19-Mar-2025 03:03:24 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 488 1 TG3mb (HDR) TG3mb September 2023 Agenda Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
12-Sep-2023 04:15:41 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 489 0 TG3mb (HDR) TG3mb Closing Plenary Slides Meeting September 2023 Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
12-Sep-2023 04:09:02 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 489 1 TG3mb (HDR) TG3mb Closing Plenary Slides Meeting September 2023 Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
12-Sep-2023 08:53:14 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 490 0 TG3mb (HDR) TG15.3mb Minutes Meeting September 2023 Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
12-Sep-2023 04:10:17 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 490 1 TG3mb (HDR) TG15.3mb Minutes Meeting September 2023 Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
12-Sep-2023 04:11:09 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 490 2 TG3mb (HDR) TG15.3mb Minutes Meeting September 2023 Thomas Kurner (TU Braunschweig)
12-Sep-2023 08:49:49 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 491 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) PTF report Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan (Samsung Electronics), Frank Leong, Wolfgang Kuchler, Riku Pirhonen, Andreas Gruber (NXP), Dag Wisland, Kristian Granhaug, Dries Neirynck (Novelda)
12-Sep-2023 04:39:15 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 491 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) PTF report Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan (Samsung Electronics), Frank Leong, Wolfgang Kuchler, Riku Pirhonen, Andreas Gruber (NXP), Dag Wisland, Kristian Granhaug (Novelda), Dries Neirynck (Ultra Radio Ltd)
12-Sep-2023 08:16:20 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 491 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) PTF report Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan (Samsung Electronics), Frank Leong, Wolfgang Kuchler, Riku Pirhonen, Andreas Gruber (NXP), Dag Wisland, Kristian Granhaug (Novelda), Dries Neirynck (Ultra Radio Ltd)
12-Sep-2023 08:18:47 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 492 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) MMS Ranging Session using public addresses Hongwon Lee, Insun Jang, Jinsoo Choi, HanGyu Cho(LG Electronincs)
13-Sep-2023 20:41:08 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 492 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) MMS Ranging Session using public addresses Hong Won Lee, Insun Jang, Jinsoo Choi, HanGyu Cho (LG Electronics) Alexander Krebs(Apple), Lei Huang, Bin Qian, Peng Liu, Chenchen Liu, Ziyang Guo, Rojan Chitrakar, David Xun Yang (Huawei), Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha (Samsung)
13-Sep-2023 20:44:00 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 492 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) MMS Ranging Session using public addresses Hong Won Lee, Insun Jang, Jinsoo Choi, HanGyu Cho (LG Electronics), Lei Huang, Bin Qian, Peng Liu, Chenchen Liu, Ziyang Guo, Rojan Chitrakar, David Xun Yang (Huawei), Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha (Samsung)
14-Sep-2023 08:09:21 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 492 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) MMS Ranging Session using public addresses Hong Won Lee, Insun Jang, Jinsoo Choi, HanGyu Cho (LG Electronics) Alexander Krebs(Apple), Lei Huang, Bin Qian, Peng Liu, Chenchen Liu, Ziyang Guo, Rojan Chitrakar, David Xun Yang (Huawei), Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha (Samsung)
14-Sep-2023 13:41:54 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 493 0 TG4me (REVISION) Thomas Almholt Texas Instruments
12-Sep-2023 08:02:50 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 493 1 TG4me (REVISION) Thomas Almholt Texas Instruments
13-Sep-2023 17:18:16 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 494 0 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) Next-Gen_SUN-PHYs-draft-csd Thomas Almholt (Texas Instruments)
12-Sep-2023 09:13:28 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 494 1 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) Next-Gen_SUN-PHYs-draft-csd Thomas Almholt (Texas Instruments)
12-Sep-2023 17:03:06 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 494 2 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) Next-Gen_SUN-PHYs-draft-csd Thomas Almholt (Texas Instruments)
14-Sep-2023 09:34:54 ET
15-Nov-2023 ET
2023 494 3 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) Next-Gen_SUN-PHYs-draft-csd Thomas Almholt (Texas Instruments)
15-Nov-2023 17:15:33 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 495 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend ieee802.16t PtMP Security Yael Luz
12-Sep-2023 11:54:59 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 495 1 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend ieee802.16t PtMP Security Yael Luz
