15-Mar-2025 09:38:17 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
17-Jul-2008 ET
2008 495 1 TG3c Concerns and Suggestions to VHT60 PAR Shuzo Kato (NICT)
17-Jul-2008 16:39:46 ET
15-Jul-2008 ET
2008 500 0 TG3c Proposal on Creating a Task Force by TG3c and VHT SG Shuzo Kato (NICT)
15-Jul-2008 16:11:07 ET
17-Jul-2008 ET
2008 527 0 TG3c TG3cfs Actions on VHT SG PAR Shuzo Kato, James Gilbs
17-Jul-2008 10:17:27 ET
17-Jul-2008 ET
2008 534 0 TG3c TG3c's Actions on VHT SG PARr1 Shuzo Kato and James Gilb
17-Jul-2008 13:23:47 ET
19-Aug-2008 ET
2008 580 0 TG3c Current TG3c Modulation and Coding Schemes and Performance Examples Shuzo Kato
20-Aug-2008 04:22:58 ET
17-Jul-2008 ET
2008 498 4 TG3c TG3c comments on VHT60 PAR Shuzo Kato
17-Jul-2008 21:19:50 ET
15-Jul-2008 ET
2008 498 3 TG3c TG3c comments on VHT60 PAR Shuzo Kato
15-Jul-2008 18:45:39 ET
15-Jul-2008 ET
2008 498 2 TG3c TG3c comments on VHT60 PAR Shuzo Kato
15-Jul-2008 18:43:33 ET
15-Jul-2008 ET
2008 498 1 TG3c TG3c comments on VHT60 PAR Shuzo Kato
15-Jul-2008 18:37:47 ET
15-Jul-2008 ET
2008 498 0 TG3c TG3c comments on VHT60 PAR Shuzo Kato
15-Jul-2008 18:04:00 ET
14-Jul-2008 ET
2008 483 0 TG3c IEEE802.15.3c Progress and Achievement Shuzo Kato
14-Jul-2008 22:06:40 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 262 2 TG4k Summary of Latest Japanese 920MHz Rules and Conditions Shusaku Shimada(Yokogawa Co.); Shu Kato(Tohoku University)
16-May-2012 13:44:27 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 262 1 TG4k Summary of Latest Japanese 920MHz Rules and Conditions Shusaku Shimada(Yokogawa Co.); Shu Kato(Tohoku University)
16-May-2012 08:12:22 ET
20-Sep-2011 ET
2011 629 1 TG4k LECIM Proposal with data rate adaptation for resilient relay Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)@Kei Sakaguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
20-Sep-2011 11:53:19 ET
20-Sep-2011 ET
2011 629 2 TG4k LECIM Proposal with data rate adaptation for resilient relay Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.), Kei Sakaguchi (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
20-Sep-2011 17:53:51 ET
15-May-2012 ET
2012 262 0 TG4k Summary of Latest Japanese 920MHz Rules and Conditions Shusaku Shimada(Yokogawa Co.)
