15-Mar-2025 18:56:33 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
31-May-2016 ET
2016 427 0 TG3e Spectral Mask Modification Jun Kobayashi (JRC)
31-May-2016 02:08:51 ET
16-Sep-2010 ET
2010 331 8 TG4g Spectral mask for FSK James Gilb (SiBEAM)
16-Sep-2010 22:44:06 ET
13-Sep-2010 ET
2010 331 7 TG4g Spectral mask for FSK James Gilb (SiBEAM)
13-Sep-2010 22:26:06 ET
13-Sep-2010 ET
2010 331 6 TG4g Spectral mask for FSK James Gilb (SiBEAM)
13-Sep-2010 17:53:25 ET
10-Sep-2010 ET
2010 331 5 TG4g Spectral mask for FSK James Gilb (SiBEAM)
10-Sep-2010 20:26:50 ET
13-Jul-2010 ET
2010 331 4 TG4g Spectral mask for FSK James Gilb (SiBEAM)
13-Jul-2010 20:48:39 ET
12-Jul-2010 ET
2010 331 3 TG4g Spectral mask for FSK James Gilb (SiBEAM)
12-Jul-2010 15:25:23 ET
12-Jul-2010 ET
2010 331 2 TG4g Spectral mask for FSK James Gilb (SiBEAM)
12-Jul-2010 02:27:04 ET
08-Jul-2010 ET
2010 331 1 TG4g Spectral mask for FSK James Gilb (SiBEAM)
08-Jul-2010 11:28:05 ET
18-May-2010 ET
2010 331 0 TG4g Spectral mask for FSK James Gilb (SiBEAM)
20-May-2010 02:11:27 ET
10-Nov-2015 ET
2015 896 0 TG3e Spectral mask for 60 GHz in ITU-R Makoto Noda (Sony)
10-Nov-2015 11:56:22 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 377 0 TG4m Spectra and bandwidth overhead with and without filtering for TG4m OFDM Soo-Young Chang (CSUS)
17-Jul-2012 11:03:59 ET
02-May-2014 ET
2014 246 0 TG8 Specification for Completely Distributed Power Control Mechanism for Peer-Aware-Communications David Smith (NICTA)
02-May-2014 05:22:12 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 112 1 TG4a Spatio Temporal Uwb Propagation Channel Characterization N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 112 0 TG4a Spatio Temporal Uwb Propagation Channel Characterization N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
03-Sep-2013 ET
2011 180 2 SC THZ Spatial and Temporal Dispersion in THz Indoor Propagation Channels Sebastian Priebe (TU Braunschweig)
03-Sep-2013 11:10:27 ET
17-Mar-2011 ET
2011 180 1 SC THZ Spatial and Temporal Dispersion in THz Indoor Propagation Channels Sebastian Priebe (TU Braunschweig)
17-Mar-2011 03:28:47 ET
09-Mar-2011 ET
2011 180 0 SC THZ Spatial and Temporal Dispersion in THz Indoor Propagation Channels Sebastian Priebe (TU Braunschweig)
13-Mar-2011 07:07:44 ET
11-May-2009 ET
2009 395 0 TG3c SP1 comment resolutions Huai-Rong Shao (Samsung Electronics)
11-May-2009 21:57:12 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 78 0 WG15 Sp100 Liaison N/A
20-Jan-2006 00:00:00 ET
14-May-2015 ET
2015 423 0 TG7a (OCC) Source identification for TCD Hideki Aoyama (Panasonic)
14-May-2015 10:34:36 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2005 492 1 TG4a Sop Simulation Scenarios N/A
08-Aug-2005 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2005 492 0 TG4a Sop Simulation Scenarios N/A
04-Aug-2005 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2003 337 1 TG3a Sony Techniques Mbofdm Improvement N/A
17-Sep-2003 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2003 337 0 TG3a Sony Techniques Mbofdm Improvement N/A
13-Sep-2003 00:00:00 ET
13-Jul-2009 ET
2009 522 0 TG7 Some VLC System Issues Richard Roberts (Intel)
13-Jul-2009 17:58:58 ET
13-May-2021 ET
2021 272 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Some UAS Use Cases for UWB Stuart W. Card (individual)
13-May-2021 09:32:03 ET
12-May-2021 ET
2021 272 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Some UAS Use Cases for UWB Stuart W. Card (individual)
12-May-2021 23:36:16 ET
05-Nov-2008 ET
2008 744 0 SC THZ Some THz System Issues - Part 2 - Safety Rick Roberts (Intel)
05-Nov-2008 12:35:46 ET
11-Jul-2008 ET
2008 410 1 SC THZ Some THz System Issues Rick Roberts (Intel)
11-Jul-2008 14:34:19 ET
03-Jul-2008 ET
2008 410 0 SC THZ Some THz System Issues Rick Roberts (Intel)
03-Jul-2008 11:36:39 ET
26-Feb-2009 ET
2009 111 0 TG7 Some Thoughts on VLC Rick Roberts (Intel)
26-Feb-2009 16:57:25 ET
15-Sep-2016 ET
2016 690 1 TG3d (100G) Some thoughts on naming conventions in TG3d Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
15-Sep-2016 09:05:22 ET
15-Sep-2016 ET
2016 690 0 TG3d (100G) Some thoughts on naming conventions in TG3d Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
15-Sep-2016 04:55:11 ET
23-Apr-2023 ET
2023 208 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Some thoughts on MAC interactions for sensing Billy Verso (Qorvo)
23-Apr-2023 15:27:14 ET
12-Jun-2023 ET
2023 306 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Some thoughts on MAC interactions for MMS operation Billy Verso (Qorvo)
13-Jun-2023 09:09:25 ET
10-Mar-2015 ET
2015 219 1 TG3d (100G) Some Thoughts on Evaluation Criteria Sebastian Rey (TU Braunschweig)
10-Mar-2015 12:10:58 ET
10-Mar-2015 ET
2015 219 0 TG3d (100G) Some Thoughts on Evaluation Criteria Sebastian Rey (TU Braunschweig)
10-Mar-2015 08:39:16 ET
15-Mar-2023 ET
2023 177 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Some thoughts on 4ab device categories Vinod Kristem (Apple Inc)
15-Mar-2023 13:14:36 ET
15-May-2023 ET
2023 264 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Some thoughts on 4ab capabilities Carlos Aldana (Meta), Kangjin Yoon (Meta), Chunyu Hu (Meta), Claudio da Silva (Meta), Guoqing Li (Meta)
15-May-2023 23:53:39 ET
11-Nov-2008 ET
2008 790 0 SG VLC Some Technical Issues on VLC Soo-Young Chang (CSUS)
11-Nov-2008 11:04:44 ET
13-Sep-2010 ET
2010 736 0 TG6 Some resolutions for comments on S10 (UWN-PHY) Marco (NICT)
13-Sep-2010 21:10:42 ET
06-Sep-2010 ET
2010 678 0 TG6 Some Proposed Changes to IEEE P802.15.6D01 Security Related Subclauses Jin-Meng Ho (Texas Instruments)
06-Sep-2010 17:19:42 ET
06-Sep-2010 ET
2010 679 0 TG6 Some Proposed Changes to IEEE P802.15.6D01 MAC and Security Subclauses Jin-Meng Ho (Texas Instruments)
06-Sep-2010 17:28:30 ET
13-Jul-2010 ET
2010 545 0 TG7 Some PHY implementation issues for OOK dimming Rick Roberts (Intel Labs)
13-Jul-2010 02:18:11 ET
20-Jul-2010 ET
2010 618 1 TG6 Some modification for EFC(HBC) responding to comment resolution Seung-Hoon Park (Samsung Electronics)
20-Jul-2010 00:36:40 ET
15-Jul-2010 ET
2010 618 0 TG6 Some modification for EFC(HBC) responding to comment resolution Seung-Hoon Park (Samsung Electronics)
15-Jul-2010 21:37:23 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 366 0 TG4b Some Modification Csmaca And Superframes Mac Protocol N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
13-May-2008 ET
2008 317 0 TG4e Some MAC Requirements for Neighborhood Area Networks Benjamin Rolfe (Self)
13-May-2008 13:22:48 ET
23-May-2008 ET
2007 931 1 SG BAN Some Lead Ban User Requirements And Constraints Daniel Lewis (NICTA)
23-May-2008 16:37:42 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2007 931 0 SG BAN Some Lead Ban User Requirements And Constraints N/A
13-Nov-2007 18:15:00 ET
15-Jan-2015 ET
2015 73 0 TG7 Some Issues for OWC Soo-Young Chang (CSUS) and Jaesang Cha (Seoul National Univ. of Science & Technology)
15-Jan-2015 09:42:34 ET
17-Mar-2010 ET
2010 203 0 TG7 Some Issues and Suggestions on Light Dimming in D1 draft of TG7 Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI)
17-Mar-2010 11:20:20 ET
14-May-2009 ET
2009 430 0 TG4g Some Info and Progress of Chinese Smart Grid Status Liang Li, Tao Xing, Jie Shen, Y.F. Zhang, Betty Zhou, Yong Guan (Huawei, SIMIT,VINNO)
14-May-2009 10:14:58 ET
18-Jul-2011 ET
2011 498 0 SC THZ Some Expectations for THz Rick Roberts (Intel Labs)
18-Jul-2011 15:21:56 ET
16-Sep-2010 ET
2010 778 1 TG7 Some discussion for LB #57 comment resolution of Annex G Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI)
16-Sep-2010 13:56:07 ET
15-Sep-2010 ET
2010 778 0 TG7 Some discussion for LB #57 comment resolution of Annex G Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI)
15-Sep-2010 22:23:19 ET
12-Jul-2012 ET
2012 346 0 TG8 Some details for draft application matrix for 802.15.8-PAC Eldad Zeira, Qing Li (InterDigital)
12-Jul-2012 15:21:23 ET
14-Jul-2010 ET
2010 590 0 TG7 Some Considerations for Draft VLC Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
14-Jul-2010 20:03:57 ET
12-Mar-2012 ET
2012 135 0 SC THZ Some consideration on KIOSK downloading model of THz communications Ho-Jin Song (NTT)
13-Mar-2012 18:41:25 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2007 571 1 SG BAN Some Concerned Issues Sg Ban N/A
15-May-2007 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2007 571 0 SG BAN Some Concerned Issues Sg Ban N/A
17-Jan-2007 00:00:00 ET
23-Sep-2009 ET
2009 597 2 TG7 Some comments on the power of LED light source for VLC Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI)
23-Sep-2009 00:31:14 ET
19-Sep-2009 ET
2009 597 1 TG7 Some comments on the power of LED light source for VLC Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI)
19-Sep-2009 05:09:52 ET
17-Aug-2009 ET
2009 597 0 TG7 Some comments on the power of LED light source for VLC Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI)
17-Aug-2009 02:13:42 ET
14-Jul-2009 ET
2009 527 0 TG7 Some comments on technical considerations document Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI)
14-Jul-2009 16:48:12 ET
19-Nov-2009 ET
2009 803 0 TG7 Some comments on merged draft from the viewpoint of the VL-ISC Nobuo Iizuka (VLCC / CASIO)
19-Nov-2009 10:30:59 ET
20-Mar-2013 ET
