19-Mar-2025 06:18:59 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
31-Jul-2023 ET
2023 436 0 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) P802.15.4ad Draft PAR on SUN PHYs Joerg Robert (TU Ilmenau / Fraunhofer IIS)
31-Jul-2023 11:38:30 ET
01-Aug-2023 ET
2023 437 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates to using non-sensing transmissions for sensing Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan, Mingyu Lee (Samsung)
01-Aug-2023 10:23:03 ET
25-Jul-2023 ET
2023 374 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Status of draft Billy Verso (Qorvo)
02-Aug-2023 01:26:55 ET
02-Aug-2023 ET
2023 428 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab agenda and meeting slides July 25 thru Sept 5 2023 Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
02-Aug-2023 01:57:50 ET
03-Aug-2023 ET
2023 438 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for CIR report for non-sensing transmission Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan, Mingyu Lee (Samsung)
03-Aug-2023 06:32:37 ET
04-Aug-2023 ET
2022 643 24 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend Direct Peer to Peer Vishal Kalkundrikar (Ondas)
04-Aug-2023 11:28:07 ET
04-Aug-2023 ET
2023 424 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab-CC-Agenda-Jul-Sep Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
04-Aug-2023 16:10:29 ET
04-Aug-2023 ET
2023 428 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab agenda and meeting slides July 25 thru Sept 5 2023 Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
04-Aug-2023 16:22:24 ET
08-Aug-2023 ET
2023 440 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Considerations on CIR report for non-sensing transmission Bin Qian (Huawei)
08-Aug-2023 05:15:56 ET
08-Aug-2023 ET
2023 440 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Considerations on CIR report for non-sensing transmission Bin Qian (Huawei)
08-Aug-2023 08:50:22 ET
08-Aug-2023 ET
2023 374 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Status of draft Billy Verso (Qorvo)
08-Aug-2023 09:32:22 ET
25-Jul-2023 ET
2023 429 0 WG15 September-2023-802-15-Mtg-Graphic Clint Powell (HID Global)
09-Aug-2023 19:37:24 ET
25-Jul-2023 ET
2023 430 0 WG15 September-2023-802-15-Agenda Clint Powell (HID Global)
09-Aug-2023 19:38:05 ET
25-Jul-2023 ET
2023 431 0 WG15 September-2023-802-15-Opening-Report Clint Powell (HID Global)
09-Aug-2023 19:40:15 ET
25-Jul-2023 ET
2023 432 0 WG15 September 2023 WG15 Ad-Hoc Collaboration Rm Schedule Clint Powell (HID Global)
09-Aug-2023 19:41:20 ET
10-Aug-2023 ET
2023 443 0 WG15 2023 July GEPS Seminar on 802.15 & UWB - Final Clint Powell (HID Global)
10-Aug-2023 12:11:36 ET
09-Aug-2023 ET
2023 441 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab Agenda September 2023 Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
10-Aug-2023 22:44:41 ET
11-Aug-2023 ET
2023 444 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend 802.16t PtMP Security Changes Ondas
11-Aug-2023 10:23:59 ET
09-Aug-2023 ET
2023 442 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG15.6ma(Revision of IEEE802.15.6-2012 with Enhanced Dependability) September Meeting Agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
14-Aug-2023 11:05:44 ET
14-Aug-2023 ET
2023 374 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Status of draft Billy Verso (Qorvo)
14-Aug-2023 16:49:45 ET
15-Aug-2023 ET
2023 446 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab_PreBallot_Comment_Entry_Form Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
15-Aug-2023 18:11:43 ET
15-Aug-2023 ET
2023 424 4 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab-CC-Agenda-Jul-Sep Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
15-Aug-2023 19:35:17 ET
15-Aug-2023 ET
2023 428 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab agenda and meeting slides July 25 thru Sept 5 2023 Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
15-Aug-2023 22:07:10 ET
19-Aug-2023 ET
2023 447 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend Sept-2023-TG16t-Meeting-Agenda-and-Presentation Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
19-Aug-2023 13:23:14 ET
23-Aug-2023 ET
2023 321 1 WG15 802.15 WG & CAC Minutes July 2023 Hybrid Plenary Ann Krieger (U.S. DoD)
23-Aug-2023 14:17:26 ET
24-Aug-2023 ET
2023 424 5 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab-CC-Agenda-Jul-Sep Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
24-Aug-2023 23:02:31 ET
25-Aug-2023 ET
2023 386 1 TG4me (REVISION) September, 2023 IEEE 802.15.4me Plenary Agenda and Closing Gary Stuebing - Cisco
25-Aug-2023 09:23:06 ET
26-Aug-2023 ET
2023 448 0 TG4ac (PRIVACY) September Opening and closing Tero Kivinen (Self)
26-Aug-2023 16:26:58 ET
