18-Feb-2025 17:28:22 ET
Default System Parameter View


For Sponsors or Ballot Designees to view the process parameters and boilerplate text for email notifications.


Selected IEEE-SA Staff can change a process parameter and when that occurs, the change is reflected in all subsequent invitations and ballots. Invitations and ballots that are in process will not be affected by a change to one of these parameters.

Boilerplate Email Notifications

  • Invitation Letter Boilerplate is used as an announcement email to notify users that a specific project is open to create a ballot group. This email should provide the recipient information about the project and instructions about how to enroll in the ballot group. It is sent to all those identified in the Initiate Invitation process which is performed by the Sponsor/Designee.

  • Ballot Letter Boilerplate is used as an announcement email to notify the ballot group members of the opening of a specific Sponsor Ballot. This email should provide the recipient information about the ballot and instructions on where to go to submit comments and votes.

  • Extension Letter Boilerplate is used to notify ballot group members that a ballot period has been extended.

  • Recirculation Letter Boilerplate is used as an announcement email to notify the ballot group members of the opening of a recirculation ballot. This email should provide the recipient information about the recirculation and instructions on where to go to submit comments and votes.

  • Reaffirmation Letter Boilerplate is used as an announcement email to notify the ballot group members of the opening of a Reaffirmation Sponsor Ballot. This email should provide the recipient information about the ballot and instructions on where to go to submit comments and votes.

Process Parameters

Process parameters are in place to ensure that the myBallot process follows specific boundaries regarding ballots and invitations.

  • Use International Date Format

    This provides an option for the system to be set to use international date (DD-MMM-YYYY) format or not. The default should be set to YES.

  • Length of Your Invitation (days)

    This field identifies the number of days that will default for the length an invitation will remain open. This field is found in the Initiate Invitation Screen. Although the default will appear to the user, he/she can update the field to accommodate the length of time the invitation will remain open based on the project needs.

  • Ballot Response Threshold (%)

    This field identifies the calculated ballot response rate that is required as identified in the IEEE SA Operations Manual. The response rate is factored as: Total # of votes (approve/negative/abstain) received / Total # in ballot group.

  • Ballot Approval Threshold (%)

    This field identifies the calculated ballot approval rate that is required as identified in the IEEE SA Operations Manual. The approval rate is factored as: Total # of affirmative (approval) votes received / Total # of responses (approve/negative) received. Abstain responses are not calculated in the affirmation rate.

  • Abstention Threshold (%)

    This field identifies the maximum rate of abstain responses allowed as identified in the IEEE SA Operations Manual. The abstain rate is factored as: Total # of abstain responses received / Total # in ballot group

  • Ballot Duration (days)

    This field identifies the number of days that will default for the length a ballot will remain open. This field is found in the Initiate Ballot Screen. Although the default will appear to the user, he/she can update the field to accommodate the length of time the ballot will remain open based on the project needs.

  • Recirculation Duration (days)

    This field identifies the number of days that will default for the length a recirculation ballot will remain open. This field is found in the Initiate Recirculation Ballot Screen. Although the default will appear to the user, he/she can update the field to accommodate the length of time the Recirculation Ballot will remain open based on the project needs.

  • Maximum Percentage of Any Balloting Category (%)

    IEEE Standards Board policy requires that a Sponsor Ballot Group provide for the development of consensus by all interests significantly affected by the scope of the standard. This is achieved through a balance of such interests in the balloting group membership. Balance is defined as the avoidance of dominance by any single interest category. This parameter is used by the system to automatically check the balance of a balloting group. Balance is checked when the sponsor/designee attempts to Initiate a Ballot.

  • Number of Display Characters Allowed in a Comment Field

    The comment view screen allows the user to view truncated or full comments. This field identified how many characters will be displayed in the truncated comment view.

  • Corporate Vote Weight

    This field allows for a corporate vote to carry a specific weight in sponsor ballots. Remember -- this is for all ballots; not a specific ballot. This function is not active currently.

  • Comments Required for Negative

    This field identifies if a comment is required if a voter chooses to submit a negative vote.

  • Reason Required for Abstain

    This field identifies if a reason is required if a voter chooses to submit an abstain vote.

  • Pool Refresh Response Period (days)

    Currently not functional.

  • Auto-Extension Period (days)

    This default field identifies the maximum allowable ballot extension period for sponsor ballots.

  • Pool Refresh Grace Period (days)

    Currently not functional.

  • Membership Override Period (days)

    This field identifies the number of days a person will be "graced" while allowing them to renew or enroll in SA Membership.