26-Jul-2024 20:45:33 ET


IEEE 3000 Standards Collection for
Industrial & Commercial Power Systems
(formerly IEEE Color Books)

Sponsored by the Technical Books Coordinating Committee of the IEEE Industrial Applications Society

Carey Cook, TBCC Chair

Click to access the IEEE 3000 Standards document repository.

The document repository includes private documents for Working Group officers and members as well as public documents (agendas, meeting minutes, etc.), which are also available to individuals and potential new Working Group members seeking more information.

Click to access the IEEE 3000 Standards mail feature.

L earn more about the collection at

Mapping of the IEEE Color Books to the IEEE 3000 Standards Collection can be found at

Click the links below to view the active projects (drafts under development) for each Working Group:

IEEE 3000 Working Group: Engineering of I&CPS
Bob Schuerger, Chair

IEEE 3001 Working Group: Power Systems Design
Gary Fox, Chair

IEEE 3002 Working Group: Power Systems Analysis
Farrokh Shokooh, Chair

IEEE 3003 Working Group: Power Systems Grounding
Massimo Mitolo, Chair

IEEE 3004 Working Group: Protection & Coordination
Rasheek Rifaat, 3004 WG Chair

IEEE 3005 Working Group: Emergency & Standby Power Systems
Joe Weber, Chair

IEEE 3006 Working Group: Power Systems Reliability
Bob Arno, Chair

IEEE 3007 Working Group: Maintenance, Operations & Safety
Dennis Neitzel, Chair

List of drafts currently in Sponsor Ballot

List of published standard can be found at


The TBCC Sponsor and Workings Groups will meet in October 2014 at the IAS Annual Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada.