13-Mar-2025 20:18:22 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 421 2 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification of talk-around direct communication in IEEE 802.16.1a/D3 Hyun Lee, Miyoung Yun, Seokki Kim, Won-Ik Kim, Sungkyung Kim, Chulsik Yoon, Sungcheol Chang(ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 02:09:36 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 421 1 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification of talk-around direct communication in IEEE 802.16.1a/D3 Hyun Lee, Miyoung Yun, Seokki Kim, Won-Ik Kim, Sungkyung Kim, Chulsik Yoon, Sungcheol Chang(ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 02:07:50 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 422 0 010a: P802.16.1a ASN.1 coding for TDC MAC control messages in IEEE 802.16.1a/D3 Hyun Lee, Miyoung Yun, Seokki Kim, Won-Ik Kim, Sungkyung Kim, Chulsik Yoon, Sungcheol Chang(ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 02:06:53 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 421 0 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification of talk-around direct communication in IEEE 802.16.1a/D3 Hyun Lee, Miyoung Yun, Seokki Kim, Won-Ik Kim, Sungkyung Kim, Chulsik Yoon, Sungcheol Chang(ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 02:04:48 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 414 1 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on MAC control messages for multimode operation in IEEE 802.16.1a Won-Ik Kim (ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 01:35:27 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 420 0 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on power control for HR-MS to HR-MS direct communication over IEEE 802.16.1a Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 01:09:42 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 419 0 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on HR-MS neighbor discovery under direct communication over IEEE 802.16.1a Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 01:07:02 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 418 0 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on multicast operation over IEEE 802.16.1a Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 01:04:31 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 417 0 010a: P802.16.1a Missed MAC control messages over IEEE 802.16.1a Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 01:02:19 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 416 0 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on Table of MAC signaling header types over IEEE 802.16.1a Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 00:58:21 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 415 0 000n: P802.16n Clarification on service flow management encodings over IEEE 802.16n Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 00:54:28 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 414 0 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on MAC control messages for multimode operation in IEEE 802.16.1a Won-Ik Kim (ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 01:00:49 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 413 0 000n: P802.16n Clarification on HR-MS neighbor discovery under direct communication over IEEE 802.16n Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 00:51:08 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 412 0 000n: P802.16n Clarification on multicast operation over IEEE 802.16n Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 00:47:55 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 411 0 000n: P802.16n Clarification on MAC management messages over IEEE 802.16n Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-Jul-2012 00:45:29 ET
09-Jul-2012 ET
2012 410 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement Liaison on "Working document towards a preliminary draft new Report ITU-R (LMS.CRS2)" [as 5A/41] Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
09-Jul-2012 11:06:20 ET
09-Jul-2012 ET
2012 409 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement Update of WirelessMAN-Advanced Radio Interface of Rec. M.2012 (Meeting Y) [as ITU-R 5D/64] Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
09-Jul-2012 10:42:54 ET
09-Jul-2012 ET
2012 408 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement IMT-2000 OFDMA TDD WMAN submission toward Rev. 11 of Rec ITU-R M.1457 (Meeting X+2) [as ITU-R 5D/65] Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
09-Jul-2012 10:42:10 ET
05-Jul-2012 ET
2012 407 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Report from ITU-R WP5A on acceptance of IEEE contribution 41E (CRS2) Dan Gal (Alcatel-Lucent)
05-Jul-2012 19:38:49 ET
27-Jun-2012 ET
2012 406 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Draft Statement to WATO members: Mtg Y+1 Cont. of WirelessMAN-Advanced toward Rec. ITU-R M.2012-1 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
27-Jun-2012 16:50:19 ET
27-Jun-2012 ET
2012 405 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Proposed Cont. to ITU-R WP 5D-Update of WirelessMAN-Advanced RIT of Rec. M.2012 (Meeting Y+1) Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
27-Jun-2012 16:28:50 ET
25-Jun-2012 ET
2012 402 1 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16.1b/D4 Sponsor Ballot Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
25-Jun-2012 12:05:26 ET
25-Jun-2012 ET
2012 401 1 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16p/D5 Sponsor Ballot Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
25-Jun-2012 12:04:59 ET
20-Jun-2012 ET
2012 403 0 Gdoc: Group Document Agenda/Minutes: 802.16 M2M Comment Resolution Telecon of 2012-06-25 UTC Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
