14-Mar-2025 16:48:09 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 402 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Ranging functionality of 15.6ma Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
12-Jul-2023 11:09:19 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 302 3 WG15 July-2023-802-15-opening-report Clint Powell (HID)
12-Jul-2023 10:47:08 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 300 3 WG15 July-2023-802-15-Mtg-Graphic Clint Powell (HID)
12-Jul-2023 10:46:31 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 301 3 WG15 July-2023-802-15-agenda Clint Powell (HID)
12-Jul-2023 10:45:45 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 401 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Consensus One-to-Many Ranging using NBA-MMS TFD Alexander Krebs (Apple), Bin Qian, Lei Huang, Chenchen Liu, Rojan Chitrakar, David Xun Yang (Huawei), Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha (Samsung Electronics) Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics), Hongwon Lee (LG Electronics)
12-Jul-2023 10:35:08 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 311 5 WG15 July 2023 WG15 Ad-Hoc Collaboration Rm Schedule Clint Powell (HID)
12-Jul-2023 10:15:39 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 296 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TFD of NB CCA for assisting UWB channel access Huan-Bang Li, Takeshi Matsumura (NICT), Carlos Aldana (Meta)
12-Jul-2023 09:57:09 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 396 1 SC WNG July Agenda and Meeting Slides Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
12-Jul-2023 09:56:59 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 385 3 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend D0.92 for Vishal comments Juha Juntunen (MCC)
12-Jul-2023 09:26:06 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 358 2 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend July 2023 TG16t Meeting Presentation Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
12-Jul-2023 09:25:04 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 388 1 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend TG meeting minutes 7/11/2023 Juha Juntunen (MCC)
12-Jul-2023 09:23:38 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 386 0 TG4me (REVISION) September, 2023 IEEE 802.15.4me Plenary Agenda and Closing Gary Stuebing - Cisco
12-Jul-2023 08:38:19 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 380 1 TG4me (REVISION) July, 2023 IEEE 802.15.4me Plenary Agenda and Closing Gary Stuebing - Cisco
12-Jul-2023 08:35:23 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 399 0 TG4me (REVISION) TG4me Minutes, July Plenary 2023 Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance)
12-Jul-2023 08:20:52 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 400 0 TG4me (REVISION) IEEE 802.15.4me Project Task List Gary Stuebing - Cisco
12-Jul-2023 08:12:43 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 398 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend DPP Pairing and Authentication PPT Vishal Kalkundrikar (Ondas)
12-Jul-2023 07:13:09 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 353 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Preliminary Performace Evaluation of Ranging in Coexixtence Environment Daisuke Anzai, Shunsuke Ishiguro, Takumi Kobayashi (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
12-Jul-2023 05:38:20 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 348 2 SC THZ SC THz Closing Plenary Slides Meeting July 2023 Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
12-Jul-2023 05:33:11 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 397 0 TG4ac (PRIVACY) Project Task List for TG4ac Tero Kivinen (self)
12-Jul-2023 05:19:06 ET
07-Jul-2023 ET
2023 349 0 TG3mb (HDR) TG15.3mb Minutes Meeting July 2023 Iwao Hosako (NICT)
12-Jul-2023 04:39:19 ET
07-Jul-2023 ET
2023 347 0 TG3mb (HDR) TG3mb Closing Plenary Slides Meeting July 2023 Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
12-Jul-2023 04:38:36 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2022 643 22 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend Direct Peer to Peer Vishal Kalkundrikar (Ondas)
12-Jul-2023 04:30:40 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 396 0 SC WNG July Agenda and Meeting Slides Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
12-Jul-2023 04:10:22 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 381 1 TG7a (OCC) Comment Resolution for 802.15 Letter Ballot 2nd Recirculation Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
12-Jul-2023 04:06:45 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 377 2 TG7a (OCC) 15.7a Higher Rate, Longer Range OCC TG July Agenda Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
12-Jul-2023 04:04:16 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 395 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text for Frequency Stitching (Based on UWB sensing TFD) Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan, Mingyu Lee (Samsung Electronics), Frank Leong, Riku Pirhonen, Wolfgang Kuchler (NXP), Bin Qian, Huang Lei (Huawei)
12-Jul-2023 03:28:40 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 226 7 TG3mb (HDR) P802.15.3RevB Report to EC on Approval to go to RevCom Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
12-Jul-2023 03:27:46 ET
08-Jul-2023 ET
2023 353 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Preliminary Performace Evaluation of Ranging in Coexixtence Environment Daisuke Anzai, Shunsuke Ishiguro, Takumi Kobayashi (Nagoya Institute of Technology)
12-Jul-2023 02:57:27 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 385 2 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend D0.92 for Vishal comments Juha Juntunen (MCC)
12-Jul-2023 02:11:43 ET
12-Jul-2023 ET
2023 351 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Text proposal for public addresses of NBA-UWB MMS ranging Hongwon Lee, Insun Jang, Jinsoo Choi, HanGyu Cho(LG Electronincs)
12-Jul-2023 02:04:47 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2022 610 4 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Harmonization with 4ab: data rates & FEC Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno, Takumi Kobayashi1, Minsoo Kim (YRP-IAI, YNU, CWC Oulu Univ.)