27-Aug-2023 ET
2023 449 0 TG7a (OCC) 15.7a Higher Rate, Longer Range OCC TG Sept Agenda Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
27-Aug-2023 02:48:57 ET
27-Aug-2023 ET
2023 450 0 SC MAINTENANCE SCM Agenda, Opening and Closing Report Interim Sept 2023 Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance)
28-Aug-2023 04:00:24 ET
28-Aug-2023 ET
2023 451 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Suggested text for CIR report for non-sensing transmission Bin Qian, Chenchen Liu, Lei Huang, Xiaohui Peng, David Xun Yang (Huawei Technologies), Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan, Mingyu Lee (Samsung Electronics), Frank Leong (NXP)
28-Aug-2023 06:44:55 ET
29-Aug-2023 ET
2023 430 1 WG15 September-2023-802-15-Agenda Clint Powell (HID Global)
29-Aug-2023 20:00:06 ET
29-Aug-2023 ET
2023 431 1 WG15 September-2023-802-15-Opening-Report Clint Powell (HID Global)
29-Aug-2023 20:00:41 ET
29-Aug-2023 ET
2023 429 1 WG15 September-2023-802-15-Mtg-Graphic Clint Powell (HID Global)
29-Aug-2023 20:01:23 ET
29-Aug-2023 ET
2023 432 1 WG15 September 2023 WG15 Ad-Hoc Collaboration Rm Schedule Clint Powell (HID Global)
29-Aug-2023 20:01:55 ET
29-Aug-2023 ET
2023 452 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Coexistence Assessment Document Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
29-Aug-2023 21:38:28 ET
30-Aug-2023 ET
2023 453 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Draft PAR 802.1ACea: Amendment to IEEE Standard 802.1AC-2016 Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno (YRP-IAI, CWC Oulu Univ.,YNU)
30-Aug-2023 03:55:39 ET
30-Aug-2023 ET
2023 454 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Draft CSD 802.1ACea: Amendment to IEEE Standard 802.1AC-2016 Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno (YRP-IAI, CWC Oulu Univ.,YNU)
30-Aug-2023 03:57:33 ET
31-Aug-2023 ET
2023 455 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Overview of Activity of IEEE802.15 TG15.6ma for Revision of IEEE802.15.6-2012 Wireless BAN with Enhanced Dependability Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
31-Aug-2023 10:34:25 ET
31-Aug-2023 ET
2023 442 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG15.6ma(Revision of IEEE802.15.6-2012 with Enhanced Dependability) September Meeting Agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
31-Aug-2023 11:20:28 ET
31-Aug-2023 ET
2023 456 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend tg16t-preballot-comment-entry-form Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
31-Aug-2023 13:29:03 ET
01-Sep-2023 ET
2023 453 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Draft PAR 802.1ACea: Amendment to IEEE Standard 802.1AC-2016 Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno (YRP-IAI, CWC Oulu Univ.,YNU)
01-Sep-2023 01:57:38 ET
01-Sep-2023 ET
2023 454 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Draft CSD 802.1ACea: Amendment to IEEE Standard 802.1AC-2016 Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno (YRP-IAI, CWC Oulu Univ.,YNU)
01-Sep-2023 01:58:03 ET
04-Sep-2023 ET
2023 457 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG15.6ma preballot comment entry form Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
04-Sep-2023 00:38:54 ET
04-Sep-2023 ET
2023 442 2 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG15.6ma(Revision of IEEE802.15.6-2012 with Enhanced Dependability) September Meeting Agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
04-Sep-2023 11:26:15 ET
05-Sep-2023 ET
2023 424 6 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab-CC-Agenda-Jul-Sep Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
05-Sep-2023 00:05:51 ET
05-Sep-2023 ET
2023 441 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab Agenda September 2023 Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
05-Sep-2023 00:14:23 ET
05-Sep-2023 ET
2023 374 4 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Status of draft Billy Verso (Qorvo)
05-Sep-2023 08:39:00 ET
05-Sep-2023 ET
2022 519 4 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG6ma Channel Model Document for Enhanced Dependability Takumi Kobayashi, Kamuran Sayrafian, Marco Hernandez, Minsoo Kim, Ryuji Kohno (YNU/YRP-IAI, NIST, NITech, CWC))
05-Sep-2023 09:46:12 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 216 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Secured compressed frames for MMS ranging Rojan Chitrakar (Huawei)
08-Sep-2023 05:20:48 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 335 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text proposal for 15.4ab Secure compressed PSDU Rojan Chitrakar (Huawei)
08-Sep-2023 05:22:37 ET
06-Aug-2023 ET
