28-Mar-2025 17:01:25 ET
IEEE 802 Whitespace SG Documents
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
16-Mar-2009 ET
2009 63 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Unapproved Minutes of the IEEE 802 TVWS ECSG Face-to-Face Meeting March 2009 Nancy Bravin (self)
16-Mar-2009 00:49:43 ET
15-Mar-2009 ET
2009 27 3 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes of the IEEE 802 TVWS ECSG Face-to-Face Meeting January 2009 Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
15-Mar-2009 23:05:08 ET
13-Mar-2009 ET
2009 62 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace ECSG's Chairs' report to the EC Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
13-Mar-2009 04:29:23 ET
12-Mar-2009 ET
2009 49 5 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Agenda for March 2009 Plenary meetings Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
12-Mar-2009 18:50:33 ET
12-Mar-2009 ET
2009 49 4 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Agenda for March 2009 Plenary meetings Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
12-Mar-2009 13:19:07 ET
12-Mar-2009 ET
2009 61 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Secure Datastore Architectural Concepts Richard Paine (Self)
12-Mar-2009 08:56:22 ET
11-Mar-2009 ET
2009 60 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace WS Cross 802 Interface Requirements for Upper Layers Richard Paine (self)
11-Mar-2009 14:10:34 ET
11-Mar-2009 ET
2009 32 4 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace 802.21 Media Independent Coexistence Juan Carlos Zuniga, Joseph Kwak (InterDigital)
11-Mar-2009 12:39:13 ET
11-Mar-2009 ET
2009 59 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace IEEE P1900.4 vs IEEE 802.21 Paul Houze (France Telecom)
11-Mar-2009 12:22:25 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 58 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace 802-22 Presentation to ECSG Gerald Chouinard
10-Mar-2009 22:23:14 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 40 5 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Tutorial Material Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm), Juan Carlos Zuniga (InterDigital), Mariana Goldhamer (Alvarion) and Wendong Hu (STMicro)
10-Mar-2009 19:37:32 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 32 3 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace 802.21 Media Independent Coexistence Juan Carlos Zuniga, Joseph Kwak (InterDigital)
10-Mar-2009 19:27:47 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 57 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace IEEE SCC41 Standards for Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Hiroshi Harada (NICT), Paul Houze (France Telecom), Lynn Grande (General Dynamics C4 systems), Klaus Moessner (Univ. of Surrey)
10-Mar-2009 18:34:35 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 48 5 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Regulatory Tutorial Material Stephen G. Rayment (BelAir Networks)
10-Mar-2009 18:07:47 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 46 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Whitespace 802 Common Functions Richard Paine (Self)
10-Mar-2009 17:53:24 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 40 4 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Tutorial Material Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm), Juan Carlos Zuniga (InterDigital), Mariana Goldhamer (Alvarion) and Wendong Hu (STMicro)
10-Mar-2009 17:46:23 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 57 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace IEEE SCC41 Standards for Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks Hiroshi Harada (NICT), Paul Houze (France Telecom), Lynn Grande (General Dynamics C4 systems), Klaus Moessner (Univ. of Surrey)
10-Mar-2009 17:43:24 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 45 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Security Tutorial Material Alex Reznik (InterDigital); Ranga Reddy (US Army); Michael Williams (Nokia); Richard Paine (self)
10-Mar-2009 14:53:51 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 56 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Contribution on Location Privacy Paul Lambert (Marvell)
10-Mar-2009 11:14:12 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 49 3 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Agenda for March 2009 Plenary meetings Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
10-Mar-2009 10:37:00 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 52 4 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Potential recommendations of the TV Whitespace ECSG Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
10-Mar-2009 10:34:29 ET
10-Mar-2009 ET
2009 55 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace TV Whitespace Tutorial Intro Matthew Sherman, BAE Systems
