14-Mar-2025 22:25:30 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
14-May-2013 ET
2013 87 1 000q: P802.16q Operation of Standby Mode Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
14-May-2013 16:35:01 ET
13-May-2013 ET
2013 101 0 000q: P802.16q IEEE P802.16q Project Minutes for Session #85 Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
15-May-2013 21:11:32 ET
10-May-2013 ET
2013 97 1 000q: P802.16q Proposal to add semi-active period in duty-cycled mode Jisoo Park (ETRI)
10-May-2013 12:41:00 ET
10-May-2013 ET
2013 97 0 000q: P802.16q Proposal to add semi-active period in duty-cycled mode Jisoo Park (ETRI)
10-May-2013 12:35:26 ET
10-May-2013 ET
2013 96 0 000q: P802.16q Proposed text changes to BS power management on system requirements Jisoo Park (ETRI)
10-May-2013 12:32:32 ET
10-May-2013 ET
2013 95 0 000q: P802.16q Skeleton of Interference Management Primitives Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-May-2013 09:53:42 ET
10-May-2013 ET
2013 94 0 000q: P802.16q Functional Description of Cooperative Transmission Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-May-2013 09:53:27 ET
10-May-2013 ET
2013 93 0 000q: P802.16q Functional Description of Resource Management for Interference Management Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-May-2013 09:53:10 ET
29-Apr-2013 ET
2013 89 0 000q: P802.16q Primitives to Support BS Power Saving Mechanism Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
08-May-2013 01:52:40 ET
29-Apr-2013 ET
2013 88 0 000q: P802.16q Operation of Duty-Cycled Mode Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
08-May-2013 01:52:30 ET
29-Apr-2013 ET
2013 87 0 000q: P802.16q Operation of Standby Mode Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
08-May-2013 01:52:19 ET
29-Apr-2013 ET
2013 86 0 000q: P802.16q Overview of IEEE P802.16q Amendment Standard Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
08-May-2013 01:51:18 ET
29-Apr-2013 ET
2013 85 0 000q: P802.16q Proposed Changes in IEEE P802.16q SRD Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
08-May-2013 01:50:56 ET
26-Mar-2013 ET
2013 64 1 000q: P802.16q IEEE P802.16q Call for Contributions toward Session #85 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
26-Mar-2013 17:02:58 ET
21-Mar-2013 ET
2013 71 0 000q: P802.16q P802.16q Closing Report for Session#84 Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
21-Mar-2013 08:56:35 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 64 0 000q: P802.16q IEEE P802.16q Call for Contributions toward Session #85 Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
26-Mar-2013 17:02:58 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 63 0 000q: P802.16q IEEE P802.16q Closing Report for Session #84 Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
19-Mar-2013 11:21:12 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 62 0 000q: P802.16q IEEE P802.16q Project Minutes for Session #84 Harry Bims (Project Chair)
19-Mar-2013 11:03:12 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 25 3 000q: P802.16q Session #83 Minutes of P802.16q Task Group Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
19-Mar-2013 10:29:15 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 25 2 000q: P802.16q Session #83 Minutes of P802.16q Task Group Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
19-Mar-2013 10:19:15 ET
19-Mar-2013 ET
2013 25 1 000q: P802.16q Session #83 Minutes of P802.16q Task Group Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
19-Mar-2013 08:30:49 ET
16-Jan-2013 ET