2023 439 0 WG15 802.18 to 802.15 liaison report - September 2023 Edward Au (Huawei)
08-Sep-2023 15:09:26 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 461 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Further considerations on frequency stitching and CIR reports Bin Qian (Huawei)
08-Sep-2023 21:45:10 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 462 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Proposed updates for 10.36 Bin Qian (Huawei)
08-Sep-2023 21:46:40 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 463 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Proposed updates for frequency stitching parameters field Bin Qian (Huawei)
08-Sep-2023 21:47:06 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 464 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Proposed updates for section 16 Bin Qian (Huawei)
08-Sep-2023 21:47:29 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 451 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Suggested text for CIR report for non-sensing transmission Bin Qian, Chenchen Liu, Lei Huang, Xiaohui Peng, David Xun Yang (Huawei Technologies), Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan, Mingyu Lee (Samsung Electronics), Frank Leong (NXP)
08-Sep-2023 21:51:53 ET
09-Sep-2023 ET
2023 470 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Comments to 4ab Draft Spec Xiliang Luo, Vinod Kristem, Moche Cohen (Apple)
09-Sep-2023 19:52:03 ET
07-Sep-2023 ET
2023 459 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab Conf Call Mins Jul to Sep 2023 David Xun Yang (Huawei)
09-Sep-2023 20:50:40 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 467 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Best Practices for Getting 4ab Draft-0 Ready Xiliang Luo, Vinod Kristem, Moche Cohen (Apple)
09-Sep-2023 21:00:57 ET
09-Sep-2023 ET
2023 469 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG15.6ma Opening Information for September 2023 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
09-Sep-2023 21:34:33 ET
09-Sep-2023 ET
2023 455 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Overview of Activity of IEEE802.15 TG15.6ma for Revision of IEEE802.15.6-2012 Wireless BAN with Enhanced Dependability Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
09-Sep-2023 21:47:50 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 460 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Clarification of NB CCA for UWB channel access Huan-Bang Li, Takeshi Matsumura (NICT)
09-Sep-2023 22:35:31 ET
10-Sep-2023 ET
2023 400 1 TG4me (REVISION) IEEE 802.15.4me Project Task List Gary Stuebing - Cisco
10-Sep-2023 09:55:37 ET
10-Sep-2023 ET
2023 471 0 TG4me (REVISION) Voter Tally for IEEE SA 802.15.4me Gary Stuebing
10-Sep-2023 10:23:24 ET
10-Sep-2023 ET
2023 386 2 TG4me (REVISION) September, 2023 IEEE 802.15.4me Plenary Agenda and Closing Gary Stuebing - Cisco
10-Sep-2023 10:44:03 ET
10-Sep-2023 ET
2023 439 1 WG15 802.18 to 802.15 liaison report - September 2023 Edward Au (Huawei)
10-Sep-2023 16:27:52 ET
13-Aug-2023 ET
2023 445 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG15.6ma Opening Information for September 2023 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
10-Sep-2023 17:23:53 ET
10-Sep-2023 ET
2023 469 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG15.6ma Opening Information for September 2023 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
10-Sep-2023 17:37:25 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 468 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for UWB only MMS ranging Carl Murray, Jarek Niewczas, Igor Dotlic, Billy Verso, Michael McLaughlin (Qorvo)
10-Sep-2023 21:08:47 ET
10-Sep-2023 ET
2023 442 3 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG15.6ma(Revision of IEEE802.15.6-2012 with Enhanced Dependability) September Meeting Agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
10-Sep-2023 21:40:30 ET
10-Sep-2023 ET
2023 475 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) CC Consolidated Comments Clint Chaplin (SRA)
10-Sep-2023 22:06:18 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 34 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) MAC evolution to support air time efficient multi-mode many-2-many ranging Jean-Marie Andre (ST microelectronics), Mickael Maman (ST microelectronics), Sven Zeisberg (ZIGPOS), Erik Mademann (ZIGPOS), Frank Stephan (Zigpos)Vincent van der Locht (SynchronicIT), Franz Lehman (TRUMPF)
11-Sep-2023 03:43:01 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 360 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG6ma draft action items Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno, Takumi Kobayashi, Daisuke Anzai, Minsoo Kim (YRP-IAI, CWC Oulu Univ., YNU, Nagoya I.T.)
