17-Jul-2024 21:37:01 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
09-Jul-2024 ET
2024 333 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Technical editor comments to the P802.15.6ma_D1.18 Tero Kivinen (Wi-SUN Alliance)
09-Jul-2024 04:21:52 ET
04-Jun-2024 ET
2024 333 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Technical editor comments to the P802.15.6ma_D1.18 Tero Kivinen (Wi-SUN Alliance)
04-Jun-2024 11:58:18 ET
15-Sep-2022 ET
2022 518 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Motion to approve TG6ma Call for Proposals, Technical Requirements Documents, and Channel Model document Ryuji Kohno, Marco Hernandez, Takumi Kobayashi, Minsoo Kim1 (YRP-IAI, YNU, CWC Oulu Univ)
15-Sep-2022 00:03:05 ET
14-Sep-2022 ET
2021 577 6 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Technical Requirements Document M. Hernandez, R. Kohno, T. Kobayashi, M. Kim (YRP-AIA, YNU)
14-Sep-2022 23:40:56 ET
14-Sep-2022 ET
2022 518 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Motion to approve TG6ma Call for Proposals, Technical Requirements Documents, and Channel Model document Ryuji Kohno, Marco Hernandez, Takumi Kobayashi, Minsoo Kim1 (YRP-IAI, YNU, CWC Oulu Univ)
14-Sep-2022 23:39:47 ET
13-Sep-2022 ET
2021 577 5 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Technical Requirements Document M. Hernandez, R. Kohno, T. Kobayashi, M. Kim (YRP-AIA, YNU)
13-Sep-2022 00:04:45 ET
12-Sep-2022 ET
2021 577 4 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Technical Requirements Document M. Hernandez, R. Kohno, T. Kobayashi, M. Kim (YRP-AIA, YNU)
12-Sep-2022 21:53:52 ET
14-Jul-2022 ET
2021 577 3 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Technical Requirements Document M. Hernandez, R. Kohno, T. Kobayashi, M. Kim (YRP-AIA, YNU)
14-Jul-2022 07:33:01 ET
17-May-2022 ET
2022 278 2 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) 15.6a functional technical requirements for PHY proposals Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno, Takumi Kobayashi1, Minsoo Kim (YRP-AIA, YNU)
17-May-2022 07:13:52 ET
13-May-2022 ET
2022 278 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) 15.6a functional technical requirements for PHY proposals Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno, Takumi Kobayashi1, Minsoo Kim (YRP-AIA, YNU)
13-May-2022 03:29:54 ET
12-May-2022 ET
2022 278 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) 15.6a functional technical requirements for PHY proposals Marco Hernandez, Ryuji Kohno, Takumi Kobayashi1, Minsoo Kim (YRP-AIA, YNU)
12-May-2022 09:16:53 ET
20-Jan-2022 ET
2022 52 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Interference modeling in the Technical Requirements Document Marco Hernandez, Takumi Kobayashi, Minsoo Kim, Ryuji Kohno (YRP-IAI, YNU)
20-Jan-2022 08:34:31 ET
20-Nov-2021 ET
2021 577 2 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Technical Requirements Document M. Hernandez, R. Kohno, T. Kobayashi, M. Kim (YRP-AIA, YNU)
20-Nov-2021 21:24:25 ET
10-Nov-2021 ET
2021 577 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Technical Requirements Document M. Hernandez, R. Kohno, T. Kobayashi, M. Kim (YRP-AIA, YNU)
10-Nov-2021 14:01:58 ET
10-Nov-2021 ET
2021 577 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Technical Requirements Document M. Hernandez, R. Kohno, T. Kobayashi, M. Kim (YRP-AIA, YNU)
10-Nov-2021 10:07:38 ET
16-Sep-2021 ET
2021 493 1 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Draft Technical Requirement of IEEE802.15.6a for Amendment of 15.6 BAN with Enhanced Dependability Ryuji Kohno, Marco Hernandez, Takumi Kobayashi, Minsoo Kim(YNU/YRP-IAI)
16-Sep-2021 19:00:45 ET
16-Sep-2021 ET
2021 493 0 TG6ma (BAN/VAN) Draft Technical Requirement of IEEE802.15.6a for Amendment of 15.6 BAN with Enhanced Dependability Ryuji Kohno, Marco Hernandez, Takumi Kobayashi, Minsoo Kim(YNU/YRP-IAI)
16-Sep-2021 12:09:35 ET