27-Feb-2025 20:38:37 ET
Manage Help Links

The help pages can be modified here using "WIKI-style" codes -- they are "WIKI-style" because they are non-standard WIKI, applicable to myProject WIKI help pages only. If you have access to make changes, you will have an "edit" button visible here. Any revisions made will go right on the help page after you click "OK."

Text editing tools/WIKI-style codes are presented below, followed by a Procedures document for creating/editing myProject WIKI help pages. It is strongly recommended that you review those Procedures if you are new to creating/editing myProject WIKI help pages to ensure consistency in style, format, and content.

For questions/comments, contact the Standards Process Specialist.


Text Editing Tools/WIKI-Style Codes for myProject WIKI Help Pages

NOTE: To reveal the actual WIKI-style codes used to create the text editing tools shown below, click the "Edit this page" link shown on the top and bottom border of every page.

Header Size 1


Header Size 2


Header Size 3


Numbered (Ordered) List -- One Level:

  1. First

  2. Second

  3. Third


Numbered (Ordered) List -- Two Levels:

  1. Penny

  2. Christina

    a. happy
    b. sad

  3. Matthew


Bullet (Unordered) List -- One Level:

  • Lions

  • Tigers

  • Bears


Bullet (Unordered) List -- Two Levels:

  • Lions

  • Tigers

    - Bears
    - More lions

  • Oh my


To Bold:

a single word in a sentence, simply put asterisks around it:


To Bold:

an entire paragraph, use the strong code:
text goes here


To Italicize:

a single word in a sentence, simply put underscores around it:


To Italicize:

an entire paragraph, use the em code:
All good boys do fine. All good boys do fine.


To Link:

to an external web page:
IEEE Standards Development Online


To Link:

to an internal (myProject) help page:
Manage Help Links Help


This is "mailto" link:

Using the @a tag, you can specify some other attributes such as a default email subject. You can also specify an alternate link label.
Email Webmaster


Hard Break: Long Titles, Land Mail Addresses, List Without Bullets or Indents

Use a hard break whenever you need to break the text in a specific place, such as for a very long title, or for lines of a land mail address. The hard break code @br is always entered flush left (not in the middle of a line).

Long Title

A Very Very
Very Long Title

Land Mail Address

1250 Welton Street
Denver, CO 80204


Paragraph: Ensures that succeeding text begins at left margin (flush left)

  • If this is a bullet

  • And this is a bullet, followed by a hard break,

As you can see, entering a hard break (@br) is followed by an indent beginning the succeeding line. It does not bring you to the left margin.

But if you enter the paragraph code (@p), it will always bring you to the left margin


To create a Rule:

Enter a minimum of 4 consecutive hyphens.


To create a Table:

WIKI Tables are created using the following three codes in tandem:

  1. @table.list -- this directs WIKI to go into table creation mode;

  2. @tr -- this means "table row" -- to create rows within a table;

  3. @td -- this means "table data" -- to create cells within a row.

Notice there is no code for "table columns." That's because in WIKI table creation, when you enter @tr for table row, and follow it by entering @td for table data, WIKI is programmed to set up a new column for each entry of table data in that row, and will space the columns appropriately (although it will always begin the columns flush left). In short, even though you will enter the table data vertically (flush left), WIKI will format that data horizontally, in columns. (Note that you end table mode by entering "@/tr" (to conclude the table row structure); and then "@/table.list" (to end the table mode). Example follows.










Procedure for Creating/Editing myProject WIKI Help Pages


To create/revise a myProject WIKI help page:

  • Log onto myProject and click "Manage Help Links" on the myProject home page. Staff will have this link if authorized to create/revise myProject WIKI help pages.

  • Review the comprehensive listing of all myProject help pages that will display, each identified with a name and a number. Note that the numbers are inactive at this time, and many are skipped -- that is because some help pages have been removed over time for a variety of technical or administrative reasons. The challenge to Staff editing help pages is to identify the desired WIKI help page to be created/edited-- sometimes it is obvious by the help page name; sometimes a few educated guesses are needed. To view a help page, click "View" under the "Actions" column.

