14-Mar-2025 20:57:51 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
20-Jan-2016 ET
2016 10 0 Gdoc: Group Document GRIDMAN Task Group - Closing Report Session #101 GRIDMAN Task Group
20-Jan-2016 22:45:30 ET
20-Jan-2016 ET
2016 9 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Update on participation and support for the 802.16s project Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
20-Jan-2016 22:10:54 ET
20-Jan-2016 ET
2016 8 0 Gdoc: Group Document Draft PAR and CSD: Amendment for fixed and mobile wireless access in channel sizes less than 1.25 MHz GRIDMAN Task Group
20-Jan-2016 14:26:21 ET
20-Jan-2016 ET
2015 38 3 Gdoc: Group Document Draft PAR and CSD: Amendment for fixed and mobile wireless access in channel sizes less than 1.25 MHz GRIDMAN Task Group
20-Jan-2016 13:43:44 ET
20-Jan-2016 ET
2016 7 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Northwestern Energy support for 802.16s Vernan Hogge (Northewestern Energy)
20-Jan-2016 09:59:15 ET
20-Jan-2016 ET
2016 6 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Idaho Power support for 802.16s Shaun Skidmore (Idaho Power)
20-Jan-2016 09:56:57 ET
20-Jan-2016 ET
2016 5 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Salt River Project support for 802.16s Jeff Neuenfeldt (Salt River Project)
20-Jan-2016 09:53:05 ET
19-Jan-2016 ET
2016 1 1 Gcon: Group Contribution 802.16/802.24 Tutorial: Proposed 802.16s Narrowband Project Tim Godfrey (EPRI), et al.
19-Jan-2016 23:36:51 ET
19-Jan-2016 ET
2016 3 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE 802.16 Status Report, Session #101 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16)
19-Jan-2016 12:18:12 ET
18-Jan-2016 ET
2016 1 0 Gcon: Group Contribution 802.16/802.24 Tutorial: Proposed 802.16s Narrowband Project Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
18-Jan-2016 11:53:06 ET
10-Nov-2015 ET
2015 47 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE 802.16 Working Group Minutes of Session #100 Harry Bims (WG Secretary)
22-Dec-2015 16:43:45 ET
13-Nov-2015 ET
2015 54 0 Gcon: Group Contribution P802.16s PAR to NesCom: Additional Remarks on Standards of Similar Scope Roger Marks; Tim Godfrey (EthAirNet Associates; EPRI)
13-Nov-2015 16:27:44 ET
11-Nov-2015 ET
2015 52 0 Gdoc: Group Document Draft P802.16s CSD: Amendment for Fixed and Mobile Wireless Access in Channel Bandwidth up to 1.25 MHz Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
11-Nov-2015 16:50:15 ET
11-Nov-2015 ET
2015 51 0 Gdoc: Group Document Draft P802.16s PAR: Amendment for Fixed and Mobile Wireless Access in Channel Bandwidth up to 1.25 MHz Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
11-Nov-2015 16:50:02 ET
11-Nov-2015 ET
2015 50 0 Gdoc: Group Document P802.16s Draft PAR: Comments and Responses Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
11-Nov-2015 16:16:39 ET
11-Nov-2015 ET
2015 38 2 Gdoc: Group Document Draft PAR and CSD: Amendment for fixed and mobile wireless access in channel sizes less than 1.25 MHz GRIDMAN Task Group
11-Nov-2015 16:11:00 ET
10-Nov-2015 ET
