14-Mar-2025 16:39:46 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
16-Jul-2012 ET
2012 470 0 000n: P802.16n Clarification on HR-MS neighbor discovery Anh Tuan Hoang (I2R)
16-Jul-2012 11:36:08 ET
15-Jul-2012 ET
2012 466 0 Shet: SG - HetNet IEEE 802 Tutorial- Heterogeneous Networking among the IEEE 802 Family: Proposal for an OMNI Standard Harry Bims, Max Riegel, Roger Marks, Charlie Perkins, Juan Carlos Zuniga (Bims Laboratories, Inc.; Nokia Siemens Networks; Consensii LLC & WiMAX Forum; Futurewei; InterDigital Communications, LLC)
16-Jul-2012 12:06:51 ET
16-Jul-2012 ET
2012 468 0 Gdoc: Group Document GRIDMAN Opening Report for Session #80 Tim Godfrey (GRIDMAN Task Group)
16-Jul-2012 12:43:23 ET
16-Jul-2012 ET
2012 471 0 Gdoc: Group Document Session #80 802.16 Maintenance Task Group Opening Report Zheng Yan-Xiu (Maint TG)
16-Jul-2012 14:59:42 ET
16-Jul-2012 ET
2012 456 1 Gdoc: Group Document ITU-R Liaison Group Report - Session #80 Opening Plenary Hajime Kanzaki (Hitachi, Ltd.)
16-Jul-2012 15:20:53 ET
16-Jul-2012 ET
2012 472 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Planning for Development of IMT-Advanced Parameter Set for ITU-R JTG 4-5-6-7 Roger Marks (Consensii LLC)
16-Jul-2012 16:26:19 ET
16-Jul-2012 ET
2012 446 1 Gdoc: Group Document Session #80 802.16 M2M Task Group Opening Report Jaesun Cha (M2M TG)
16-Jul-2012 17:54:26 ET
16-Jul-2012 ET
2012 440 1 010a: P802.16.1a Forwarding Procedure for Talk-around Direct Communication Miyoung Yun, Sungcheol Chang, Hyun Lee, Seokki Kim, Won-Ik Kim, Sungkyung Kim, Chulsik Yoon (ETRI)
16-Jul-2012 18:21:36 ET
16-Jul-2012 ET
2012 461 1 Gcon: Group Contribution Enhancements to Direct Communication for Proximity-based Applications Seungkown Cho (ETRI)
16-Jul-2012 20:53:46 ET
16-Jul-2012 ET
2012 444 1 Gdoc: Group Document Working Group Letter Ballot Recirc #37b Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
16-Jul-2012 23:21:44 ET
16-Jul-2012 ET
2012 445 1 Gdoc: Group Document Working Group Letter Ballot Recirc #38b Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
16-Jul-2012 23:22:51 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 441 0 010a: P802.16.1a Proposed Editorial Changes to P802.16.1a/D3 Anh Tuan Hoang (I2R)
17-Jul-2012 00:16:32 ET
10-Jul-2012 ET
2012 442 0 000n: P802.16n Proposed Editorial Changes to P802.16n/D3 Anh
17-Jul-2012 02:00:26 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 441 1 010a: P802.16.1a Proposed Editorial Changes to P802.16.1a/D3 Anh Tuan Hoang (I2R)
17-Jul-2012 02:01:31 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 473 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16p Sponsor Ballot Recirculation #3: Cover Letter Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
17-Jul-2012 03:11:13 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 474 0 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE P802.16.1b Sponsor Ballot Recirculation #3: Cover Letter Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
17-Jul-2012 03:14:32 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 470 1 000n: P802.16n Clarification on HR-MS neighbor discovery Anh Tuan Hoang (I2R)
17-Jul-2012 03:19:36 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 439 1 010a: P802.16.1a Release of dedicated channels from a TDC link in talk-around direct communications Sungcheol Chang, Miyoung Yun, Seokki Kim, Won-Ik Kim, Hyun Lee, Kim Eunkyung Kim, Sungkyung Kim, Chulsik Yoon (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 03:23:12 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 439 2 010a: P802.16.1a Release of dedicated channels from a TDC link in talk-around direct communications Sungcheol Chang, Miyoung Yun, Seokki Kim, Won-Ik Kim, Hyun Lee, Kim Eunkyung Kim, Sungkyung Kim, Chulsik Yoon (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 03:25:00 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 467 1 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on HR-MS neighbor discovery Anh Tuan Hoang (I2R)
17-Jul-2012 03:35:07 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 470 2 000n: P802.16n Clarification on HR-MS neighbor discovery Anh Tuan Hoang (I2R)
