14-Mar-2025 15:59:17 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
21-Sep-2012 ET
2012 623 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to Broadband Forum regarding IEEE Project P802.16.3 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
24-Sep-2012 02:28:51 ET
21-Sep-2012 ET
2012 622 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to IETF IPPM Working Group regarding IEEE Project P802.16.3 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
24-Sep-2012 01:52:19 ET
18-Mar-2015 ET
2015 16 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to IETF LMAP: Update on IEEE Project P802.16.3 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
18-Mar-2015 13:46:00 ET
25-Jan-2013 ET
2012 684 5 Gdoc: Group Document LS to ITU-R WP5D: Comments on Working Doc toward a PDNR on the use of IMT for broadband PPDR Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
25-Jan-2013 03:03:34 ET
17-Jan-2013 ET
2012 684 4 Gdoc: Group Document LS to ITU-R WP5D: Comments on Working Doc toward a PDNR on the use of IMT for broadband PPDR Roger Marks (Consensii LLC)
25-Jan-2013 03:03:34 ET
17-Jan-2013 ET
2012 684 3 Gdoc: Group Document LS to ITU-R WP5D: Comments on Working Doc toward a PDNR on the use of IMT for broadband PPDR Roger Marks (Consensii LLC)
25-Jan-2013 03:03:34 ET
15-Jan-2013 ET
2012 684 2 Gdoc: Group Document LS to ITU-R WP5D: Comments on Working Doc toward a PDNR on the use of IMT for broadband PPDR ITU-R Liaison Group
25-Jan-2013 03:03:34 ET
15-Nov-2012 ET
2012 684 1 Gdoc: Group Document LS to ITU-R WP5D: Comments on Working Doc toward a PDNR on the use of IMT for broadband PPDR ITU-R Liaison Group
25-Jan-2013 03:03:34 ET
14-Nov-2012 ET
2012 684 0 Gdoc: Group Document LS to ITU-R WP5D: Comments on Working Doc toward a PDNR on the use of IMT for broadband PPDR ITU-R Liaison Group
25-Jan-2013 03:03:34 ET
13-Nov-2012 ET
2012 671 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to ITU-R WP5D: First Review of Report ITU-R M.2039 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
13-Nov-2012 20:36:33 ET
13-Nov-2012 ET
2012 672 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to ITU-R WP5D: Initial response to LS on parameters for use in sharing studies Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
13-Nov-2012 20:38:48 ET
11-Jun-2014 ET
2014 43 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to ITU-R WP5D: Update of Section 5.6 toward Revision 12 of Recommendation ITU-R M.1457 (Meeting X+2B Notification) [ITU-R 5D/648] Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
11-Jun-2014 12:55:59 ET
22-May-2013 ET
2013 118 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to ONF: Interest of IEEE 802.16 Working Group in Wireless OpenFlow Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
22-May-2013 15:44:43 ET
16-May-2013 ET
2013 116 1 000r: P802.16r LS to ONF: Interest of IEEE 802.16 Working Group in Wireless OpenFlow Ching-Tarng Hsieh (IEEE Project P802.16r)
16-May-2013 22:27:36 ET
16-May-2013 ET
2013 116 0 000r: P802.16r LS to ONF: Interest of IEEE 802.16 Working Group in Wireless OpenFlow Ching-Tarng Hsieh (IEEE Project P802.16r)
16-May-2013 22:26:40 ET
22-Jul-2013 ET
2013 161 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to ONF: Views of IEEE 802.16 Working Group regarding Wireless OpenFlow Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
22-Jul-2013 23:12:52 ET
23-Jul-2013 ET
2013 153 2 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to Small Cell Forum - Cooperation with Small Cell Forum Backhaul SIG Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
23-Jul-2013 00:10:40 ET
18-Jul-2013 ET
