14-Mar-2025 12:39:17 ET
Created (ET) Year DCN Rev Group Title Author (Affiliation) Uploaded (ET) Actions
13-Mar-2019 ET
2019 17 1 CQ Contribution Proposed liaison to IEEE 1722 Working Group Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
13-Mar-2019 09:12:38 ET
12-Mar-2019 ET
2019 17 0 CQ Contribution Proposed liaison to IEEE 1722 Working Group Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
12-Mar-2019 16:41:03 ET
12-Mar-2019 ET
2019 9 2 CQ Contribution Investigating the Multicast Usage Model for P802.1CQ Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
12-Mar-2019 13:33:50 ET
27-Feb-2019 ET
2019 9 1 CQ Contribution Investigating the Multicast Usage Model for P802.1CQ Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
27-Feb-2019 10:35:47 ET
24-Feb-2019 ET
2019 9 0 CQ Contribution Investigating the Multicast Usage Model for P802.1CQ Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
24-Feb-2019 18:41:50 ET
10-Jul-2018 ET
2018 59 0 CQ Contribution Address Assignment for Stateless Flow-Zone Switching in the Data Center Roger Marks (EthAirNet Associates)
10-Jul-2018 13:21:19 ET
06-Feb-2019 ET
2019 7 0 CQ Contribution Requirements from common network operation principles Max Riegel (Nokia)
06-Feb-2019 08:00:52 ET
13-Jan-2019 ET
2019 2 0 CQ Contribution Random MAC impact Max Riegel (Nokia)
14-Jan-2019 19:11:47 ET
15-May-2018 ET
2018 44 0 CQ Contribution Link Layer Addresses Assignment Mechanism for DHCPv6 Bernie Volz (Cisco), Tomek Mrugalski (ISC)
16-May-2018 17:08:25 ET
27-Feb-2019 ET
2019 12 0 CQ Contribution Summary of .1CQ contribution to 802.11m Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M), Roger Marks (EtherAirNet)
27-Feb-2019 11:17:24 ET
08-Jul-2019 ET
2019 30 2 CQ Contribution Slides explaining .1CQ protocol contribution Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, InterDigital)
08-Jul-2019 10:38:18 ET
04-Jul-2019 ET
2019 30 1 CQ Contribution Slides explaining .1CQ protocol contribution Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, InterDigital)
04-Jul-2019 11:04:54 ET
26-Apr-2019 ET
2019 26 0 CQ Contribution Multicast and Unicast MAC Address Assignment Protocol (MUMAAP) Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, IDCC), Robert Gazda (IDCC)
26-Apr-2019 07:21:38 ET
13-Sep-2018 ET
2018 58 1 CQ Contribution Enabling PAD of LAAP using IEEE 802.11aq Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, IDCC), Robert Gazda (IDCC)
13-Sep-2018 05:25:47 ET
09-Jul-2018 ET
2018 58 0 CQ Contribution Enabling PAD of LAAP using IEEE 802.11aq Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, IDCC), Robert Gazda (IDCC)
09-Jul-2018 11:48:49 ET
29-Mar-2018 ET
2018 35 0 CQ Contribution Proposal for IEEE 802.1CQ (LAAP) Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, IDCC), Robert Gazda (IDCC)
29-Mar-2018 11:13:48 ET
27-Jun-2019 ET
2019 30 0 CQ Contribution Slides explaining .1CQ protocol contribution Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, IDCC)
27-Jun-2019 06:32:43 ET
13-Nov-2018 ET
2018 87 0 CQ Contribution 802.1CQ introduction to 802.15 WNG Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, IDCC)
13-Nov-2018 23:20:39 ET
11-Nov-2018 ET
2018 86 0 CQ Contribution Slides to be presented in ARC Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, IDCC)
11-Nov-2018 12:00:27 ET
13-Sep-2018 ET
2018 74 0 CQ Contribution Current Status IEEE 802.1CQ Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, IDCC)
13-Sep-2018 05:29:30 ET
13-Sep-2018 ET
2018 71 1 CQ Contribution Proposal for MAC address distribution in IEEE 802.11 networks using the mechanisms of IEEE 802.11aq (Pre-association discovery) Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, IDCC)
25-Sep-2018 07:06:23 ET
06-Sep-2018 ET
2018 71 0 CQ Contribution Proposal for MAC address distribution in IEEE 802.11 networks using the mechanisms of IEEE 802.11aq (Pre-association discovery) Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, IDCC)
06-Sep-2018 12:32:56 ET
11-Jul-2018 ET
2018 60 0 CQ Contribution IEEE 802.1CQ Discussions in San Diego Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M, IDCC)
11-Jul-2018 18:09:32 ET
14-Mar-2019 ET
2019 20 0 CQ Contribution IEEE 802.1CQ Table of Contents Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M)
14-Mar-2019 12:56:46 ET
11-Mar-2019 ET
2019 16 0 CQ Contribution Thoughts on ToC Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M)
11-Mar-2019 16:29:25 ET
11-Mar-2019 ET
2019 11 1 CQ Contribution MAAP_Introduction Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M)
11-Mar-2019 16:27:40 ET
27-Feb-2019 ET
2019 11 0 CQ Contribution MAAP_Introduction Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M)
27-Feb-2019 11:15:36 ET
13-Jan-2019 ET
2019 1 0 CQ Contribution IEEE 802.1CQ Threat Analysis Antonio de la Oliva (UC3M)
13-Jan-2019 21:57:17 ET
21-May-2018 ET
2018 34 2 CQ Contribution Proposal for IEEE 802.1CQ (Self-Assignment part) Antonio de la Oliva (IDCC, UC3M)
21-May-2018 11:37:58 ET
20-May-2018 ET
2018 34 1 CQ Contribution Proposal for IEEE 802.1CQ (Self-Assignment part) Antonio de la Oliva (IDCC, UC3M)
20-May-2018 09:34:05 ET
28-Mar-2018 ET
2018 34 0 CQ Contribution Proposal for IEEE 802.1CQ (Self-Assignment part) Antonio de la Oliva (IDCC, UC3M)
28-Mar-2018 08:22:24 ET