  • Search through the myProject system (once the desired help page is identified), to find the specific myProject screen with which the help page is associated. There is not a direct, systematic or automated means to do this; however the title of the help page is often indicative of the associated screen.

    If the screen with which the help page is associated cannot be located, DO NOT PROCEED. Contact the for assistance.

  • If the associated screen has been identified, click "Manage Help Links" on the myProject home page, scroll down to find the help page entry, and click "View" under the "Actions" column. Compare the help page displayed to the screen with which it is associated. The content of the help page may not completely cohere with the screen or it may even be blank -- that is because significant changes to many myProject screens have been made over time. Sometimes, the help page displayed may be unreadable, with few breaks in the text marked by a great deal of undesirable text wrapping. Thus, the mandate when creating/editing a WIKI help page is both to create/revise the content so that it conforms with the screen; and to correct the structure and format of the page with proper WIKI editing codes(see "Body" below).

Creating/Editing a myProject WIKI Help Page

The overall goal when creating/editing myProject WIKI help pages is to ensure that all pages have a similar look and feel, and to do that, the following guidelines are recommended.
The myProject WIKI Help Page should consist of three segments:

  1. Hard-coded Elements

  2. Header

  3. Body

---- 3. Body The balance of the WIKI help page is considered the "body" where the text is created/revised. The main purposes of the body are to:

  1. Hard-coded Elements

  2. Since WIKI help pages were created as a conversion from the former HTML help page format, many elements of the HTML help page carried over. These converted elements (and some new ones) are hard-coded on the WIKI help page and include the IEEE SDOL links, name of the help page, editing date, etc., on the top border; "back to top, home, logout," etc. on the bottom border; and new links on the "Manage Help Links" screen. The following hard-coded elements are most important to WIKI help page editing and help page creation:
    • "Edit" (for existing WIKI help pages): In myProject, every screen is required to have a help page. The "Edit" link is accessed through the myProject "Manage Help Links" screen -- it is found next to each help page entry under the "Actions" column. Verify that you must edit an existing page, rather than create a new help page, by doing the following:

    a) Click "Manage Help Links" on the myProject home page, and identify the desired help page entry and its associated screen (see "Prework" above).
    b) Click "Edit" under the "Actions" column on the desired help page entry. If there is any text in the help page, it means that the help page exists and is ready for editing -- follow steps c), d), e) and f) below in this section. If the help page is blank, you need to create a new page -- go directly to the "Edit this Page" section below.
    c) Enter the "Headers" and the "Body" into the help page in line with the procedures described in the "Headers" and "Body" sections of this document.
    d) When finished entering the "Headers" and the "Body," click "OK" on the bottom of the screen for the system to accept the edit (or click "Cancel" to discard the edit) -- when you do that, the "View" screen for that help page will appear.
    e) Check your edits on the "View" screen to ensure the help page is as it should be. (Tip: if the help page does not appear as it should be, you can often solve that problem by copying formats from other help pages. Just click the "edit" button for a help page with a desired format, copy the coding sequence which is revealed in the edit screen, and insert it into the proper place in the edit screen of your help page).
    f) When all is correct, use the back arrow on the top border of the screen (or use the "log out" link on top the screen, and then log back in which is often quicker) to return to the myProject home page. There, you can again access "Manage Help Links" to re-edit your help page, access other WIKI help pages, or go to other sites in myProject.

