31-Mar-2025 17:16:05 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
25-Aug-2014 ET
2014 20 5 Meeting Documents 11th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
25-Aug-2014 23:17:14 ET
25-Aug-2014 ET
2014 20 4 Meeting Documents 11th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
25-Aug-2014 10:42:40 ET
21-Aug-2014 ET
2014 20 3 Meeting Documents 11th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
21-Aug-2014 21:48:36 ET
21-Aug-2014 ET
2014 20 2 Meeting Documents 11th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
21-Aug-2014 21:40:22 ET
03-Dec-2014 ET
2014 30 1 Meeting Documents 12th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC - Meeting Schedule Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
03-Dec-2014 00:08:54 ET
24-Nov-2014 ET
2014 30 0 Meeting Documents 12th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC - Meeting Schedule Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
25-Nov-2014 10:43:42 ET
01-Mar-2015 ET
2015 4 3 Meeting Documents 13th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC: March 2015 Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
01-Mar-2015 17:53:18 ET
28-Feb-2015 ET
2015 4 2 Meeting Documents 13th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC: March 2015 Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
28-Feb-2015 08:14:03 ET
24-Feb-2015 ET
2015 4 1 Meeting Documents 13th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC: March 2015 Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
24-Feb-2015 23:31:11 ET
06-Feb-2015 ET
2015 4 0 Meeting Documents 13th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC: March 2015 Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
06-Feb-2015 10:02:34 ET
11-Jul-2015 ET
2015 21 0 Meeting Documents 14th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC, July 2015, Meeting Schedule Oliver Holland (King's College London)
11-Jul-2015 11:56:53 ET
19-Mar-2016 ET
2016 3 5 Meeting Documents 16th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC: Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
19-Mar-2016 10:15:26 ET
18-Mar-2016 ET
2016 3 4 Meeting Documents 16th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC: Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
19-Mar-2016 07:26:47 ET
15-Mar-2016 ET
2016 3 3 Meeting Documents 16th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC: Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
15-Mar-2016 09:16:08 ET
15-Feb-2016 ET
2016 3 2 Meeting Documents 16th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC: Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
15-Feb-2016 14:35:18 ET
07-Feb-2016 ET
2016 3 1 Meeting Documents 16th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC: Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
07-Feb-2016 22:40:47 ET
30-Jan-2016 ET
2016 3 0 Meeting Documents 16th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC: Meeting Schedule Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
30-Jan-2016 22:56:08 ET
10-Jan-2013 ET
2013 13 0 Meeting Documents 1900.1 Washington Meeting 2013, Closing Report Oliver Holland (KCL)
10-Jan-2013 15:25:23 ET
10-Jan-2013 ET
2013 8 1 Meeting Documents 1900.5.2 PAR Proposal Grande (Southerly Engineering Services)
10-Jan-2013 08:47:01 ET
10-Jan-2013 ET
2013 11 0 Meeting Documents 1900.7 status report Stanislav Filin (NICT)
10-Jan-2013 14:55:03 ET
11-Mar-2017 ET
2017 2 4 Meeting Documents 19th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC Meeting Schedule, 9-11 March 2017 Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
11-Mar-2017 14:24:31 ET
10-Mar-2017 ET
2017 2 3 Meeting Documents 19th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC Meeting Schedule, 9-11 March 2017 Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
10-Mar-2017 09:01:32 ET
09-Mar-2017 ET
2017 2 2 Meeting Documents 19th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC Meeting Schedule, 9-11 March 2017 Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