2013 209 1 TG4m Some comment resolutions for TG4m ranging Mi-Kyung Oh, Jaehwan Kim, Jae-Young Kim, and Sangsung Choi (ETRI)
20-Mar-2013 14:03:32 ET
20-Mar-2013 ET
2013 209 0 TG4m Some comment resolutions for TG4m ranging Mi-Kyung Oh, Jaehwan Kim, Jae-Young Kim, and Sangsung Choi (ETRI)
20-Mar-2013 12:57:03 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 183 4 TG4m Some Comment Resolution for TG4m TVWS-NB-OFDM Keiichi Mizutani, Ryuhei Funada, Alina Lu Liru, Chin Sean Sum, Ming-Tuo Zhou, Fumihide Kojima, Hiroshi Harada(NICT)
19-Mar-2013 17:15:45 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 162 1 TG4m Some Comment Resolution for TG4m TVWS-NB-OFDM Alina Lu Liru, Keiichi Mizutani, Ryuhei Funada, Chin Sean Sum, Ming-Tuo Zhou, Lan Zhou, Fumihide Kojima, Hiroshi Harada(NICT)
19-Mar-2013 16:46:27 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 183 3 TG4m Some Comment Resolution for TG4m TVWS-NB-OFDM Keiichi Mizutani, Ryuhei Funada, Alina Lu Liru, Chin Sean Sum, Ming-Tuo Zhou, Fumihide Kojima, Hiroshi Harada(NICT)
19-Mar-2013 16:46:10 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 183 2 TG4m Some Comment Resolution for TG4m TVWS-NB-OFDM Keiichi Mizutani, Ryuhei Funada, Alina Lu Liru, Chin Sean Sum, Ming-Tuo Zhou, Fumihide Kojima, Hiroshi Harada(NICT)
19-Mar-2013 14:08:48 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 183 1 TG4m Some Comment Resolution for TG4m TVWS-NB-OFDM Keiichi Mizutani, Ryuhei Funada, Alina Lu Liru, Chin Sean Sum, Ming-Tuo Zhou, Fumihide Kojima, Hiroshi Harada(NICT)
19-Mar-2013 14:06:09 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 183 0 TG4m Some Comment Resolution for TG4m TVWS-NB-OFDM Keiichi Mizutani, Ryuhei Funada, Alina Lu Liru, Chin Sean Sum, Ming-Tuo Zhou, Fumihide Kojima, Hiroshi Harada(NICT)
19-Mar-2013 13:44:05 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 162 0 TG4m Some Comment Resolution for TG4m TVWS-NB-OFDM Alina Lu Liru, Keiichi Mizutani, Ryuhei Funada, Chin Sean Sum, Ming-Tuo Zhou, Lan Zhou, Fumihide Kojima, Hiroshi Harada(NICT)
19-Mar-2013 02:16:39 ET
21-Apr-2013 ET
2013 250 0 TG4m Some Comment Resolution for LB88 TG4m TVWS-NB-OFDM Alina Lu Liru, Keiichi Mizutani, Ryuhei Funada, Chin Sean Sum, Ming-Tuo Zhou, Lan Zhou, Verotiana H. Rabarijaona, Fumihide Kojima, Hiroshi Harada(NICT)
22-Apr-2013 03:48:00 ET
22-Apr-2020 ET
2020 120 2 TG13 (MG OWC) Some CID resolutions for D2 Stephan Berner (PureLiFi)
22-Apr-2020 02:42:43 ET
20-Apr-2020 ET
2020 120 1 TG13 (MG OWC) Some CID resolutions for D2 Stephan Berner (PureLiFi)
20-Apr-2020 05:33:59 ET
20-Apr-2020 ET
2020 120 0 TG13 (MG OWC) Some CID resolutions for D2 Stephan Berner (PureLiFi)
20-Apr-2020 04:41:10 ET
25-Jul-2008 ET
2008 131 1 SG VLC Some challenges for visible light communications Dominic O'Brien(Oxford University)
25-Jul-2008 10:25:19 ET
17-Mar-2008 ET
2008 131 0 SG VLC Some challenges for visible light communications Dominic O'Brien(Oxford University)
17-Mar-2008 10:00:45 ET
13-Mar-2014 ET
2014 140 0 TG7a (OCC) Some CamCom Applications Rick Roberts (Intel), Kouji Horisaki (Toshiba)