15-May-2012 18:46:24 ET
18-Sep-2011 ET
2011 629 0 TG4k LECIM Proposal with data rate adaptation for resilient relay Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
19-Sep-2011 09:17:45 ET
17-Jul-2011 ET
2011 489 0 TG4k Initial proposal of Resilient Relay with Rate adaptation for reliable LECIM PHY Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
17-Jul-2011 16:19:36 ET
14-Jul-2010 ET
2010 572 0 TG4g CID1034 Proposed SOI flag in PHR indicating the information of RRM and RR Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
14-Jul-2010 02:00:23 ET
29-Jun-2010 ET
2010 438 0 TG4g Official Availability of Japanese 950 to 958MHz Band Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
29-Jun-2010 12:00:31 ET
27-May-2010 ET
2010 362 1 TG4g CID1500 SUNTurnaroundTime supplement Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
27-May-2010 09:13:35 ET
20-May-2010 ET
2010 362 0 TG4g CID1500 SUNTurnaroundTime supplement Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
20-May-2010 03:57:17 ET
09-Nov-2009 ET
2009 739 0 TG4g Prospective Institutional Changes regarding Japanese 950MHz Band Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
14-Nov-2009 12:09:58 ET
16-Jul-2009 ET
2009 484 2 TG4g FPP-SUN Regulatory Conformance Considerations Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
16-Jul-2009 11:27:05 ET
12-Jul-2009 ET
2009 484 1 TG4g FPP-SUN Regulatory Conformance Considerations Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
13-Jul-2009 13:04:04 ET
07-May-2009 ET
2009 365 0 TG4g Additional Considerations for Maximizing the benefits of an OFDM PHY for SUN Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
07-May-2009 10:37:18 ET
31-Aug-2008 ET
2008 599 0 TG4e 15-4e-proposal-AFA-provisioning Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
31-Aug-2008 23:57:14 ET
16-Jul-2008 ET
2008 405 1 TG4e AFA_provisioning Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
16-Jul-2008 10:00:56 ET
29-Jun-2008 ET
2008 405 0 TG4e AFA_provisioning Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
07-Jul-2008 17:57:11 ET
13-May-2008 ET
2008 340 0 TG4d Proposed Text of BPSK-DSSS Part within 6.6 and 6.3_2006_080513 Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
13-May-2008 22:57:36 ET
13-May-2008 ET
2008 109 2 TG4d p802-15-4-d-proposal-ww-bpsk-with-afa-provisioning Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
13-May-2008 18:21:02 ET
13-May-2008 ET
2008 109 1 TG4d p802-15-4-d-proposal-ww-bpsk-with-afa-provisioning Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
13-May-2008 16:37:05 ET
08-Mar-2008 ET
2008 109 0 TG4d p802-15-4-d-proposal-ww-bpsk-with-afa-provisioning Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
11-Mar-2008 02:22:44 ET
15-Jan-2008 ET
2008 30 1 TG4e AFA functionality in reliability conscious applications Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
15-Jan-2008 05:18:53 ET
15-Jan-2008 ET
2008 6 1 TG4d P802.15.4.d Preliminary Proposal : WW-BPSK with AFA provisioning Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
15-Jan-2008 04:14:02 ET
13-Jan-2008 ET
2008 30 0 TG4e AFA functionality in reliability conscious applications Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
13-Jan-2008 05:51:30 ET
06-Jan-2008 ET
2008 6 0 TG4d P802.15.4.d Preliminary Proposal : WW-BPSK with AFA provisioning Shusaku Shimada (Yokogawa Co.)
06-Jan-2008 19:44:41 ET
13-Jan-2015 ET
2015 40 0 TG4s Vigilance of Spectrum Resource Usage in private facilities for network stability and security Shusaku Shimada (Schubiquist Technologies Guild)
13-Jan-2015 04:06:26 ET
14-Nov-2013 ET
2013 654 1 SGsru Additional usecase of temporal industrial network deployment Shusaku Shimada (Schubiquist Technologies Guild)