2013 26 0 000q: P802.16q Draft P802.16q AWD Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
25-Jan-2013 02:31:47 ET
16-Jan-2013 ET
2013 25 0 000q: P802.16q Session #83 Minutes of P802.16q Task Group Harry Bims (P802.16q Chair)
19-Jan-2013 12:49:18 ET
15-Jan-2013 ET
2013 21 0 000q: P802.16q Work Plan for IEEE P802.16q Jaesun Cha (802.16q Acting Editor)
16-Jan-2013 10:55:46 ET
15-Jan-2013 ET
2013 20 0 000q: P802.16q Draft IEEE P802.16q System Requirements Document Jaesun Cha (802.16q Acting Editor)
16-Jan-2013 10:55:21 ET
14-Jan-2013 ET
2013 6 2 000q: P802.16q Comments on SRD for Interference Management in IEEE 802.16q Wooram Shin (ETRI)
14-Jan-2013 20:47:20 ET
14-Jan-2013 ET
2013 3 2 000q: P802.16q Resource Management to Mitigate Interference on IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier Networks Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
14-Jan-2013 19:57:13 ET
14-Jan-2013 ET
2013 5 4 000q: P802.16q Proposed AWD Texts for Multi-BS MIMO in IEEE 802.16q Wooram Shin (ETRI)
14-Jan-2013 19:46:13 ET
14-Jan-2013 ET
2013 5 3 000q: P802.16q Proposed AWD Texts for Multi-BS MIMO in IEEE 802.16q Wooram Shin (ETRI)
14-Jan-2013 19:25:22 ET
14-Jan-2013 ET
2013 6 1 000q: P802.16q Comments on SRD for Interference Management in IEEE 802.16q Wooram Shin (ETRI)
14-Jan-2013 18:55:40 ET
14-Jan-2013 ET
2013 3 1 000q: P802.16q Resource Management to Mitigate Interference on IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier Networks Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
14-Jan-2013 18:43:31 ET
14-Jan-2013 ET
2013 5 2 000q: P802.16q Proposed AWD Texts for Multi-BS MIMO in IEEE 802.16q Wooram Shin (ETRI)
14-Jan-2013 18:36:05 ET
10-Jan-2013 ET
2013 5 1 000q: P802.16q Proposed AWD Texts for Multi-BS MIMO in IEEE 802.16q Wooram Shin (ETRI)
10-Jan-2013 02:25:17 ET
10-Jan-2013 ET
2013 9 0 000q: P802.16q Text proposal for mobility management for small base-stations Seungbae Kim (KAIST IT Convergence)
10-Jan-2013 01:20:45 ET
09-Jan-2013 ET
2013 8 0 000q: P802.16q Proposed Outline of BS Power Management in IEEE 802.16q Networks Anseok Lee (ETRI)
09-Jan-2013 23:42:37 ET
09-Jan-2013 ET
2013 6 0 000q: P802.16q Comments on SRD for Interference Management in IEEE 802.16q Wooram Shin (ETRI)
10-Jan-2013 02:09:11 ET
09-Jan-2013 ET
2013 5 0 000q: P802.16q Proposed AWD Texts for Multi-BS MIMO in IEEE 802.16q Wooram Shin (ETRI)
10-Jan-2013 02:09:27 ET
09-Jan-2013 ET
2013 3 0 000q: P802.16q Resource Management to Mitigate Interference on IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier Networks Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
10-Jan-2013 00:07:14 ET
06-Jan-2013 ET
2013 2 0 000q: P802.16q Proposed AWD Texts for Mobility Management in IEEE P802.16q Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
09-Jan-2013 03:03:37 ET
06-Jan-2013 ET
2013 1 0 000q: P802.16q Proposed ToC of IEEE P802.16q AWD Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
09-Jan-2013 03:03:22 ET
15-Nov-2012 ET
2012 615 2 000q: P802.16q Consolidated proposed text towards an initial draft System Requirements on IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier N Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
15-Nov-2012 09:57:33 ET
15-Nov-2012 ET
2012 655 1 000q: P802.16q Proposed Modifications to MIMO Support in the Consolidated SRD for IEEE 802.16q Multi-Tier Networks Wooram Shin (ETRI)
15-Nov-2012 00:45:10 ET
08-Nov-2012 ET
2012 655 0 000q: P802.16q Proposed Modifications to MIMO Support in the Consolidated SRD for IEEE 802.16q Multi-Tier Networks Wooram Shin (ETRI)
