Created (ET) |
Year |
Rev |
Group |
Title |
Author (Affiliation) |
Uploaded (ET) ▲ |
Actions |
10-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
511 |
0 |
TG4g |
Proposed-Resolution-for-Band-Specific-MR-FSK-Radio-Specification |
Jillings (Semtech), Seibert (Silver Spring Networks), Le (Texas Instruments), Jerrit Kent (Analog) |
10-Jul-2010 11:10:45 ET |
Download |
10-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
512 |
0 |
WG15 |
JUL2010-plenary-opening-report |
Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance |
10-Jul-2010 12:05:59 ET |
Download |
10-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
466 |
1 |
TG4e |
802.15.4e Letter Ballot 53 TSCH Comments |
J Simon (Dust Networks) |
10-Jul-2010 13:10:37 ET |
Download |
10-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
510 |
0 |
TG4e |
TG4e_Ad_Hoc_Minutes_July-2010 |
Pat Kinney (Kinney Consulting) |
10-Jul-2010 13:53:59 ET |
Download |
10-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
511 |
1 |
TG4g |
Proposed-Resolution-for-Band-Specific-MR-FSK-Radio-Specification |
Jillings (Semtech), Seibert (Silver Spring Networks), Le (Texas Instruments), Jerrit Kent (Analog) |
10-Jul-2010 14:18:41 ET |
Download |
10-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
513 |
0 |
TG4e |
Common Issues on 4E Standard |
Liang Li, Pat Kinney, Ludwig Winkel |
10-Jul-2010 15:18:53 ET |
Download |
10-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
514 |
0 |
WG15 |
Treasurers-Report-July-2010 |
John R. Barr (JRBarr, Ltd.) |
10-Jul-2010 15:36:15 ET |
Download |
10-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
497 |
2 |
TG7 |
Flicker Mitigation in Clause 6.9.6 |
Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG) |
10-Jul-2010 19:52:23 ET |
Download |
10-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
459 |
1 |
TG7 |
LB 50 - definitions clause |
Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG) |
10-Jul-2010 19:53:37 ET |
Download |
10-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
283 |
16 |
TG4g |
LB51-comments |
Kuor Hsin Chang, Monique Brown, Phil Beecher, Clinton Powell (Elster Solutions, M. B. Brown Consulting, PG&E, SCE) |
10-Jul-2010 20:24:33 ET |
Download |
11-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
239 |
24 |
TG7 |
LB50 Sorted Combined Comments |
Rick Roberts (Intel Labs) |
11-Jul-2010 01:17:13 ET |
Download |
11-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
281 |
4 |
TG4g |
New C(8,4) chip sequence for Multi-rate OQPSK Modulation |
Francois Chin, Yuen-Sam Kwok, Liang Zhang, Liang Li, Tao Xin(I2R, Vinno, Simit, Huawei) |
11-Jul-2010 01:20:55 ET |
Download |
11-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
516 |
0 |
TG4e |
TG4e_Opening_Report_for_San-Diego_July_2010 |
Pat Kinney (Kinney Consulting) |
11-Jul-2010 16:51:34 ET |
Download |
11-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
430 |
1 |
SG MBAN July 2010 Agenda |
Ray Krasinski (Philips) |
11-Jul-2010 19:58:20 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
283 |
17 |
TG4g |
LB51-comments |
Kuor Hsin Chang, Monique Brown, Phil Beecher, Clinton Powell (Elster Solutions, M. B. Brown Consulting, PG&E, SCE) |
12-Jul-2010 00:03:12 ET |
Download |
09-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
492 |
0 |
TG6 |
LB55 d01P802-15-6 Sorted Comments |
Daniel Lewis (NICTA) |
12-Jul-2010 00:15:56 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
521 |
0 |
TG7 |
comment resolution for CID 59 and etc. |
Jaeseung Son (Samsung Electronics) |
12-Jul-2010 01:17:28 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
435 |
2 |
TG4g |
Improved PHR coding of the MR-O-QPSK PHY |
Michael Schmidt (Atmel) |
12-Jul-2010 02:03:50 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
331 |
2 |
TG4g |
Spectral mask for FSK |
James Gilb (SiBEAM) |
12-Jul-2010 02:27:04 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
522 |
0 |
TG4g |
Comment Resolutions for FSK |
Alina L. LU, Hiroshi HARADA, Ryuhei FUNADA |
12-Jul-2010 03:12:24 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
523 |
0 |
TG4g |
Comment Resolutions for SFD |
Alina Liru LU, Hiroshi HARADA, Ryuhei FUNADA (NICT) |
12-Jul-2010 03:21:55 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
511 |
2 |
TG4g |
Proposed-Resolution-for-Band-Specific-MR-FSK-Radio-Specification |
Jillings (Semtech), Seibert (Silver Spring Networks), Le (Texas Instruments), Jeritt Kent (Analog) |
12-Jul-2010 11:32:14 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
