23-Feb-2025 10:27:46 ET
Review Ballot Invitations


Provides the IEEE Staff Liaison with a mechanism to review ballot invitations, and either revise/approve and send them; or delete them.


After a Sponsor/Ballot Designee submits the invitation request through the "initiate invitation" process, the IEEE Staff Liaison receives an email notification that there is an invitation awaiting approval. The IEEE Staff Liaison will then log onto this screen to display a complete list of invitations. Each invitation will be noted in the "Stage" column as to whether it is in the "preinvite" stage, or in the "invitation" stage.

    Preinvite Stage: IEEE Staff Liaison Has Review Link, and Approval/Sending or Delete Functions

    Invitations awaiting IEEE Staff Liaison approval are necessarily housed in the "preinvite" stage, as they have not been released yet. IEEE Staff Liaison will:

  • Click "review" under the "Actions" column. The invitation is displayed.

  • Review the invitation as shown, clicking "edit" to further review and/or revise the invitation. Clicking "edit" will take the IEEE Staff Liaison through the 4 steps of the Sponsor/Ballot Designee's "initiate invitation" process, providing the IEEE Staff Liaison with access to those 4 steps to review/make any needed revisions. When all through, click "OK" to be taken back to the "Review Ballot Invitations," review screen, where the IEEE Staff Liaison will:

    - Click "send invitation" and the invitation will be sent to the designated recipients; or,
    - Click "cancel" to bring you back to the "Review Ballot Invitations" screen; or,
    - Click "delete" to delete the invitation -- note that there is no "undo" function for the "delete" action.

    Invite Stage: IEEE Staff Liaison Has Delete Function Only

      Invitations that have already been sent out will show "invitation" in the Stage column, with a "delete' link under the "Actions" column. This enables the IEEE Staff Liaison to delete invitations that have already been sent out. The IEEE Staff Liaison will:

    • Click "delete" under the "Actions" column. A screen will display requesting that the IEEE Staff Liaison enter a message on-screen explaining why the invitation is being deleted.

    • Enter the explanatory message in the message box, and click "OK." The message will be sent to the original recipients. The invitation will then be automatically removed from the system. Note that there is no "undo" function for this "delete" action.

      To start the invitation again, the Sponsor/Ballot Designee must begin the invitation process from the "Initiate Invitation" process.