08-Nov-2012 20:15:16 ET
05-Nov-2012 ET
2012 634 0 000q: P802.16q Network Interface for IEEE P802.16q Management Messaging Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
07-Nov-2012 04:21:49 ET
05-Nov-2012 ET
2012 633 0 000q: P802.16q Comments on the Consolidated System Requirements on P802.16q Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
07-Nov-2012 04:21:26 ET
05-Nov-2012 ET
2012 632 0 000q: P802.16q Proposed Call for Contributions on P802.16q Multi-tier Network toward IEEE 802.16 Session #83 Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
07-Nov-2012 04:21:10 ET
20-Sep-2012 ET
2012 615 1 000q: P802.16q Consolidated proposed text towards an initial draft System Requirements on IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier N Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
20-Sep-2012 14:44:38 ET
20-Sep-2012 ET
2012 615 0 000q: P802.16q Consolidated proposed text towards an initial draft System Requirements on IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier N Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
20-Sep-2012 14:38:21 ET
18-Sep-2012 ET
2012 533 2 000q: P802.16q Proposed System Requirements on Base Staion Power Management for IEEE 802.16q Networks Anseok Lee (ETRI)
18-Sep-2012 12:54:02 ET
18-Sep-2012 ET
2012 533 1 000q: P802.16q Proposed System Requirements on Base Staion Power Management for IEEE 802.16q Networks Anseok Lee (ETRI)
18-Sep-2012 03:41:10 ET
17-Sep-2012 ET
2012 532 1 000q: P802.16q Overall System Requirements on IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier Network Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
17-Sep-2012 20:49:44 ET
17-Sep-2012 ET
2012 534 4 000q: P802.16q System Requirements on Interference Management for IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier Networks Wooram Shin (ETRI)
17-Sep-2012 20:25:14 ET
17-Sep-2012 ET
2012 547 1 000q: P802.16q Proposal of system requirements for supporting massive MIMO in multi-tier networks Sangmin Oh (KAIST IT Convergence)
17-Sep-2012 20:19:31 ET
17-Sep-2012 ET
2012 531 1 000q: P802.16q Proposed System Requirements on Mobility Management Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
17-Sep-2012 16:49:32 ET
17-Sep-2012 ET
2012 534 3 000q: P802.16q System Requirements on Interference Management for IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier Networks Wooram Shin (ETRI)
17-Sep-2012 13:29:54 ET
17-Sep-2012 ET
2012 534 2 000q: P802.16q System Requirements on Interference Management for IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier Networks Wooram Shin (ETRI)
17-Sep-2012 13:25:30 ET
14-Sep-2012 ET
2012 534 1 000q: P802.16q System Requirements on Interference Management for IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier Networks Wooram Shin (ETRI)
14-Sep-2012 02:14:21 ET
13-Sep-2012 ET
2012 547 0 000q: P802.16q Proposal of system requirements for supporting massive MIMO in multi-tier networks Sangmin Oh (KAIST IT Convergence)
13-Sep-2012 03:47:44 ET
11-Sep-2012 ET
2012 534 0 000q: P802.16q System Requirements on Interference Management for IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier Networks Wooram Shin (ETRI)
13-Sep-2012 05:25:03 ET
11-Sep-2012 ET
2012 533 0 000q: P802.16q Proposed System Requirements on Base Staion Power Management for IEEE 802.16q Networks Anseok Lee (ETRI)
13-Sep-2012 06:12:44 ET
11-Sep-2012 ET
2012 532 0 000q: P802.16q Overall System Requirements on IEEE 802.16q Multi-tier Network Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
12-Sep-2012 21:23:24 ET