10-Mar-2009 02:28:10 ET
09-Mar-2009 ET
2009 26 6 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Security Ad-Hoc Report Draft Alex Reznik (InterDigital); Ranga Reddy (US Army); Michael Williams (Nokia); Richard Paine (self); Paul Lambert (Marvell)
09-Mar-2009 19:34:12 ET
09-Mar-2009 ET
2009 39 3 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Tutorial draft: TVBD common functions across IEEE 802 Mariana Goldhamer (Alvarion)
09-Mar-2009 18:33:29 ET
09-Mar-2009 ET
2009 32 2 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace 802.21 Media Independent Coexistence Juan Carlos Zuniga, Joseph Kwak (InterDigital)
09-Mar-2009 16:53:05 ET
09-Mar-2009 ET
2009 48 4 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Regulatory Tutorial Material Stephen G. Rayment (BelAir Networks)
09-Mar-2009 16:47:03 ET
09-Mar-2009 ET
2009 52 3 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Potential recommendations of the TV Whitespace ECSG Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
09-Mar-2009 03:14:18 ET
09-Mar-2009 ET
2009 49 2 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Agenda for March 2009 Plenary meetings Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
09-Mar-2009 02:44:23 ET
09-Mar-2009 ET
2009 51 2 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Use Case Tutorial Presentation Nanci Vogtli, Concrete Logic
09-Mar-2009 03:04:25 ET
08-Mar-2009 ET
2009 48 3 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Regulatory Tutorial Material Stephen G. Rayment (BelAir Networks)
08-Mar-2009 01:00:33 ET
05-Mar-2009 ET
2009 48 2 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Regulatory Tutorial Material Stephen G. Rayment (BelAir Networks)
05-Mar-2009 13:43:08 ET
05-Mar-2009 ET
2009 40 3 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Tutorial Material Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm), Juan Carlos Zuniga (InterDigital), Mariana Goldhamer (Alvarion) and Wendong Hu (STMicro)
05-Mar-2009 13:19:28 ET
05-Mar-2009 ET
2009 54 2 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes-of-ECSG-Teleconference-dated-2009-03-03 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
05-Mar-2009 12:36:31 ET
04-Mar-2009 ET
2009 48 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Regulatory Tutorial Material Stephen G. Rayment (BelAir Networks)
04-Mar-2009 18:38:17 ET
04-Mar-2009 ET
2009 54 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes-of-ECSG-Teleconference-dated-2009-03-03 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
04-Mar-2009 17:27:39 ET
04-Mar-2009 ET
2009 54 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes-of-ECSG-Teleconference-dated-2009-03-03 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
04-Mar-2009 15:06:52 ET
03-Mar-2009 ET
2009 52 2 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Potential recommendations of the TV Whitespace ECSG Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
03-Mar-2009 14:29:03 ET
02-Mar-2009 ET
2009 53 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Agenda for 2009-03-03 Teleconferences Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
02-Mar-2009 23:37:23 ET
02-Mar-2009 ET
2009 49 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Agenda for March 2009 Plenary meetings Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
02-Mar-2009 23:14:06 ET
02-Mar-2009 ET
2009 52 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Potential recommendations of the TV Whitespace ECSG Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
02-Mar-2009 23:27:56 ET
02-Mar-2009 ET
2009 51 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Use Case Tutorial Presentation Nanci Vogtli, Concrete Logic
02-Mar-2009 10:46:27 ET
02-Mar-2009 ET
2009 52 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Potential recommendations of the TV Whitespace ECSG Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
02-Mar-2009 02:46:46 ET
02-Mar-2009 ET
2009 51 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Use Case Tutorial Presentation Nanci Vogtli, Concrete Logic
02-Mar-2009 01:42:42 ET
02-Mar-2009 ET
2009 50 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Work in the SDR Forum Lee Pucker (SDR Forum)
02-Mar-2009 00:23:26 ET
01-Mar-2009 ET
2009 49 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Agenda for March 2009 Plenary meetings Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
01-Mar-2009 20:32:45 ET
01-Mar-2009 ET
2009 48 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Regulatory Tutorial Material Stephen G. Rayment (BelAir Networks)
01-Mar-2009 16:50:34 ET
01-Mar-2009 ET
2009 47 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Work in the ITU: Focus on how 802 can best leverage Work in ITU for TV Whitespace Dr. Rashid A. Saeed (Malaysia Telecom)
01-Mar-2009 10:27:35 ET