17-Jul-2012 03:35:30 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 443 1 010a: P802.16.1a Modification to TWDC address and its use in IEEE 802.16.1a Wooram Shin, Eunkyung Kim, Anseok Lee, Jaesun Cha, Kwangjae Lim (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 04:24:25 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 411 1 000n: P802.16n Clarification on MAC management messages over IEEE 802.16n Eunkyung Kim (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 11:50:04 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 462 1 Gcon: Group Contribution proximity-based-direct-comm Chanho Yoon (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 11:57:38 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 443 2 010a: P802.16.1a Modification to TWDC address and its use in IEEE 802.16.1a Wooram Shin, Eunkyung Kim, Anseok Lee, Jaesun Cha, Kwangjae Lim (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 13:39:51 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 434 1 010a: P802.16.1a Modification of TDC resource allocation Seokki Kim (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 13:44:06 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 443 3 010a: P802.16.1a Modification to TWDC address and its use in IEEE 802.16.1a Wooram Shin, Eunkyung Kim, Anseok Lee, Jaesun Cha, Kwangjae Lim (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 14:22:24 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 428 1 000n: P802.16n Modification of MM-ADV message in IEEE 802.16n Won-Ik Kim (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 17:55:53 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 433 2 000n: P802.16n Clarification on relay function of HR-BS over IEEE 802.16n Seokjoo Shin (Chosun University)
17-Jul-2012 17:56:59 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 424 2 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on relay function of HR-BS over IEEE 802.16.1a Seokjoo Shin (Chosun University)
17-Jul-2012 17:57:32 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 437 1 010a: P802.16.1a Efficient and Secure Change of Multicast Group Service Flow on IEEE 802.16.1a Chulsik Yoon , Sungcheol Chang , Miyoung Yun, Hyun Lee, Won-Ik Kim, Eunkyung Kim, Seokki Kim, Sungkyung Kim (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 17:58:17 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 438 1 010a: P802.16.1a Flow establishment for token handover in talk-around direct communications Sungcheol Chang, Miyoung Yun, Seokki Kim, Won-Ik Kim, Hyun Lee, Kim Eunkyung Kim, Sungkyung Kim, Chulsik Yoon (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 17:58:55 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 440 2 010a: P802.16.1a Forwarding Procedure for Talk-around Direct Communication Miyoung Yun, Sungcheol Chang, Hyun Lee, Seokki Kim, Won-Ik Kim, Sungkyung Kim, Chulsik Yoon (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 18:01:01 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 434 2 010a: P802.16.1a Modification of TDC resource allocation Seokki Kim (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 18:01:38 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 431 1 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on priority access operation over IEEE 802.16.1a Seokjoo Shin (Chosun University)
17-Jul-2012 18:02:16 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 423 1 010a: P802.16.1a Modified downlink multicast control channel in IEEE 802.16.1a Sungcheol Chang (ETRI)
17-Jul-2012 18:02:50 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 475 0 Shet: SG - HetNet July 2012 802 Plenary Session Nikolich comments on draft PAR P802.16q uploaded by Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
17-Jul-2012 19:13:36 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 476 0 Smet: SG - Metrology July 2012 802 Plenary Session Nikolich comments on draft PAR P802.16.3 uploaded by Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
17-Jul-2012 19:14:51 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 477 0 Shet: SG - HetNet 802.11 comments on draft PAR P802.16q uploaded by Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
