23-Feb-2025 10:08:40 ET
Ballot Response Summary


For the Sponsor/Ballot Designee to view Ballot Summmary Statistics, Individual Balloter Data, and Voter Summary Statistics, all in real time. Staff has view only access to this screen with one exception: Staff can download voters' names for editorial purposes.


You arrived at this screen by clicking the numeral representing the number of balloters in the ballot group, under the "# of Balloters" column on the "Manage Sponsor Ballot Activity" screen. On this screen, you can review Previous Ballot Response Summaries; and view Ballot Summary Statistics, Individual Balloter Data, and Voter Summary Statistics. Use this data to determine appropriate follow up and "next steps" to faciltate a successful ballot -- basic guidelines provided in this help page.

    Previous Ballot Response Summaries Available for Review

    • If the current ballot is a recirculation, you can view past recirculation and/or initial ballot response summaries by clicking the rectangular boxes at the beginning of the help page. (If this is the initial ballot, there will not be any boxes).

    • Ballot Summary Statistics

    • Ballot Open/Close Date

    • Ballot opening and closing dates are shown (note: all ballots close at 11:59pm eastern time on the close date shown)

        Ballot Response Rate (in real time)

      • Shows the whether the ballot response has reached the 75% return rate to date.

      • For the ballot to close, it must reach the 75% return rate by the ballot close date, or, with Sponsor/Ballot Designee approval, the balloting period can be extended until that 75% is reached and that must be within 60 calendar days beyond the original close date.

      • Sponsors/Ballot Designees can often achieve the required ballot return rate by contacting balloters, urging them to send in their ballots. Often, balloters who have not had the time to address the document can be urged to do so.

      • If the ballot response does not reach the 75% ballot return within the extension time frame allowed, the ballot will fail. Then, the Sponsor/Ballot Designee should re-form the ballot group (usually including those individuals who responded the first time) and start over again, trying to obtain a 75% return. Sponsors/Ballot Designees should contact the IEEE-SA Staff Liaison or IEEE-SA Balloting Center for assistance if the ballot fails due to an unachievable response rate.

      • If 30% or more of the ballot returns are abstentions, the ballot will fail. If the abstain rate is close to this figure, it is wise to contact some balloters who have abstained to ensure that they will vote "yes" or "no" at the next recirculation of the ballot.

          Response rate is calculated as :

        • Total # of All votes (including abstain) / Total # in the ballot group

        Ballot Approval Rate (in real time)

        • If the ballot achieves a 75% return, the Sponsor/Ballot Designee can move onto the next stage of examining the ballot results. The rate of approval goal is to have 75% approval from your returns, so the first step is to see how many approval votes were received and address the comments, if any.

            Approval rate is calculated as:

          • Total # of Approve Votes/(Affirmatives + Negatives With Comment)

          • If a negative vote is received without a comment, the system does not calculate it in the negative vote calculation. This type of vote will only be counted in the return rate calculation.

              Individual Balloter Data

            • Names, classification categories, phone numbers, email addresses and affiliations of ballot group members are displayed.

              • Votes cast to date are displayed.

              • NEW FEATURE! The "Change" column will display the term "Changed" for any vote that has changed since the late ballot cycle. (This replaces the "asterisk" feature.) If the changed vote was the result of a the new "flip vote" feature, the entry will be noted as "flipped." The column is sortable by clicking on the column header.

              • The number of comments submitted per balloter are displayed -- clicking on the number will display the actual comment(s) submitted, shown truncated. To display the full comment, click on the comment. Note: the Sponsor/Designee must wait until the ballot is closed before officially addressing comments.

                  Voter Summary Statistics

                • Total number of affirmative, negative and abstention votes per classification category; and the grand total votes per vote selection, are shown in real time.