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IEEE 802 OmniRAN EC Study Group

Disbanded by approval of the P802.1CF PAR on March 27 th, 2014

On November 16 th, 2012, the IEEE 802 Executive Committee chartered the OmniRAN Study Group (SG) to study an Open Mobile Network Interface for Omni-Range Area Networks based on IEEE 802 access technologies. The SG was renewed by the EC in the March 2013 and July 2013 plenary sessions, and got approval for its P802.1CF PAR+5C Proposalat the EC closing plenary on November 15 th, 2013. The PAR proposes the development of a Recommended Practice for Network Reference Model and Functional Description of IEEE 802 Access Network. The Brief Introduction into OmniRAN P802.1CFprovides information about the rationales and objectives of this project.

The P802.1CF PAR was approved by NesCom on March 27 th, 2014. An OmniRAN TG was established by IEEE 802.1 on March 20 th, which will take care of the project. Latest information about the project can be found on the IEEE P802.1CF page.

For further information regarding the creation of the Executive Committee Study Group, please refer to the document omniran-12-0001-01-ecsg, which contains the proposal made to the IEEE 802 Executive Committee leading to creation of the Study Group, and to omniran-12-0002-02-ecsg, which contains additional high-level perspective.
More detailed technical background together with an initial project plan and timeline is contained in the presentation OmniRAN Introduction and Way Forward, which was created for the IETF/IEEE 802 workshop on March 16, 2013.
A comprehensive collection of all the investigations and thoughts finally leading to the PAR proposal is contained in OmniRAN ECSG Results and Proposals.

After completion of the PAR proposal the group continued to work on the foundation of the project. The project is now part of IEEE 802.1. Initial thoughts on cooperation among the IEEE 802 working groups for this project are captured in a presentation to the EC workshopon November 16 th, 2013, and a proposal to the IEEE 802.1led to the formation of the IEEE 802.1 OmniRAN TG.

OmniRAN EC SG Information Repositories

Documents archive

OmniRAN Study Group documents may be retrieved from the OmniRAN EC SG page on Mentor.

Email reflector

The email reflector used by OmniRAN EC Study Group. All postings to the of the OmniRAN EC Study Group email reflector are archived in a web archive.

OmniRAN EC SG Activities Log

  • OmniRAN ECSG finally met during the IEEE 802 plenary session in Beijing, China on March 16-21, 2014. The amended agenda materiallists the discussion items and key motion of the session with details provided by the minutes of the session. A summary of the achievements is provided in the liaison report to the other IEEE 802 WGs.

  • OmniRAN ECSG had a conference call on Wednesday, February 26 th, 2014 at 10:00-11:30am ET. The amended agenda slideslist the discussion items and the key results of the call. Minutes of the callare available on Mentor

  • OmniRAN ECSG met again during the IEEE 802 Interim session in Los Angeles, CA on January 19-24, 2014. The amended agenda materiallists the discussion items and key agreements of the session with details provided by the minutes of the session.

  • A conference call to review the achievements of the Dallas session and to plan forward until March 2014 is was held on December 11 th, 2013 at 11am ET. The amended agenda slideslist the discussion items and the key results of the call with details provided by the minutes of the call.

  • OmniRAN ECSG met again during the IEEE 802 plenary session in Dallas, TX on November 10-15, 2013. The amended agenda materiallists the discussion items and key motion of the session with details provided by the minutes of the session. A summary of the achievements is provided in the final report to the EC.

  • A final conference call to further discuss PAR and 5C and conclude on the submission of the PAR and 5C proposal to the EC was held on Thursday, October 10 th, 2013 at 9-11am ET. The amended agenda slideslist the discussion items and the key results of the call with details provided by the minutes of the session.

  • Another conference call to further discuss PAR and 5C was held on Friday, October 4 th, 2013 at 9-11am ET. The amended agenda slideslist the discussion items and the key results of the call with details provided by the minutes of the session.

  • A conference call to further discuss PAR and 5C was held on Friday, September 27 th, 2013 at 9-11am ET. The amended agenda slideslist the discussion items and the key results of the call with details provided by the minutes of the session.

  • OmniRAN ECSG had a 2-hours meeting during the IEEE 802 wireless interim session in Nanjing, China on Tuesday, September 17 th, 2013, 1930-2130 to report about achievements and to discuss PAR and 5C. The amended agenda slideslist the discussion items and the key results of the meeting with details provided by the minutes of the session. A liaison reportprovides an overview about the status and directions of the EC SG.

  • OmniRAN ECSG met on Wednesday, September 4 th, 2013, 1300-1730 BST during the IEEE 802.1/802.3 interim sessionin York, UK. The amended agenda slideslist the discussion items and the key results of the meeting with details provided by the minutes of the session.
    The open issues regards network detection and selectionas well as the point-to-point links across bridged infrastructureswere discussed in the September 3 rdPM meeting of the IEEE 802.1 security group.

  • A conference call to review the achievements of the Geneva session and to plan forward until November 2013 was held on August 7 th, 2013 at 10am ET. The amended agendalists the discussion items and the key results of the call with details provided by the minutes of the session.

  • OmniRAN ECSG met again during the IEEE 802 Plenary session in Geneva, Switzerland during the week of July 15 th, 2013. The amended agendalists the discussion items and key motion of the session with details provided by the minutes of the session. A summary reportprovides a short overview about the key results.
    The EC Study Group was extended until the end of the November 2013 session based on the presentation to the EC closing meeting.

  • A conference call was held on June 20 th, 2013 starting at 9am ET. The amended agendalists the discussion items and the key results of the call with details provided by the minutes of the session.

  • OmniRAN ECSG met during the IEEE 802 Wireless Interim session in Waikoloa, HI during the week of May 13 th, 2013. The amended agendalists the discussion items and key motions of the session. A summary reportprovides a short overview about the results with details provided by the minutes of the session.

  • A conference call was held a on May 2 nd, 2013 starting at 9am ET. The amended agendalists the discussion items and the key results of the call with details provided by the minutes of the session.

  • A conference call was held on April 11 th, 2013 starting at 9am ET. The amended agendalists the discussion items and the key results of the call with details provided by the minutes of the session.

  • OmniRAN ECSG met during the IEEE 802 Plenary session in Orlando, FL during the week of March 18 th, 2013. The amended agendalists the discussion items and key motions of the session. A summary reportprovides a short overview about the results with details provided by the minutes of the session.

  • A conference call was held on February 28 th, 2013 starting at 5pm ET. The amended agendalists the discussion items and the key results of the call, with details provided by the minutes of the session.

  • The first official meeting of the OmniRAN EC Study Group took place at the IEEE 802 Wireless Interim session in Vancouver, BC on January 15 - 17, 2013. The amended agendalists the discussion items and key motions of the session. A summary reportprovides a short overview about the results, with details available in the minutes of the Jan '13 session.

Contact Information

Related Information

OmniRAN documents of the IEEE 802.16 HetNet SG