11-Sep-2012 ET
2012 531 0 000q: P802.16q Proposed System Requirements on Mobility Management Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
12-Sep-2012 04:56:58 ET
04-Sep-2012 ET
2012 524 0 000q: P802.16q Proposed Work Plan for Multi-tier Networks Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
12-Sep-2012 04:56:33 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 374 1 000p: P802.16p Correction of Ranging Purpose Indication Parameter Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
16-May-2012 10:46:49 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 374 0 000p: P802.16p Correction of Ranging Purpose Indication Parameter Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
16-May-2012 10:35:22 ET
30-Apr-2012 ET
2012 289 0 000p: P802.16p Modification of MOB_MTE-IND message Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
01-May-2012 01:55:30 ET
30-Apr-2012 ET
2012 288 0 000p: P802.16p Modification of M2M Ranging Allocation UL-MAP Extended IE Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
01-May-2012 01:55:08 ET
14-Mar-2012 ET
2012 149 2 000p: P802.16p Clarifying T32timer for network reentry based on group delegate Lei Zhou, Xufeng Zheng, Hai Wang,Hyunjeong Kang, Jaeweon Cho, Rakesh Taori(Samsung Electronics)
14-Mar-2012 17:40:32 ET
14-Mar-2012 ET
2012 149 1 000p: P802.16p Clarifying T32timer for network reentry based on group delegate Lei Zhou, Xufeng Zheng, Hai Wang,Hyunjeong Kang, Jaeweon Cho, Rakesh Taori(Samsung Electronics)
14-Mar-2012 15:59:29 ET
14-Mar-2012 ET
2012 161 1 000p: P802.16p Text Clean-up for Selection of M2M Group Delegate Ping-Heng Kuo (ITRI)
14-Mar-2012 02:24:26 ET
13-Mar-2012 ET
2012 205 1 000p: P802.16p Clarification of M2M Multicast Traffic Reception Timer Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
13-Mar-2012 06:28:00 ET
12-Mar-2012 ET
2012 157 1 000p: P802.16p Text Clean-up for RNG-REQ Message Ping-Heng Kuo (ITRI)
13-Mar-2012 02:13:18 ET
08-Mar-2012 ET
2012 205 0 000p: P802.16p Clarification of M2M Multicast Traffic Reception Timer Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
08-Mar-2012 19:55:42 ET
05-Mar-2012 ET
2012 169 0 000p: P802.16p Update on New M2MCID of M2M Device Group Paging Parameter Chia-Lung Tsai, Wei-Chieh Huang, Ping-Heng Kuo, Jen-Yuan Hsu (ITRI)
13-Mar-2012 02:14:30 ET
05-Mar-2012 ET
2012 168 0 000p: P802.16p Footnote inclusion for MAC header formats Chia-Lung Tsai, Wei-Chieh Huang, Ping-Heng Kuo, Jen-Yuan Hsu (ITRI)
13-Mar-2012 02:14:41 ET
05-Mar-2012 ET
2012 167 0 000p: P802.16p Update for MGMC Format Chia-Lung Tsai, Wei-Chieh Huang, Ping-Heng Kuo, Jen-Yuan Hsu (ITRI)
13-Mar-2012 02:14:59 ET
05-Mar-2012 ET
2012 165 0 000p: P802.16p Correction of UL-MAP Extended IE Format Chia-Lung Tsai, Wei-Chieh Huang, Ping-Heng Kuo, Jen-Yuan Hsu (ITRI)
13-Mar-2012 02:15:19 ET
05-Mar-2012 ET
2012 161 0 000p: P802.16p Text Clean-up for Selection of M2M Group Delegate Ping-Heng Kuo (ITRI)
05-Mar-2012 01:26:24 ET
05-Mar-2012 ET
2012 159 0 000p: P802.16p Text Clean-up for Abnormal Power Down Ping-Heng Kuo (ITRI)
05-Mar-2012 01:27:39 ET
05-Mar-2012 ET
2012 158 0 000p: P802.16p Abbreviation inconsistency in Section 6.3.34 Ping-Heng Kuo (ITRI)
05-Mar-2012 01:27:23 ET
05-Mar-2012 ET
2012 157 0 000p: P802.16p Text Clean-up for RNG-REQ Message Ping-Heng Kuo (ITRI)
05-Mar-2012 01:27:04 ET
29-Feb-2012 ET
2012 149 0 000p: P802.16p Clarifying T32timer for network reentry based on group delegate Lei Zhou, Xufeng Zheng, Hai Wang,Hyunjeong Kang, Jaeweon Cho, Rakesh Taori(Samsung Electronics)
03-Mar-2012 21:45:05 ET