09-Mar-2017 08:02:49 ET
03-Mar-2017 ET
2017 2 1 Meeting Documents 19th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC Meeting Schedule, 9-11 March 2017 Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
03-Mar-2017 14:46:06 ET
25-Feb-2017 ET
2017 2 0 Meeting Documents 19th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN-SC Meeting Schedule, 9-11 March 2017 Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
25-Feb-2017 08:51:53 ET
05-Dec-2011 ET
2011 20 0 Meeting Documents 2012 IEEE-SA Policy Changes Joan Woolery (IEEE-SA)
12-Dec-2011 20:48:52 ET
08-Dec-2011 ET
2011 22 0 No longer applicable Agenda of Dec. 08 Teleconference Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
08-Dec-2011 07:25:16 ET
28-Nov-2011 ET
2011 17 0 No longer applicable Agenda of Nov. 28 Teleconference Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
28-Nov-2011 07:45:59 ET
19-Oct-2011 ET
2011 12 0 No longer applicable Agenda of Oct. 19 Teleconference Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
19-Oct-2011 21:12:26 ET
07-Apr-2014 ET
2014 7 3 Meeting Documents April 2014 Grenoble FR meeting agenda Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)
14-Feb-2015 20:36:13 ET
03-Apr-2014 ET
2014 7 2 Meeting Documents April 2014 Grenoble FR meeting agenda Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)
13-Feb-2015 20:21:24 ET
07-Apr-2014 ET
2014 8 1 Meeting Documents April 2014 Grenoble meeting order of business Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)
13-Feb-2015 20:19:18 ET
20-Aug-2013 ET
2013 30 2 Meeting Documents August 2013 Arlington VA meeting agenda Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)
13-Feb-2015 20:29:46 ET
05-Jan-2014 ET
2014 1 0 Meeting Documents Corrigendum P1900.6-2011/Cor 1 PAR Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)
14-Feb-2015 20:36:53 ET
03-Dec-2014 ET
2014 31 3 Meeting Documents Dec. 2014 Singapore Meeting Order of Business Hiroshi Harada (NICT), Oliver Holland (Kings College London)
03-Dec-2014 21:19:18 ET
03-Dec-2014 ET
2014 31 2 Meeting Documents Dec. 2014 Singapore Meeting Order of Business Hiroshi Harada (NICT), Oliver Holland (Kings College London)
03-Dec-2014 21:13:11 ET
03-Dec-2014 ET
2014 31 1 Meeting Documents Dec. 2014 Singapore Meeting Order of Business Hiroshi Harada (NICT), Oliver Holland (Kings College London)
03-Dec-2014 00:29:51 ET
01-Dec-2014 ET
2014 31 0 Meeting Documents Dec. 2014 Singapore Meeting Order of Business Hiroshi Harada (NICT), Oliver Holland (Kings College London)
01-Dec-2014 02:04:25 ET
16-Aug-2011 ET
2011 3 0 No longer applicable Document Template (Word) Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
16-Aug-2011 09:41:06 ET
28-Jul-2013 ET
2013 31 0 Policies and Procedures Draft DySPAN-SC Policies and Procedures (P&P) Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)
14-Feb-2015 20:38:17 ET
21-Nov-2011 ET
2011 14 2 No longer applicable DSA-VE Questionnaire Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer), Dan Lubar (Relay Services)
21-Nov-2011 12:10:29 ET
21-Nov-2011 ET
2011 14 1 No longer applicable DSA-VE Questionnaire Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
21-Nov-2011 12:02:47 ET
21-Oct-2013 ET
2013 44 0 Monthly Officers Meeting Documents DySPAN-SC Leadership meeting agenda Oct 2013 Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)
14-Feb-2015 20:45:00 ET
26-Mar-2012 ET
2012 1 1 Meeting Minutes DySPAN-SC-Minutes-Dec 12-14-2011-Scottsdale_draft.pdf Yohannes A. (NICT)
04-Jun-2014 04:10:29 ET
29-Aug-2011 ET
2011 5 0 Meeting Minutes DySPAN-SC-Minutes-June20-22-2011-Brussels.pdf Yohannes A. (Demessie)
04-Jun-2014 04:08:21 ET
02-Jul-2012 ET
2012 35 0 Meeting Minutes DySPAN-SC-Minutes-June 25-28-2012-Grenoble_draft.pdf Yohannes A. (NICT)
04-Jun-2014 04:11:12 ET
01-Apr-2012 ET
2012 17 0 Meeting Minutes DySPAN-SC-Minutes-Mar 26-29-2012-Osaka_draft.pdf Yohannes A. (NICT)
04-Jun-2014 04:10:46 ET
29-Aug-2011 ET
2011 4 0 Meeting Minutes DySPAN-SC-Minutes-March21-23-2011-Singapore.pdf Yohannes A. (NICT)