25-Jun-2012 20:40:16 ET
20-Jun-2012 ET
2012 402 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16.1b/D4 Sponsor Ballot Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
20-Jun-2012 22:27:16 ET
20-Jun-2012 ET
2012 401 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16p/D5 Sponsor Ballot Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
20-Jun-2012 22:26:26 ET
14-Jun-2012 ET
2012 400 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of IEEE 802.16 Session #79 Harry Bims (Bims Laboratories)
14-Jun-2012 20:25:27 ET
30-May-2012 ET
2012 399 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16.1b Sponsor Ballot Recirculation #2: Cover Letter Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
03-Jun-2012 19:23:35 ET
30-May-2012 ET
2012 398 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16p Sponsor Ballot Recirculation #2: Cover Letter Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
03-Jun-2012 19:23:19 ET
30-May-2012 ET
2012 310 3 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16.1b/D3 Sponsor Ballot Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
30-May-2012 17:51:56 ET
30-May-2012 ET
2012 309 3 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16p/D4 Sponsor Ballot Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
01-Jun-2012 15:54:11 ET
28-May-2012 ET
2012 294 3 010b: P802.16.1b ASN.1 Code for MAC Control Messages Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
28-May-2012 20:18:48 ET
24-May-2012 ET
2012 397 0 Shet: SG - HetNet Session #79 Minutes of HetNet Study Group Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
24-May-2012 02:01:03 ET
24-May-2012 ET
2012 396 0 Smet: SG - Metrology Session #79 Minutes of Metrology SG Harry Bims (Metrology Study Group)
24-May-2012 01:57:55 ET
22-May-2012 ET
2012 379 3 Gdoc: Group Document Call for Contributions for 802.16 Metrology SG Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
22-May-2012 15:47:38 ET
22-May-2012 ET
2012 390 1 Gdoc: Group Document HetNet SG Call for Contributions on OMNI Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
22-May-2012 15:18:37 ET
21-May-2012 ET
2012 395 0 Gcon: Group Contribution PAR and Five Criteria for P802.16.3 (Mobile Broadband Network Performance Measurements) Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
21-May-2012 17:05:11 ET
21-May-2012 ET
2012 394 0 Gdoc: Group Document PAR and Five Criteria for P802.16q (Multi-Tier Amendment) Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
21-May-2012 16:25:49 ET
21-May-2012 ET
2012 393 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE 802 Tutorial: Heterogeneous Networking among the IEEE 802 Family- Proposal for an OMNI Standard Roger Marks (Consensii LLC; WiMAX Forum)
21-May-2012 14:43:52 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 380 1 Gdoc: Group Document 802.16 Metrology SG Closing Report - Session #79 Clif Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 17:33:15 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 379 2 Gdoc: Group Document Call for Contributions for 802.16 Metrology SG Clif Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 17:29:36 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 379 1 Gdoc: Group Document Call for Contributions for 802.16 Metrology SG Clif Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 17:22:37 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 386 1 Gdoc: Group Document GRIDMAN_Closing_report_s79 Tim Godfrey (GRIDMAN Task Group)
17-May-2012 16:37:58 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 364 1 Gdoc: Group Document Session #79 802.16 M2M Task Group Closing Report Jaesun Cha (M2M TG)
17-May-2012 16:36:28 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 310 2 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16.1b/D3 Sponsor Ballot Comments Jaesun Cha (M2M TG)
17-May-2012 16:33:14 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 309 2 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16p/D4 Sponsor Ballot Comments Jaesun Cha (M2M TG)
17-May-2012 16:32:53 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 384 2 Gdoc: Group Document Project Planning Committee Report and Minutes - Session #79 Roger Marks (Project Planning Committee)
17-May-2012 15:50:41 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 248 2 Gdoc: Group Document Draft Contrib. to WP 5D toward Revision 11 of Rec. ITU- M.1457 Roger Marks (ITU-R Liaison Group)
09-Jul-2012 10:46:07 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 387 3 Shet: SG - HetNet Call for Contributions on OMNI for HetNet SG Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
17-May-2012 14:19:45 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 389 1 Gdoc: Group Document HetNet SG Proposed PAR and Five Criteria for Multi-Tier Networks Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
21-May-2012 16:23:00 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 388 1 Shet: SG - HetNet Proposed PAR and Five Criteria for Multi-Tier Networks project Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
17-May-2012 14:03:24 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 392 0 Shet: SG - HetNet DRAFT HetNet Study Group Closing Report for Session #79 Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
17-May-2012 12:07:44 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 391 0 Gdoc: Group Document HetNet SG Closing Report for Session #79 Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
17-May-2012 14:42:27 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 390 0 Gdoc: Group Document HetNet SG Call for Contributions on OMNI Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
17-May-2012 14:20:30 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 389 0 Gdoc: Group Document HetNet SG Proposed PAR and Five Criteria for Multi-Tier Networks Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