2015 49 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes: GRIDMAN Telecons between Sessions #98 and #100 Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
10-Nov-2015 20:06:11 ET
10-Nov-2015 ET
2015 48 0 Gdoc: Group Document Comments on P802d and P802.1CQ PARs Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
10-Nov-2015 19:48:27 ET
08-Nov-2015 ET
2015 46 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Treasurer Report - Nov 2015 Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
08-Nov-2015 18:11:10 ET
07-Nov-2015 ET
2015 45 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Proposed Comments on P802d and P802.1CQ PARs Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
07-Nov-2015 13:13:26 ET
19-Oct-2015 ET
2015 44 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE 802.16 Status Report, Session #100 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
05-Nov-2015 10:45:18 ET
13-Jul-2015 ET
2015 27 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE 802.16 Working Group Minutes of Session #98 Harry Bims (WG Secretary)
06-Oct-2015 15:26:28 ET
01-Oct-2015 ET
2015 38 1 Gdoc: Group Document Draft PAR and CSD: Amendment for fixed and mobile wireless access in channel sizes less than 1.25 MHz GRIDMAN Task Group
01-Oct-2015 12:17:41 ET
01-Oct-2015 ET
2015 43 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Proposed Revised Draft P802.16s PAR Text Roger B. Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
01-Oct-2015 00:55:05 ET
30-Sep-2015 ET
2015 40 1 Gcon: Group Contribution Expressed Interest & Support of PAR CSD Jerry Knoblach (Space Data)
30-Sep-2015 19:01:45 ET
29-Sep-2015 ET
2015 42 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Access Spectrum Support for 802.16 PAR John Vislosky, Access Spectrum LLC
29-Sep-2015 17:55:48 ET
29-Sep-2015 ET
2015 41 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Great River Energy - Expressed Support for IEEE 802-16 PAR Kathy Nelson (Great River Energy)
29-Sep-2015 10:16:18 ET
23-Sep-2015 ET
2015 39 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Expressed Interest and Support for PAR as drafted Robert Finch (Select Spectrum LLC and BPC Spectrum LLC)
23-Sep-2015 18:03:38 ET
10-Sep-2015 ET
2015 38 0 Gdoc: Group Document Draft PAR and CSD: Amendment for fixed and mobile wireless access in channel sizes less than 1.25 MHz GRIDMAN Task Group
10-Sep-2015 16:54:07 ET
10-Sep-2015 ET
2015 37 1 Gcon: Group Contribution Draft PAR and CSD: Amendment for fixed and mobile wireless access in channel sizes less than 1.25 MHz GRIDMAN Task Group
10-Sep-2015 16:15:40 ET
09-Sep-2015 ET
2015 37 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Draft PAR and CSD: Amendment for fixed and mobile wireless access in channel sizes less than 1.25 MHz Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
09-Sep-2015 12:44:31 ET
13-Aug-2015 ET
2015 36 0 Gcon: Group Contribution CSD Template for narrower channel operation Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
13-Aug-2015 16:55:46 ET
11-Aug-2015 ET
2015 35 0 Gcon: Group Contribution FullMAX Air Inetrface Parameters for Upper 700 MHz A Block v1.0 Menashe Shahar (Full Spectrum Inc.)