29-Aug-2011 21:46:43 ET
07-Jan-2013 ET
2013 3 0 Meeting Documents DYSPAN-SC P1900.1 Progress Report 08/01/2013 Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
07-Jan-2013 11:35:35 ET
27-Jun-2012 ET
2012 24 1 Meeting Documents DYSPAN-SC P1900.1 Progress Report 25/06/2012 Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
27-Jun-2012 04:22:15 ET
24-Jun-2012 ET
2012 24 0 Meeting Documents DYSPAN-SC P1900.1 Progress Report 25/06/2012 Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
24-Jun-2012 16:16:19 ET
28-Mar-2012 ET
2012 7 1 Meeting Documents DYSPAN SC P1900.1 Progress Report 27/03/2012 Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
28-Mar-2012 21:08:08 ET
26-Mar-2012 ET
2012 7 0 Meeting Documents DYSPAN SC P1900.1 Progress Report 27/03/2012 Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
26-Mar-2012 06:35:17 ET
25-Aug-2013 ET
2013 33 0 Meeting Documents DySPAN-SC Treasurer's Report for Arlington August 2013 Meeting Oliver Holland (King's College London)
25-Aug-2013 11:08:29 ET
23-Jun-2012 ET
2012 23 0 Meeting Documents DySPAN-SC Treasurer's Report for Grenoble June 2012 Meeting Oliver Holland (KCL)
23-Jun-2012 09:41:06 ET
21-Apr-2013 ET
2013 18 0 Meeting Documents DySPAN-SC Treasurer's Report for London April 2013 Meeting Oliver Holland (King's College London)
21-Apr-2013 19:10:21 ET
01-Dec-2013 ET
2013 50 0 Meeting Documents DySPAN-SC Treasurer's Report for Tokyo December 2013 Meeting Oliver Holland (King's College London)
01-Dec-2013 08:27:09 ET
06-Jan-2013 ET
2013 1 1 Meeting Documents DySPAN-SC Treasurer's Report for Washington, DC, January 2013 Meeting Oliver Holland (KCL)
06-Jan-2013 19:27:07 ET
26-Mar-2012 ET
2012 9 0 Monthly Officers Meeting Documents DySPAN WG Membership Roles Max Riegel (NSN)
26-Mar-2012 21:14:47 ET
05-Dec-2011 ET
2011 21 0 Meeting Documents Guidelines on public documents Joan Woolery (IEEE-SA)
12-Dec-2011 20:48:32 ET
25-Jun-2012 ET
2012 28 0 Meeting Documents IEEE 1900 New Project Proposal Spectrum Consumption Modeling John A. Stine (MITRE)
25-Jun-2012 07:59:51 ET
01-Jun-2015 ET
2015 17 0 Monthly Officers Meeting Minutes IEEE DySPAN-SC Leadership Meeting, May 27, 2015, Minutes Oliver Holland (King's College London)
01-Jun-2015 20:56:02 ET
18-Jun-2013 ET
2013 28 0 Meeting Minutes Minutes of Apr 2013 London UK meeting Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)
04-Jun-2014 04:11:32 ET
17-Oct-2013 ET
2013 42 0 Meeting Minutes Minutes of Aug 2013 Arlington USA meeting Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)
04-Jun-2014 04:11:45 ET
08-Dec-2011 ET
2011 23 0 No longer applicable Minutes of Dec. 08 Teleconference Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
08-Dec-2011 08:55:14 ET
30-Jan-2014 ET
2014 2 0 Meeting Minutes Minutes of December 2013 Yokosuka JP meeting Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)
04-Jun-2014 04:11:55 ET
24-Jun-2015 ET
2015 20 0 Monthly Officers Meeting Minutes Minutes of Electronic Meeting held 24 June, 2015 Matthew Sherman (BAE Systems)
24-Jun-2015 21:20:31 ET
04-Mar-2013 ET
2013 15 0 Meeting Minutes Minutes of Jan 2013 Washington DC meeting Ha Nguyen Tran (NICT)
04-Jun-2014 04:11:21 ET
28-Nov-2011 ET
2011 18 0 No longer applicable Minutes of Nov. 28 Teleconference Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
28-Nov-2011 08:52:16 ET
01-Dec-2014 ET
2014 32 0 Meeting Minutes Minutes of the 11th IEEE DySPAN-SC Meeting Hiroshi Harada (NICT)
01-Dec-2014 03:05:34 ET
02-Nov-2011 ET
2011 15 0 Monthly Officers Meeting Minutes Minute-teleconf-Oct25-2011 Yohannes A. (NICT)
07-Nov-2011 04:37:00 ET
24-Sep-2011 ET
2011 11 0 Monthly Officers Meeting Minutes Minute-teleconf-Sept21-2011 Yohannes A. (NICT)
29-Sep-2011 06:33:32 ET
09-Dec-2011 ET
2011 19 1 Meeting Documents Order of business for DySPAN-SC plenary 12-Dec-20111 Yohannes A. (NICT)
12-Dec-2011 19:04:21 ET
02-Dec-2011 ET
2011 19 0 Meeting Documents Order of business for DySPAN-SC plenary 12-Dec-20111 Yohannes A. (NICT)
05-Dec-2011 20:10:27 ET
25-Jun-2012 ET