14-Nov-2013 02:00:05 ET
10-Nov-2013 ET
2013 654 0 SGsru Additional usecase of temporal industrial network deployment Shusaku Shimada (Schubiquist Technologies Guild)
10-Nov-2013 12:54:02 ET
16-May-2013 ET
2013 293 1 SGsru IG-SRU-Usecase-requirements Shusaku Shimada (Schubiquist Technologies Guild)
16-May-2013 15:52:09 ET
16-May-2013 ET
2013 294 1 SGsru IG-SRU_Working_Draft_Usecases_&_Draft5C Shusaku Shimada (Schubiquist Technologies Guild)
16-May-2013 15:51:07 ET
12-May-2013 ET
2013 294 0 SGsru IG-SRU_Working_Draft_Usecases_&_Draft5C Shusaku Shimada (Schubiquist Technologies Guild)
12-May-2013 23:37:39 ET
12-May-2013 ET
2013 293 0 SGsru IG-SRU-Usecase-requirements Shusaku Shimada (Schubiquist Technologies Guild)
12-May-2013 23:36:54 ET
21-Mar-2013 ET
2013 132 2 SGsru SRU-by-Radio-Resource-Measurement-&-Management-for-the-enhanced-reliability Shusaku Shimada (Schubiquist Technologies Guild)
21-Mar-2013 15:29:28 ET
20-Mar-2013 ET
2013 132 1 SGsru SRU-by-Radio-Resource-Measurement-&-Management-for-the-enhanced-reliability Shusaku Shimada (Schubiquist Technologies Guild)
20-Mar-2013 07:32:52 ET
16-Mar-2013 ET
2013 132 0 SGsru SRU-by-Radio-Resource-Measurement-&-Management-for-the-enhanced-reliability Shusaku Shimada (Schubiquist Technologies Guild)
16-Mar-2013 07:58:26 ET
10-Nov-2016 ET
2016 846 0 TG4s Prerequisite for 15.4s Comment Resolution of CID 67-69 concerning to TSCH Shusaku Shimada (Schubiquist Technologies)
10-Nov-2016 16:29:12 ET
06-Jul-2009 ET
2009 484 0 TG4g FPP-SUN Regulatory Conformance Considerations Shusaku Shimada iYokogawa Co.j
07-Jul-2009 08:16:35 ET
16-Mar-2010 ET
2010 180 1 TG4g Current Status of Japanese Regulatory Changes regarding 950MHz Band Shusaku Shimada (Independent)
16-Mar-2010 08:46:21 ET
15-Mar-2010 ET
2010 180 0 TG4g Current Status of Japanese Regulatory Changes regarding 950MHz Band Shusaku Shimada (Independent)
15-Mar-2010 09:17:18 ET
15-Sep-2019 ET
2019 402 0 IG DEP Updated MAC Protocol with Interference Mitigation Using Negotiation among Coordinators in Multiple Wireless Body Area Networks(BANs)] Shunpei Ogawa(YNU), Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC UofOulu)
15-Sep-2019 03:18:36 ET
14-Jul-2019 ET
2019 291 0 IG DEP Dependable MAC Protocol with Interference Mitigation Using Negotiation among Coordinators in Multiple WBANs Shunpei Ogawa(YNU), Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC-Nippon)
14-Jul-2019 23:01:30 ET
11-Mar-2019 ET
2019 119 0 IG DEP IG DEP MAC Protocol with Interference Mitigation Using Negotiation among Coordinators in Multiple Wireless Body Area Networks Shunpei Ogawa(YNU), Ryuji Kohno(YNU/CWC-Nippon)
11-Mar-2019 10:06:51 ET
17-Sep-2015 ET
2015 764 0 WG15 802.19 Liaison Report-BKK 2015-09 Shu Kato, Tohoku University
17-Sep-2015 09:04:54 ET
20-May-2012 ET
2012 286 2 TG4k DSSS Channelization for TG4K Shu Kato (Tohoku University)
20-May-2012 10:11:53 ET
20-May-2012 ET
2012 286 1 TG4k DSSS Channelization for TG4K Shu Kato (Tohoku University)
20-May-2012 10:02:58 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 286 0 TG4k DSSS Channelization for TG4K Shu Kato (Tohoku University)
17-May-2012 08:09:13 ET
25-Mar-2012 ET
2012 189 2 TG4k Proposed 900 MHz and 430 MHz Channelization in for IEEE802.15.4k Shu Kato (Tohoku University)
25-Mar-2012 11:30:59 ET
16-Mar-2012 ET
2012 189 1 TG4k Proposed 900 MHz and 430 MHz Channelization in for IEEE802.15.4k Shu Kato (Tohoku University)
16-Mar-2012 05:09:18 ET
15-Mar-2012 ET
2012 189 0 TG4k Proposed 900 MHz and 430 MHz Channelization in for IEEE802.15.4k Shu Kato (Tohoku University)
15-Mar-2012 21:54:13 ET
20-Sep-2011 ET
2011 641 2 TG4k IEEE 802.4k System Proposal - ISWAN (Integrated Services Wide Area Networks) Shu Kato (Tohoku University)