2013 153 1 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to Small Cell Forum - Cooperation with Small Cell Forum Backhaul SIG David Castelow (Airspan)
18-Jul-2013 11:48:49 ET
18-Jul-2013 ET
2013 153 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to Small Cell Forum - Cooperation with Small Cell Forum Backhaul SIG David Castelow (Airspan)
18-Jul-2013 08:05:27 ET
23-May-2013 ET
2013 120 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to WATO- Meeting Y+2B Contribution toward M.2012-1 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
23-May-2013 21:43:50 ET
26-Mar-2013 ET
2013 82 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to WATO- Meeting Y+2B Contribution toward M.2012-1 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
26-Mar-2013 19:28:14 ET
21-Mar-2013 ET
2013 77 0 Gdoc: Group Document LS to WATO- Meeting Y+2B Contribution toward M.2012-1 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
21-Mar-2013 12:34:44 ET
24-Jul-2012 ET
2012 518 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to WATO: Mtg Y+1 Cont. of WirelessMAN-Advanced toward Rec. ITU-R M.2012-1 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
24-Jul-2012 18:44:44 ET
24-Jul-2012 ET
2012 515 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to WATO: Sharing Parameters Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
24-Jul-2012 18:27:45 ET
19-Mar-2012 ET
2012 272 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to WATO: WirelessMAN-Advanced in Revision 1 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
19-Mar-2012 23:06:46 ET
19-Mar-2012 ET
2012 273 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to WiMAX Forum: IMT-2000 OFDMA TDD WMAN Submission toward Rev. 11 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
19-Mar-2012 23:05:53 ET
23-May-2013 ET
2013 121 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to WiMAX Forum regarding IMT-2000 Exceptional Form A Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
23-May-2013 21:51:59 ET
19-Mar-2012 ET
2012 265 1 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to WiMAX Forum: Response to WiMAX Forum Liaison Statements IEEE 802.16-12-0218-00-WGLS Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
19-Mar-2012 23:06:15 ET
15-Mar-2012 ET
2012 265 0 WGLS: WG Liaison Statement LS to WiMAX Forum: Response to WiMAX Forum Liaison Statements IEEE 802.16-12-0218-00-WGLS Zheng Yan-Xiu (Maint TG)
19-Mar-2012 23:06:15 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 34 0 000p: P802.16p M2MCID Bits Correction_16p Anshuman Nigam, Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
06-Jan-2012 05:09:18 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 40 0 000p: P802.16p M2MCID Update Information Jaesun Cha, Soojung Jung, Chulsik Yoon, Kwangjae Lim (ETRI)
06-Jan-2012 23:39:48 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 21 0 000p: P802.16p M2MCID update & Multicast Security Samsung Electronics
06-Jan-2012 04:52:57 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 32 0 000p: P802.16p M2MCID Usage for DL Group and UL Group Anshuman Nigam, Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
06-Jan-2012 05:06:24 ET
17-Jan-2012 ET
2012 13 5 000p: P802.16p M2M group zone-based location update in 16p Eunjong Lee (LG Electronics)
17-Jan-2012 20:46:23 ET
17-Jan-2012 ET
2012 13 4 000p: P802.16p M2M group zone-based location update in 16p Eunjong Lee (LG Electronics)
17-Jan-2012 15:47:17 ET
17-Jan-2012 ET
2012 13 3 000p: P802.16p M2M group zone-based location update in 16p Eunjong Lee (LG Electronics)
17-Jan-2012 15:40:00 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 13 2 000p: P802.16p M2M group zone-based location update in 16p Eunjong Lee (LG Electronics)