11-Jul-2023 21:08:16 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 355 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Multiple RSF Transmission in a slot Framework Proposal Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
11-Jul-2023 14:10:02 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 311 4 WG15 July 2023 WG15 Ad-Hoc Collaboration Rm Schedule Clint Powell (HID)
11-Jul-2023 13:48:24 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 384 1 TG4ac (PRIVACY) MAC address formats Tero Kivinen (self)
11-Jul-2023 12:22:01 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 315 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) HRP-ARDEV and UWB MMS Operations Xiliang Luo, Vinod Kristem, Moche Cohen (Apple)
11-Jul-2023 11:33:58 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 294 2 TG4me (REVISION) 802.15.4me Pre-Comment Submission Tero Kivinen (Self)
11-Jul-2023 11:19:06 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 355 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Multiple RSF Transmission in a slot Framework Proposal Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
11-Jul-2023 11:08:16 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 348 1 SC THZ SC THz Closing Plenary Slides Meeting July 2023 Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
11-Jul-2023 10:17:55 ET
07-Jul-2023 ET
2023 348 0 SC THZ SC THz Closing Plenary Slides Meeting July 2023 Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
11-Jul-2023 10:14:30 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 294 1 TG4me (REVISION) 802.15.4me Pre-Comment Submission Tero Kivinen (Self)
11-Jul-2023 10:12:37 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2022 631 4 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Definition of Coexistence Levels and How to Support Higher Levels M.Kim, T.Kobayashi, M.Hernandez, and R.Kohno (YNU/YRP-IAI)
11-Jul-2023 10:08:51 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2022 562 3 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.6ma Ultra-wideband Physical Layer Utilizing Super Orthogonal Convolutional Code Kento Takabayashi(Okayama Pref. Univ, Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
11-Jul-2023 10:08:16 ET
07-Jul-2023 ET
2023 350 0 SC THZ SC THz Minutes Meeting July 2023 Iwao Hosako (NICT)
11-Jul-2023 10:08:12 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 244 2 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Concept of channel coding for IEEE802.15.6ma Kento Takabayashi(Toyo Univ, Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
11-Jul-2023 10:07:07 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 390 0 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) Basic transmission characteristics of SUN-FSK and SUN-OFDM and future extensions Hiroshi Harada (Kyoto Univ.)