18-Jan-2012 ET
2012 17 4 000p: P802.16p Clarification of M2M specific broadcast messages (MOB_MTE-IND/ MGMC) Jeongki Kim (LG Electronics)
18-Jan-2012 11:53:13 ET
18-Jan-2012 ET
2012 10 2 000p: P802.16p Abnormal power down reporting in WirelessMAN Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems Heejeong Cho (LG Electronics)
18-Jan-2012 10:43:18 ET
18-Jan-2012 ET
2012 10 1 000p: P802.16p Abnormal power down reporting in WirelessMAN Air Interface for Broadband Wireless Access Systems Heejeong Cho (LG Electronics)
18-Jan-2012 00:25:13 ET
18-Jan-2012 ET
2012 17 3 000p: P802.16p Clarification of M2M specific broadcast messages (MOB_MTE-IND/ MGMC) Jeongki Kim (LG Electronics)
18-Jan-2012 00:04:36 ET
17-Jan-2012 ET
2012 17 2 000p: P802.16p Clarification of M2M specific broadcast messages (MOB_MTE-IND/ MGMC) Jeongki Kim (LG Electronics)
17-Jan-2012 23:59:05 ET
17-Jan-2012 ET
2012 13 5 000p: P802.16p M2M group zone-based location update in 16p Eunjong Lee (LG Electronics)
17-Jan-2012 20:46:23 ET
17-Jan-2012 ET
2012 115 2 000p: P802.16p Modifications of M2M short data burst transmission Honggang Li, Mohanty Shantidev, Rui Huang, Inbar Anson Bratspiess, Lei Wang, Hyunjeong Kang,Lei Zhou,Ming-Hung Tao,Erik Colban(Intel,Sequans,InterDigital,Samsung,ITRI)
17-Jan-2012 16:40:54 ET
17-Jan-2012 ET
2012 13 4 000p: P802.16p M2M group zone-based location update in 16p Eunjong Lee (LG Electronics)
17-Jan-2012 15:47:17 ET
17-Jan-2012 ET
2012 13 3 000p: P802.16p M2M group zone-based location update in 16p Eunjong Lee (LG Electronics)
17-Jan-2012 15:40:00 ET
17-Jan-2012 ET
2012 115 1 000p: P802.16p Modifications of M2M short data burst transmission Honggang Li, Mohanty Shantidev, Rui Huang, Inbar Anson Bratspiess, Lei Wang, Hyunjeong Kang,Lei Zhou,Ming-Hung Tao,Erik Colban(Intel,Sequans,InterDigital,Samsung,ITRI)
17-Jan-2012 08:33:07 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 13 2 000p: P802.16p M2M group zone-based location update in 16p Eunjong Lee (LG Electronics)
16-Jan-2012 22:57:12 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 7 3 000p: P802.16p Proposed Text for network access entry for a large number of M2M devices Lei Zhou,Xufeng Zheng,Hai Wang,Hyunjeong Kang,Jaeweon Cho,Rakesh Taori(Samsung)
16-Jan-2012 18:11:08 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 30 2 000p: P802.16p M2M Service Architecture and Impacts on Air Interface_16p_r1 Anshuman Nigam, Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
16-Jan-2012 18:07:25 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 2 1 000p: P802.16p Clarification of M2M paging parameter TLV Giwon Park (LG Electronics)
16-Jan-2012 18:06:22 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 13 1 000p: P802.16p M2M group zone-based location update in 16p Eunjong Lee (LG Electronics)
16-Jan-2012 17:40:28 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 7 2 000p: P802.16p Proposed Text for network access entry for a large number of M2M devices Lei Zhou,Xufeng Zheng,Hai Wang,Hyunjeong Kang,Jaeweon Cho,Rakesh Taori(Samsung)
16-Jan-2012 16:34:40 ET
15-Jan-2012 ET
2012 115 0 000p: P802.16p Modifications of M2M short data burst transmission Honggang Li, Mohanty Shantidev, Rui Huang, Inbar Anson Bratspiess, Lei Wang, Lei Zhou,Ming-Hung Tao(Intel,Sequans,InterDigital,Samsung,ITRI)
15-Jan-2012 08:25:34 ET
13-Jan-2012 ET
2012 7 1 000p: P802.16p Proposed Text for network access entry for a large number of M2M devices Lei Zhou,Xufeng Zheng,Hai Wang,Hyunjeong Kang,Jaeweon Cho,Rakesh Taori(Samsung)
13-Jan-2012 03:18:45 ET