21-May-2012 16:23:00 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 372 2 Smet: SG - Metrology Metrology SG Closing Report - Session #79 - DRAFT Clifton Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 11:33:11 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 382 2 Smet: SG - Metrology Call for Contributions for 802.16 Metrology SG Clif Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 11:15:31 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 344 2 Smet: SG - Metrology Standardization of Mobile Broadband Network Performance Measurements: Proposed Five Criteria Roger Marks (Consensii LLC; Mobile Pulse, Inc.)
17-May-2012 11:03:03 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 387 2 Shet: SG - HetNet Call for Contributions on OMNI for HetNet SG Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
17-May-2012 10:51:20 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 353 1 Gcon: Group Contribution 802.16 Enhancements to Support Direct Communications for Proximity-based Applications Wooram Shin, Jaesun Cha, Anseok Lee, Eunkyung Kim, Kwangjae Lim (ETRI)
17-May-2012 10:42:30 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 388 0 Shet: SG - HetNet Proposed PAR and Five Criteria for Multi-Tier Networks project Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
17-May-2012 10:23:00 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 387 1 Shet: SG - HetNet Call for Contributions on OMNI for HetNet SG Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
17-May-2012 10:21:56 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 387 0 Shet: SG - HetNet Call for Contributions on OMNI for HetNet SG Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
17-May-2012 10:15:33 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 382 1 Smet: SG - Metrology Call for Contributions for 802.16 Metrology SG Clif Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 10:02:02 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 372 1 Smet: SG - Metrology Metrology SG Closing Report - Session #79 - DRAFT Clifton Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 09:56:36 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 384 1 Gdoc: Group Document Project Planning Committee Report and Minutes - Session #79 Roger Marks (Project Planning Committee)
17-May-2012 09:30:33 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 386 0 Gdoc: Group Document GRIDMAN_Closing_report_s79 Tim Godfrey (GRIDMAN Task Group)
17-May-2012 16:03:03 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 341 2 Gdoc: Group Document Working Group Letter Ballot Recirc #38a Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
17-May-2012 09:01:09 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 340 2 Gdoc: Group Document Working Group Letter Ballot Recirc #37a Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
17-May-2012 09:00:28 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 385 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes-of-GRIDMAN-TG-at-Session-#79-(Atlanta) Tim Godfrey (GRIDMAN Task Group)
17-May-2012 09:31:37 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 384 0 Gdoc: Group Document Project Planning Committee Report and Minutes - Session #79 Roger Marks (Project Planning Committee)
17-May-2012 00:44:35 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 306 3 010a: P802.16.1a Comment on AAI-RNG-REQ message over IEEE 802.16.1a Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
16-May-2012 18:23:20 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 306 2 010a: P802.16.1a Comment on AAI-RNG-REQ message over IEEE 802.16.1a Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
16-May-2012 18:11:01 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 382 0 Smet: SG - Metrology Call for Contributions for 802.16 Metrology SG Clif Barber (KDDI)
16-May-2012 16:20:45 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 380 0 Gdoc: Group Document 802.16 Metrology SG Closing Report - Session #79 Clif Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 11:57:13 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 379 0 Gdoc: Group Document Call for Contributions for 802.16 Metrology SG Clif Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 11:56:03 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 378 0 Gdoc: Group Document Standardization of Mobile Broadband Network Performance Measurements: Proposed Five Criteria Stateme Clif Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 11:54:53 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 377 0 Gdoc: Group Document Standardization of Mobile Broadband Network Performance Measurements: Proposed PAR Clif Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 11:53:53 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 352 1 Shet: SG - HetNet Open Mobile Network Interface (OMNI) Layer for an IEEE 802 Heterogeneous Network: Call for Contrib. Roger Marks (Consensii LLC; WiMAX Forum)
16-May-2012 14:31:52 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 371 4 Shet: SG - HetNet Standardization of Multi-tier Networks: Proposed PAR and Five Criteria Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
16-May-2012 14:16:31 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 373 1 Smet: SG - Metrology Broadband Internet Performance: A View from the Gateway Srikanth Sundaresan, Walter de Donato, Stephen Woodrow, Nick Feamster, Renata Teixeira, Sam Crawford, Antonio Pescape
16-May-2012 13:47:13 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 343 1 Smet: SG - Metrology Standardization of Mobile Broadband Network Performance Measurements: Proposed PAR Roger Marks (Consensii LLC; Mobile Pulse, Inc.)
