016 771 0 SG LPWA Use-Cases and Technical Requirements for LPWA Networks Joerg Robert (University Erlangen-Nuernberg)
06-Nov-2016 16:33:52 ET
17-Mar-2014 ET
2014 163 0 IG DEP Use Cases and Technologies of Dependable Wireless M2M and BAN Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC-Nippon)
17-Mar-2014 01:46:28 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2007 564 0 SG BAN Usecases Apps Reqs N/A
16-Jan-2007 00:00:00 ET
24-Jan-2022 ET
2022 79 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Use Cases document Marco Hernandez, Takumi Kobayashi, Minsoo Kim, Ryuji Kohno (YRP-IAI, YNU)
24-Jan-2022 11:36:30 ET