20-Sep-2011 23:03:05 ET
20-Sep-2011 ET
2011 641 1 TG4k IEEE 802.4k System Proposal - ISWAN (Integrated Services Wide Area Networks) Shu Kato (Tohoku University)
20-Sep-2011 22:35:41 ET
19-Sep-2011 ET
2011 641 0 TG4k IEEE 802.4k System Proposal - ISWAN (Integrated Services Wide Area Networks) Shu Kato (Tohoku University)
20-Sep-2011 21:44:14 ET
24-Aug-2011 ET
2011 571 0 TG4k Channel Model Comparison for 802.15 TG4k Shu Kato (Tohoku University)
24-Aug-2011 21:33:24 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 119 1 TG4k Task Group 802.15.4k Timeline (draft) Shu Kato (NICT)
20-Jan-2011 22:09:58 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 125 0 TG4k 15-11-0119-01-004k Task Group 802.15.4k Timeline (draft) Shu Kato (NICT)
20-Jan-2011 21:50:11 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 119 0 TG4k Task Group 802.15.4k Timeline (draft) Shu Kato (NICT)
20-Jan-2011 19:48:40 ET
20-Jan-2011 ET
2011 106 0 TG4k TG4k Project Time line Shu Kato (NICT)
20-Jan-2011 15:07:52 ET
23-Aug-2009 ET
2009 602 0 TG3c tg3c-kona-agenda Shu Kato (NICT)
23-Aug-2009 19:50:00 ET
14-Jul-2009 ET
2009 531 0 TG3c TG3c San Francisco Meeting Opening Introduction Shu Kato (NICT)
14-Jul-2009 16:05:04 ET
14-May-2009 ET
2009 421 2 TG3c TG3c Closing report Montreal meeting Shu Kato (NICT)
14-May-2009 19:19:19 ET
14-May-2009 ET
2009 421 1 TG3c TG3c Closing report Montreal meeting Shu Kato (NICT)
14-May-2009 12:40:09 ET
14-May-2009 ET
2009 419 1 TG3c June ballot resolution committee Shu Kato (NICT)
14-May-2009 09:02:57 ET
13-May-2009 ET
2009 421 0 TG3c TG3c Closing report Montreal meeting Shu Kato (NICT)
14-May-2009 11:52:36 ET
13-May-2009 ET
2009 419 0 TG3c June ballot resolution committee Shu Kato (NICT)
14-May-2009 08:43:35 ET
11-May-2009 ET
2009 269 3 TG3c TG3c Montreal agenda Shu Kato (NICT)
11-May-2009 10:53:25 ET
11-May-2009 ET
2009 380 1 TG3c TG3c Montreal Meeting Opening Introduction Shu Kato (NICT)
11-May-2009 10:31:45 ET
02-Jun-2008 ET
2008 396 1 TG3c Call for opinions on VHT and TG3C activities Shu Kato
02-Jun-2008 11:01:52 ET
02-Jun-2008 ET
2008 396 0 TG3c Call for opinions on VHT and TG3C activities Shu Kato
02-Jun-2008 10:36:05 ET
10-May-2008 ET
2008 273 0 SG VLC Location Information Technology by LED Tags and Image Sensors Shuji Suzuki (VLCC/NEC)
10-May-2008 06:48:17 ET
13-Nov-2008 ET
2008 748 1 SG VLC VLC use case with image sensors Shuji Suzuki (NEC)
13-Nov-2008 11:58:52 ET
08-Nov-2008 ET
2008 748 0 SG VLC VLC use case with image sensors Shuji Suzuki (NEC)
10-Nov-2008 01:44:24 ET
12-Mar-2025 ET
2025 7 3 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) Partial proposal on adding SUN FSK to two Japanese VHF bands Shugo Kajita (Space-Time Engineering Japan, Inc.), Shoichi Kitazawa (Muroran IT)
12-Mar-2025 10:26:20 ET
14-Jan-2025 ET
2025 7 2 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) Partial proposal on adding SUN FSK to two Japanese VHF bands Shugo Kajita (Space-Time Engineering Japan, Inc.), Shoichi Kitazawa (Muroran IT)
14-Jan-2025 21:09:49 ET
12-Jan-2025 ET
2025 7 1 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) Partial proposal on adding SUN FSK to two Japanese VHF bands Shugo Kajita (Space-Time Engineering Japan, Inc.), Shoichi Kitazawa (Muroran IT)
12-Jan-2025 23:49:49 ET
06-Jan-2025 ET
2025 7 0 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) Partial proposal on adding SUN FSK to two Japanese VHF bands Shugo Kajita (Space-Time Engineering Japan, Inc.), Shoichi Kitazawa (Muroran IT)
07-Jan-2025 01:18:20 ET
16-Sep-2010 ET
2010 741 3 TG6 Proposed replacement text corresonding to comment resolution for HBC(EFC) S.H.Park (Samsung Electronics) et. al.