524 |
0 |
TG4g |
Updated regulatory requirements for Japanese 950 MHz band |
Kazuyuki Yasukawa (Fuji Electric) |
12-Jul-2010 11:42:03 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
526 |
0 |
TG4e |
DSME comment resolution |
DSME subgroup |
12-Jul-2010 12:04:17 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
527 |
0 |
TG7 |
IEEE 802.15.7 VLC Regulation: Removing 5.7 and Annex I rewriting |
Kang Tae Gyu (ETRI) |
12-Jul-2010 12:14:00 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
321 |
4 |
TG4e |
LB53_Consolidated_Comment_database |
Pat Kinney (Kinney Consulting) |
12-Jul-2010 12:17:00 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
528 |
0 |
Low Energy Critical Infrastructure Monitoring |
Joaquin Silva (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.) |
12-Jul-2010 12:27:57 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
525 |
0 |
TG7 |
Proposed resolution of CIDs 190, 194, 195, 868, and 868a |
Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG) |
12-Jul-2010 12:35:48 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
377 |
2 |
WG15 |
July10-802-15-wg-agenda-graphic |
Dr. Robert F. Heile (ZigBee Alliance) |
12-Jul-2010 12:38:29 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
527 |
1 |
TG7 |
IEEE 802.15.7 VLC Regulation: Removing 5.7 and Annex I rewriting |
Kang Tae Gyu (ETRI) |
12-Jul-2010 12:40:08 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
529 |
0 |
Use Case: Distribution Grid and Substation Monitoring |
Mike Calcagno (Sempra Energy) |
12-Jul-2010 12:46:29 ET |
Download |
11-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
519 |
0 |
Location Tracking Application |
Stephen Gamache (Cubic Defense Applications) |
12-Jul-2010 13:09:24 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
530 |
0 |
TG7 |
Resolution text addressing CIDs 190, 194, 195, 868, and 868a |
Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG), Tae-Gyu Kang (ETRI) |
12-Jul-2010 13:16:29 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
531 |
0 |
WG15 |
ec-monday-meeting-report-July2010 |
Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance |
12-Jul-2010 13:18:55 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
525 |
1 |
TG7 |
Proposed resolution of CIDs 190, 194, 195, 868, and 868a |
Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG), Tae-Gyu Kang (ETRI) |
12-Jul-2010 13:20:11 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
533 |
0 |
LECIM Tutorial - Application Presentations |
Roberto Aiello (Independent) |
12-Jul-2010 13:50:54 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
394 |
1 |
TG4g |
tg4g-july-2010-agenda |
Phil Beecher (PG&E) |
12-Jul-2010 14:03:21 ET |
Download |
10-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
492 |
1 |
TG6 |
LB55 d01P802-15-6 Sorted Comments |
Daniel Lewis (NICTA) |
12-Jul-2010 14:20:00 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
482 |
2 |
TG4e |
LB53 DSME Comment Resolutions |
Wun-Cheol Jeong (ETRI) |
12-Jul-2010 14:24:13 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
534 |
0 |
TG4e |
Frame counter compression proposal |
J Simon (Dust Networks) |
12-Jul-2010 14:24:53 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
356 |
2 |
TG4g |
Proposed resolution for comments on data flow processing order, w/r/t FEC and Data Whitening |
Daniel Popa, Hartman Van Wyk (Itron,Inc.) |
12-Jul-2010 14:28:45 ET |
Download |
11-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
520 |
0 |
TG4g |
sun-opening-report-sandiego-july-2010 |
Phil Beecher (PG&E) |
12-Jul-2010 14:30:29 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
535 |
0 |
TG4e |
PAN ID compression proposal |
J Simon (Dust Networks) |
12-Jul-2010 14:34:49 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
413 |
1 |
igLECIM agenda July 2010 |
David Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.) |
12-Jul-2010 14:41:06 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
536 |
0 |
TG6 |
TG6-Opening-Report-July-2010 |
Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio) |
12-Jul-2010 14:43:28 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
527 |
2 |
TG7 |
IEEE 802.15.7 VLC Regulation: Removing 5.7 and Annex I rewriting |
Kang Tae Gyu (ETRI) |
12-Jul-2010 15:07:28 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
451 |
1 |
TG4f |
TG4f July Meeting Agenda |
Mike McInnis (The Boeing Company) |
12-Jul-2010 15:13:26 ET |
Download |
11-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