16-Jan-2012 22:57:12 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 13 1 000p: P802.16p M2M group zone-based location update in 16p Eunjong Lee (LG Electronics)
16-Jan-2012 17:40:28 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 13 0 000p: P802.16p M2M group zone-based location update in 16p Eunjong Lee (LG Electronics)
06-Jan-2012 03:15:19 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 16 0 010b: P802.16.1b M2M GROUP ZONE ID for an idle mode M2M device in 16.1 Eunjong Lee (LG Electronics)
06-Jan-2012 03:14:20 ET
18-Jan-2012 ET
2012 28 3 010b: P802.16.1b M2M Group Zone Index Text Clarification Anshuman Nigam, Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
18-Jan-2012 11:03:32 ET
18-Jan-2012 ET
2012 28 2 010b: P802.16.1b M2M Group Zone Index Text Clarification Anshuman Nigam, Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
18-Jan-2012 11:01:45 ET
17-Jan-2012 ET
2012 28 1 010b: P802.16.1b M2M Group Zone Index Text Clarification Anshuman Nigam, Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
17-Jan-2012 17:29:04 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 28 0 010b: P802.16.1b M2M Group Zone Index Text Clarification Anshuman Nigam, Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
06-Jan-2012 05:02:33 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 30 2 000p: P802.16p M2M Service Architecture and Impacts on Air Interface_16p_r1 Anshuman Nigam, Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
16-Jan-2012 18:07:25 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 30 1 000p: P802.16p M2M Service Architecture and Impacts on Air Interface_16p_r1 Anshuman Nigam, Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
06-Jan-2012 05:12:41 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 30 0 000p: P802.16p M2M Service Architecture and Impacts on Air Interface_16p_r1 Anshuman Nigam, Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
06-Jan-2012 05:04:40 ET
17-Jan-2012 ET
2012 22 1 010b: P802.16.1b M2M Service Architecture and Impacts on Air Interface of 16.1 Anshuman, Anil, Hyunjeong (Samsung Electronics)
17-Jan-2012 10:02:15 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 22 0 010b: P802.16.1b M2M Service Architecture and Impacts on Air Interface of 16.1 Anshuman, Anil, Hyunjeong (Samsung Electronics)
06-Jan-2012 04:57:14 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 122 1 Gdoc: Group Document M2M TG Agenda for Session #77 Jaesun Cha (M2M TG)
16-Jan-2012 20:33:53 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 122 0 Gdoc: Group Document M2M TG Agenda for Session #77 Jaesun Cha (M2M TG Acting Chair)
16-Jan-2012 14:18:38 ET
09-Mar-2012 ET
2012 213 0 Gdoc: Group Document M2M TG Agenda for Session #78 Jaesun Cha (M2M TG)
12-Mar-2012 19:31:09 ET
13-May-2012 ET
2012 363 0 Gdoc: Group Document M2M TG Agenda for Session #79 Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
14-May-2012 08:33:41 ET
18-Jan-2012 ET
2012 127 0 Gdoc: Group Document M2M TG Session #77 Meeting Minutes M2M TG
19-Jan-2012 13:48:23 ET
13-Mar-2012 ET
2012 234 0 Gdoc: Group Document M2M TG Session #78 Meeting Minutes Jaesun Cha (M2M TG)
15-Mar-2012 16:56:22 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 25 0 010b: P802.16.1b M2M zone index in control message Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Anshuman Nigam, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
06-Jan-2012 05:00:06 ET
15-Sep-2016 ET
2016 49 1 000s: P802.16s MAC Overhead Calculator Menashe Shahar (Full Spectrum)
15-Sep-2016 07:34:50 ET
03-Sep-2016 ET
2016 49 0 000s: P802.16s MAC Overhead Calculator Menashe Shahar (Full Spectrum)
03-Sep-2016 16:33:23 ET
28-Feb-2012 ET
