31-Mar-2025 05:54:00 ET |
ePolls This is the main screen for ePolls. All currently open polls will show up on this first screen. The features of this screen are as follows (some options are only available to group officers): Start - This is the date and time the poll was opened. All times are US Eastern Time. ePoll Name - This is the name of the poll. Question - This is the question you are responding to with your vote Document - This is a file related to the poll. This is useful for taking preliminary ballots on a draft document, but polls can also be created without a file. End - This is the date and time the poll will close. All times are US Eastern Time. Votes [A/D/-] - This is a tally of the votes cast [ A Approve, D Disapprove, - Abstain]. Vote - This is your current vote on the poll. Actions - These are all of the actions you have available to you for a particular poll. The available actions will change depending on the status of the poll and your particular access level.
New ePoll - Use this to create a new poll. Closed ePolls - This shows all polls that have ended. ePoll Summary - This allows you to view all of the votes cast for all polls in a specified date range. |
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