  3. "Edit this Page" (to create new WIKI help pages): As every screen in myProject is required to have a help page, you will create a new page for any myProject screen that does not have one. Verify that you must create new help page by proceeding through bullets a) and b) in the above "Edit" section -- if the result is that the help page is blank, create a new help page by doing the following:

a) On the myProject home page, go to "Manage Help Links" and click "View" under the "Actions" column for the desired help page entry.
b) The following message will appear on the "View" screen: "WIKI page not found. Please create it." Click the on-screen box for making the "article publicly available."
c) Enter the "Headers" and the "Body" into the help page in line with the procedures described in the "Headers" and "Body" sections of this document. Ensure that the Title of the help page is correct -- it should duplicate the title of the screen with which the help page is associated, followed by the term, "Help," e.g., if the screen is entitled, "View Invitation Summary," than the help page should be titled, "View Invitation Summary Help."
d) When finished entering the "Headers" and the "Body," click "OK" on the bottom of the screen for the system to accept the new WIKI help page (or click "Cancel" to discard it) -- when you do that, the "View" screen for that help page will change to the "Edit this Page" screen, and a new screen messsage, "Update accepted..." will appear. The "Edit this Page" link will now appear on the top and bottom margins.
e) Click the "Edit this Page" link on the new WIKI help page to make any revisions in the new help page. When done, click "OK" on the bottom of the screen for the system to accept your new WIKI help page (or click "Cancel" to discard) -- you will then be taken to the "View" screen.
f) Check your edits on the "View" screen to ensure the help page is as it should be. (Tip: if the help page does not appear as it should be, you can often solve that problem by copying formats from other help pages. Just click the "edit" button for a help page with a desired format, copy the coding sequence which is revealed in the edit screen, and insert it into the proper place in the edit screen of your help page).
g) When all is correct, use the back arrow on the top border of the screen (or use the "log out" link on top the screen, and then log back in which is often quicker) to return to the myProject home page. There, you can again access "Manage Help Links" to re-edit your help page, access other WIKI help pages, or go to other sites in myProject.

  • Header

  • After you have identified the desired WIKI help page for editing and compared it to the myProject screen with which it is associated (see "Prework" above), click the "Edit" or "Edit this Page" links as appropriate (see the "Hard-coded Elements" section above).
    You will notice that each page begins with two headers (or, if adding a new page, you would insert the following two headers):

    • Purpose; and

    • Procedure.

  • These headers should be created in Header Size 3. Note: WIKI headers are programmed to include not only the header itself, but the character that follows it, which is an indent. While the indent may be canceled with a paragraph code (@p), it is not desirable. Rather, keep the associated indent because it frames the Headers and distinguishes them visually from the Body of the help page.

    • Purpose Header

    • This is a succinct statement on the purpose of the screen. It should consist of 3 components, in order: (1) the specific user for whom the help page is geared, e.g., IEEE-SA member, IEEE-SA staff liaison, Sponsor/Ballot Designee; (2) what is the key activity/action for the user on this screen (usually, this is a verb, e.g., "to review, to enroll, to upload," etc.); and (3) what can the user can expect as a result of the action, e.g., "(the user) will be able to review the draft, vote and submit comments."

    Sample Purpose Header:
    For IEEE-SA members (and individuals who have paid a per-ballot fee) to join a ballot group currently forming so that they will be able to review the balloted draft, vote, and submit comments when the project opens for ballot.


  • Procedure Header

  • This introduces, summarizes or otherwise conveys the specific steps/actions expected of the user to fuifill the requirements of the screen. Depending on the screen, it may be appropriate to provide that information as an introductory or summarizing statement [see Sample Procedure (1) below]; or it may make more sense to begin immediately enumerating the steps [see Sample Procedure (2) below]. Another use of the Procedure Header is for the inclusion of an explicit statement on how the user arrived at this screen in myProject [see Sample Procedure (3) below] -- this is especially valuable if navigating to that screen is not obvious and thus this direction will provide the user with context. This is also extremely helpful to Staff editing the help page because because the navigation will direct Staff to the associated screen, expedient for Staff the next time the help page is edited.