13-Mar-2014 20:39:19 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2007 832 0 TG4c Some Answers About Mpsk Phy Layer Proposals N/A
17-Sep-2007 00:40:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 267 0 TG5 Solution To Exposed Node Problem In Mesh Networks N/A
18-May-2006 00:00:00 ET
22-Dec-2007 ET
2006 327 0 TG3c Solutions To Los Mmw Wpan N/A
18-Jul-2006 00:00:00 ET
12-Nov-2012 ET
2012 620 0 TG4m Solutions proposed for TBDs of the Merged TVWS-OFDM PHY Cheol-ho Shin , Byoung Hak kim, Seung Sik Lee and Sangsung Choi (ETRI), Soo-Young Chang (SYCA)
12-Nov-2012 16:47:31 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 457 1 TG4b Solutions And Discussions To Direct And Indirect Beacon Conflict Problem Ieee 802 15 4b N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
21-Dec-2007 ET
2004 457 0 TG4b Solutions And Discussions To Direct And Indirect Beacon Conflict Problem Ieee 802 15 4b N/A
15-Sep-2004 00:00:00 ET
16-May-2010 ET
2010 299 0 SG LECIM Soil Monitoring Application Peter Ellegaard (AquaSpy)
16-May-2010 21:46:14 ET
16-Nov-2022 ET
2022 652 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Soft Spectrum Adaptation(SSA) Based on Pulse Shaping for Interference Mitigation between UWB radio and Other Coexisting Radio Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
16-Nov-2022 14:36:01 ET
20-Jan-2017 ET
2017 95 0 TG7a (OCC) SNUST - VTASC Super Frame Structure and PHY Dimming Specification Revision Jaesang Cha, Vinayagam Mariappan (SNUST), et al.
20-Jan-2017 19:00:34 ET
10-Nov-2016 ET
2016 824 0 TG7a (OCC) SNUST - VTASC Related Draft D1 Comments Resolution on Super Frame Structure and PHY Dimming Jaesang Cha, Vinayagam Mariappan (SNUST), et al.
10-Nov-2016 03:39:43 ET
10-Nov-2016 ET
2016 823 0 TG7a (OCC) SNUST - VTASC Related Draft D1 Comments Resolution on Super Frame Structure and PHY Dimming Jaesang Cha, Vinayagam Mariappan (SNUST), et al.
10-Nov-2016 03:41:48 ET
10-Nov-2016 ET
2016 822 0 TG7a (OCC) SNUST - VTASC Related Draft D1 Comments Resolution on PHY PPDU Format and PIB Attributes Jaesang Cha, Vinayagam Mariappan (SNUST), et al.
10-Nov-2016 03:35:09 ET
10-Nov-2016 ET
2016 821 0 TG7a (OCC) SNUST - VTASC Related Draft D1 Comments Resolution on PHY Layer Operating Modes and Specifications Jaesang Cha, Vinayagam Mariappan (SNUST), et al.
10-Nov-2016 03:12:38 ET
10-Nov-2016 ET
2016 820 0 TG7a (OCC) SNUST - VTASC Related Draft D1 Comments Resolution on PHY Layer Operating Modes and Specifications Jaesang Cha, Vinayagam Mariappan (SNUST), et al.
10-Nov-2016 03:32:13 ET
10-Nov-2016 ET
2016 819 0 TG7a (OCC) SNUST - VTASC Related Draft D1 Comments Resolution on MAC Frame Format and MAC PIB Attributes Jaesang Cha, Vinayagam Mariappan (SNUST), et al.
10-Nov-2016 02:16:43 ET
20-Jan-2017 ET
2017 94 0 TG7a (OCC) SNUST - VTASC PHY PPDU Format and PIB Attributes Specification Revision Jaesang Cha, Vinayagam Mariappan (SNUST), et al.
20-Jan-2017 18:58:23 ET
20-Jan-2017 ET
2017 93 0 TG7a (OCC) SNUST - VTASC PHY Layer Operating Modes and Specifications Revision Jaesang Cha, Vinayagam Mariappan (SNUST), et al.
20-Jan-2017 18:56:47 ET