16-May-2012 12:22:41 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 371 3 Shet: SG - HetNet Standardization of Multi-tier Networks: Proposed PAR and Five Criteria Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
16-May-2012 12:12:28 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 296 1 010b: P802.16.1b clarification on M2M abnormal power down reporting in idle state Anshuman Nigam (Samsung Electronics)
16-May-2012 11:17:57 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 294 2 010b: P802.16.1b ASN.1 Code for MAC Control Messages Anshuman Nigam (Samsung ELectronics)
16-May-2012 11:16:23 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 374 1 000p: P802.16p Correction of Ranging Purpose Indication Parameter Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
16-May-2012 10:46:49 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 374 0 000p: P802.16p Correction of Ranging Purpose Indication Parameter Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
16-May-2012 10:35:22 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 373 0 Smet: SG - Metrology Broadband Internet Performance: A View from the Gateway Srikanth Sundaresan, Walter de Donato, Stephen Woodrow, Nick Feamster, Renata Teixeira, Sam Crawford, Antonio Pescape
16-May-2012 10:02:22 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 372 0 Smet: SG - Metrology Metrology SG Closing Report - Session #79 - DRAFT Clifton Barber (KDDI)
16-May-2012 17:06:20 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 349 1 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16.1/D6 Sponsor Ballot Recirc #3 Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
20-May-2012 16:56:28 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 348 1 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16Rev3/D6 Sponsor Ballot Recirc #3 Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
20-May-2012 16:48:50 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 351 1 Shet: SG - HetNet Open Mobile Network Interface (OMNI) Layer for an IEEE 802 HetNet: Architecture and Functionality Roger Marks (Consensii LLC; WiMAX Forum)
16-May-2012 01:17:41 ET
15-May-2012 ET
2012 305 3 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on Table of MAC control messages over IEEE 802.16.1a Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
15-May-2012 23:53:16 ET
15-May-2012 ET
2012 306 1 010a: P802.16.1a Comment on AAI-RNG-REQ message over IEEE 802.16.1a Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
15-May-2012 23:42:29 ET
15-May-2012 ET
2012 371 2 Shet: SG - HetNet Standardization of Multi-tier Networks: Proposed PAR and Five Criteria Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
15-May-2012 20:43:41 ET
15-May-2012 ET
2012 371 1 Shet: SG - HetNet Standardization of Multi-tier Networks: Proposed PAR and Five Criteria Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
15-May-2012 19:27:28 ET
15-May-2012 ET
2012 371 0 Shet: SG - HetNet Standardization of Multi-tier Networks: Proposed PAR and Five Criteria Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
15-May-2012 19:26:23 ET
15-May-2012 ET
2012 321 2 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on AAI-DSA-REQ Message in 16.1a Network Anseok Lee (ETRI)
15-May-2012 18:04:44 ET
15-May-2012 ET
2012 334 1 010a: P802.16.1a Initial ranging for priority access in IEEE 802.16.1a Seokjoo Shin (Chosun University)
15-May-2012 18:04:16 ET
15-May-2012 ET
2012 320 1 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on Alternative Path in 16.1a Network Anseok Lee (ETRI)
15-May-2012 18:02:04 ET