17-Jul-2012 19:23:18 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 478 0 Smet: SG - Metrology 802.11 comments on draft PAR P802.16.3 uploaded by Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
17-Jul-2012 19:24:00 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 479 0 Shet: SG - HetNet 802.19 comments on draft PAR P802.16q uploaded by Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
17-Jul-2012 19:29:09 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 480 0 Shet: SG - HetNet 802.22 comments on draft PAR P802.16q uploaded by Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
17-Jul-2012 19:48:12 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 481 0 Shet: SG - HetNet 802 Secretary comments on draft PAR P802.16q uploaded by Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
17-Jul-2012 20:10:07 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 482 0 Shet: SG - HetNet Multi-tier Networks PAR comment responses Harry Bims (Shet SG Chair)
17-Jul-2012 21:15:08 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 394 1 Gdoc: Group Document PAR and Five Criteria for P802.16q (Multi-Tier Amendment) Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
17-Jul-2012 21:17:32 ET
17-Jul-2012 ET
2012 394 2 Gdoc: Group Document PAR and Five Criteria for P802.16q (Multi-Tier Amendment) Harry Bims (IEEE 802.16 Shet SG)
17-Jul-2012 21:19:29 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 484 0 Smet: SG - Metrology Proposed Procedure to Address PAR Comments Roger Marks (Consensii LLC; Mobile Pulse, Inc.))
18-Jul-2012 10:36:28 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 462 2 Gcon: Group Contribution proximity-based-direct-comm Chanho Yoon (ETRI)
18-Jul-2012 11:10:49 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 485 0 010a: P802.16.1a Proposed Changes on AAI-HR-RNG-CMD message in 16.1a Network Anseok Lee (ETRI)
18-Jul-2012 11:45:03 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 486 0 010a: P802.16.1a Proposed Changes on AAI-HR-RNG-REP message in 16.1a Network Anseok Lee (ETRI)
18-Jul-2012 11:45:53 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 406 1 Gcon: Group Contribution Draft Statement to WATO members: Mtg Y+1 Cont. of WirelessMAN-Advanced toward Rec. ITU-R M.2012-1 Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
18-Jul-2012 12:57:11 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 443 4 010a: P802.16.1a Modification to TWDC address and its use in IEEE 802.16.1a Wooram Shin, Eunkyung Kim, Anseok Lee, Jaesun Cha, Kwangjae Lim (ETRI)
18-Jul-2012 13:14:34 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 488 0 Gdoc: Group Document Draft Statement to WATO members regarding Meeting Y+1 Contribution of WirelessMAN-Advanced toward Re Hajime Kanzaki (ITU-R Liaison Group)
18-Jul-2012 13:22:52 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 470 3 000n: P802.16n Clarification on HR-MS neighbor discovery Anh Tuan Hoang (I2R)
18-Jul-2012 13:44:35 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 467 2 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on HR-MS neighbor discovery Anh Tuan Hoang (I2R)
18-Jul-2012 13:46:36 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 467 3 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on HR-MS neighbor discovery Anh Tuan Hoang (I2R)
18-Jul-2012 14:10:59 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 467 4 010a: P802.16.1a Clarification on HR-MS neighbor discovery Anh Tuan Hoang (I2R)
18-Jul-2012 15:20:16 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 395 1 Gcon: Group Contribution PAR and Five Criteria for P802.16.3 (Mobile Broadband Network Performance Measurements) Hyunjeong Kang (Samsung Electronics)
18-Jul-2012 16:51:26 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 492 0 Smet: SG - Metrology Call for Contributions:IEEE Project P802.16.3 Hyunjeong Kang (Samsung Electronics)
18-Jul-2012 18:00:23 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 491 0 Smet: SG - Metrology Call for Contributions:Broadband Wireless Access Metrology Study Group Hyunjeong Kang (Samsung Electronics)