    Three Sample Procedure Headers:

    Sample Procedure Header 1 -- [statement; and then procedures (not shown here) will follow]:

    After a Sponsor/Ballot Designee submits the invitation request through the "initiate invitation" process, the IEEE Staff Liaison receives an email notification that there is an invitation awaiting approval. The IEEE Staff Liaison will then log onto this screen to display a complete list of invitations. Each invitation will be noted in the "Stage" column as to whether it is in the "preinvite" stage, or in the "invitation" stage.

    Sample Procedure Header 2 -- (no statement; immediately enumerates procedures):

    Add/Delete/Revise Role Assignment of Project Sign-ups

    • Click "Manage Officer Roster" (on-screen, above the "search" function)

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to add/delete/revise Sponsor Ballot designee, Alternate Ballot designee, NesCom designee, RevCom designee, Coordination designee.

  • Sample Procedure Header 3 -- (provides navigation first; then procedures):

    You were taken to this screen because you clicked the total number of recipients link next to the listing of activity areas (invitation pools) selected for this invitation, found on Step 4 of the Initiate Invitation process.

    • The system provides the name and email address of those who will receive the invitation when it is approved by IEEE SA Staff. The system does not take into account any alias that was manually entered into the system.

    • Note that email arrival cannot be guaranteed in the event of erroneous addresses, full mailboxes or spam filters.

    • The recipient list can be printed through your web browser if you want to keep this information for future records.

    • augment the information contained on the screen with which it is associated; and/or

    • clarify the information contained on the screen with which it is associated.


    • The following SHOULD be included in the body, as appropriate:

      • explicit step-by-step instructions on completing an action(s) requested on the screen, preferably in succinct bullet format, if the on-screen instructions do not provide enough detail. Ensure that help page step-by-step instructions follow the order of activities shown on the screen.

      • reference to the screens prior and post, especially if the screen is one of a multi-step series of screens, so that the user is reminded where he/she was before and what will be the next screen in the series.

      • pertinent links to selected staff, volunteers, websites and/or the IEEE Standards Operations Manual and/or other manuals/documents.

    • The following SHOULD NOT be included in the body:

      • repetition of the instructions or any other information on the screen, unless there is a compelling reason to do so.

      • the use of the term, "you" -- given the increasingly diverse groups of users -- international program participants, corporate members, advanced corporate members, invited experts, etc. -- the designation, "you" tends to be ill-defined and confusing. Instead, use the objective third person, by role, e.g., IEEE-SA Staff Liaison, Sponsor Chair, Ballot Designee, Entity Ballot Representative.

      • acronyms and abbreviations, unless they are commonly understood by a wide audience. Instead, spell out the acronym/abbreviation the first time it is used on the help page, and put the acronym/abbreviation in parentheses next to it. Then, use just the acronym/abbreviation for the balance of the help page.

      • any information that does not augment or clarify.

    • When complete, review the help page headers to ensure that the Body and the Headers correspond. Make adjustments as needed.


      The format of the body is a critical factor in determining readability, clarity and overall impact of the content. The key criteria are: liberal use of consistently-formatted subheads; and appreciation of white space.

      The following formats should be included in the body:

      • Use of Subheads: flush left and/or indented
      • flush left and/or indented subheads to introduce each segment of the help page, and/or to group like items.

      • flush left and/or indented subheads to break up more than roughly 20 unbroken lines of text.

        Spacing for Subheads

      • one space between paragraphs.

      • one space between bullet points exceeding roughly three lines each.

      • at least one space prior and post every flush left subhead (with consistent WIKI coding in the space entries, as the order of space codes counts in WIKI, e.g., (@br, @br, @p) and (@br, @p, @br) give different results.

      • at least three spaces after the last line of text in the body, so that there is noticeable white space before the bottom, hard-coded border.

        Enhancements for Subheads

      • flush left subhead: initial caps with bold, or initial caps without bold. (Never: all caps or italics).

      • indented subhead: initial caps or italics with bold, initial caps or italics without bold. (Never: all caps).

      • all caps with bold, all caps without bold -- use infrequently and within text to emphasize a critical point.