31-Mar-2025 18:56:26 ET
IEEE 1662 Power Electronics Working Group

For access to this group, please contact the Working Group Chair: Yuri Khersonsky

The IEEE Power Electronics Working Group is sponsored by the Marine Industries Subcommittee of the Petroleum and Chemical Industries Committee of Industrial Applications Society and co-sponsored by the IAS Industrial Power Converters Committee and the Standards Committee of the Power Electronics Society. The IEEE 1662 Working group developed following IEEE Standards which are available from .. ......:

The IEEE Std 1662-2008 "IEEE Guide for the Design and Application of Power Electronics in Electrical Power Systems on Ships"has been published on March 19, 2009.


This guide recommends parameters for specifications, performance characteristics, and analytical methods for power electronics equipment on commercial and military ships and similar applications. Requirements for power quality, construction, testing, and certification are also included.

Stakeholders for this guide are evaluators and designers of power electronics systems for marine applications, marine end-users, shipbuilders, port operators, classification societies, machinery and equipment manufacturers, research institutes, and universities. It applies to all power electronics equipment rated above 100 kW.


This document summarizes current electrical engineering methods and practices for applying power electronics in electrical power systems on ships. It describes analytical methods, preferred parameters, and performance characteristics from a common frame of reference for reliable integrated marine electrical power systems.

The IEEE Std 1826-2012 "IEEE Standard for Power Electronics Open System Interfaces in Zonal Electrical Distribution Systems Rated Above 100 kW"has been published on June 22, 2012.


This standard applies in cases where power electronics are the interface between the zones. This standard defines how openness of system should be verified and validated through rigorous assessment mechanisms, interface control management, and proactive conformance testing to enable plug-and-play operability independently of components origin. Interfaces are grouped by functions and are based on technological maturity, accepted practices, and allowances for future technology insertions.

This standard applies to electrical power distribution systems in airports, hospitals, major data processing centers (especially those using uninterruptible power supply), broadcast systems, and maritime vessels and platforms. Existing terrestrial power systems generally do not yet contain the electronic power interfaces and high speed communication networks that are essential to use of this standard; however, it shall be applied to upgrade these legacy systems


The standard identifies open system interfaces for high power electronics equipment used in zonal electrical distribution systems rated above 100 kW. Interfaces are grouped into key and non-key interfaces and are based on technological maturity, accepted practices, and allowances for future technology insertions. This standard defines how openness of system should be verified and validated through rigorous assessment mechanisms, interface control management, and proactive conformance testing to enable plug-and-play operability independently of the components origin. It also formulates specific interface requirements for open zonal electrical distribution systems on ships and platforms.