12-Sep-2023 15:22:55 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 496 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Proposed further updates for 10.36.7 Bin Qian (Huawei)
12-Sep-2023 17:39:32 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 496 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Proposed further updates for 10.36.7 Bin Qian (Huawei)
14-Sep-2023 09:21:56 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 497 0 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
12-Sep-2023 13:47:00 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 497 1 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
12-Sep-2023 15:29:29 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 497 2 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
12-Sep-2023 17:13:22 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 497 3 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
13-Sep-2023 10:02:11 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 497 4 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
13-Sep-2023 17:40:25 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 497 5 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
14-Sep-2023 11:29:50 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 497 6 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
14-Sep-2023 11:47:30 ET
20-Sep-2023 ET
2023 497 7 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
20-Sep-2023 16:54:23 ET
13-Nov-2023 ET
2023 497 8 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
13-Nov-2023 16:35:03 ET
13-Nov-2023 ET
2023 497 9 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
13-Nov-2023 20:27:13 ET
13-Nov-2023 ET
2023 497 10 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
13-Nov-2023 23:14:23 ET
14-Nov-2023 ET
2023 497 11 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
14-Nov-2023 16:57:10 ET
15-Nov-2023 ET
2023 497 12 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
15-Nov-2023 14:58:05 ET
16-Nov-2023 ET
2023 497 13 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
16-Nov-2023 16:57:14 ET
06-Dec-2023 ET
2023 497 14 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
06-Dec-2023 20:39:33 ET
13-Dec-2023 ET
2023 497 15 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
13-Dec-2023 14:53:13 ET
15-Jan-2024 ET
2023 497 16 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
15-Jan-2024 13:34:28 ET
15-Jan-2024 ET
2023 497 17 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
15-Jan-2024 14:57:31 ET
16-Jan-2024 ET
2023 497 18 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
16-Jan-2024 09:39:58 ET
17-Jan-2024 ET
2023 497 19 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
17-Jan-2024 16:01:08 ET
17-Jan-2024 ET
2023 497 20 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
17-Jan-2024 16:53:41 ET
27-Feb-2024 ET
2023 497 21 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
27-Feb-2024 08:15:17 ET
10-Mar-2024 ET
2023 497 22 TG4me (REVISION) Consolidated letter ballot comments Tero Kivinen (self)
10-Mar-2024 19:55:06 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 498 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend TG meeting minutes September 2023 Vishal Kalkundrikar (Ondas)
12-Sep-2023 15:28:10 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 498 1 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend TG meeting minutes September 2023 Vishal Kalkundrikar (Ondas)
14-Sep-2023 16:37:33 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 499 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend Comment Resolutions for 16t Comment Collection 1 Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
12-Sep-2023 15:21:57 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 499 1 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend Comment Resolutions for 16t Comment Collection 1 Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
13-Sep-2023 15:22:26 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 499 2 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend Comment Resolutions for 16t Comment Collection 1 Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
14-Sep-2023 11:33:06 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 499 3 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend Comment Resolutions for 16t Comment Collection 1 Tim Godfrey (EPRI)
14-Sep-2023 14:37:51 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 500 0 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) Comments on Scope of the Project in the PAR Hiroshi Harada (Kyoto University)
12-Sep-2023 16:18:17 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 501 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) resolutions for D0-B hyper block comments Rojan Chitrakar (Huawei)
12-Sep-2023 20:19:12 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 502 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Group Consensus on Operating Parameter Sets Vinod Kristem, Xiliang Luo, etc.
12-Sep-2023 22:39:24 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 502 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Group Consensus on Operating Parameter Sets Vinod Kristem, Xiliang Luo, etc.