01-Mar-2009 ET
2009 39 2 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Tutorial draft: TVBD common functions across IEEE 802 Mariana Goldhamer (Alvarion)
01-Mar-2009 08:26:23 ET
27-Feb-2009 ET
2009 46 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Whitespace 802 Common Functions Richard Paine (Self)
27-Feb-2009 12:59:58 ET
27-Feb-2009 ET
2009 44 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes of ECSG Teleconference dated 2009-02-24 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
27-Feb-2009 10:48:32 ET
26-Feb-2009 ET
2009 45 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Security Tutorial Material Alex Reznik (InterDigital); Ranga Reddy (US Army); Michael Williams (Nokia); Richard Paine (self)
26-Feb-2009 20:47:43 ET
26-Feb-2009 ET
2009 44 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes of ECSG Teleconference dated 2009-02-24 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
26-Feb-2009 11:04:05 ET
26-Feb-2009 ET
2009 43 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Mutual interference between 802.22 CPE and Portable Gerald Chouinard, CRC Canada
26-Feb-2009 10:22:11 ET
25-Feb-2009 ET
2009 40 2 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Tutorial Material Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm), Juan Carlos Zuniga (InterDigital), Mariana Goldhamer (Alvarion) and Wendong Hu (STMicro)
25-Feb-2009 16:56:19 ET
25-Feb-2009 ET
2009 43 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Mutual interference between 802.22 CPE and Portable Gerald Chouinard, CRC Canada
25-Feb-2009 15:37:43 ET
25-Feb-2009 ET
2009 42 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Ad-Hoc Minutes Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm)
25-Feb-2009 14:20:47 ET
24-Feb-2009 ET
2009 40 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Tutorial Material Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm), Juan Carlos Zuniga (InterDigital), Mariana Goldhamer (Alvarion) and Wendong Hu (STMicro)
24-Feb-2009 00:56:00 ET
23-Feb-2009 ET
2009 41 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Agenda for 2009-02-34 Teleconferences Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
23-Feb-2009 23:51:52 ET
23-Feb-2009 ET
2009 40 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Tutorial Material Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm), Juan Carlos Zuniga (InterDigital) and Mariana Goldhamer (Alvarion)
23-Feb-2009 15:55:15 ET
23-Feb-2009 ET
2009 7 7 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace ECSG ADHOC USE CASE SLIDE DECK Nanci Vogtli - Concrete Logic
23-Feb-2009 12:24:13 ET
21-Feb-2009 ET
2009 23 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Security Straw Poll Results Alex Reznik (InterDigital)
21-Feb-2009 19:31:44 ET
21-Feb-2009 ET
2009 39 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Tutorial draft: TVBD common functions across IEEE 802 Mariana Goldhamer (Alvarion)
21-Feb-2009 04:22:06 ET
20-Feb-2009 ET
2009 39 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Tutorial draft: TVBD common functions across IEEE 802 Mariana Goldhamer (Alvarion)
20-Feb-2009 13:33:23 ET
20-Feb-2009 ET
2009 38 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace TVBD common functions across IEEE 802 Alvarion
20-Feb-2009 13:27:25 ET
19-Feb-2009 ET
2009 37 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Ad-Hoc Minutes Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm)
19-Feb-2009 17:40:21 ET
19-Feb-2009 ET
2009 26 5 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Security Ad-Hoc Report Draft Alex Reznik (InterDigital)
19-Feb-2009 15:22:32 ET
18-Feb-2009 ET
2009 26 4 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Security Ad-Hoc Report Draft Alex Reznik (InterDigital)
18-Feb-2009 22:33:19 ET
18-Feb-2009 ET
2009 32 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace 802.21 Media Independent Coexistence Juan Carlos Zuniga, Joseph Kwak (InterDigital)
18-Feb-2009 19:04:45 ET
16-Feb-2009 ET
2009 36 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Work in the ITU: Focus on how 802 can best leverage Work in ITU for TV Whitespace Rashid Saeed (Telekom Malaysia)
16-Feb-2009 10:59:53 ET
15-Feb-2009 ET
2009 29 2 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Scenarios Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm)
15-Feb-2009 13:47:47 ET
12-Feb-2009 ET
2009 34 2 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes of ECSG Teleconference dated 2009-02-10 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
12-Feb-2009 10:08:59 ET
11-Feb-2009 ET
2009 26 3 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Security Ad-Hoc Report Draft Alex Reznik (InterDigital)
11-Feb-2009 22:42:54 ET
11-Feb-2009 ET
2009 34 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes of ECSG Teleconference dated 2009-02-10 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