2012 22 3 Meeting Documents Order of business for DySPAN-SC plenary 25-28-June-2012 Yohannes A. (NICT)
25-Jun-2012 11:34:04 ET
25-Jun-2012 ET
2012 22 2 Meeting Documents Order of business for DySPAN-SC plenary 25-28-June-2012 Yohannes A. (NICT)
25-Jun-2012 08:02:01 ET
21-Jun-2012 ET
2012 22 1 Meeting Documents Order of business for DySPAN-SC plenary 25-28-June-2012 Yohannes A. (NICT)
21-Jun-2012 21:29:33 ET
21-Jun-2012 ET
2012 22 0 Meeting Documents Order of business for DySPAN-SC plenary 25-28-June-2012 Yohannes A. (NICT)
21-Jun-2012 03:18:44 ET
28-Mar-2012 ET
2012 5 3 Meeting Documents Order of business for DySPAN-SC plenary 26-29-March-2012 Yohannes A. (NICT)
28-Mar-2012 22:47:27 ET
28-Mar-2012 ET
2012 5 2 Meeting Documents Order of business for DySPAN-SC plenary 26-29-March-2012 Yohannes A. (NICT)
28-Mar-2012 21:02:37 ET
26-Mar-2012 ET
2012 5 1 Meeting Documents Order of business for DySPAN-SC plenary 26-29-March-2012 Yohannes A. (NICT)
26-Mar-2012 20:03:19 ET
21-Mar-2012 ET
2012 5 0 Meeting Documents Order of business for DySPAN-SC plenary 26-29-March-2012 Yohannes A. (NICT)
24-Mar-2012 00:44:45 ET
26-Mar-2015 ET
2015 9 2 Meeting Documents Order of Business of the 13th General Meeting of IEEE DySPAN Standards Committee (DySPAN-SC) Hiroshi Harada (University of Kyoto/NICT), Oliver Holland (KCL)
26-Mar-2015 19:07:36 ET
27-Feb-2013 ET
2013 14 2 Miscellaneous Documents P1900.5 response to FCC 12-148 Grande (Southerly Engineering Services)
27-Feb-2013 11:57:36 ET
27-Feb-2013 ET
2013 14 1 Miscellaneous Documents P1900.5 response to FCC 12-148 Grande (Southerly Engineering Services)
27-Feb-2013 11:57:09 ET
11-Feb-2013 ET
2013 14 0 Miscellaneous Documents P1900.5 response to FCC 12-148 Grande (Southerly Engineering Services)
11-Feb-2013 09:58:52 ET
12-Dec-2011 ET
2011 16 3 Meeting Documents Plenary meeting agenda 12-Dec-2011 Yohannes A. (NICT)
12-Dec-2011 19:51:39 ET
09-Dec-2011 ET
2011 16 2 Meeting Documents Plenary meeting agenda 12-Dec-2011 Yohannes A. (NICT)
09-Dec-2011 00:36:04 ET
30-Nov-2011 ET
2011 16 1 Meeting Documents Plenary meeting agenda 12-Dec-2011 Yohannes A. (NICT)
01-Dec-2011 00:00:21 ET
07-Nov-2011 ET
2011 16 0 Meeting Documents Plenary meeting agenda 12-Dec-2011 Yohannes A. (NICT)
07-Nov-2011 05:11:57 ET
23-May-2012 ET
2012 20 0 Meeting Documents Plenary meeting agenda 25-June-2012 Yohannes A. (NICT)
23-May-2012 04:02:01 ET
29-Aug-2011 ET
2011 7 0 Meeting Documents Plenary Meeting Presentation Slides June20-22-2011-Brussels Yohannes A. (NICT)
29-Aug-2011 22:05:41 ET
29-Aug-2011 ET
2011 6 0 Meeting Documents Plenary Meeting Presentation Slides March21-23-2011-Singapore Yohannes A. (NICT)
29-Aug-2011 22:03:11 ET
16-Aug-2011 ET
2011 2 0 No longer applicable Presentation template (Powerpoint) Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
16-Aug-2011 09:37:37 ET
16-Aug-2011 ET
2011 1 0 No longer applicable Proposal for a New Study Group Bernd Bochow (Fraunhofer)
16-Aug-2011 06:05:16 ET
23-Jul-2016 ET
2016 7 2 Meeting Documents Sessions Schedule for DySPAN-SC/1900 Face-to-Face Meetings Series in Poznan Mat Sherman (BAE Systems), Francesco Benedetto (University of Roma Tre), Oliver Holland (King's College London)
23-Jul-2016 10:56:58 ET
21-Jul-2016 ET
2016 7 1 Meeting Documents Sessions Schedule for DySPAN-SC/1900 Face-to-Face Meetings Series in Poznan Mat Sherman (BAE Systems), Francesco Benedetto (University of Roma Tre), Oliver Holland (King's College London)
21-Jul-2016 10:37:28 ET
13-Jul-2016 ET
2016 7 0 Meeting Documents Sessions Schedule for DySPAN-SC/1900 Face-to-Face Meetings Series in Poznan Mat Sherman (BAE Systems), Francesco Benedetto (University of Roma Tre), Oliver Holland (King's College London)
13-Jul-2016 06:14:44 ET
12-Dec-2011 ET
2011 32 0 Meeting Documents Status Report on 1900.4 WG M Ariyoshi (1900.4 WG Chair)
11-Jan-2012 21:12:22 ET
11-Dec-2011 ET
2011 29 1 Meeting Documents Treasurer's Report for Scottsdale 2011 Meeting Oliver Holland (King's College London)
11-Dec-2011 22:57:21 ET