16-Sep-2010 17:12:00 ET
16-Sep-2010 ET
2010 741 2 TG6 Proposed replacement text corresonding to comment resolution for HBC(EFC) S.H.Park (Samsung Electronics) et. al.
16-Sep-2010 00:34:30 ET
15-Sep-2010 ET
2010 741 1 TG6 Proposed replacement text corresonding to comment resolution for HBC(EFC) S.H.Park (Samsung Electronics) et. al.
15-Sep-2010 18:10:46 ET
14-Sep-2010 ET
2010 741 0 TG6 Proposed replacement text corresonding to comment resolution for HBC(EFC) S.H.Park (Samsung Electronics) et. al.
14-Sep-2010 01:14:22 ET
15-Sep-2019 ET
2019 404 0 TG4md Supplementary document for CID#135 Shoichi Kitazawa (Muroran IT), Suben Salazar, Chris Hett, Hidetoshi Yokota (Landis+Gyr)
15-Sep-2019 08:35:16 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 387 6 TG4md Proposed resolution of SRM related CID for the LB158 Shoichi Kitazawa (Muroran IT), Ruben Salazar, Chris Hett, Hidetoshi Yokota (Landis+Gyr)
18-Sep-2019 23:53:58 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 387 5 TG4md Proposed resolution of SRM related CID for the LB158 Shoichi Kitazawa (Muroran IT), Ruben Salazar, Chris Hett, Hidetoshi Yokota (Landis+Gyr)
18-Sep-2019 23:41:27 ET
18-Sep-2019 ET
2019 387 4 TG4md Proposed resolution of SRM related CID for the LB158 Shoichi Kitazawa (Muroran IT), Ruben Salazar, Chris Hett, Hidetoshi Yokota (Landis+Gyr)
18-Sep-2019 04:42:19 ET
17-Sep-2019 ET
2019 387 3 TG4md Proposed resolution of SRM related CID for the LB158 Shoichi Kitazawa (Muroran IT), Ruben Salazar, Chris Hett, Hidetoshi Yokota (Landis+Gyr)
17-Sep-2019 04:20:27 ET
15-Sep-2019 ET
2019 387 2 TG4md Proposed resolution of SRM related CID for the LB158 Shoichi Kitazawa (Muroran IT), Ruben Salazar, Chris Hett, Hidetoshi Yokota (Landis+Gyr)
15-Sep-2019 21:40:00 ET
15-Sep-2019 ET
2019 405 0 TG4md Supplementary document for CID#220 Shoichi Kitazawa (Muroran IT), Ruben Salazar, Chris Hett, Hidetoshi Yokota (Landis+Gyr)
15-Sep-2019 08:38:29 ET
13-Nov-2024 ET
2024 645 0 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) DR-IoT and TG4ad Gap Analysis Shoichi Kitazawa(Muroran IT), Minemo Takai(STE)
13-Nov-2024 18:56:25 ET
16-Jan-2018 ET
2018 43 0 TG4s TG4s January 2018 Meeting Minutes Shoichi Kitazawa(Muroran IT)
18-Jan-2018 17:01:00 ET