518 |
0 |
TG7 |
MAC related comment resolution |
Sridhar Rajagopal (Samsung Electronics) |
12-Jul-2010 15:22:46 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
331 |
3 |
TG4g |
Spectral mask for FSK |
James Gilb (SiBEAM) |
12-Jul-2010 15:25:23 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
541 |
0 |
TG4g |
First Cut - CSM Related Comment Resolution |
Chin-Sean Sum |
12-Jul-2010 15:58:47 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
412 |
5 |
Key Negotiation using DIET HIP |
Robert Moskowitz (ICSA labs, an Independent Division of Verizon Business) |
12-Jul-2010 16:24:41 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
540 |
0 |
TG7 |
comment and resolution about CID 75,546 and 548 |
Jaeseung Son (Samsung Electronics) |
12-Jul-2010 16:35:37 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
539 |
0 |
TG7 | Co-existence of PHY Type 1 and PHY Type 2 with PHY Type 3 |
Jaeseung Son(Samsung Electronics) |
12-Jul-2010 16:35:58 ET |
Download |
09-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
504 |
0 |
TG7 |
vlc-meeting-minutes-july-ad-hoc-san-jose |
Taehan Bae (Samsung Electronics) |
12-Jul-2010 16:40:31 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
537 |
0 |
TG4g |
ad hoc Comment Resolution Motion |
Ed Callaway (Sensus) |
12-Jul-2010 17:04:30 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
543 |
0 |
TG7 |
Regulations pertaining to IEEE 802.15.7 |
Tae Gyu Kang (ETRI) et al. |
12-Jul-2010 17:08:47 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
537 |
1 |
TG4g |
ad hoc Comment Resolution Motion |
Ed Callaway (Sensus) |
12-Jul-2010 18:10:17 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
525 |
2 |
TG7 |
Proposed resolution of CIDs 190, 194, 195, 868, and 868a |
Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG), Tae-Gyu Kang (ETRI) |
12-Jul-2010 19:12:21 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
421 |
2 |
TG4e |
agenda-San_Diego-10 |
Pat Kinney (Kinney Consulting) |
12-Jul-2010 19:29:05 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
540 |
1 |
TG7 |
comment and resolution about CID 75,546 and 548 |
Jaeseung Son (Samsung Electronics) |
12-Jul-2010 19:32:01 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
538 |
0 |
TG4g |
Various Comment Resolutions - Taylor et al |
Larry Taylor (DTC (UK)) |
12-Jul-2010 19:41:57 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
523 |
1 |
TG4g |
Comment Resolutions for SFD |
Alina Liru LU, Hiroshi HARADA, Ryuhei FUNADA (NICT) |
12-Jul-2010 20:14:58 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
525 |
3 |
TG7 |
Proposed resolution of CIDs 190, 194, 195, 868, and 868a |
Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens AG), Tae-Gyu Kang (ETRI) |
12-Jul-2010 20:42:06 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
380 |
2 |
TG4e |
Additional comment resolutions related to RIT mode |
Kazuyuki Yasukawa (Fuji Electric) |
12-Jul-2010 20:45:59 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
380 |
3 |
TG4e |
Additional comment resolutions related to RIT mode |
Kazuyuki Yasukawa (Fuji Electric) |
12-Jul-2010 20:48:51 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
260 |
2 |
Medical Body Area Networks PAR |
Dave Evans (Philips) |
12-Jul-2010 20:58:42 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
261 |
1 |
Medical Body Area Networks 5C |
Dave Evans (Philips) |
12-Jul-2010 21:00:10 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
283 |
18 |
TG4g |
LB51-comments |
Kuor Hsin Chang, Monique Brown, Phil Beecher, Clinton Powell (Elster Solutions, M. B. Brown Consulting, PG&E, SCE) |
12-Jul-2010 21:15:15 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
509 |
1 |
TG4e |
LB53 LE Comment Resolutions |
Wei Hong (Arch Rock Corp.) |
12-Jul-2010 21:41:46 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
544 |
0 |
TG6 |
Two-Hop Star Topology Extension - Proposed Replacement Text |
Fujitsu |
12-Jul-2010 21:55:33 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
239 |
25 |
TG7 |
LB50 Sorted Combined Comments |
Rick Roberts (Intel Labs) |
12-Jul-2010 23:05:19 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
492 |
2 |
TG6 |
LB55 d01P802-15-6 Sorted Comments |
Daniel Lewis (NICTA) |
12-Jul-2010 23:53:50 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
396 |
1 |
TG6 |
TG6-July-2010-Agenda |
Arthur Astrin (Astrin Radio) |
13-Jul-2010 01:40:27 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
545 |
0 |
TG7 |