18-Jul-2012 18:00:43 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 490 0 Gdoc: Group Document 802.16 Metrology SG Closing Report - Session #80 Hyunjeong Kang (Samsung Electronics)
18-Jul-2012 18:01:02 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 394 3 Gdoc: Group Document PAR and Five Criteria for P802.16q (Multi-Tier Amendment) Harry Bims (IEEE 802.16 Shet SG)
18-Jul-2012 19:29:14 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 394 4 Gdoc: Group Document PAR and Five Criteria for P802.16q (Multi-Tier Amendment) Harry Bims (IEEE 802.16 Shet SG)
18-Jul-2012 19:29:35 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 482 1 Shet: SG - HetNet Multi-tier Networks PAR comment responses Harry Bims (Shet SG Chair)
18-Jul-2012 19:31:07 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 394 5 Gdoc: Group Document PAR and Five Criteria for P802.16q (Multi-Tier Amendment) Harry Bims (IEEE 802.16 Shet SG)
18-Jul-2012 19:43:17 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 493 0 Smet: SG - Metrology Minutes of the Metrology Study Group for Session #80 Harry Bims (Shet SG Secretary)
18-Jul-2012 20:55:29 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 461 2 Gcon: Group Contribution Enhancements to Direct Communication for Proximity-based Applications Seungkown Cho (ETRI)
18-Jul-2012 23:47:11 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 462 3 Gcon: Group Contribution proximity-based-direct-comm Chanho Yoon (ETRI)
19-Jul-2012 02:10:33 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 495 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Proposed Contribution to ITU-R WP 5D - Update of Subclause 5.6 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457-11 (Meeting X) Roger Marks (Consensii LLC)
19-Jul-2012 02:36:38 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 442 1 000n: P802.16n Proposed Editorial Changes to P802.16n/D3 Anh Tuan Hoang (I2R)
19-Jul-2012 03:38:38 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 449 1 Shet: SG - HetNet Proposed Draft of an IEEE 802 OmniRAN PAR Roger Marks (Consensii LLC; WiMAX Forum)
19-Jul-2012 04:06:08 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 443 5 010a: P802.16.1a Modification to TWDC address and its use in IEEE 802.16.1a Wooram Shin, Eunkyung Kim, Anseok Lee, Jaesun Cha, Kwangjae Lim (ETRI), Anh Tuan Hoang (I2R)
19-Jul-2012 11:29:31 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 496 0 Shet: SG - HetNet Proposed Draft Call for Contributions toward IEEE 802.16q Meeting at Session #81 Jaesun Cha (ETRI)
19-Jul-2012 11:35:32 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 495 1 Gcon: Group Contribution Proposed Contribution to ITU-R WP 5D - Update of Subclause 5.6 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457-11 (Meeting X) Roger Marks (Consensii LLC)
19-Jul-2012 11:44:09 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 498 0 Gcon: Group Contribution Draft Liaison Statement from WP 5D on Sharing Parameters for IMT-Advanced Roger Marks (Consensii LLC)
19-Jul-2012 12:39:55 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 461 3 Gcon: Group Contribution Enhancements to Direct Communication for Proximity-based Applications Seungkown Cho (ETRI)
19-Jul-2012 12:58:58 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 260 2 Gdoc: Group Document IEEE 802.16 ITU-R Liaison Group Workplan Hajime Kanzaki (ITU-R Liaison G)
19-Jul-2012 13:28:24 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 500 0 Gdoc: Group Document Session #80 802.16 Maintenance Task Group Opening Slides Zheng Yan-Xiu (Maint TG)
19-Jul-2012 14:27:31 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 501 0 Gdoc: Group Document Maintenance Task Group Session #80 Minutes Zheng Yan-Xiu (Maint TG)
19-Jul-2012 14:43:04 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 502 0 Gdoc: Group Document Session #80 802.16 Maintenance Task Group Closing Plenary Report Zheng Yan-Xiu (Maint TG)
19-Jul-2012 14:55:40 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 444 2 Gdoc: Group Document Working Group Letter Ballot Recirc #37b Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