11-Sep-2023 04:31:01 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 361 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG6ma Timeline Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno, Takumi Kobayashi, Daisuke Anzai, Minsoo Kim (YRP-IAI, CWC Oulu Univ., YNU, Nagoya I.T.)
11-Sep-2023 04:31:43 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 476 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Comment-Resolution Database for Pre-Ballot WG Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno (YRP-IAI, Japan; CWC, Oulu Univ. Finland, YNU, Japan)
11-Sep-2023 04:34:32 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 449 1 TG7a (OCC) 15.7a Higher Rate, Longer Range OCC TG Sept Agenda Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
11-Sep-2023 06:55:08 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 478 0 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) IG-SUN PHY Next_Sep_23 Thomas Almholt (Texas Instruments)
11-Sep-2023 07:55:02 ET
05-Sep-2023 ET
2023 428 4 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab agenda and meeting slides July 25 thru Sept 5 2023 Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
11-Sep-2023 08:45:48 ET
04-Sep-2023 ET
2023 458 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Sept 5 meeting slides Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
11-Sep-2023 08:46:37 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 441 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab Agenda September 2023 Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
11-Sep-2023 09:15:45 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 465 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Refinements on the CIR Report field of AC IE Chenchen LIU(Huawei)
11-Sep-2023 09:19:01 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 386 3 TG4me (REVISION) September, 2023 IEEE 802.15.4me Plenary Agenda and Closing Gary Stuebing - Cisco
11-Sep-2023 09:19:12 ET
08-Sep-2023 ET
2023 466 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Proposed draft text for the CIR Report field of AC IE Chenchen LIU(Huawei)
11-Sep-2023 09:19:46 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 386 4 TG4me (REVISION) September, 2023 IEEE 802.15.4me Plenary Agenda and Closing Gary Stuebing - Cisco
11-Sep-2023 09:23:21 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 479 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) September 2023 Meeting Slides Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
11-Sep-2023 10:34:32 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 480 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) MMS with UWB. Up to 20 x LOS range. Michael McLaughlin(Qorvo)
11-Sep-2023 10:36:09 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 448 1 TG4ac (PRIVACY) September Opening and closing Tero Kivinen (Self)
11-Sep-2023 10:36:50 ET
23-Jul-2023 ET
2023 426 0 SC MAINTENANCE Consolidated letter ballot comments template Tero Kivinen (self)
11-Sep-2023 10:57:27 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 360 2 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG6ma draft action items Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno, Takumi Kobayashi, Daisuke Anzai, Minsoo Kim (YRP-IAI, CWC Oulu Univ., YNU, Nagoya I.T.)
11-Sep-2023 11:01:04 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 477 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) preballot comment DraftB Vinod Kristem, Xiliang Luo, Moche Cohen (Apple)
11-Sep-2023 11:17:41 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 481 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Resolution proposal for compressed PSDU coexistence Alexander Krebs, Moche Cohen, Jinjing Jiang (Apple), Rojan Chitrakar, Lei Huang, Bin Qian, David Xun Yang (Huawei Technologies), Hong Won Lee, Insun Jang, Jinsoo Choi, HanGyu Cho (LG Electronics), Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So (Samsung Electronics), Bin Tian, Pooria Pakrooh (Qualcomm)
11-Sep-2023 11:22:05 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 83 5 SC MAINTENANCE Project task list Tero Kivinen (self)
11-Sep-2023 11:35:59 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 441 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab Agenda September 2023 Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
11-Sep-2023 11:43:18 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 482 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Resolution Proposals Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So (Samsung Electronics)
11-Sep-2023 13:21:14 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 483 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Comments on Draft B Mingyu LEE, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So (Samsung Electronics)
11-Sep-2023 13:26:21 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 470 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Comments to 4ab Draft Spec Xiliang Luo, Vinod Kristem, Moche Cohen (Apple)
11-Sep-2023 13:40:41 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 429 2 WG15 September-2023-802-15-Mtg-Graphic Clint Powell (HID Global)
11-Sep-2023 14:11:34 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 430 2 WG15 September-2023-802-15-Agenda Clint Powell (HID Global)
11-Sep-2023 14:13:43 ET
11-Sep-2023 ET
2023 441 4 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG4ab Agenda September 2023 Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
11-Sep-2023 14:25:39 ET