27-Feb-2025 20:53:05 ET
Review Sponsor Drafts

Help Topic: Review Sponsor Drafts


For the IEEE-SA Staff Liaison to review the draft document uploaded by the Sponsor or assigned Ballot Designee prior to ballot opening, and either approve it or replace it.



The Sponsor or assigned Ballot Designee must upload the draft document -- he/she can do this at any time after submitting the invitation request but prior to ballot opening. After the document is uploaded, the designated IEEE-SA Staff Liaison will receive an email notification that a document is ready to be reviewed and approved for balloting. Note: The Sponsor/Designee cannot start the ballot until staff approves the document.

To review the draft document, the IEEE-SA Staff Liaison will:

  • Click "Review Sponsor Drafts" on the myBallot home page.

  • Locate the Project/Standard draft needing approval -- click the Draft #/Filename to open the document.

  • Make sure the document is in the correct format and follows the guidelines set by the

    Draft Review Checklist (a pdf form found in the section under "Writing the Draft").

  • Either approve the document or replace it with another document. (If a document is replaced, the first one will no longer be available.)

To approve the draft document, the IEEE-SA Staff Liaison will:

  • Click "Review Sponsor Drafts" on the myBallot home page.

  • Locate the Project/Standard draft needing approval -- click "approve draft" under the "Actions" column.

  • Click OK on the confirmation screen if the draft is approved.

To replace the draft document, the IEEE-SA Staff Liaison will:

  • Click "Review Sponsor Drafts" on the myBallot home page.

  • Locate the Project/Standard draft needing approval -- click "replace draft" under the "Actions" column. Note: A draft document may need replacement if changes were made, if it does not follow the proper guidelines, or if the wrong document was submitted.

  • Enter the Draft # and browse your hard drive for the correct file to upload.

  • Click OK -- the old draft will be discarded and will be replaced by the new draft you have just uploaded.