27-Feb-2025 21:01:40 ET
Initiate Invitation Request 4

Help Topic: Review Your Invitation Request (Step 4/4)

Step 4 of 4: Review/Revise Invitation Set-up Selections, Review/Revise/Save List of Prospective Invitation Recipients; Review Invitation/Add Special Text/Save Invitation Text; and Send Invitation to IEEE-SA Staff Liaison for Release

    Review/Revise Invitation Set-up Selections

  • Review your selections for PAR or Standard #, type, voter classifications, invitation pools (i.e., activity areas) -- see "Review/Revise/Save List of Prospective Invitation Recipients" below, and length of invitation.

  • Use the back button on the bottom of the page to go to any of the prior three screens to make changes.

    Review/Revise/Save List of Prospective Invitation Recipients

  • To review list of prospective invitation recipients, click the link next to Activity Areas.

  • The list (names and email addresses) prospective invitation recipients will display.

  • If you want to add/delete activity areas or individual recipients (emails), use your back button to go back to Step 2 to make any changes.

  • Print the recipient list through your web browser should you want to keep this information for future records.

    (Note: recipient receipt of email cannot be guaranteed in the event of erroneous addresses, full mailboxes or spam filters. For that reason, a "Messages" link is provided on every screen -- a copy of every email is sent to the "Messages" link and for that reason, all users should review it regularly to ensure no emails are missed.)

    IMPORTANT: do not use the browse button to attach your draft to be balloted!

    If your draft is ready and you want to upload it for balloting, you can do so in the "Upload Document" screen.

      Review Invitation/Add Special Text/Save Invitation Text

    • Review the invitation text presented to ensure that all is correct -- since it is boilerplate text, there is no mechanism to change it. Any problems, contact your IEEE-SA Staff Liaison.

    • If you would like to add special text into the invitation (i.e., information pertinent to the invitation not covered in the boilerplate text), you have the opportunity to do so on this screen. Type your message to the invitation recipients in the field provided.

    • To save the invitation text (i.e., if you do not want to proceed further at this time), click "cancel" on the bottom of the screen. All information will be saved. To return to the invitation to complete it at a later date, go to the "View Invitation Summary" screen on your myBallot home page.

      Send Invitation to IEEE SA Staff Liaison for Release

    • When you have completed and reviewed the invitation text, click OK to send the invitation request to the IEEE-SA Staff Liaison. You will receive a confirmation screen that your request has been sent. Your IEEE-SA Staff Liaison will review the request for accuracy and upon approval the email announcement will be sent to those designated in Step 2/4.

    • To check your Invitation status, go to the "View Invitation Summary" link on the Sponsor myBallot home page.

    • The Sponsor/Designee will receive a copy of the invitation announcement email when your IEEE-SA Staff Liaison approves the submission. If the Sponsor/Designee would like to participate in the sponsor ballot by voting/commenting on the document, he/she MUST join the ballot group by following the instructions in the invitation. The Sponsor/Designee will NOT be automatically added to the Ballot Group.