25-Mar-2025 15:24:54 ET
IEEE P2030 Draft Guide for Smart Grid Interoperability of Energy Technology and Information Technology Operation with the Electric Power System (EPS), and End-Use Applications and Loads

Welcome to the IEEE SCC21 P2030 working group document repository website. The purpose of this site is to help facilitate development of the P2030 standard by serving as a communication vehicle for the P2030 working group, as well as, related task force groups and their associated subgroups.

When completed, P2030 will provide guidelines for smart grid interoperability. It will provide an knowldege base addressing terminology, charateristics, functional performance and evaluation criteria, and the application of engineering principles for smart grid interoperability of the electric power system with end-use applications and loads. It will also discuss alternate approaches to good practices for the smart grid.

Mentor Access: Public vs Private

This site contains both public and private access areas.

To access P2030 public documents (i.e. meeting notices and agendas), click Public Access.

To access P2030 private documents (i.e. document drafts), you must be an active member of the P2030 working group and have acquired an IEEE web account.Your IEEE username and password will be required to log into the private area of Mentor (see upper right corner of this page for Login link).

If you are a P2030 working member and are requesting access to the P2030 private area, please click here.An administrator will need to process your access request. This may take up to one week before your access is approved or rejected. You will be notified via email.

Sponsored by SCC21

IEEE P2030 is sponsored by IEEE Standards Coordinating Committee 21 (SCC21). For more information on the P2030 standards development activities, visit the SCC21 website.