13-Sep-2023 10:05:32 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 502 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Group Consensus on Operating Parameter Sets Vinod Kristem, Xiliang Luo, etc.
13-Sep-2023 17:50:16 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 502 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Group Consensus on Operating Parameter Sets Vinod Kristem, Xiliang Luo, etc.
14-Sep-2023 07:50:44 ET
12-Sep-2023 ET
2023 503 0 WG15 Technical Editors Instructions James P. K. Gilb (GA-ASI)
13-Sep-2023 11:23:03 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 504 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Resolution Proposals for the Assigned Comments Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So (Samsung Electronics)
13-Sep-2023 08:41:05 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 504 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Resolution Proposals for the Assigned Comments Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So (Samsung Electronics)
14-Sep-2023 05:59:37 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 504 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Resolution Proposals for the Assigned Comments Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So (Samsung Electronics)
14-Sep-2023 09:17:50 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 505 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan (Samsung Electronics), Frank Leong, Wolfgang Kuchler, Riku Pirhonen, Andreas Gruber (NXP), Dag Wisland, Kristian Granhaug (Novelda), Dries Neirynck (Ultra Radio Ltd)
13-Sep-2023 09:47:52 ET
14-Nov-2023 ET
2023 505 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale, Ankur Bansal, Karthik Srinivasa Gopalan (Samsung Electronics), Frank Leong, Wolfgang Kuchler, Riku Pirhonen, Andreas Gruber (NXP), Dag Wisland, Kristian Granhaug (Novelda), Dries Neirynck (Ultra Radio Ltd)
14-Nov-2023 10:51:20 ET
14-Nov-2023 ET
2023 505 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale (Ultra Radio Ltd)
14-Nov-2023 17:26:52 ET
14-Nov-2023 ET
2023 505 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale (Samsung Electronics)
14-Nov-2023 20:37:35 ET
15-Nov-2023 ET
2023 505 4 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale (Samsung Electronics)
15-Nov-2023 09:42:56 ET
15-Nov-2023 ET
2023 505 5 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale (Samsung Electronics)
15-Nov-2023 14:25:48 ET
15-Nov-2023 ET
2023 505 6 TG4ab (NG-UWB) text for ptf report IE Aniruddh Rao Kabbinale (Samsung Electronics)
15-Nov-2023 16:23:12 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 506 0 SC MAINTENANCE Typical TG and WG motions Tero Kivinen (self)
13-Sep-2023 12:12:38 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 506 1 SC MAINTENANCE Typical TG and WG motions Tero Kivinen (self)
14-Sep-2023 14:43:06 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 506 2 SC MAINTENANCE Typical TG and WG motions Tero Kivinen (self)
14-Sep-2023 15:59:10 ET
14-Aug-2024 ET
2023 506 3 SC MAINTENANCE Typical TG and WG motions Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance)
14-Aug-2024 11:52:26 ET
14-Nov-2024 ET
2023 506 4 SC MAINTENANCE Typical TG and WG motions Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance)
14-Nov-2024 19:08:59 ET
12-Mar-2025 ET
2023 506 5 SC MAINTENANCE Typical TG and WG motions Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance)
12-Mar-2025 16:34:03 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 507 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend Response to DCN-499 Ondas
13-Sep-2023 11:27:05 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 508 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) proposed resolution for CID 41 Li-Hsiang Sun (Mediatek)
13-Sep-2023 13:07:28 ET
26-Sep-2023 ET
2023 508 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) proposed resolution for CID 41 Li-Hsiang Sun (Mediatek)
26-Sep-2023 00:17:11 ET
26-Sep-2023 ET
2023 508 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) proposed resolution for CID 41 Li-Hsiang Sun (Mediatek)
26-Sep-2023 18:41:17 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 509 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Comments on 4ab preballot draft B Riku Pirhonen (NXP), Pablo Corbalan (NXP), Bernhard Großwindhager (NXP), Wolfgang Kuchler (NXP), Stefan Lemsitzer (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP), Srivathsa M. Parthasarathi (NXP)
13-Sep-2023 13:29:54 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 509 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Comments on 4ab preballot draft B Riku Pirhonen (NXP), Pablo Corbalan (NXP), Bernhard Groflwindhager (NXP), Wolfgang Kuchler (NXP), Stefan Lemsitzer (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP), Srivathsa M. Parthasarathi (NXP)
13-Sep-2023 15:18:17 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 509 2 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Comments on 4ab preballot draft B Riku Pirhonen (NXP), Pablo Corbalan (NXP), Bernhard Groflwindhager (NXP), Wolfgang Kuchler (NXP), Stefan Lemsitzer (NXP), Frank Leong (NXP), Srivathsa M. Parthasarathi (NXP)
13-Sep-2023 23:57:18 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 509 3 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Comments on 4ab preballot draft B Riku Pirhonen (NXP) et al
14-Sep-2023 08:06:23 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 509 4 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Comments on 4ab preballot draft B Riku Pirhonen (NXP) et al.