11-Feb-2009 16:20:05 ET
11-Feb-2009 ET
2009 35 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Ad-Hoc Minutes Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm)
11-Feb-2009 15:51:27 ET
11-Feb-2009 ET
2009 34 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes of ECSG Teleconference dated 2009-02-10 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
11-Feb-2009 14:52:24 ET
11-Feb-2009 ET
2009 33 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Mixed cell coexistence scenario Mariana Goldhamer (Alvarion)
11-Feb-2009 10:54:14 ET
11-Feb-2009 ET
2009 32 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace 802.21 Media Independent Coexistence Juan Carlos Zuniga, Joseph Kwak (InterDigital)
11-Feb-2009 10:46:46 ET
11-Feb-2009 ET
2009 31 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace White Space Communication Enabled by IEEE Standard 1900.4 Hiroshi Harada and Stanislav Filin (NICT)
11-Feb-2009 09:53:45 ET
08-Feb-2009 ET
2009 7 6 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace ECSG ADHOC USE CASE SLIDE DECK Nanci Vogtli - Concrete Logic
08-Feb-2009 23:18:46 ET
08-Feb-2009 ET
2009 30 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace agenda for 2009-02-10 teleconferences Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
08-Feb-2009 23:19:22 ET
08-Feb-2009 ET
2009 29 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Scenarios Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm)
08-Feb-2009 21:16:06 ET
08-Feb-2009 ET
2009 29 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Scenarios Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm)
08-Feb-2009 19:19:11 ET
06-Feb-2009 ET
2009 27 2 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes of the IEEE 802 TVWS ECSG Face-to-Face Meeting January 2009 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
06-Feb-2009 14:21:05 ET
05-Feb-2009 ET
2009 28 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes of ECSG Teleconference dated 2009-01-27 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
05-Feb-2009 13:36:58 ET
04-Feb-2009 ET
2009 26 2 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Security Ad-Hoc Report Draft Alex Reznik (InterDigital)
04-Feb-2009 11:50:23 ET
03-Feb-2009 ET
2009 28 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes of ECSG Teleconference dated 2009-01-27 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
03-Feb-2009 12:24:42 ET
02-Feb-2009 ET
2009 27 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes of the IEEE 802 TVWS ECSG Face-to-Face Meeting January 2009 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
02-Feb-2009 22:21:46 ET
02-Feb-2009 ET
2009 27 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Minutes of the IEEE 802 TVWS ECSG Face-to-Face Meeting January 2009 Ranga Reddy (US Army)
02-Feb-2009 20:49:10 ET
02-Feb-2009 ET
2009 26 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Security Ad-Hoc Report Draft Alex Reznik (InterDigital)
02-Feb-2009 17:50:43 ET
02-Feb-2009 ET
2009 26 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Security Ad-Hoc Report Draft Alex Reznik (InterDigital)
02-Feb-2009 11:17:20 ET
30-Jan-2009 ET
2009 25 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Matrix among potential TV White Space systems Gerald Chouinard, CRC
30-Jan-2009 15:22:34 ET
29-Jan-2009 ET
2009 24 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Coexistence Ad-Hoc Minutes Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm)
29-Jan-2009 13:27:44 ET
29-Jan-2009 ET
2009 23 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Security Straw Poll Results Alex Reznik (InterDigital)
29-Jan-2009 10:39:47 ET
28-Jan-2009 ET
2009 7 5 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace ECSG ADHOC USE CASE SLIDE DECK Nanci Vogtli - Concrete Logic
28-Jan-2009 17:35:42 ET
27-Jan-2009 ET
2009 22 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace IEEE 1900.4 Standard for heterogeneous Networks in Dynamic Spectrum context Paul Houze (France Telecom)
27-Jan-2009 10:21:44 ET
26-Jan-2009 ET
2009 21 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace agenda for 2009-01-27 teleconference Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
26-Jan-2009 10:54:18 ET
22-Jan-2009 ET
2009 12 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Device Security in Cognitive Radio Alex Reznik (InterDigital)
22-Jan-2009 17:44:19 ET
22-Jan-2009 ET
2009 20 1 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Interoperability vs coexistence Ivan Reede, Amerisys
22-Jan-2009 16:53:35 ET
22-Jan-2009 ET
2009 20 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Interoperability vs coexistence Ivan Reedem=, A
22-Jan-2009 16:38:05 ET
22-Jan-2009 ET
2009 19 0 IEEE 802 ECSG on Whitespace Impact of FCC R&O on IEEE 802 Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm)
22-Jan-2009 16:12:02 ET