11-Aug-2015 19:26:35 ET
05-Aug-2015 ET
2015 34 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Expressing interest in standard Stewart Kantor (Full Spectrum)
05-Aug-2015 20:22:39 ET
05-Aug-2015 ET
2015 33 0 Gcon: Group Contribution IEEE 802 Criteria for Standards Development Stewart Kantor (Full Spectrum)
05-Aug-2015 20:20:05 ET
05-Aug-2015 ET
2015 32 0 Gcon: Group Contribution IEEE-SA Project Authorization Request (PAR) Stewart Kantor
05-Aug-2015 20:18:05 ET
23-Jul-2015 ET
2015 31 1 Gdoc: Group Document Call for Contributions: GRIDMAN Task Group - Narrower Channel Operation Roger B. Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
23-Jul-2015 18:41:25 ET
21-Jul-2015 ET
2015 31 0 Gdoc: Group Document Call for Contributions: GRIDMAN Task Group - Narrower Channel Operation Roger B. Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
21-Jul-2015 16:28:16 ET
21-Jul-2015 ET
2015 30 0 Gdoc: Group Document P802.16 Draft Amendment PAR Template Roger B. Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
21-Jul-2015 16:20:25 ET
16-Jul-2015 ET
2015 29 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Draft Call for Contributions: GRIDMAN Task Group - Narrower Channel Operation Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
16-Jul-2015 16:04:57 ET
14-Jul-2015 ET
2015 28 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Minutes of Narrowband Ad Hoc - July 2015 Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
16-Jul-2015 14:17:45 ET
15-Jul-2015 ET
2015 21 2 03R0: P802.16.3 Mobile LMAP Use Cases (IETF Contribution) Antonio Bovo
15-Jul-2015 09:52:29 ET
15-Jul-2015 ET
2015 21 1 03R0: P802.16.3 Mobile LMAP Use Cases (IETF Contribution) Antonio Bovo
15-Jul-2015 08:10:37 ET
13-Jul-2015 ET
2015 26 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Treasurer Report - July 2015 Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
13-Jul-2015 16:12:01 ET
01-Jul-2015 ET
2015 20 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Narrowband Requirements Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
10-Jul-2015 11:58:15 ET
09-Jul-2015 ET
2015 25 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS from ITU-T SG9: New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) Standardization Overview and Work Plan ITU-R SG9 (posted by Roger Marks)
09-Jul-2015 15:37:41 ET
08-Jul-2015 ET
2015 24 0 Gdoc: Group Document LS from ITU-R WP5D: Updated schedule for Revision 13 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457 ITU-R WP 5D (posted by Roger Marks)
08-Jul-2015 17:04:40 ET
08-Jul-2015 ET
2015 23 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS from ITU-R WP5D: Revision of Recommendations for generic unwanted emission characteristics ITU-R WP 5D (posted by Roger Marks)
08-Jul-2015 17:02:50 ET
08-Jul-2015 ET
2015 22 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE 802.16 Status Report, Session #98 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
08-Jul-2015 16:55:40 ET
06-Jul-2015 ET
2015 21 0 03R0: P802.16.3 Mobile LMAP Use Cases (IETF Contribution) Antonio Bovo
06-Jul-2015 20:05:21 ET
26-Jun-2015 ET
2015 17 1 03R0: P802.16.3 Use case overview A.Bovo (Self)
26-Jun-2015 11:39:18 ET
09-Mar-2015 ET
2015 9 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE 802.16 Working Group Minutes of Session #96 Harry Bims (WG Secretary)
18-Jun-2015 16:20:44 ET
10-Jun-2015 ET
2015 18 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS from ITU-T SG13: LS on Establishment of new Focus Group on 'IMT-2020' ITU-T Study Group 13; Uploaded by Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
10-Jun-2015 14:30:28 ET
21-May-2015 ET
2015 17 0 03R0: P802.16.3 Use case overview A.Bovo (Self)
21-May-2015 11:14:39 ET
18-Mar-2015 ET
2015 15 0 03R0: P802.16.3 IEEE Project 802.16.3 Relationship to LMAP Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