11-Jul-2023 10:07:03 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 394 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.6ma Ultra-wideband Physical Layer Utilizing Super Orthogonal Convolutional Code Kento Takabayashi, Ryuji Kohno
11-Jul-2023 10:04:07 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 391 0 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) Preamble proposal for Long Range SUN OFDM employing Zadoff-Chu sequences Henk de Ruijter (Silicon Labs)
11-Jul-2023 10:02:44 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 392 0 WG15 802.15 July Plenary Information for JTC1 Ann Krieger (U.S. DoD)
11-Jul-2023 10:01:33 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 393 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Concept of channel coding for IEEE 802.15.6ma Kento Takabayashi, Ryuji Kohno
11-Jul-2023 09:59:48 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 387 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Proposal of control and data channels unification for 6ma MAC Minsoo Kim, Takumi Kobayashi, Daisuke Anzai, Marco Hernandez and Ryuji Kohno (YRP-IAI, NIT, CWC Oulu, YNU)
11-Jul-2023 09:57:03 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 389 0 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) 64QAM extension to SUN OFDM Henk de Ruijter (Silicon Labs)
11-Jul-2023 09:55:29 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 317 5 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG15.6ma(Revision of IEEE802.15.6-2012 with Enhanced Dependability) July Interim Meeting Agenda Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
11-Jul-2023 09:51:12 ET
05-Jul-2023 ET
2023 324 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Proposed text for 6ma MAC - Interference Avoidance Seong-Soon Joo (KPST)
11-Jul-2023 09:41:02 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 369 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Proposed text for 6ma MAC - Frames and IEs for dependable BAN Seong-Soon Joo (KPST)
11-Jul-2023 09:40:22 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 368 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Proposed text for 6ma MAC - Dependable BAN Operation Seong-Soon Joo (KPST)
11-Jul-2023 09:39:31 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 388 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend TG meeting minutes 7/11/2023 Juha Juntunen (MCC)
11-Jul-2023 09:38:03 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 358 1 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend July 2023 TG16t Meeting Presentation Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
11-Jul-2023 09:31:47 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 385 1 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend D0.92 for Vishal comments Juha Juntunen (MCC)
11-Jul-2023 09:31:15 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 305 6 TG4ab (NG-UWB) July 2023 TG4ab Agenda Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
11-Jul-2023 08:10:28 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 346 1 SC THZ THz-band indoor network based on photonics technology Seung-Hyun Cho (ETRI)
11-Jul-2023 07:59:34 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 345 2 SC THZ Draft Proposal for Liaison Statement to APG23-6 Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
11-Jul-2023 07:54:13 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 344 2 SC THZ Draft Response on the Liaison Statement from ETSI ISG THz Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
11-Jul-2023 07:49:13 ET
08-Jul-2023 ET
2023 352 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Simulation results for Nagoya I. T. and YRP-IAI MAC proposal Based on TG6ma Channel Model Daisuke Anzai, Ryosuke Inuzuka, Takumi Kobayashi (NIT), Minsoo Kim, Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno (YRP-IAI)
11-Jul-2023 06:31:44 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 384 0 TG4ac (PRIVACY) MAC address formats Tero Kivinen (self)
11-Jul-2023 05:52:06 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 385 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend D0.92 for Vishal comments Juha Juntunen (MCC)
11-Jul-2023 05:26:33 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 383 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Incorporating compressed packet format Billy Verso (Qorvo)
11-Jul-2023 05:19:01 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 375 1 SC MAINTENANCE 802.15 PAR/CSD Comments July 2023 Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance)
11-Jul-2023 05:17:38 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 382 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend DPP Relative Changes Vishal Kalkundrikar (Ondas)
11-Jul-2023 05:16:54 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2022 643 21 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend Direct Peer to Peer Vishal Kalkundrikar (Ondas)
11-Jul-2023 05:16:15 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 222 2 TG3mb (HDR) P802.15.3-SA_Ballot_collected_comments Monique Brown (NICT)
11-Jul-2023 05:04:47 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 372 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) UWB based Report in NBA-MMS Mingyu LEE, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Clint Chaplin (Samsung), Lei Huang (Huawei), Alexander Krebs (Apple)
11-Jul-2023 04:45:42 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 311 3 WG15 July 2023 WG15 Ad-Hoc Collaboration Rm Schedule Clint Powell (HID)
11-Jul-2023 04:08:37 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 377 1 TG7a (OCC) 15.7a Higher Rate, Longer Range OCC TG July Agenda Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
11-Jul-2023 03:57:01 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 381 0 TG7a (OCC) Comment Resolution for 802.15 Letter Ballot 2nd Recirculation Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