2012 148 0 010b: P802.16.1b MAC Signaling Header Protection Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Youngkyo Baek, Anshuman Nigam, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
08-Mar-2012 02:34:20 ET
19-Jan-2012 ET
2012 139 0 Gdoc: Group Document Maintenance Task Group Session #77 Minutes Zheng Yan-Xiu (Maint TG)
19-Jan-2012 11:51:47 ET
15-Mar-2012 ET
2012 266 0 Gdoc: Group Document Maintenance Task Group Session #78 Minutes Zheng Yan-Xiu (Maint TG)
15-Mar-2012 19:07:49 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 501 0 Gdoc: Group Document Maintenance Task Group Session #80 Minutes Zheng Yan-Xiu (Maint TG)
19-Jul-2012 14:43:04 ET
19-Jun-2017 ET
2017 32 1 000s: P802.16s Maintenance TG LB #41 comment resolutions Ron Murias (Maint TG Editor)
19-Jun-2017 16:00:39 ET
31-May-2017 ET
2017 32 0 000s: P802.16s Maintenance TG LB #41 comment resolutions Harry Bims (Maint TG Chair)
31-May-2017 22:52:08 ET
16-Mar-2017 ET
2017 15 1 000s: P802.16s March 2017 Meeting Presentation Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
16-Mar-2017 19:06:15 ET
13-Mar-2017 ET
2017 15 0 000s: P802.16s March 2017 Meeting Presentation Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
13-Mar-2017 23:39:10 ET
15-May-2012 ET
2012 325 1 010a: P802.16.1a Message Confirm Indication in response to MAC control message in talk-around direct communication Sungcheol Chang, Seokki Kim, Miyoung Yun, Won-Ik Kim, Hyun Lee, Kim Eunkyung Kim, Sungkyung Kim, Chulsik Yoon(ETRI)
15-May-2012 18:01:04 ET
04-May-2012 ET
2012 325 0 010a: P802.16.1a Message Confirm Indication in response to MAC control message in talk-around direct communication Sungcheol Chang, Seokki Kim, Miyoung Yun, Won-Ik Kim, Hyun Lee, Kim Eunkyung Kim, Sungkyung Kim, Chulsik Yoon(ETRI)
04-May-2012 14:04:43 ET
07-Mar-2012 ET
2012 162 1 010b: P802.16.1b Method of sending the broadcast message for lower power consumption of M2M devices Jeongki Kim (LG Electronics)
07-Mar-2012 21:24:35 ET
05-Mar-2012 ET
2012 162 0 010b: P802.16.1b Method of sending the broadcast message for lower power consumption of M2M devices Jeongki Kim
13-Mar-2012 02:15:51 ET
08-Jan-2012 ET
2012 19 1 010b: P802.16.1b Method of sending the broadcast message for lower power consumption of M2M devices Jeongki Kim (LG Electronics)
08-Jan-2012 21:10:23 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 19 0 010b: P802.16.1b Method of sending the broadcast message for lower power consumption of M2M devices Jeongki Kim (LG Electronics)
06-Jan-2012 03:27:47 ET
23-Oct-2014 ET
2014 80 0 03R0: P802.16.3 Metrics integration in 802.16.3 architecture: proposals overview A.Bovo (TEKCOMMS)
23-Oct-2014 03:30:10 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 372 2 Smet: SG - Metrology Metrology SG Closing Report - Session #79 - DRAFT Clifton Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 11:33:11 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 372 1 Smet: SG - Metrology Metrology SG Closing Report - Session #79 - DRAFT Clifton Barber (KDDI)
17-May-2012 09:56:36 ET
16-May-2012 ET
2012 372 0 Smet: SG - Metrology Metrology SG Closing Report - Session #79 - DRAFT Clifton Barber (KDDI)
16-May-2012 17:06:20 ET
16-Jul-2012 ET
2012 463 1 Gdoc: Group Document Metrology Study Group: Session #80 Opening Report Hyunjeong Kang (Samsung Electronics)
16-Jul-2012 09:48:36 ET
14-Jul-2012 ET
2012 463 0 Gdoc: Group Document Metrology Study Group: Session #80 Opening Report Hyunjeong Kang (Samsung Electronics)
14-Jul-2012 03:06:27 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 27 0 010b: P802.16.1b MGID update & Multicast Security Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Anshuman Nigam, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