20-Mar-2015 13:02:30 ET
20-Mar-2015 ET
2015 11 3 03R0: P802.16.3 802.16.3 and LMAP liaison A.Bovo (Self)
20-Mar-2015 10:30:38 ET
18-Mar-2015 ET
2015 16 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to IETF LMAP: Update on IEEE Project P802.16.3 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
18-Mar-2015 13:46:00 ET
18-Mar-2015 ET
2015 14 1 03R0: P802.16.3 Proposed Statement to IETF LMAP on IEEE P802.16.3 Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
18-Mar-2015 13:45:24 ET
18-Mar-2015 ET
2015 14 0 03R0: P802.16.3 Proposed Statement to IETF LMAP on IEEE P802.16.3 Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
18-Mar-2015 13:21:27 ET
18-Mar-2015 ET
2015 11 2 03R0: P802.16.3 802.16.3 and LMAP liaison A.Bovo (Self)
18-Mar-2015 12:42:03 ET
18-Mar-2015 ET
2015 11 1 03R0: P802.16.3 802.16.3 and LMAP liaison A.Bovo (Self)
18-Mar-2015 12:19:02 ET
18-Mar-2015 ET
2015 5 1 03R0: P802.16.3 802-16-3 lmap commonalities Reinhard Schrage, self
18-Mar-2015 10:22:15 ET
13-Mar-2015 ET
2015 10 1 Gcon: Group Contribution Narrowband Ad-Hoc Status Update Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
16-Mar-2015 17:15:46 ET
13-Mar-2015 ET
2015 13 0 Gdoc: Group Document Withdrawal of IEEE P802.16r PAR Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates; BaiCells)
13-Mar-2015 02:58:25 ET
11-Mar-2015 ET
2015 12 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Potential Narrowband PAR Text Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
11-Mar-2015 18:54:28 ET
11-Mar-2015 ET
2015 11 0 03R0: P802.16.3 802.16.3 and LMAP liaison A.Bovo (Self)
11-Mar-2015 10:15:16 ET
11-Mar-2015 ET
2015 10 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Narrowband Ad-Hoc Status Update Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
11-Mar-2015 06:40:42 ET
09-Mar-2015 ET
2014 84 2 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE 802.16 Working Group Minutes of Session #94 Harry Bims (WG Secretary)
09-Mar-2015 08:54:00 ET
09-Mar-2015 ET
2015 8 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Treasurer Report - March 2015 Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
09-Mar-2015 08:35:10 ET
05-Mar-2015 ET
2015 7 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE 802.16 Status Report, Session #96 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
05-Mar-2015 18:05:18 ET
04-Mar-2015 ET
2015 6 0 03R0: P802.16.3 Data model (draft) A.Bovo (Self)
04-Mar-2015 11:05:31 ET
03-Mar-2015 ET
2015 5 0 03R0: P802.16.3 802-16-3 lmap commonalities Reinhard Schrage, self
03-Mar-2015 17:14:23 ET
19-Feb-2015 ET
2015 4 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS from ITU-R WP5D: Detailed Workplan, Timeline, Process and Deliverables for the future development of IMT ITU-R WP 5D (posted by Roger Marks)
19-Feb-2015 14:06:14 ET
19-Feb-2015 ET
2015 3 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS from ITU-R WP5D: Preliminary draft new Report ITU-R M.[IMT.ABOVE 6 GHz] ITU-R WP 5D (posted by Roger Marks)
19-Feb-2015 14:01:38 ET
16-Feb-2015 ET
2015 2 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS from ITU-R WP5D: External organizations and research entities engaged in "5G" development requesting an update on IMT activities ITU-R WP 5D (posted by Roger Marks)
16-Feb-2015 11:13:00 ET
16-Feb-2015 ET
2015 1 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS from ITU-R WP5D: Provision of transposition references and Certification C for Draft Revision 2 of Recommendation ITU-R M.2012 ITU-R WP 5D (posted by Roger Marks)
16-Feb-2015 11:12:21 ET
04-Dec-2014 ET
2014 99 0 03R0: P802.16.3 UE protocol behavior overview A.Bovo (TEKCOMMS)
04-Dec-2014 09:58:31 ET
19-Nov-2014 ET
2014 98 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS from ITU-R WP5D: Liaison Statement : Architecture and topology of IMT networks ITU-R WP 5D (posted by Roger Marks)
