22-Feb-2025 05:08:23 ET
802.1 WG Group Information

Welcome to the MENTOR PORTALfor use by those interested in the IEEE 802.1 WG.

Note that the main 802.1 WG document repository is not on the Mentor Portal. However, three subgroups have made use of this portal:

Please note that read access is provided to the public. Write access is granted only to those who are active members of IEEE 802.1.

Glenn Parsons - 802.1 Working Group Chair

Our Mission

The IEEE 802.1 Working Group is chartered to concern itself with and develop standards and recommended practices in the following areas: 802 LAN/MAN architecture, internetworking among 802 LANs, MANs and other wide area networks, 802 Security, 802 overall network management, and protocol layers above the MAC & LLC layers.

The 802.1 working group has three active task groups: Security, Time Sensitive Networking, and Maintenance.

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