06-Jan-2012 05:01:59 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 42 2 010b: P802.16.1b MGID update related corrections Soojung Jung, Jaesun Cha, Chulsik Yoon, Kwangjae Lim,Eunjong Lee(ETRI,LG electronics)
16-Jan-2012 20:43:46 ET
13-Jan-2012 ET
2012 42 1 010b: P802.16.1b MGID update related corrections Soojung Jung, Jaesun Cha, Chulsik Yoon, Kwangjae Lim(ETRI)
13-Jan-2012 04:57:23 ET
07-Jan-2012 ET
2012 42 0 010b: P802.16.1b MGID update related corrections Soojung Jung, Jaesun Cha, Chulsik Yoon, Kwangjae Lim(ETRI)
07-Jan-2012 03:02:49 ET
06-Jan-2012 ET
2012 26 0 010b: P802.16.1b MGID Usage for DL Group and UL Group Anshuman Nigam, Anil Agiwal, Hyunjeong Kang, Rakesh Taori (Samsung Electronics)
06-Jan-2012 05:00:43 ET
10-Nov-2015 ET
2015 49 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes: GRIDMAN Telecons between Sessions #98 and #100 Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
10-Nov-2015 20:06:11 ET
18-Apr-2012 ET
2012 285 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes: Maintenance Task Group Comment Resolution Telecon of 2012-04-18 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
18-Apr-2012 03:10:08 ET
16-Jan-2012 ET
2012 124 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of 802.16n GRIDMAN session 76 Eldad Zeira (GRIDMAN Task Group)
16-Jan-2012 20:36:42 ET
12-Mar-2012 ET
2012 225 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of GRIDMAN TG at Session #77 (Jacksonville) Eldad Zeira (GRIDMAN Task Group)
12-Mar-2012 16:45:49 ET
14-Mar-2012 ET
2012 252 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of GRIDMAN TG at Session #78 (Waikoloa) Tim Godfrey (GRIDMAN Task Group)
15-Mar-2012 23:30:21 ET
17-May-2012 ET
2012 385 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes-of-GRIDMAN-TG-at-Session-#79-(Atlanta) Tim Godfrey (GRIDMAN Task Group)
17-May-2012 09:31:37 ET
17-Jan-2013 ET
2013 33 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes-of-GRIDMAN-TG-at-Session-#83-(Vancouver) Tim Godfrey (GRIDMAN Task Group)
17-Jan-2013 16:57:28 ET
01-Feb-2012 ET
2012 142 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of IEEE 802.16 Session #77 Harry Bims (IEEE 802.16 WG)
05-Feb-2012 22:21:29 ET
16-Mar-2012 ET
2012 271 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of IEEE 802.16 Session #78 Harry Bims (IEEE 802.16 WG)
05-Apr-2012 18:53:43 ET
14-Jun-2012 ET
2012 400 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of IEEE 802.16 Session #79 Harry Bims (Bims Laboratories)
14-Jun-2012 20:25:27 ET
14-Sep-2012 ET
2012 512 2 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of IEEE 802.16 Session #80 Harry Bims (WG Secretary)
14-Sep-2012 02:25:41 ET
12-Sep-2012 ET
2012 512 1 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of IEEE 802.16 Session #80 Harry Bims (WG Secretary)
12-Sep-2012 13:14:04 ET
20-Jul-2012 ET
2012 512 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of IEEE 802.16 Session #80 Harry Bims (WG Secretary)
20-Jul-2012 03:10:25 ET
03-Oct-2012 ET
2012 620 1 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of IEEE 802.16 Session #81 Harry Bims (HetNet SG Chair)
03-Oct-2012 14:18:17 ET
20-Sep-2012 ET
2012 620 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of IEEE 802.16 Session #81 Harry Bims (HetNet SG Chair)
20-Sep-2012 20:59:12 ET
18-Mar-2013 ET
2013 39 1 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of IEEE 802.16 Session #83 Harry Bims (WG Secretary)
18-Mar-2013 13:06:21 ET
19-Jan-2013 ET
2013 39 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of IEEE 802.16 Session #83 Harry Bims (WG Secretary)
19-Jan-2013 12:49:42 ET