19-Nov-2014 13:39:52 ET
19-Nov-2014 ET
2014 97 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS from ITU-R WP5D: Schedule for updating Recommendation ITU-R M.1457 to Revision 13 ITU-R WP 5D (posted by Roger Marks)
19-Nov-2014 13:16:13 ET
11-Nov-2014 ET
2014 95 0 000q: P802.16q IEEE P802.16q Sponsor Ballot Recirculation #1: Cover Letter Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
19-Nov-2014 13:02:53 ET
19-Nov-2014 ET
2014 96 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS from ITU-R WP5D: Technical feasibility of IMT in the bands above 6 GHz ITU-R WP 5D (posted by Roger Marks)
19-Nov-2014 13:01:51 ET
08-Nov-2014 ET
2014 84 1 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE 802.16 Working Group Minutes of Session #94 Harry Bims (WG Secretary)
08-Nov-2014 15:30:45 ET
06-Nov-2014 ET
2014 48 2 Gdoc: Group Document 802.16 Project Activity Schedules Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
06-Nov-2014 21:01:55 ET
06-Nov-2014 ET
2014 94 1 Gdoc: Group Document P802.16q to RevCom - Conditional Approval Request Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
06-Nov-2014 20:37:27 ET
03-Nov-2014 ET
2014 84 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE 802.16 Working Group Minutes of Session #94 Harry Bims (WG Secretary)
06-Nov-2014 16:39:44 ET
06-Nov-2014 ET
2014 90 1 000q: P802.16q P802.16q Closing Report for Session #94 Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
06-Nov-2014 16:38:39 ET
06-Nov-2014 ET
2014 94 0 Gdoc: Group Document P802.16q to RevCom - Conditional Approval Request Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
06-Nov-2014 15:53:27 ET
06-Nov-2014 ET
2014 93 1 000r: P802.16r P802.16r Small Cell Backhaul Closing Report - Session #94 Ching-Tarng Hsieh (ITRI)
06-Nov-2014 15:39:20 ET
06-Nov-2014 ET
2014 93 0 000r: P802.16r P802.16r Small Cell Backhaul Closing Report - Session #94 Ching-Tarng Hsieh (ITRI)
06-Nov-2014 14:37:56 ET
06-Nov-2014 ET
2014 92 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Treasurer Report - November 2014 Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
06-Nov-2014 12:16:44 ET
06-Nov-2014 ET
2014 91 0 000q: P802.16q IEEE P802.16q Project Minutes for Session #94 Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
06-Nov-2014 09:11:05 ET
05-Nov-2014 ET
2014 90 0 000q: P802.16q P802.16q Closing Report for Session #94 Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
06-Nov-2014 09:05:32 ET
05-Nov-2014 ET
2014 89 0 000q: P802.16q IEEE P802.16q/D3 Sponsor Ballot Comment Resolutions and ad hoc comments harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
05-Nov-2014 11:45:56 ET
05-Nov-2014 ET
2014 46 1 03R0: P802.16.3 IEEE P802.16.3 Call for Contributions of 2014-06-19 Roger Marks (P802.16.3 Project)
05-Nov-2014 10:26:34 ET
04-Nov-2014 ET
2014 88 0 Gdoc: Group Document Comments of 802.16 WG on Draft "Coexistence Lessons Learned" (802.19-14-0080-00) Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
04-Nov-2014 12:46:30 ET
04-Nov-2014 ET
2014 86 1 Gcon: Group Contribution Proposed Comments on 802c PAR Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
04-Nov-2014 12:09:03 ET
04-Nov-2014 ET
2014 87 0 Gdoc: Group Document Comments of 802.16 WG on Draft P802c PAR Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
04-Nov-2014 12:00:45 ET
04-Nov-2014 ET
2014 86 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Proposed Comments on 802c PAR Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
04-Nov-2014 09:12:26 ET
03-Nov-2014 ET
2014 85 0 Gdoc: Group Document P802.16q Opening Report to Session #94 Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
03-Nov-2014 13:59:30 ET
03-Nov-2014 ET
2014 76 1 000r: P802.16r Standardization of Mobile Wireless Small Cell Backhaul : Proposed draft PAR and CSD Junhyeong Kim (ETRI)
03-Nov-2014 10:48:25 ET