14-Sep-2023 11:05:40 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 510 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates of AP formats Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So (Samsung Electronics) Lochan Verma, Alexander Krebs (Apple) Rojan Chitrakar (Huawei) Hong Won Lee (LG Electronics)
13-Sep-2023 14:02:35 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 510 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Updates of AP formats Mingyu Lee, Taeyoung Ha, Youngwan So (Samsung Electronics) Lochan Verma, Alexander Krebs (Apple) Rojan Chitrakar (Huawei) Hong Won Lee (LG Electronics)
14-Sep-2023 05:31:56 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 511 0 TG4me (REVISION) TG4me Minutes September Interim 2023 Phil Beecher (Wi-SUN Alliance)
14-Sep-2023 17:50:05 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 512 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG15.6ma Closing Report for September 2023 Ryuji Kohno(YNU/YRP-IAI)
14-Sep-2023 13:55:36 ET
13-Sep-2023 ET
2023 513 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) TG6ma meeting minutes for September 2023 Taumi Kobayashi (YRP-IAI/Nitech)
14-Sep-2023 13:57:35 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 514 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Resolution Proposals Preballot DraftB Comments Pooria Pakrooh (Qualcomm)
14-Sep-2023 07:31:33 ET
03-Oct-2023 ET
2023 514 1 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Resolution Proposals Preballot DraftB Comments Pooria Pakrooh (Qualcomm)
03-Oct-2023 22:09:46 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 515 0 TG4ad (NG SUN PHY) Spectrum use in license-exempt frequency bands Joerg Robert (TU Ilmenau / Fraunhofer IIS)
14-Sep-2023 08:02:45 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 516 0 TG4ab (NG-UWB) Revised UWB wake-up radio modulation Michael McLaughlin: Qorvo
14-Sep-2023 08:16:40 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 517 0 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend DPP comments response Yael Luz
14-Sep-2023 08:48:15 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 517 1 TG16t (LIC-NB) Amend DPP comments response Yael Luz
14-Sep-2023 11:32:39 ET
14-Sep-2023 ET
2023 518 0 TG4me (REVISION) November 2023 Opening and Closing Report Gary Stuebing - Cisco
14-Sep-2023 09:46:55 ET
11-Nov-2023 ET
2023 518 1 TG4me (REVISION) November 2023 Opening and Closing Report Gary Stuebing - Cisco
11-Nov-2023 19:51:50 ET
12-Nov-2023 ET
2023 518 2 TG4me (REVISION) November 2023 Opening and Closing Report Gary Stuebing - Cisco
12-Nov-2023 22:44:19 ET
13-Nov-2023 ET
2023 518 3 TG4me (REVISION) November 2023 Opening and Closing Report Gary Stuebing - Cisco
13-Nov-2023 14:56:32 ET
13-Nov-2023 ET
2023 518 4 TG4me (REVISION) November 2023 Opening and Closing Report Gary Stuebing - Cisco
13-Nov-2023 16:30:31 ET