For the Entity Member Representative (EMR), who is the IEEE Standards single administrative point of contact for the entity, to view/modify essential parameters of the entity ballots within his/her authority, including entity invitation and ballot open and close dates; current ballot stage; classification category; and the entity ballot representative and alternate names, roles, votes and comments.
The EMR has come to this screen by clicking "Manage (Company/Entity)" on the Entity home page, and then clicking the "Entity Projects" link. (Note: If the "Entity Projects" link is not visible, click "Organization Users" as this is a toggle link).
To view/modify the features of entity ballot, the EMR will:
Search/scroll down the "Entity Projects" screen to locate his/her Project number, and then click the "manage ballot" link under the "Actions" column.
The "Entity Ballot" screen will display. All entity ballot features and parameters are shown.
"Manage Ballot Roles"
This link provides the EMR with access to modify the EBR/EBRA; and to modify the classification category (before the ballot opens). To modify the EBR/EBRA, the EMR will:
Obtain the IEEE Web Account usernames for the individual(s) to be entered as new EBR/EBRA. Locate the IEEE Web Account username by returning to the Entity Project Screen, and clicking the link for "Organization Users."
Ensure that the individual you wish to enter as a new EBR/EBRA has affiliated him/herself with that the entity in your authority for the system to accept the individual -- the affiliations for all individuals can be found under "Projects of Interest" on the "Organization Users" screen.
Use the search to find the individual; his/her username is displayed in the 2nd column. Enter that username in the EBR/EBRA field in the "Manage Ballot" screen. Click "OK" when done.
Ballot Comments