11-Jul-2023 03:55:18 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 314 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Proposed modifications on NBA-UWB MAC text proposal Lei Huang (Huawei)
11-Jul-2023 03:26:53 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 380 0 TG4me (REVISION) July, 2023 IEEE 802.15.4me Plenary Agenda and Closing Gary Stuebing - Cisco
11-Jul-2023 03:14:37 ET
17-May-2023 ET
2023 276 0 TG4me (REVISION) May/2023 802.15.4me Agenda and Closing Report Gary Stuebing - Cisco
11-Jul-2023 03:10:53 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 305 5 TG4ab (NG-UWB) July 2023 TG4ab Agenda Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
11-Jul-2023 03:03:18 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 356 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Summary on Multiple Transmission in a slot Taeyoung Ha, Mingyu Lee, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Clint Chaplin (Samsung Electronics)
11-Jul-2023 02:50:38 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 377 0 TG7a (OCC) 15.7a Higher Rate, Longer Range OCC TG July Agenda Yeong Min Jang (Kookmin University)
11-Jul-2023 02:32:34 ET
11-Jul-2023 ET
2023 365 1 TG4ac (PRIVACY) July opening and closing Tero Kivinen (self)
11-Jul-2023 02:28:13 ET
07-Jul-2023 ET
2023 329 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Follow up on the CIR feedback patterns Chenchen LIU(Huawei)
11-Jul-2023 02:18:56 ET
27-Jun-2023 ET
2023 314 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Proposed modifications on NBA-UWB MAC text proposal Lei Huang (Huawei)
11-Jul-2023 02:10:21 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 101 4 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Qualitative approach to coexistence and QoS mechanisms Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno, Takumi Kobayashi, Minsoo Kim, Daisuke Anzai. (YRP-IAI, CWC Oulu, YNU, NIT)
10-Jul-2023 17:33:30 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 344 1 SC THZ Draft Response on the Liaison Statement from ETSI ISG THz Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
10-Jul-2023 16:20:13 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 345 1 SC THZ Draft Proposal for Liaison Statement to APG23-6 Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
10-Jul-2023 16:19:27 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 363 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) One-to-Many Ranging using NBA-MMS Technical Framework Proposal Jinjing Jiang, Robert Golshan, Santhosh Mani Kumar, Alexander Krebs (Apple), Bin Qian, Lei Huang, Chenchen Liu, Kuan Wu, Rojan Chitrakar, David Xun Yang (Huawei), Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha (Samsung)
10-Jul-2023 16:18:58 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 376 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) post processing information exchange for UWB sensing Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan, Mingyu Lee (Samsung)
10-Jul-2023 15:57:29 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 376 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) post processing information exchange for UWB sensing Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan, Mingyu Lee (Samsung)
10-Jul-2023 15:51:37 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 375 0 SC MAINTENANCE 802.15 PAR/CSD Comments July 2023 Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance)
10-Jul-2023 15:18:41 ET
07-Jul-2023 ET
2023 328 0 SC THZ Measurement and Characterization of 300 GHz Channel in a Corridor Environment Anirban Ghosh, Riku Takahashi, Kosuke Shibata, Minseok Kim, Shigenobu Sasaki (Niigata University)
10-Jul-2023 12:50:42 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2022 643 20 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend Direct Peer to Peer Vishal Kalkundrikar (Ondas)
10-Jul-2023 09:18:04 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 370 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TG 15.4ab July 2023 Meeting Slides Benjamin A. Rolfe (BCA et al)
10-Jul-2023 09:14:56 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 243 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) NB Assisted Data Communications Mingyu LEE, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Clint Chaplin (Samsung)
10-Jul-2023 07:53:09 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 373 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TFD for NB Assisted Data Communications Mingyu LEE, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Clint Chaplin (Samsung)
10-Jul-2023 07:51:25 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 373 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) TFD for NB Assisted Data Communications Mingyu LEE, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Clint Chaplin (Samsung)
10-Jul-2023 07:49:35 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 372 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) UWB based Report in NBA-MMS Mingyu LEE, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So, Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Clint Chaplin (Samsung)
10-Jul-2023 07:47:56 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 184 4 TG4me (REVISION) March, 2023 IEEE 802.15.4me Plenary Agenda and Closing Gary Stuebing-Cisco
10-Jul-2023 07:42:11 ET
09-Jul-2023 ET
2023 357 0 SC MAINTENANCE SCM Opening and Closing Report Plenary July 2023 Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance)
10-Jul-2023 07:37:40 ET
10-Jul-2023 ET
2023 371 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) NBA-UWB MMS MAC TFD update proposal Alexander Krebs, Yong Liu, Santhosh Kumar Mani, Robert Golshan, Lochan Verma, Jinjing Jiang, SK Yong (Apple)
10-Jul-2023 06:56:15 ET