19-Jul-2012 15:00:29 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 445 2 Gdoc: Group Document Working Group Letter Ballot Recirc #38b Comments Roger Marks (IEEE 802.16 WG)
19-Jul-2012 15:01:04 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 503 0 Gdoc: Group Document Minutes of the GRIDMAN Task Group for Session #80 Tim Godfrey (GRIDMAN Task Group)
19-Jul-2012 15:10:11 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 447 1 Gdoc: Group Document P802.16p to RevCom: Conditional Approval Request Jaesun Cha (M2M TG)
19-Jul-2012 17:12:28 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 448 1 Gdoc: Group Document P802.16.1b to RevCom: Conditional Approval Request Jaesun Cha (M2M TG)
19-Jul-2012 17:12:55 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 504 0 Gdoc: Group Document Session #80 802.16 M2M Task Group Closing Report Jaesun Cha (M2M TG)
19-Jul-2012 17:28:32 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 449 2 Shet: SG - HetNet Proposed Draft of an IEEE 802 OmniRAN PAR Roger Marks (Consensii LLC; WiMAX Forum)
19-Jul-2012 18:24:45 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 505 0 Gdoc: Group Document OmniRAN Call for Contributions toward HetNet Study Group Meeting at Session #81 Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
19-Jul-2012 18:41:05 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 506 0 Shet: SG - HetNet OmniRAN Call for Contributions toward HetNet Study Group Meeting at Session #81 Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group Chair)
19-Jul-2012 18:46:54 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 499 0 Gdoc: Group Document ITU-R Liaison Group Closing Report for Session #80 Hjime Kanzaki (ITU-R Liaison Group)
19-Jul-2012 18:58:21 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 507 0 Shet: SG - HetNet Multi-Tier Networks Call for Contributions toward HetNet Study Group Meeting at Session #81 Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group Chair)
19-Jul-2012 19:04:41 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 508 0 Shet: SG - HetNet Call for Contributions: Small-Cell Backhaul (SCB) Enhancements to WirelessMAN-OFDMA HetNet Study G Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group Chair)
19-Jul-2012 19:25:58 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 508 1 Shet: SG - HetNet Call for Contributions: Small-Cell Backhaul (SCB) Enhancements to WirelessMAN-OFDMA HetNet Study G Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group Chair)
19-Jul-2012 19:31:52 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 509 0 Gdoc: Group Document Call for Contributions: Small-Cell Backhaul (SCB) Enhancements to WirelessMAN-OFDMA HetNet Study G Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
19-Jul-2012 19:38:07 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 507 1 Shet: SG - HetNet Multi-Tier Networks Call for Contributions toward HetNet Study Group Meeting at Session #81 Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group Chair)
19-Jul-2012 19:56:30 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 509 1 Gdoc: Group Document Call for Contributions: Small-Cell Backhaul (SCB) Enhancements to WirelessMAN-OFDMA HetNet Study G Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
19-Jul-2012 20:08:08 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 452 1 Shet: SG - HetNet Proposal for Small-Cell Backhaul (SCB) Project to Amend WirelessMAN-OFDMA Roger Marks, Paul Trubridge (Consensii LLC; Airspan Networks, Inc.)
19-Jul-2012 20:10:06 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 509 2 Gdoc: Group Document Call for Contributions: Small-Cell Backhaul (SCB) Enhancements to WirelessMAN-OFDMA HetNet Study G Harry Bims (HetNet Study Group)
19-Jul-2012 20:15:22 ET
19-Jul-2012 ET
2012 452 2 Shet: SG - HetNet Proposal for Small-Cell Backhaul (SCB) Project to Amend WirelessMAN-OFDMA Roger Marks, Paul Trubridge (Consensii LLC; Airspan Networks, Inc.)
19-Jul-2012 20:16:57 ET
18-Jul-2012 ET
2012 494 0 Gdoc: Group Document 802.16 Heterogeneous Networks SG Closing Report Ð Session #80 Harry Bims (Shet SG Chair)
19-Jul-2012 20:24:44 ET