Some PHY implementation issues for OOK dimming |
Rick Roberts (Intel Labs) |
13-Jul-2010 02:18:11 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
546 |
0 |
TG7 |
Minimum Frame time calculation |
Sridhar Rajagopal (Samsung Electronics) |
13-Jul-2010 02:44:36 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
427 |
1 |
TG4e |
LB53 Comment Resolution for CID 1381 and 1193 (Fast Association) |
Betty Zhao (Huawei) |
13-Jul-2010 04:01:05 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
427 |
2 |
TG4e |
LB53 Comment Resolution for CID 1381 and 1193 (Fast Association) |
Betty Zhao (Huawei) |
13-Jul-2010 04:06:06 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
462 |
2 |
TG7 |
Dimming related CIDs in draft D1 |
Sridhar Rajagopal (Samsung Electronics) |
13-Jul-2010 04:08:51 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
428 |
1 |
TG4e |
LB53 Fast Association Comment Resolution |
Betty Zhao (Huawei) |
13-Jul-2010 04:09:30 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
472 |
2 |
TG7 |
LB comment resolution related to and |
Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI) |
13-Jul-2010 06:46:04 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
495 |
2 |
TG7 |
LB comment resolution related to |
Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI) |
13-Jul-2010 07:28:38 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
472 |
3 |
TG7 |
LB comment resolution related to and |
Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI) |
13-Jul-2010 07:35:18 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
495 |
3 |
TG7 |
LB comment resolution related to |
Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI) |
13-Jul-2010 07:50:37 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
463 |
2 |
TG7 |
LB comment resolution related to 5.5.4 |
Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI) |
13-Jul-2010 08:29:54 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
547 |
0 |
TG7 |
LB comment resolution related to and its subclauses |
Sang-Kyu Lim (ETRI) |
13-Jul-2010 09:29:03 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
548 |
0 |
TG7 |
LB Annex Comment Resolutions |
Rick Roberts (Intel Labs) |
13-Jul-2010 10:29:24 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
546 |
1 |
TG7 |
Minimum Frame time calculation |
Sridhar Rajagopal (Samsung Electronics) |
13-Jul-2010 10:56:01 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
402 |
2 |
TG4f |
4F Comment Resolution for 4E Draft |
Tim Harrington (WhereNet/Zebra) |
13-Jul-2010 11:49:27 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
356 |
3 |
TG4g |
Proposed resolution for comments on data flow processing order, w/r/t FEC and Data Whitening |
Daniel Popa, Hartman Van Wyk (Itron,Inc.) |
13-Jul-2010 12:14:28 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
266 |
3 |
TG4g |
Proposed Resolution for MR-FSK issue |
Daniel Popa (Itron, Inc) |
13-Jul-2010 12:16:33 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
413 |
2 |
igLECIM agenda July 2010 |
David Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.) |
13-Jul-2010 12:21:16 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
208 |
3 |
application_requirements |
David Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.) |
13-Jul-2010 12:22:48 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
552 |
0 |
TG6 |
ETSI TG6 coordination |
13-Jul-2010 12:35:31 ET |
Download |
12-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
532 |
0 |
TG4e |
Frame Type Formats |
Siemens AG (Michael Bahr) |
13-Jul-2010 12:44:49 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
413 |
3 |
igLECIM agenda July 2010 |
David Howard (On-Ramp Wireless, Inc.) |
13-Jul-2010 12:45:00 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
554 |
0 |
TG4g |
IEEE 802.15-UTC |
Klaus Bender (UTC) |
13-Jul-2010 12:59:53 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
522 |
1 |
TG4g |
Comment Resolutions for FSK |
Alina Liru LU, Hiroshi HARADA, Ryuhei FUNADA(NICT) |
13-Jul-2010 13:08:55 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
553 |
0 |
TG4g |
UTC Presentation to IEEE802 |
Klaus Bender (UTC) |
13-Jul-2010 13:11:12 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
523 |
2 |
TG4g |
Comment Resolutions for SFD |
Alina Liru LU, Hiroshi HARADA, Ryuhei FUNADA (NICT) |
13-Jul-2010 13:14:52 ET |
Download |
13-Jul-2010 ET |
2010 |
521 |
1 |
TG7 |
comment resolution for CID 59 and etc. |
Jaeseung Son (Samsung Electronics) |
13-Jul-2010 13:20:30 ET |
Download |